February opens with potential on heightened brew. Uncertainty and confusion continues too, especially over the first couple of days of the month. This is partially due to the conjunction of Venus/Neptune in Pisces on February 1. As of February 3, Mercury/Jupiter form a trine aspect. This is a take-flight, full swing influence. As of February 4, Jupiter ends retrograde and Venus enters Aries. Once a fresh spark lights, it clicks into place, or something new gets off the ground, it will immediately hit a fast-forward pace.
Venus tours Aries from February 3 to March 27. This is self-starter, do it yourself, spring into action influence. Despite the uncertainty, there is no better time than right now to get going on your self improvement plans. Courage, initiative, and independence can set you on the road to potential gain. Spontaneity can deliver the goods too. Take a risk (but also remember to play it smart), explore fresh avenues and options, give someone new a chance. Know that under the Venus in Aries transit, instincts and impulses are on a quick reaction timer. Once you take the first step, you’ll know immediately if it is the right move for you, if it holds worthwhile potential or not. On a cautionary note, know that impulsivity can back-fire on you quick.
Thanks to Trump and his tariffs, money and economics continue to be even more of a hot topic. While so many planets are on tour through Pisces, you can expect the heightened degree of uncertainty and confusion to continue. For the month ahead, Venus in Aries operates on a moment to moment, here and now, basis. Much of what transpires this month could be short-lived or temporary. Know that in March, both Venus (March 1 to April 12), and Mercury (March 15 to April 7) will begin retrograde cycles. While on their backtrack, both Venus and Mercury will traverse the same signs and degrees. Both retrograde tours start in Aries, and finish in Pisces. You will feel their influence the strongest if your birthday falls March 15 to April 1. The influence of the entire cycle extends from the end of January through the middle of May. Expect to be working your way through a circumstance, challenge, or relationship matter for this length of time. Venus retrograde is a re-evaluation transit. Mercury retrograde revisits and revises plans. (I’ll write more on both retrogrades and what it means for your individual sign in next month’s column.)
The days preceding the full moon in Leo (February 12) holds lucrative, perhaps even exceptional, potential for the fresh and new. Synchronicity could deliver. This full moon could produce a timely flash of inspiration, or a breakthrough, special event, or discovery of significance. Watch for something especially news-worthy from the realms of politics, the economic sector, social sphere (movements, trends, or protests), or from technology, innovation, and science (A.I. & space exploration included). Noting that Uranus is in dynamic aspect (square) to this full moon, expect added volatility regarding the markets, politics, and the weather (geo-physical activity included). A sudden jolt, an abrupt switch track, or something completely out of the blue is entirely possible. Watch for someone noteworthy to make headline news (leader, famous, royal, affluent, politician, actor, revolutionary, etc.). We may hear of a divorce, a court-case or legal matter, an appointment or departure of significance, a birth or passage of note. At the very least, look to February 9 to 12 to be informing and/or newsworthy.
Finishing off an intense week, Mercury exits Aquarius for Pisces on February 14. This planetary advance can set a softer landing/smoother sailing backdrop for the end of the week and the weekend.
February 16 to 20 also keeps potential elevated, along with the guesswork and uncertainty. Continue to observe and to feel your way along. As of February 20, Mercury/Jupiter can bring a sense of turning a corner or of getting over the hump (or at the very least, nearing the approach to one).
Mars, the action planet, ends retrograde on February 23. The cycle started in Leo but for the better part of two months, Mars, on tour in Cancer, has kept the spotlight on family and home matters (real estate included), and on domestic production and national concerns. An emotional journey to be sure, most importantly, this regroup transit has spotlighted the vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and (unmet) needs. While the transit has been anxiety producing, Mars retrograde is serving to draw attention to areas that need bolstering and boosting, and to prompt action taking toward enhanced security, safety, self-care, and self preservation.
Note also that while Mars retrograde can be an inhibiting, hold-back or hold-up influence, to the plus, the retrograde cycle is meant to inhibit rash action or impulsivity. What is gained is an extended time margin to sort yourself out so that you can respond to circumstances, challenges, and opportunity in a better informed, more measured way. The end of Mars retrograde on February 23 sets us onto the last of the three-part development track. This last third of the process begins the integration and implementation phase for all that has come before. (The entire Mars cycle that began in October extends to the start of May.)
Even though Venus in Aries (starting Feb 3) and the full moon (Feb 12) move the action along, more time and experience is needed to observe and feel the way along, for a trial-and-error process to qualify the best route forward, for matters/the action to gain full traction, full potential, or full steam ahead. We will be more fully up and running by mid April and into May. March/April are months to stay awake for! There is a potential for a fleeting grab and go moment, a short track or backtrack, or a complete revision. Pay attention to what and who shows up (or fires up). A key person could light a spark and/or set (karmic) wheels in motion. March hosts Venus retrograde (starting March 1), Mercury retrograde (starting March 14), two eclipses (Lunar eclipse March 13/14, Solar eclipse March 29) and Neptune’s first foray into Aries (a transit that has not happened in 165 years!!). Stay tuned for more!
February 12: Full moon in Leo: 5:53 am (24:06)
February 27: New Moon in Pisces: 4:44 pm (9:40)
February 3: Venus enters Aries (11:56 pm)
February 4: Jupiter in Gemini ends retrograde (1:04 am)
February 14: Mercury enters Pisces (4:06 am)
February 16: Pallas Athene enters Aquarius (11:24 am)
February 18: Sun enters Pisces (2:06 am)
February 19: Juno enters Sagittarius (7:31 pm)
February 23: Mars in Cancer ends retrograde (5:59 pm)
February 23: Ceres enters Pisces (2:52 pm)
**All times listed are PST, please check your local time
Dates to watch: February 9 – 12, 18 – 20, 23, 25
I’ll be back next month with forecasts for all 12 signs and our Guiding Stars radio broadcast. Please check back!