From the soon to be published:
Insights Into Evolutionary Astrology: A Diverse Collection of Essays by Prominent Astrologers,
Llewellyn Press (publication date: early Winter 2010)
Chapter 8, The Archetype of Capricorn,
by Evolutionary Astrologer, Rose Marcus
Modified Excerpt:
Libra/Capricorn, Saturn in Libra:
The sign of the balancing scales, it is through the Libra archetype that we seek to reconcile with our observation of self in an externalized or projected context, and by extension, that we begin to form a sense of socialized value and meaning. The contrast supplied by our outer (Libra) experiential (Aries) realities (Capricorn), prompts the forging of relationships, relatedness, and relativity. Interaction with our external circumstances and environments will begin to fashion the breeding ground for the next stage of evolution. In response to external stimuli, we begin to build a framework. In other words, we formulate a sense of context based on our evaluations of experience.
Libra’s initiating impulse or drive is compelled to seek unity rather than singularity, and to combine or join together rather than to create separation. To some extent, Capricorn’s drive to establish consensus and to regulate the workings of the whole is in harmony with Libra’s basic drives, and it is for this reason that Saturn in Libra is considered exalted. Saturnine propensities can function well through Libra’s refining archetype. Still, it is the foundation or root cause behind the momentum of intentions, evaluated needs, and goals that are critically defining at this ninety-degree crisis angle.
Values shaped by exposure to past experience are the compass point that will decide the flow for the evolving present. Libra’s evaluations lead to the forming of judgments (Capricorn) that will dictate how we moderate and regulate when we interface with larger wholes, or in other words, that which exists outside of self. In contrast to the spontaneous approach of the Aries pioneering initiative, Libra’s reconciliation initiative is directed by pre-consideration (of options or of competing needs), whether consciously realized or not.
The angle of Libra in square to Capricorn’s zenith point correlates to the progressive socialization of consciousness. Here, consciousness seeks to correct imbalance or extremity, and to establish a new level of equilibrium and uniformity. The objectives defined at this ninety-degree “crisis” (deciding) angle will shape what comes next. At this stage of evolution, consciousness will begin to formulate a system by which to observe, measure, and form opinions of its experiential reality. This progressively shaped law of averages will be used to establish, maintain, and regulate (Capricorn) the equilibrium (Libra).
The orientation of the ninety-degree square aspect between the air sign of Libra (mental planes) and earth sign of Capricorn (manifest planes) is one of crisis in consciousness, (of internalized, philosophical, moral energy), rather than crisis in action, (externalized, projected, manifested energy). The momentum now builds toward, cohesion, united fronts, integration, regulation, and containment, rather than separateness, independence, and individuation.
The Libra/Capricorn refinement angle seeks to corral, streamline, and reconcile the diverse and multi-faceted expressions into an organized whole. Here we find an accelerated drive toward a bettered and more regulated equilibrium. At this angle, clashing contrasts and polarizations reach their maximum. The industry of the cardinal angle is directed toward the leveling of extremes in order to create greater effectiveness and control, and toward the prized objective of a reconciled balance point. (Note that viewpoints and opinions on the balance point between subject and object can differ, sometimes greatly so.)
The regulating of standards and status quos leads to the progressive shaping of the cultural social unit and consensus based opinions (Libra/Capricorn). These consensus markers constitute the security lynchpins from which all other judgment tracks will be laid. At this cardinal apex point, society’s evaluations (Libra) will begin (cardinal) to form the standards of the judicial systems (Capricorn) of contemporary civil and social laws. That which becomes labeled as necessary will form the parameters, dividing lines, and base shape of what is built next.
In its positive application, Libra regulated through Capricorn results in the construction of a supportive equilibrium. Balanced judgment leads to governing within appropriate boundaries and secure structures or frames of reference (psychological, emotional, material, and conceptual) that take into consideration the diverse needs of the one as a reflection of the many. When harnessed in its purest, most natural expression, we see the results of mature and wise judgment, responsible self-regulation, self-consistency, self-discipline, gracious authority, and achievements of recognizable worth.
When filtered through the emotions of fear and anxiety, the building momentum reflects in imbalances of judgment that typically ignite a battle for control (the one-sidedness of relating). This filtering typically resorts to forceful, restrictive, or constrictive means in order to achieve singular or self-serving objectives. Justifications and rationalizations that are based in a singular or subjective orientation rather than plural or cooperative orientation result in hierarchical evaluations and relationships. Dominance, submission, withholdings, entrapments, despotism, etc. are common denominators of this mindset.
When a corrupt bid for control reigns supreme, we see social and political management that typically serves the one or few rather than the many. Rather than achieve the desired goal of comprehensive integration, we see oppressive (and tenuous) social or political control, further segregation, disintegration, and abuse of the system. When operating at this distorted level, independent or voluntary cooperation (consensus) is forced to bent knees (conformity) by dictates of restrictive regimentation, laws, and regulations. Authority then uses the system and its rules to its convenience, and fair play turns foul to self-serving. When opportunistic authority is at the control panel, social inequality, racism, and bigotry become the norm of everyday lives. Social injustice is found sanctioned and perpetuated through political policy and government enforcement.
At various levels, the politics of Libra square Capricorn will display the conflict between the people and authority’s dictates. The government rules over the people rather than with or for the people. Libra square Capricorn can see the devaluing and disposability of the individual, and the shrinking of their social rights. Advocating an attitude of “the cause is more important than the foot soldier”, the needs of the one can be sacrificed for a rationalized private, political, or social goal. When this is the case, Libra square Capricorn can set in play “means justifies the end” strategies that marginalize social groups, that reduce individuals into faceless names and numbers, and that create rationalizations and justifications that allow for the crossing of inappropriate boundaries. Infiltrations into private systems, invasive tracking, and surveillance of personal lives can leave no stone unturned.
When Capricorn dominates Libra, the border between cooperation and conformity is erased. Social convention, rather than uniqueness or individuality, is both lauded and enforced. Individualized rights, free enterprise, and true capitalism lose their previous solid ground. Social, political, and ideological inequalities, along with racial and national tensions can stew. That which has been suppressed can be unleashed with great destructive force. When resort to increasingly forceful means reaches extremity, war is more common than peace.
Saturn in Libra (Sign of Exaltation):
Saturn tenants Libra from October 29, 2009 through October 5, 2012. (Note: Saturn dips back into Virgo from April 7, 2010 through July 21, 2010.) Saturn in Libra draws attention to toward the normalizing and legitimizing of a conceptual frame of reference. Saturn’s transit through Libra prompts a refinement process that qualifies who and what is acceptable, and that defines rules or regulations regarding what methods or what means need be employed in order to enforce an “upgraded” or better-controlled status quo. Will there be greater tolerance, or more judgment, hypocrisy, and double standards? The scales can tip to either side and they can swing to the extreme too. The Saturn in Libra years can see the government put more burdens on the shoulders of the people. Note the government of British Columbia will implement the new Harmonized Sales Tax (how befitting for Saturn in Libra!) in July of 2010.
In terms of both public and private life journeys, compromises and compensations based on the distortions of Saturn in Libra’s insecure rationalizations are where problems will first manifest. While a bettered balance is the ambition of Saturn’s transit in Libra, it is a time to adjust the review mirror of our preconceptions in order to turn the corner more successfully. The Saturn in Libra years will reveal the ineffectiveness of previous half-way measures and misplaced ambitions. Progressively, down-the-drain efforts will become too obvious to ignore. The middle path may be the correct target, but marginal choices will not yield sufficiently to satiate our contemporary and evolving needs.
Saturn’s transit in Libra will draw a more definitive line in the sand regarding our social and material needs. Out of necessity, we will come to define our boundaries, our bottom lines, and ourselves more clearly. As the process unfolds we will learn what and who provides real value and meaning, and what or who are worthy expenditures for our time and efforts too. Fear of moving forward or attachment to outcome implies a short-sightedness that can set the stage for later downfall and loss.
Conscientious ambition is the first paving stone for the building of realistic and responsible goal setting. Personal honesty, integrity, acceptance of responsibility, and conscientious participation constitutes the appropriate cement mix for successful one-on-one relating and for the sculpting of outer world purpose, achievement, and fulfillment. Saturn’s transit in Libra is not a time to just “get by”, to expect a handout, or to wait for someone else to take charge. We cannot scrimp on effort or investment if we desire to reap a reward of lasting value. Undivided attention to the tasks at hand and full presence to the here and now is required in order to master inner and outer equilibrium. These are the essential tools that will lead to the achievement of personal excellence, relationship fulfillment, purposeful social contribution, and best of all, a life worth living.
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