Available in person or by phone. Sessions can be taped.
First session:
2 hours (recommended) or 1 ½ hours
Follow up sessions; Yearly transit updates:
1 ½ hours or 2 hours
Natal, Progressions, Transits, Returns; Synastry & Composite (Relationships); Event.
Consultations are tailored to your specific needs and interests.
The symbols within astrology’s maps contain information regarding building energy patterns, cycles within cycles, and potentials waiting to be ignited. In order provide you with maximum benefit, at the time of booking you will be asked to supply basic information such as family background, education, relationship status, children, career, spiritual/religious interests. The chart will “speak”, information you supply prior to the reading helps me to tailor my research into the specifics you are most interested in addressing.
Please note:
An Evolutionary Astrology chart reading delves into the deeper complexities of your soul’s desires and needs, and can provide much more information than traditional astrology. Two hours is recommended for your first session with me, even if you have had your chart read by another astrologer. This two hour session will provide ample time to cover the essentials in depth. It is important to understand the core issues and dynamics of your birth chart symbols as all current and building stellar influences are referenced from this blueprint. Should you choose the shorter session, I will maximize on our time together as best I can.
1 1/2 hours, 1 hour, 1/2 hour sessions are available in person or by phone. Sessions can be taped.
In this style of reading, no background information is necessary. As in the astrology consultations, all sessions are “interactive” – you are invited to ask questions during the session. Rose will focus on the current specifics of your life. Information gained from this style of reading is intended to empower you in the moment and to support you to greater confidence in your own decision making process. You will be provided with useful and practical insights – not random, superficial or “entertainment” information.
Which style of consultation will best suit your needs?
Evolutionary Astrology offers a fuller read, especially re your soul’s desires and needs. Specific cycles and dates can be pinpointed. Evolutionary Astrology can help you to identify, understand, and work with the energy patterns currently operative in your birth chart. The information you will gain can support you to maximize the potentials of the moment and help you to better align with your soul’s intent for evolutionary advancement.
A Clairvoyant/Tarot session can perhaps be best described as remote viewing. This session can give you added insight into the emotions that surround your current circumstances, choices, or dilemmas. It can give you a feel for what could transpire should you choose A, B, or C route. The tarot is only consulted at the end of the session to confirm or supply added information. The majority of information you will receive from this reading comes from intuitive perception, the tarot is used only briefly (and sometimes not at all) at the end of the session for added clarity or confirmation.
You are always in “driver’s seat” – in other words, you are always at the helm of your own life.
At no point, should a reader (of any kind) tell you what to do, or force you into any course of action.
All services listed are offered as supportive tool, with the express understanding that you are solely in charge of your own choices and destiny. You can seek advice or insight through any means, but you must always recognize that in every moment, you alone are responsible for your own decisions and actions.