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May 2009
Forecast Overview:
Mercury’s entrance into Gemini starts the month with the first reports of the spread of swine flu by secondary transmission. You can expect the numbers to rise; in fact, you can expect proliferation or amplification well beyond the average. We now witness the preliminary workings not only of the upcoming Mercury retrograde May 6 – 30, and but also the rising first peak of a rare triple alignment of Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron. Staying in close proximity throughout the year, the second peak will occur in December 2009. (Note, Neptune and Chiron have been in aspect/stage setting for this past year.)
Mercury retrograde’s cycle follows on the heels of the recent two-month Venus retrograde cycle, which completed on April 17. While these two planetary influences manifest in differing ways, there is commonality that links this upcoming cycle. Midway through the month, Mercury will backtrack out of Gemini and revisit Venus ruled Taurus (May 13 through June 14), again highlighting Venus themes and extending the added attention re our survival issues at all levels (personal, biological, social, economic, political, ecological.) Here is the difference: while Venus retrograde may have produced an elongated pause, plateau, or impasse, Mercury retrograde aims to get the wheels spinning. As such, you can expect the re-work it month ahead to be a productive and generating one, plus and minus. For some, the month ahead can be a lucrative month full of extraordinary potential and/or second chances. For some, the month ahead can bring a significant loss, a finish line or end of the road. For those in resistance, or denial, the inevitable is at hand. That which is not meant to be, will be cleared away. That which is meant to last will move through a necessary correction cycle.
Now through the rest of the year, Jupiter (envisioning, the mission, the future, beliefs, faith), Chiron (destiny’s homeopathic remedy), and Neptune (ultimate potentials, mass consciousness; the calling, the dream, the illusion, the deception) form a rare triple alignment (conjunction) in Aquarius. Intensifying around May 16, they will form their closest aspect May 23 – 28. With both Neptune (May 28) and Chiron (May 30) slowing in orbit prior to the start of their respective retrograde tours, this triple alignment places the collective on a precipice saturated with tremendous (previously recognized) potential, plus and minus. Losses and gains, along with the trends and transitions they cause, can be of epic proportion. Note Susan Boyle’s meteoric rise to fame story. To site another story that is not claiming the same spotlight attention, note that Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron in Aquarius, is aptly descriptive of the mountainous glacier sheets that are now shattering into the oceans. Scientists are alarmed – have you thought about it much? We are so in the thick of things now that it is near impossible to see the full breadth of all that is occurring now. Over time we will see the triple alignment serve as a big eye opener.
If you born between Feb 1955 through Jan 1961 (your Chiron return) or your personal planets are ignited by the Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron planetary alignment, you are likely to find yourself moving through a huge lifestyle change, perhaps one of the biggest transitions/leaps of your life. Note the following dates as key peaks of this ongoing cycle: May 22, May 27, July 9 (an eclipse occurs July 7), July 21, Dec 7, Dec 20, 2009, Feb 16, 2010. Re the other planetary influences, May 15 – 23 are particularly active, one thing after another dates. In fact, the transits for the entire month are highly activated, it seems almost every day there is some significant planetary ignition.
British Columbians go to the voting polls May 12. Mercury is retrograde, and Sedna, Inuit goddess of the waters, is active in the days preceding (20 Taurus.) The selling of our precious rivers to private enterprise is one of the contentious issues riding against current Liberal leader Gordon Campbell. Will it prevent his re-election? Despite all, Premier Campbell looks to be the strongest contender among the party candidates.
May 15 – 23 are likely to be intense, “one thing after another” days. In fact, just about every day this month sees some significant planetary influence ignited. Put exta attention to all details and intuitive hits, take nothing at face value.
As the month opens, you are likely to feel revitalized by a new initiative, thanks to both Venus and Mars fired up in go-get-’em Aries. Mercury’s retrograde cycle can find you consumed with a particular project, financial concern, or relationship issue. It can be the perfect time to go back to something that was previously stalled or shelved, and to infuse it with new life. Resourcefulness, creativity, streamlining, and simplification are called for. Mercury retrograde will put you through a refining cycle that will help you to pinpoint what is most lucrative. May 4 to 6 can be particularly productive, affirming, or confirming. You may be able to solidify something important just before the retrograde period begins, but remember that this is only a starting place and there will be more trial and error, biding time, or settling in to do. The triple alignment in synchronistic Aquarius (see intro) can connect you to the right people and right opportunities. Something extraordinary could occur. You could team up, reconnect with someone special, get more politically minded, find yourself more involved with a group or community, either in person or through cyberspace, or suddenly re-invent yourself in some significant way. The dramatic, exposing, and transformative full moon May 8 could bring a significant turnaround moment re finances (includes legacies, wills, debts, taxes, outstanding/owed monies, etc.), or an important relationship (business, personal, or intimate.) Stay alert to the building energies and be prepared to take immediate/decisive action, to call a spade a spade, or to be a first responder. The New Moon, May 24 could bring something extra for consideration.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Mercury’s advance into Gemini (May 1 – 14) can temporarily divert or sidetrack your attention, or find you moving ahead in an another new direction, but its return to Taurus (May 14 through June 14) will pull you back to a particular issue or circumstance that has not yet been sorted out. When it comes to problem issues, you may find that you can’t get on with the program or to your next bests until it has addressed and laid to rest. For some, it’s a matter of clearing your plate so you can get back to something on your personal preference list. While this Mercury’s retrograde tour can deliver a second chance or second wind, the cycle is also one that puts you through a survival of the fittest/moment of truth test. If the foundation/root is not strong enough to begin with, you will not be able to sustain it for much longer. Mercury retrograde and the triple alignment (Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune) are set to lift the veil. May 8 – 10 can uncover more than you realized was there to begin with. The defining Full Moon in Scorpio can help you to make rapid strides forward or it can completely overturn the course you have previously set for yourself (professionally, relationship/partnership wise). Even though Mercury is in retrograde, you may cross over terrain you have never crossed/find yourself involved in a direction you have not attempted before. Your skill at strategic maneuvering or creative financing can be tested, but by the look of things, it appears you will prove your smarts. Once the ball starts rolling it is sure to move along quite swiftly. May 16 through end of the month, it is full steam ahead, even though it is shifting or guesswork from moment to moment. By the time Venus (June 6) and Mars (May 31) advance into Taurus, – and we are out of Mercury retrograde, you will have a more confirmed sense of how things are shaping up and how to play it next.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20/21)
New interests or new relationship potentials can see you all fired up as this month starts. By all means, travel hopefully, but still, don’t bank on anything as a sure fire. You can’t possibly know how things are going to go until you have lived it through. While Mercury retrograde sets the qualifying backdrop, keep open to anything goes; place yourself in observation mode and don’t try to steer, let it flow instead. When it comes to health, work/scholastic matters, or wealth, heed all hints and inklings. Things can stay in brew or pending mode for most of this month, still, watch for the revealing Full Moon May 8 to bring more to the surface, to remove major blocks or uncertainties, and to provide the impetuous (or necessary pressure) that will spring circumstances into a much faster forward. Change political camps, or legal, investment or vocational strategies as you see fit. Note, your attention can center on pets too around the time of the Full Moon, make sure they stay safe and healthy. You could spend even more time at the computer; upgrade your website, or use it to get the word out, to do your promo, or your research (a cyberspace romance could ignite.). Then again, the triple alignment can also fire up an exciting social life, or find you more on the go through travel or athletic activities. A new scholastic goal, or publisher could be a big step in the right direction. The new moon May 24 forward can put you in an even better upswing, or find you even more aggressive about chasing down your future. Rev up this month and go for it big time once Mercury retrograde gets out of your way (May 30.)
CANCER (June 21/20 – July 22)
You may be so entrenched or swamped with personal matters/ambitions (studies, health, improvement mandates, relationships) that free time is likely to be crammed, limited, or virtually non-existent. So too, your social life may have to sit on the back burner for the better portion of the month. Once Mercury retrograde backs into Taurus (as of May 15), you can start to resurface to a certain extent. Typical of the cycle, you can expect to re-meet with people, both on a casual and more significant note. You can re-meet lovers or friends; colleagues or business associates could spark you to new goal reaching (perhaps through igniting a competitive edge), or make you a tempting new offer. Watch for the empowering/intensifying Full Moon May 8 to ignite your ambitions (and your libido!) This Full Moon could take you past a relationship or creative impasse, or bring a surprise financial benefit, opportunity, or sudden expense. Children and health matters are also featured, keep alert to the unexpected. The triple alignment of Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune suggests it is a key time to address finances (debt/taxes/your future financial prospects), legal matters (divorce, wills, legacies, inheritances, pre-nups, adoption, etc), health matters, (including surgery, fertility issues, etc.), intimate relationships or intimacy issues. The new moon suggests nothing is as final as it seems. For some, it can be productive to revisit or resume. It is possible that you can do it better/make it better this time, especially now that you have more experience to back you up. Of course, you won’t know for certain unless you give it a try. Stay willing, be open to the range of possibilities, don’t hold on tight to expectations, and reserve final judgment until next month when you’ll have more to go on.
LEO (July 22 – Aug. 22)
The obvious hand of fate continues to be active in your life, especially so over this coming month. Circumstances are likely to dictate your next steps; you may not have as much control as you would like. Watch for Mercury retrograde to get your ambition going strong – most likely it is due to extra pressure. You may want to/find the necessity to back out of a commitment/contract, responsibility, or position. With both Mars and Venus in Aries, freedom and independence is top of your mind. If you can get rid of a debt load or a lost litre (relationship or circumstance), by all means do it. At the same time, you may find it necessary to re-secure your status or position. Suffice to say, this is not a month for fence-sitting or small measures. Someone or something is sure to hold the key/feature quite prominently in compelling you forward. A new love could bring that soul mate/made for each other feel. The full moon May 8 is set to show you just how much control – or lack of control, you actually have. Watch for something unexpected to do with work, home, transportation or communications. You could find yourself dealing with a lot more than you were ready for. The exceptional could occur from the New Moon May 24 through the end of the month. Whatever is in the works now can come to completion and/or solidify beautifully in the early portion of next month.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
Mercury’s retrograde tour can make you question your recent behaviour or decisions and show you where you need to tighten up. Your time or timeframes can be squeezed. This may be your last chance to buckle down to studies before the semester completes. Mercury retrograde in Taurus can remove the unnecessary distractions – your take on this point can be where the “pain for gain” lies. You could return to a location, or resume something that fell by the wayside (you’ll be determined to see it through/do it better this time.) Venus and Mars in Aries can bring a new romantic interest or a new financial prospect, but know that when Mercury is retrograde, it’s good not to project too far ahead. Proceed carefully in the days around the Full Moon, especially where legal matters, negotiations, event planning, or travel arrangements are concerned. The Full Moon May 8 could bring an information leak, a piece of important news, a costly error in judgment, a transportation, communication, work, or health crisis. There can be a turnaround or about face with friends or coworkers, bring important news or visitors, a reason to travel, or redirect your work or plans in some significant way. Read labels or instructions carefully and don’t experiment with drugs, medications, body treatments, or your health. May 24 (New Moon) to 28 can be a time full of promise when things start to shape up very well, or a time when you can walk away from it all, knowing it is absolutely the right thing to do. Either way, this last week of the month will take you over a major threshold. Considering both Venus and Mars are about to move into Taurus, it appears you will finish the month looking forward, not back, and with a security/sense of surety that you may not have felt for awhile.
LIBRA (Sept.23 – Oct.22)
Venus and Mars can see you now project yourself out into the world with bolder independence and presence than is usual for your style. When/if competition becomes too obvious to ignore, use it as positive fuel and aim to improve your game. A hot new love or financial prospect can give you reason for being too, but as always, caution during Mercury retrograde is advised, especially when prompted toward a significant/risky output or outlay (personal/financial.) Mercury retrograde can put the fight back on re divorce, insurance claims, wills, tax matters, etc. The Full Moon, May 8 could take you to the brink. It’s an urgent now or never, turnaround or about face moment; an important switch flicks on or off. Financial and/or intimacy matters are to the foreground (use your birth control – conception prospects are particularly high.) The exceptional Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune triple alignment -suggests your life, your heart and your social conscience can be opened as never before. Why settle for less or for middle of the road? The new survival mandate is not about making due, it’s about creating the best you can for yourself and for those around you too. Dare to walk the maverick’s path, liberate yourself, and put your absolute all into it. Entertain new possibilities, think big, dream big. Your future is looking for a face-lift. May 15 onward sees a rapid chain of events and perhaps a lot of air clearing/sweeping away/uncovering. It’s one thing after another; you can expect to pack a whole lot of living into a short period of time. The new moon May 24 forward lifts you onto the next plateau.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron continue to provoke your personal reinvention mandate. With such concentration in Aquarius, cabin fever/restlessness can be a motivating force. Of course, you aren’t likely to feel bored, the stars keep it coming on strong, it’s one thing after another. In some cases, it can be a matter of going backward in order to go forward. You can easily springboard from your past history and successes. In fact, it can be the right time to re-stimulate/resume that back burner project, ambition, or relationship. While Mercury retrograde can be best used for repeating or retracing, make sure you bring something new to the table. On a more jarring note, a financial, family or romantic issues, emotional, or health issue could re-fester. Mercury retrograde can bring added attention to the one sided-ness of relationships and/or growing dissatisfaction with your present status quo. With such stellar intensity, a plug could be pulled – you could be forced to uproot or you could choose to transplant yourself. For most of the month, it can be hard to tell if you are making good headway or not. Keep scouting and exploring and adopt a philosophy of take it as it comes. The intense Full Moon May 8 can produce an ice-breaker/tie-breaker moment, or cause a sudden rift/split. An accident, emergency or a sudden window of opportunity can happen; stay alert, keep your phone handy, be ready to drop and go. A fast reaction time works to your great advantage. You could be under constant pressure, May 15 – 16; the stars are particularly dynamic/challenging/buzzed up. Someone or something influential could resurface to halt or alter everything. You will be better informed/see better where you stand from the new Moon May 24 onward.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 – Dec. 21)
One way or another, Mercury retrograde will put you back to work. While your actual work can be suspect to the usual Mercury retrograde influence, namely equipment, transportation, communication, or scheduling chaos, you could feel recharged about a creative project or a personal goal. Mercury retrograde and the Full Moon May 8 can see a health flare-up too, but with Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in such dynamic shape, whatever is exposed, uncovered, or aired it is likely to lead to a much-improved solution/resolution. Watch for the Full Moon to reveal something previously hidden. May 9 and 10, the moon in your sign finds you especially ambitious, driven, and pushing onward. Politics, group involvement or community minded-ness draws added attention. It’s a good month for getting connected or reconnected; attend a conference or public events, twitter away, upgrade your website, try computer dating, join a league, club or association. You never know where a simple inquiry or introduction can lead. Stay open to anything goes, let spontaneity guide you, especially May 15 -16, onward. The refreshing new moon May 24 can bring new financial prospects or a new start for relationships; it could bring the beginning of a turnaround for that which may have gone askew during Mercury’s retrograde cycle.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
You can adopt change or go with the flow more naturally – and to a certain extent more complacently now than at other times. Perhaps you are learning that you have no other choice but to give up on the previous struggle and to go along with the master plan. Life’s lessons/Pluto’s tour can humble you, but as you learn to adjust and realign, you stand to gain, significantly so. You will find ample – and perhaps even surprising – capacities and resources within you, especially once Mercury retrograde backs into empowering Taurus (past May 15.) Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron are set to bring you up to speed with yourself. This trio can turn you into a completely new person, perhaps one you don’t recognize to begin within. Your financial status or ambitions can be completely transformed or veer off in a completely new direction too. Whether prompted by push come to shove, or by newly found inspiration, the second half of the month brings an opportune time to explore the range of new possibilities now opening before you. By choice or “at you”, the Full Moon May 8 brings a release of significance. It can bring a financial matter to a critical turning point or see an important plan, goal or relationship fall apart. Perhaps you’ll be the one to pull the plug or to back out of a commitment. When in a quandary, remember these are tricky times and it is important not to talk yourself into things when you know your gut feelings tell you otherwise. May 15 – 20 takes you through a very important igniting and defining few days, bringing significant transactions, interactions, a win, a birth or passage of note. An eruption or disruption is quite possible too; someone important could make an appearance or departure. Children could have their special moment too; they could surprise you and/or make you especially proud. The New Moon May 24 through end of the month could complete a trial run period, or see you finally able to resume or get back to task.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Who would have guessed you would be here now? Life certainly has its twists and turns. Now and through out the year, Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron can bring the exceptional to pass, especially for those born around Feb 13 – 15. Whatever is happening, it’s extreme – on the receiving end of exciting opportunity, leader of the pack, diving head first into a new gig/relationship, coming up empty, getting dumped on, dishing it out, lashing out, rebelling, completely alone/on your own, on a complete departure – there seems to be no middle ground. It’s all big stuff, nothing is small potatoes. Either you are a revolutionizing the world, or it’s revolutionizing you. Mercury begins in Gemini, an opportune placement, so you can expect the first half of the month to be full of potential and promise. Mercury’s retrograde tour, especially through Taurus, can slow you down or force you into survival mode. Positively, it will give you time to think, observe, regroup, and to get better prepared. Think of this month as a running upstart/preliminary set-up phase. Venus and Mars are favorably placed, suggesting the time is ripe to be taking a risk on a completely new lifestyle/new adventure. Still, more refining is required and the month ahead is set to help you to do just that. As the boiling-pot full Moon energizes (May 8 and thereabouts), external circumstances, economics, politics, interest/borrowing rates, etc are sure to have an even stronger impact on your professional or personal life. A contract, commitment or expectation could fall through. Someone in charge could be replaced and you may have to start over with someone new (of course, this could be a plus.) The full moon could also signal a difficult time for a parent or for parenting duties or other family responsibilities. Suffice to say, as the month advances, and especially from the new moon May 24 onward, improvement is your net gain.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
You can be out of site, but not out of mind. You are likely to have plenty going on behind the scenes too. Mercury in Gemini begins the month with an added attention to home, family, and financial security. So many comings and goings, home can seem like a train station; maybe you are visitor there yourself. Mercury’s retrograde tour can put you back into social circulation or it can cause you to revamp your plans. You could run around more or spin your wheels more too. Mercury retrograde can help you to be more selective re who or what gets a piece of you. You may need the support of friends even more now. A particular sibling or friend (past or present) can feature more prominently. (Your relationship dynamic could be a matter of swapping places/shoe on the other foot.) The retrograde cycle is one of “tuning out to tune in”, so listen to your instincts more, and if you are at the tail end of studies, buckle down and get the work done! Watch for the full moon May 8 (or there about) to bring important news or a visitor, perhaps from afar or with long reaching consequences/benefit; this full moon also benefits legal claims, immigration or adoption petitions, wedding arrangements, etc. May 15 – 20 can open your eyes, put you in the know/get you better informed, help you to surpass a stalemate, big challenge or issue, deliver answers, define your status, speed your healing and recovery, encourage, support, and inspire you. May 24 onward brings yet more opportunity/takes you to the next plateau.
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