You are about to confront something big, something major. The world is too. In fact, you/we are already well into the process.
The above statement is not meant to make you quake in your boots, but to call your courage to attention, to open you up to the creative potential that exists for the taking.
Jupiter, the planet of increase and expansion, enters Scorpio for the first time in 12 years. Think back to the years 2005/2006 and/or 1993/94. Did you go through something major? No two transit passages are exactly alike, but a review of the previous Jupiter in Scorpio transits can give you a feel for the potential impact of the approaching transit.
Jupiter has spent the past year in Libra. While in the sign of the swinging scales, Jupiter’s mission quest has brought relationship imbalance, social injustice, and financial extreme into its viewfinder. Jupiter in Libra has sought to gain more diverse experience and to gain feedback to increase its knowledge base, to add to the evaluation process, to validate what is sensed and felt.
Jupiter in Scorpio probes much deeper. During this one-year transit, the soul will embark upon an intensified exploration of its own inner psychology, this regarding desires, needs, motivations, and choices. The transit presents an opportunity for the soul to recommit to its present course, or to reprogram itself.
Jupiter, ruling planet of Sagittarius, correlates to our belief systems and our intuitive sense of the world around us. As a seeker archetype, Jupiter looks beyond the visible and witnessed realm to that which it senses and feels holds good promise, that will deliver/provide more – a greater understanding, knowledge and truth; more justice; more opportunity, abundance, and reward. A future oriented archetype, Jupiter seeks to know, to grow, to expand beyond, to create the inroads and passage ways that will set the future on its truest, most abundance generating course, that will bring what is envisioned into manifestation.
Jupiter’s transit through resource-rich Scorpio, the regenerative archetype, plunges into a much deeper exploration of the inner and outer realms. It will dig through the vault and its various chambers to see what is of use, what can be recycled, and what needs refurbishing. A fixed and yin archetype, Scorpio stays fully committed to its power play agenda and offers us no choice but to do the same.
During this transit, everything holds more potent impact. Underscoring this fact, note that Jupiter in Scorpio is operating under the creative potency period that was activated by the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse.
While Jupiter transits Scorpio, evolution is not a matter of living it vicariously, but of experiencing it through the eye of the needle. The agenda is set to cut through the layers and drill to the core with laser-like precision. Trust is a big issue when Scorpio is on tap. Our dark side is too, i.e. fears, obsession, addictions, unresolved rage, jealousy, possessiveness, selfishness; hidden agendas; manipulative, self undermining, self destructiveness, criminal or violent tendencies, sexual violation.
On the “soar like an eagle” side of the spectrum, Jupiter in Scorpio greatly enhances our prospects for generating “true arrow” wealth. It can put us in directly in touch with that which we yearn for the most, be that a thriving relationship with self, with another, with the world, with the divine; to feel rewarded by our efforts and contributions, to feel rewarded by material attainment, to feel fulfilled and constantly replenished by life, love, and purpose.
Jupiter transits Scorpio take us through a profound uncovering and merging process that can pierce through the layers of armouring that we have accrued over time and karmas. Jupiter in Scorpio serves to put us back in touch with our own powerbase, our own creative source. It can put us more deeply in touch/create a deeper merging with the soul of another too.
Taking time to feel your way through, to plan, or to build up your stamina and resources is wise, but resistance is a time-waster. To face your evolution and to conquer it may not be easy, but it is required.
How can you place yourself at your best advantage for this transit? The first step is to face yourself with stark personal honesty. Is there a truth on the inside or a reality that you are resisting rather than accepting? Can you feel an undercurrent building? Is compulsion or obsession a driving force? If so, is this compulsion or obsession one that you have been wrestling with for awhile, or one that is newly fermenting? If it’s something you’ve been wrestling with for awhile, look to Jupiter in Scorpio to break you out of the stalemate. If it is a newly fermenting desire or drive, recognize it as an important clue, or as a more forceful prompt from your soul.
Allow yourself the opportunity to explore through the eye of the eagle. Keep on the lookout for a higher perch and don’t stop until you get there.