October 2: Solar Eclipse in Libra:
October 2 delivers a Solar Eclipse (new moon) in Libra. When the moon’s shadow is not big enough to cover the entire sun (because the moon is at its farthest distance from the earth, its apogee), what we see is an annular or “ring of fire” eclipse. The October 2 solar eclipse path travels primarily through the Pacific Ocean and through South America (over Easter Island, Argentina, and Chile).
Eclipses happen when the luminaries (sun and moon) are in proximity to the lunar nodal axis. The lunar nodes mark two crossing points where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic (the sun’s apparent path). These sensitive points are also known as the karmic axis. They warehouse subconscious content from past lives and provide clues into the soul’s intention for growth. The combined influence of luminaries (sun, moon) and the lunar nodes (trigger points) makes for amplified karmic potency. (Sun: creative/actualizing principle, life giving force; Moon: emotions; subjective/subconscious imprints, the past.)
A solar eclipse is a more dynamic new moon and marks a threshold crossing of significance. Something of importance meets a destined timeline/finish-line, while simultaneously, what has been waiting in the wings springs to life. Note that an eclipse will only be of impact for you personally if it makes a significant contact to your natal chart. Otherwise, you will see it play out indirectly, through happenings in your social world or on the world stage. This eclipse takes place at 10:03 Libra. Check your chart to see if you have any personal planets at 6 to 10 degrees in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). If so, this eclipse will trigger and/or accelerate an important threshold crossing and accelerate an evaluation process (inner/emotional, actual/material).
The annular solar eclipse on Oct 2 is the last in an 18-month series of eclipses across the Aries/Libra nodal axis. (There will be another Aries eclipse on March 29, 2025, but by then the nodes will have changed sign). When you reflect on this past 18 months and factor in the previous 18 months, you are likely to recognize that you have been working your way through a major relationship matter, and that in hindsight, that there is no mistaking the potency of the karmic draw or entanglement. This 3-year karmic timeline has also dialed up matters to do with finances/financial entanglement, and survival (emotional, material, physical).
October 2, the solar eclipse in Libra happens near the moon’s south node, which brings something key and critical from the past over a threshold and into new terrain.
Headline news will be reflective of the sign and/or signature of the eclipse. The October 2 eclipse in Libra puts added emphasis on matters of relationship enmeshment and imbalance, this at the personal, social and world stage levels. Partnership, diplomacy, alliances, and contracts are also key features of the Libra archetype.
Mercury in Libra is in a tight conjunction to the eclipse. This targets a key/specific relationship or circumstance as a dialed-up priority. There is an important dialogue, negotiation, or undertaking to be faced, something or someone to reconcile with (self to self included). Facing the (truth of the) inevitable is the most crucial factor that needs to be reconciled with too. Mercury’s relationship to the eclipse sun dials up the mythology of Icarus. (To be willfully reckless, impetuous, and to ignore your safety puts you in danger of flying too close and getting burned by the sun). Crash and burn consequences can be part of this eclipse. On the flipside, the eclipse offers potential to sever ties and put the past behind in a definitive, no turning back way.
As stated above, the solar eclipse in Libra puts the spotlight on a key individual and on the complexities and imbalances pertaining to the following: negotiations, peace talks, associations, alliances, diplomatic concerns/relations, fairness, justice, law/legalities, trade, trading partners, and economics.
Eclipses will always mark passages of note (a key individual can transition. We may also hear news of a merger, marriage, or divorce. The Libra pendulum can swing from one extreme to another. Noting the influence of Venus in Scorpio during the eclipse window, a powerplay, a reversal of power, or a shift of alliance is also among the range of potentials). Relative to the eclipse, Venus in Scorpio greatly enhances the attractive/magnetic forcefield and karmic potency of this eclipse.
Although harmony, equality, justice, and balance is the aim, the exact opposite can be the reality. We can face an extreme imbalance, the one-sidedness of give and take, co-dependency, enmeshment, or entanglement.
Libra’s ruling planet is Venus, which is currently travelling through the sign of Scorpio. Venus is also the ruler of the south node (one half of the karmic axis). If this eclipse makes direct contact to your natal chart, you can expect to confront someone or something that could be significantly life-altering, this at a one-on-one relationship level (self to self included), regarding a social involvement, or regarding a survival issue that holds emotional, physical, psychological, or financial/material impact. You may re-meet with the past, but the orientation and intention for this solar eclipse is to move it forward, to advance the karma, to move it into fresh territory, to create a new format.
As I have mentioned in previous writings and presentations, an eclipse holds potency over a length of time. It can be event generating prior to or after the actual eclipse date. The workings of this Libra eclipse have already been evident through the political action, regarding brokering efforts regarding the middle east conflict, Ukraine’s bid for NATO acceptance, the race to the white house, the abrupt changing landscape of Canada’s party politics, etc.
The influence of solar eclipse extends over a two-to-three-year period, although after six months, the eclipse mandate is less of a standout feature as it becomes woven into the unfolding of time and the experiential track. Look to the solar eclipse of March 29, 2025, to bring current matters to a fruition or completion, or to next phase threshold. Mercury will be tightly aligned with next spring’s eclipse as it is on Oct 2 (in the sign of Aries).
The positive side of this eclipse is the potential for relationship refinement and improvement, for new choices to be made and to be implemented. This begins with more objective awareness of personal needs versus relationship needs, involvements and expectations. Objective awareness is a starting point for a more truthful alliance with self first and foremost, and secondarily, with other(s). For the eclipse, Venus, Mars, and Saturn form a trine (across the water triad). This trine suggests opportunity to uncover, resource, and manifest from the potentials that are already in play but that have not yet fully surfaced into awareness or into reality. They suggest a behind the scenes or deeper level track is in active development that will soon make its presence better known. In other words, do not underestimate impressions, instincts, or intuition. Actions directed toward self recentering, self reliance, an empowerment initiative, or a financial get-ahead can be timely. Refortify, revamp, or regroup where necessary. Aim to secure your position, to regain a better foothold or to recoup your powerbase. Keep your cards close to your chest and stay observant for opportunity or red flags.
October 4 to 8 can be solidifying, advancing, productive, and generating. This first week is well timed for getting it up and rolling and holds potential to generate tangible results.
Jupiter retrograde, Pluto direct:
October 9, Jupiter in Sagittarius turns retrograde. October 11, Pluto in Capricorn ends retrograde. Both transits strip away the variables that lack merit or that are simply dead ends. The result leads to a clearer sense of direction. Jupiter, Pluto, and Mercury’s advance into Scorpio on October 13, set a productive backdrop for pinpointing best options. All three transits assist you to take aim and hit the target with better precision.
Mid Month:
Preceding the full moon, October 13 to 15 keep the action in high gear. There could be something unexpected or abrupt to deal with. October 13, 14 can produce heightened stress or challenge. It could be a matter of no time to waste, and decisive or quick action required. October 15, tension or challenges can smooth out. The action of the day moves onto a more fluid pace. Potentials can prove themselves quite nicely. Having said that, October 13 to 15 can be stage setting for the super full moon of October 17.
From the middle of October through late November, Juno, the contract asteroid (karmic and actual), stays in dynamic tension (square) to Mars. This time frame could take you through significant evolution regarding a karmic contract, or a legal matter. Take your time to feel your way through, to observe and listen, to explore all options, to make room for additions or variables should they appear later.
Super Full moon in Aries, October 17:
October 17 delivers a super full moon in full thrust/full steam ahead Aries. The full moon is in dynamic tension to Pluto, which can set up as a significant pressure cooker influence. On the same day, Venus leaves undercover Scorpio for full swing Sagittarius. As such you can expect an eventful, even over the top day. Watch for major trading, campaigning, crusading, and war waging. Battles will be fought on all fronts. (Sagittarius is an invasion archetype.) Noting the super full moon is in Aries, it could produce the explosive, eruptive, or violent. The full moon could set big guns in action, metaphorically speaking, or witnessed through the events of the day. Juno, the contract asteroid, is a major contributor to the super full moon action. The Juno/sun conjunction suggests a potential for a contract (karmic or actual) to launch, or to come to completion, or fruition. Oct 21 Mercury/Saturn (trine) is well timed to sign a contract, make it official or to get it off the ground.
Sun in Scorpio, End of Month transits:
The sun enters Scorpio on October 22. No doubt, we will feel this change of signs as an intensity dial up regarding the powerplays of the day, especially as the timeline closes toward the USA election. Venus squares off with Saturn on October 28, Mercury opposes Uranus on October 30 and on November 2, Mars opposes Pluto. There is no let up on the intensity front. The momentum, laden with challenge and opportunity (some hidden, some obvious) continues through the end of the month and into November. Have courage, do not skirt around it, aim to play it smart by listening to and following through on your gut instincts (that is your soul’s attempt to assist you to empowered action).
October 2: Annular Solar Eclipse (New Moon) in Libra, 11:49 am (10:03 Libra)
October 17: Super Full Moon in Aries,4:26 am (24:35 Aries)
October 9: Jupiter stations retrograde: 00:04 am (to February 4)
October 11: Pluto stations direct in Capricorn (29:38 Capricorn)
October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio: 12:23 pm
October 17: Venus enters Sagittarius: 12:28 pm
October 22: Sun enters Scorpio: 3:41 pm
October 26: Vesta enters Libra: 11:31 pm
**Please note all times listed are PDT, please check your local time.
Dates to watch: Oct 1,2, 4,5, 8 – 11, 13 – 18, 21 – 23, 28, 30
October Forecast Overview, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at 9 am PDT on https://healthylife.net/