Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper: https://www.straight.com/life/1194476/your-horoscope-january-31-february-6-2019
The total lunar eclipse in Leo (0:52) is also a super full moon. It can prompt a heart awakening, a breakthrough, or a realization of significance. Holding greater than average potential and promise (especially so if it makes direct contact to your natal chart), the eclipse is auspicious for creative projects and endeavours, new love, and for emancipation bids. An acceleration influence, the eclipse brings to culmination that which has been in development for the past 18 months (a final phase that will span the next six months to a year) and supplies significant fuel/energy/thrust to that which is teaming with fresh life, to the time has come trajectory. Opportunity is in the making!
2019 is front loaded! Thanks to Mars, freshly at it in Aries, a solar eclipse on January 5 and the end of Uranus retrograde on January 6, expect to hit the ground running and for the next chapter to immediately sign you up for duty. The clock is ticking and there is no time to waste on blame, regret, or on yesterday’s losses. There are more pressing matters to get to, namely, better, healthier, and more.
Scroll down to read your individual sign forecasts
2019: Chinese New Year: February 5: Year of the Earth Boar/Pig
Uranus in Taurus: Mar 6, 2019 (to April 25, 2026)
Chiron in Aries: Feb 18, 2019 (to April 14, 2027)
Jupiter in Sagittarius to Dec 2, 2019
Ceres in Sagittarius: January 26 to November 16
Karmic Axis: South node in Capricorn; North node in Cancer
Transit of Mercury: November 11: 7:22 am (18:55 Scorpio; inferior conjunction)
January 5: 15:25 Capricorn (Partial)
July 2: 10: 38 Cancer (TOTAL)
December 26: 8:12 Capricorn (Annular)
January 21: 0:52 Leo (TOTAL, supermoon)
July 16: 24:04 Capricorn (Partial)
Mercury retrograde:
March 5 to 28 (29:39 – 16:06 Pisces)
July 7 to 31 (4:28 Leo – 23:57 Cancer)
October 31 to November 20 (27:38 – 11:35 Scorpio)
Ceres retrograde: April 8 to July 17 (14:16 -0:31 Sagittarius)
Jupiter retrograde: April 10 to August 11 (24:21 – 14:30 Sagittarius)
Saturn retrograde: April 29 to September 18 (20:31 – 13:55 Capricorn)
Chiron retrograde: July 8 to December 12 (5:56 – 1:26 Aries)
Uranus retrograde: to January 6; (station direct at 28:36 Aries)
Uranus retrograde: August 11 to January 11, 2020 (6:37 Taurus – 2:39 Taurus)
Neptune retrograde: June 21 to November 27 (18:44 – 15:56 Pisces)
Pluto retrograde: April 24 to October 2/3 (23:09 – 20:38 Capricorn)
January 5: Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: 5:28 pm (15:28 Capricorn)
January 20: Supermoon, Total Lunar Eclipse: 9:16 pm (0:52 Leo)
January 4: Mercury enters Capricorn: 7:40 pm
January 6: Uranus stations direct: 12:26 pm (28:36 Aries)
January 7: Venus enters Sagittarius: 3:19 am
January 10: Eris stations direct: 22:59 Aries
January 20: Sun enters Aquarius: 1:00 am/Total Lunar Eclipse 9:16 pm
January 23: Mercury enters Aquarius: 9:50 pm
January 26: Ceres enters Sagittarius: 10:04 am
**Please note all times listed are Pacific time. Please check your local listings.
Dates to watch: January 1, 3 – 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18 -23, 25, 26, 29
Mars in Aries, Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries ends retrograde:
Mars will keep on the fast and ready trigger through mid February. Watch these Mars in Aries trigger dates: January 8, 21, 25; February 1, 12.
Uranus in Aries ends retrograde on January 6, just one day after a solar eclipse in Capricorn. Together, they put the squeeze on the existing reality to come up with a new format pronto quick. Serving the individuation process, (i.e. Brexit) Mars and Uranus in Aries aim to cut to the chase, break the chains, and to fast track a fresh initiative. Watch for something or someone new to come into being and to assume the lead. The partial solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 launches/cements a new reality baseline.
An eclipse will be a major catalyst for you if it makes direct contact to your natal chart. Otherwise, you will experience it as a more dynamic new moon or full moon in some indirect way, through worldly or outer life action or relationships. Eclipses are event generating when they happen, and they continue to hold potency/deliver over an extended timeframe. All eclipses hold an element of the sudden and unexpected. A solar eclipse tends to bring news of someone of prominence (royalty, leader, famous), and of a significant birth, death, ending, launch, or transition. It can also produce something geo-physical; this is especially so when Uranus is featured as it is for both the January eclipses.
The partial solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 can usher in something has been long in the works or overdue, that has been held up or long buried, suppressed, or denied. A new milestone could be reached. Thanks to Uranus at station, an element of the sudden, abrupt, and unforeseen can be in the mix. What is set into play is here to stay. An eclipse in Capricorn is cementing, it holds long term/long range benefit or consequence. It sets an important timeline or deadline, and new, perhaps more urgent, priorities to the forefront. Capricorn correlates to government and governing bodies, rules and rulings, law enforcement, borders, boundaries and walls, the military, judgments, authority, officials and official matters, banks and institutions, parents and parenting, the aging, aged, and ancient. Capricorn also correlates to conditioning factors that establish one’s inner and moral judgement, sense of right and wrong, sense of/issues of duty, responsibility and accountability. Watch for action regarding the USA government shut-down and the issue of building the wall.
Mercury in Capricorn; Venus in Sagittarius:
Mercury enters Capricorn on January 4, just one day before the eclipse. Watch for someone of significance or for a specific issue or circumstance to be a key news maker or catalyst regarding this eclipse.
A growth and escalation transit, Venus in Sagittarius, January 7 to February 3 keeps everything to do with money, relationships, beliefs, the future, the search for truth, and the search for more in full swing. Venus in Sagittarius is a major player of the total lunar eclipse on January 20.(Venus also plays a major role regarding the total lunar eclipse on July 16).
Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo:
The total lunar eclipse in Leo on January 20/21 (depending on your local time) is also a super full moon so watch for significant action, especially regarding a significant relationship issue (personal, social, political) or something from Mother Nature. A lunar eclipse brings that which has already been on brew but has not fully been recognized into full view. We are likely to hear of an announcement or news-making from someone famous, notable, religious, or royal.
To the plus, the total lunar eclipse in Leo can be auspicious for creative projects and endeavours, the heart journey and the spiritual quest. Something unexpected could prove to be a saving grace and/or show excellent promise. Watch the days or week prior to this eclipse and the days or week following. The sun triggers Uranus on January 18 (square). On this same day, Mercury is conjunct Pluto, which is a forceful communication, compelling, motivating, cause driven, put pressure on it transit. Mercury/Pluto has a target to reach. An obsessive quality may accompany the recruiting or goal-setting. On this same day, Venus trines Mars. It’s a high impact day for getting the message across or getting the job done. Some one can hold great sway.
Jupiter in Sagittarius:
I wrote at length about Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2019. Here is a link: https://rosemarcus.com/jupiter-in-sagittarius-november-8-2018-to-december-2-2019/
Jupiter in Sagittarius forms three dynamic (square) aspects with Neptune in Pisces in 2019: January 13, June 16 and September 21. Each one of these exact alignments will be clarifying or revealing. They hold enormous creative potential and promise but they also put into question our reality, our beliefs, our faith in the future or in those we look to for guidance, inspiration, love, solace, or healing.
Chiron enters Aries; Uranus enters Taurus:
In 2018, both Uranus and Chiron made short visits to new signs. Chiron will ingress into Aries on February 18, to stay until 2027. Uranus will ingress into Taurus on March 6, to stay through 2026. Taking over from the past seven years of revolutionizing Uranus in Aries, Chiron in Aries calls upon the warrior self to stand dressed for battle, to face destiny head-on. From the ground up, the Uranus in Taurus years will revolutionize our technologies, our lifestyles, and our value systems – moral, social, political, economic. Uranus revolutionizes the way we think, the way we feel, the way we relate to each other and to issues of survival. The transit will break down existing social, political, economic and moral norms, and update them with something more appropriate for the times. Our personal collective wealth lies in progressive thinking, in outside of the box thinking, in funding science and new technology. We must stop our addiction to oil. We must stop nuclear proliferation. Climate change and the survival of life on the plane is the most pressing issue of the day.
Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries will serve to jettison us into the non-negotiable next phase of reality, to raise consciousness regarding our planetary survival. Chiron serves as a no pain/no gain transit. Uranus is often good for shock-wave. Both will introduce new avenues, tools, and resources for our collective growth and healing. First comes awareness, then comes trial and error, and eventually comes creative solution. I will write more on both Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus soon, in the meantime, check out my website for a Chiron podcast and other articles.
July Eclipses:
July dishes up two more eclipses. The total solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2 will stimulate the birth charts of both the USA and Canada. It’s an activation transit/next chapter launch for homeland matters, domestic policy, nationalism, security, safety, population issues, economic safety, real estate, home and family, food production/safety. This eclipse can also bring something of the past full circle or act as an important seeding phase for what comes next. Mars, freshly in Leo suggests someone of significance can enter or exit our lives or assume a lead role.
The partial lunar eclipse on July 16 is accompanied by Venus in Cancer in opposition to Saturn retrograde in Capricorn, a belt tightening, tough go, put to the test, transit. Venus opposition Saturn puts added emphasis on matters of accountability, duty, responsibility and the law. The money and/or the people are under added pressure. There is a necessity to get it under better control, to reach the goal post, to re-secure the baseline. Venus/Saturn is also a goal oriented, result, reward, or consequence transit. Mercury in Leo is also retrograde (July 7 to 31). Although the retrograde can extend the finish line, this eclipse marks an ending or deadline of significance.
December Eclipse:
The last eclipse of the year takes place on December 25/26. The solar eclipse is accompanied by a trine to Uranus in Taurus and a conjunction with Jupiter in Capricorn. (Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2.) Although the year ahead is likely to be a difficult one regarding economics and politics, if we take the work seriously, by the time we get to next Christmas we should see that substantial progress has been made.
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Most productive place to apply effort: career, accreditation, develop your professional reputation; re-prioritize, work to develop better boundaries, better control
Area of greatest potential: learn/explore more; publishing, new marketing ventures, travel, relocation, spiritual development
Hopefully you were able to rest up over the holidays as there is no time for that now! January is a fast track month, thanks to Mars out the starting gate in Aries, a solar eclipse on January 5, Uranus in Aries ending retrograde on January 6, and a total lunar eclipse on January 20 (or 21 depending on your time zone). Whew! And that’s just the first few weeks of the year!
Mars in Aries keeps you feisty and driven through the middle of February. Acting upon the desire of your soul for a fresh bring-it-to-life/cut-to-the-chase experience, Mars forms several trigger aspects between January 18 and February 1 (trine Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn). Along with the solar eclipse kicking off the year, the month of January is a good one for taking a risk on a new personal life or profession life track. Go pro, go where the action feels good/feel right. Follow your instincts, listen to your intuition. Expand your marketing, your knowledge base, try a new health regime, relocate for better opportunity. It pays to stay cautious regarding speculative ventures, but don’t buy into fear.
Just before Mars completes its tour of Aries, it joins forces with Uranus. February 11 completes a two-year Mars/Uranus cycle and begins the next one. Through the start of March, Mars is also on a next level up regarding a key matter (regarding health, wealth) or relationship that occupied or challenged you in 2018. It’s a work in progress through the summer eclipses too.
After 7 years in Aries, Uranus will take a permanent exit, to begin its next seven-year stint on March 6. We had a short introduction to Uranus in Taurus in 2018. Over the years to come, you’ll come to know yourself in a new way. You’ll discover new interests, capacities, and inner resources you didn’t recognize or appreciate previously. Uranus in Taurus favours new income sources. In fact, it is imperative to explore new options for building your wealth – this not only materially, but emotionally and spiritually too.
Uranus might be done with your sign, but centaur Chiron is just getting started. It will enter Aries on February 18. Together and individually, we have signed up for lengthy tutoring under Chiron’s mentorship. Due to its elliptical orbit, Chiron visits Aries longer than any of the other signs. Chiron calls upon the warrior self to face destiny head on. Chiron will call you to task in 2019 if you are born on or near March 20 to 26. If you are born at the end of Aries, it will be a few years before you get your turn.
All the eclipses of the year, January 6, 21, July 2, 16 and December 4 will also work as major catalysts to move you in a new direction. This will be especially so if they make direct contact to your chart. Jupiter in Sagittarius is accompanied by Ceres in Sagittarius for most of 2019. The year ahead is a transition year. There is much uncertainty along the way, but one thing is for sure, you are not going to be standing still, you are most definitely future bound.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Most productive place to apply effort: aim to conquer the resistance/the roadblock; force yourself to make the necessary change; work harder to secure your future; pay up front for later gain
Area of greatest potential: a new social life, lifestyle, a new goal
If you are born on or near April 19 you are in for radical change. Whether the experience is an undercurrent or an outer reality, likely the change is already well underway thanks to the introduction of Uranus into Taurus in 2018 (May 15 through Nov 6, 2018). Of course, change is on the roster in varying degrees for all of us.
The new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 is auspicious for all new undertakings, especially those that are focused on making your mark on the world via professional development, new marketing ventures, educational upgrades/accreditation, teaching, coaching or mentoring.
You can find life moves fast in some ways, slowly in other ways. Even though there is a big question mark surrounding it, your future is progressively cementing its course. Priorities are too. The most important thing for you to do is to make a fuller commitment to your future wellbeing at every level, health included. Every day that goes by is one gone. Don’t let the opportunity slip away from you.
In the year ahead, Jupiter and Ceres in Sagittarius will take you through a major adjustment regarding your attitude, interests, desires, or material status. Either you will have more to work with, or the hole in the pocket will grow bigger and you’ll feel the necessity to look for more to sustain you, materially, emotionally, health wise, or relationship wise. Your interest in the spiritual side of life can grow, whether that means you go in search of that which speaks its truth to you in some greater way, or whether you deepen and enrichen the beliefs or practice you already ascribe to. An intimate relationship can blossom or grow more distanced. When it comes to living your truth, follow your heart, don’t deny it. It does no good to simply go through the motions when your heart is already long gone.
On the other hand, if you put good effort into it this year to get yourself repositioned, you could reap substantial benefit next year from Jupiter and the Capricorn stellium. If you want to get a good running start, use January’s eclipses and Mars in Taurus, Feb 14 to March 30 to reinvent yourself, regarding career or lifestyle. Perhaps sooner, perhaps later, all the eclipses recalibrate your baseline. Whether prompted by the January or July eclipses, a new address, home life, family situation, or living with yourself trajectory is in the mix.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Most productive place to apply effort: Reduce debt or overhead, manage finances, taxes, aim for the finish line
Area of greatest potential: explore beyond what you know; try something foreign to you, research more; question more, do more; listen with your mind, speak with your heart; let experience be your teacher, your guide and your conscience; the truth is your wisest council
Some prospects, potentials, or goals can be on a disappearing track. Some people you have cherished, sought after, or answered to can be too. In dynamic alignment with Neptune (square aspect) Jupiter in Sagittarius continues to make 2019 a big year for endings and transitions. Some of the fade out is a natural progression, some of the loss creates a deep void; in other instances, loss paves the way to gain. Each is a facet of the whole.
Progressively over the course of the year, Jupiter/Neptune will reveal more to you. You are best to allow yourself to go with the flow, to move with the trends and currents. Watching for relationship matters, the important elements and issues to continue in a fluid or fluctuating state. A dissolving, infusing, and a seeding influence, Jupiter/Neptune create much greater potential. Beyond what is within view now lies new growth, more and greater opportunity. This is a wonderful combination for dreaming, aspiring, envisioning, creativity, volunteering, contributing, romance, and spiritual quests. Surrender to the process and stay hopeful, but also aim to keep it real. Over-projection or counting your chickens too soon can be folly.
If the Jupiter/Neptune transit prompts you to lose your way, the eclipses of the year won’t let you forget about reality. All the solar eclipses (January, July, December) can bring you to an ending and a beginning of significance regarding financial matters (i.e. downsizing, the end of a loan payment, an inheritance, a new business venture, investment, marital or income status). There can be a substantial need or hefty investment in the year ahead (a new home, renovations, added business or educational expense, a new member in the family; an aging parent to look after, etc.).
Operating in the background, Uranus in Taurus, starting mid March, loans more substantial prospect and promise to budding potentials. Along with Uranus on a sign change, Chiron in Aries, starting mid February, also puts destiny into play in a more substantial way. Someone of significance can enter or exit your life. Mars tenants Gemini from March 31 to May 15. Forming dynamic aspects to Jupiter (opposition) and Neptune (square), this transit is sure to put you on the move. Mars in Aries to February 14 and Mars in Cancer (May 15 to July 1) take you through a heightened action period too.
Know the commitments you make or the reality that is heaped on you is here to stay for the long term. Don’t resist, get ambitious and get with the program instead. While outside forces can run formidable interference, overall life is a simple recipe: do the work, get the reward. You can do no better than to do the best you can with what you have.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Most productive place to apply effort: build more effective communication tracks, put better boundaries in place; establish yourself/build your reputation; stay realistic regarding what others can and cannot do for you; learn to work more effectively within the limitations or requirements; make health and healthy living a chief priority
Area of greatest growth potential: a new job, training program, marketing venture, health regime, agent or advisor, relocation
2019 is a feature year for your sign. Expect to experience big change and more big living in the year ahead. The past is up for review in some specific and bust up the concrete way. Nothing new, you say? While you have been grappling with the past and its consequences for a long time now, Uranus, on a completion in Aries through mid March, takes it/takes you (the reality; your conscious awareness) into the next phase of your evolutionary mandate which is labelled “no turning back now”.
Uranus has been hammering harder over the past few months, and especially so since November. At the end of November, Uranus finally busted through the wall and is now exploring on the other side. Whether you have witnessed it in some subtle or sharp way or even if you don’t have a sense of it at all, you will know soon enough how this planetary advance is working for you. Thanks to two eclipses and Mars fired up in Aries, January is set to hit the action in some hot poker way, especially in the days before and after the total lunar eclipse on January 20/21 (extending through the middle of February). One door closes and another opens. The solar eclipse marks an ending and beginning of significance, especially so if you are born on or near July 7. Both the January eclipses are also preliminary triggers for the July 2 total solar eclipse and the July 16 lunar eclipse. Again, if your birthday falls on or near an eclipse it will act as a significant, non-negotiable catalyst. The eclipse on July 16 is accompanied by Venus in opposition to Saturn. This can mark a special milestone, achievement, result or professional recognition, or it can bring a relationship, career track, or material circumstance to an end. Someone of significance can leave your life or exit the planet too. A financial squeeze is possible too. Relocation, more travel or more outside world influence is show by the transits of Jupiter and Ceres through Sagittarius for most of the year. Mercury begins retrograde in Leo on July 8, backing into Cancer from July 19 to August 11. (The retrograde ends on August 2). You are wise to stay extra alert to the building trends in June so that you can give yourself the best leg up.
LEO July 22 – August 22
Most productive place to apply effort: prioritize health; force yourself to do the grunt work/the work that is necessary (all levels); dig yourself out of the hole; don’t let the pressure get to you; make due and use what you have more effectively
Area of greatest growth potential: matters of heart; creative endeavours; staying positive; your ability to improvise, to inspire others, to go above and beyond for those you love/for what you love
You have significant work to do. Launching the year, the solar eclipse of January 5 is cementing in this regard. When it comes to getting your health, your home life, your emotional or material world under better control, there is no time to waste and significant benefit to be had. Roll up your sleeves, put your heart into it and watch the good it does you. Mars, freshly at in Aries, the end of Uranus retrograde on January 6 and Venus into Sagittarius as of January 7 supply you with ample fuel.
Encompassing a total lunar eclipse super moon in Leo, the action peak of the month happens January 13 to 25. The eclipse will be particularly catapulting (perhaps even life altering) if you are born on or near July 22/23, but of course, the eclipse is a dynamic trigger for all. Watch for added action regarding the social, political, economic, and geophysical/weather fronts.
Mars continues in Aries to mid February, Uranus continues in Aries to mid March. The two will tee up on February 13 to begin a next phase trajectory. (Mars in Aries remains on ready trigger with Eris, the karmic axis and Uranus to 13.)
Uranus in Taurus, a seven-year transit, sets a whole new reality into play for all of us, for the planet. Matters to do with climate change are not only here to stay, they are on an acceleration track. Building to the monumental Capricorn alignment of 2020, Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter in Sagittarius, and the solar eclipses of the year lay the groundwork for a new job, career, vocational track, or a change of lifestyle.
Forming three exact contacts (January 16, June 13, and September 21) Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces keep potentials, creativity, and the spiritual quest well stoked, but they will also keep the uncertainty going strong (especially regarding health, economics, wealth, or matters of heart). A vivid imagination can be a plus when it is fueled by hopefulness, but a minus when it is fuelled by fear of loss. Watch for each of the exact alignments mentioned to expose or uncover another piece of the puzzle, to put you into a better know.
Encompassing two eclipses (total solar eclipse July 2, partial lunar eclipse July 16) Mid June through mid August marks another peak of the year for endings and significant threshold crossings. Note Mercury begins retrograde in Leo on July 7 (completing retrograde on July 31 in Cancer).
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Most productive place to apply effort: professional development; parenting; getting yourself under better control; getting a better handle on what’s necessary; working it out for yourself
Area of greatest growth potential: be honest with yourself; relocation; expand your knowledge base; get more hands-on experience;
The world is changing and so are you. Recognize it or not, there is a major line in the sand between who you were and who are you becoming, from yesterday and tomorrow. You are moving past the past and into a whole new reality in some bigger picture way. It’s happening faster than you may be fully aware of. One way or another, you are facing a significant growth spurt in the year ahead and over the next several.
Trust the advance of time to clue you in a lot better. For now, ambition looks good on you. As best you can, stay inspired, hopeful, and goal driven. Mars in Aries (to February 13) can keep you feisty. The transit serves you well regarding the fight for rightful dues, the money chase, or regarding the bedroom. On the other hand, someone could push your hot button or pull a sudden plug. Aim to let off steam in a health way, keep temper, or outrage in check.
Jupiter in Sagittarius and the shorter transit of Venus in Sagittarius (January 7 to February 3) can put you on the move regarding home life, family matters, a personal project or agenda. A new address can be in the mix for some.
The solar eclipse on January 5 is auspicious for official undertakings and fresh starts of all kinds. A milestone achievement or anniversary, an official status, accreditation, or recognition is possible. In combination with the end of Uranus retrograde on January 6, this cementing eclipse and the total lunar eclipse on January 21 hold an element of the momentous or life changing. Of course, an eclipse must make direct contact to your natal chart for it to be of significant impact. Watch mid June through July for another pivotal completion, ending, goal post or milestone triggered by solar eclipse of July 2 and especially the total lunar eclipse of July 20/21. Note also that Mercury is retrograde during this same time period. (Mercury begins retrograde in Leo on July 7 and completes in Cancer on July 31).
Uranus in Taurus, starting mid March, is one of your better transits for taking on or making your mark on the new world. Putting more substantial opportunity in your path, this seven-year transit gives you something of significance to work with, work for and toward, especially regarding education and higher learning, a vocation path, a new lifestyle or reinvented relationship status. Someone of influence may act as a key catalyst, be they teacher, mentor, healer, lover, or family member. Chiron in Aries, an even longer transit (starting mid February), puts destiny into play in a more striking way regarding key relationships (self to self included).
Jupiter/Neptune calls for you to aspire higher and to open yourself up to exploring more. Progressively the transit will show you what’s real, what holds good promise. It’s good to dream but also to keep your feet on the ground too. Trust the Capricorn transits (Saturn, Pluto and the south node) to do just that.
For the most part, Saturn is your ally this year and next, especially so if you are looking to bust up the concrete/break free of conditioning patterns regarding that which no longer serves you, to be a better, wiser, more empowered version of you.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Most productive place to apply effort: goal setting/goal reaching; work to develop greater inner security and self control; get something new off the ground, i.e. new business, professional track, or family chapter.
Area of greatest growth potential: keep yourself current and up to speed with the trends; teach; train, coach; increase knowledge base and skill sets;
Opening the year, Mars in Aries, the end of Uranus retrograde in Aries (January 6) and two eclipses (partial solar eclipse on January 5 and a total lunar eclipse on January 6) fire up the action. You can expect to hit the ground running right off the bat and to keep going strong, especially in the second and third weeks of January.
The solar eclipse on January 5 brings something long in the works to a completion or ripe time. This completion or goal reached also cements a new foundation, one that you will continue to build on long term. A sense of permanency accompanies the changes you are facing/making. Endings and beginnings are intertwined. New priorities now take shape too.
Mars, Uranus and the total lunar eclipse on January 20/21 are likely to get the action going faster than you may have planned for. These transits stay well activated from the middle of January through middle of February.
We had a brief introduction to Chiron in Aries in 2018 (April 17 to September 25). As of February 18, Chiron begins its long stay through Aries (to 2027). This transit will see you break plenty of new ground regarding how you show up for yourself in relationship, socially, professionally, and one on one. If that means standing as a group of one, so be it. In the years to come, important relationships will begin or continues accompanied by a stronger sense of key and/or critical karmic destiny in play. A special someone can make their mark on your life in some undeniable, life-altering way.
On March 6, Uranus leaves Aries for seven-year stint in Taurus, (like Libra, another Venus ruled sign). The transit can produce a new lifestyle, relationship, material status or income source. A transit for us all, Uranus in Taurus revolutionizes the way we think, the way we feel, the way we relate to each other and to issues of survival. The transit will break down existing social, political, economic and moral norms and update them with something more appropriate for the times. To the plus, the transit can introduce you to new ways to not only survive but to thrive, re money and re matters and relationships dear to the heart.
The total solar eclipse on July 2 can launch a new career, professional/business track, personal status, home or family life status. The eclipse can put the spotlight on parent, child, authority figure, someone in need, or someone or something from the past. This eclipse and the lunar eclipse on July 20/21 can also bring something official such as a contract, banking matter, or real estate deal to a completion, a deadline, and/or a new launch. Know that Mercury is retrograde from July 7 to 31, so if you must make a major decision or sign official documents, make sure to read the fine print and know what you are getting into. If possible, build in a contingency clause, or have a back up plan ready.
Venus enters Libra mid October and Mars enters Libra mid November. Look to both transits to infuse you with fresh wind.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Most productive place to apply effort: set solid and attainable goals, keep results driven; work harder to finish, complete, or achieve; make it official; put more attention toward marketing & professional development
Area of greatest growth potential: take more time/invest more in yourself; create more; love more; write, teach, perform; travel
Expertise, experience, a good foothold – check. Yes, you are well seasoned now. Your reality is too. While you still have plenty of work piled up in front of you, you’ll head into the new year with a good measure of confidence. You know you have something substantial to work with, something of substance to say, convey, or promote. The solar eclipse on January 5 solidifies the facts. It also marks a time is right moment to make it official, i.e. to state your case, re-secure your position, sign up for another term, etc.
The eclipse can also see you complete something important, i.e., an educational track, a contract term, a loan agreement, a treatment program, a renovation or creative project. If it has reached its expiry date or is beyond its usefulness, so be it. Don’t waste your time, energy or dollars on it. Replace it with something fresh instead. If you don’t have a handle on that immediately, allow time to be your research buddy. Jupiter and Neptune keep ample potential on the go, but they also keep a good deal of guesswork or uncertainty going strong too. Your best way to play it through these transits is to give your all to the task at hand/what is immediately in front of you, to put good effort into everything you do, and to avoid negative thinking. One thing surpassed or accomplished is a building block set in place.
Through the middle of February, Mars in Aries will keep you fighting the good battle regarding the work, your health, and the must-do list. Mars is nicely aligned with Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius, especially from January 18 to 25, so don’t hesitate to invest more time or money in your wellbeing, your business or personal interests. Carve out time to get your writing done or to get your game plan together.
Just as Mars leaves Aries (February 14), Chiron takes up residency (February 18). Mars is a quick cut-to-the-chase transit, but Chiron will tenant Aries through 2027. Uranus has spent the past seven years in Aries. That’s a lot of breaking new ground/personal reinvention already done. There’s still plenty yet to do. Uranus, the great awakener, has completed its mission in Aries and now Chiron in Aries will call the warrior self to assume position as the frontrunner, mentor, and healer for the wounded self. Via Chiron in Aries, you have set an important task for yourself. There is nothing small or insignificant about the purpose of the mission. It provides significant learning and growth potential for both the ego self and the soul self.
Chiron in Aries brings karmic destiny into play regarding the teachers, the teachings, the learning curve, your work, and physical healing.
The world – its views, its needs, its social politics, its everyday reality – is changing and rapidly too. Over the coming year, Uranus in Taurus, (starting March 6), will prompt significant social, material and lifestyle re-invention. No doubt, it has already begun.
The total lunar eclipse on January 20/21 could bring something or someone special. Karmic destiny or fruition is in the mix. It could be a milestone, a career high, a settlement or award, recognition or reward for something you have worked on or accomplished in the past.
Someone important to you may have significant news or may be influential in taking you to the next level. Of course, please be reminded that eclipses must make a direct contact to your natal chart for it hold significant impact. Those born on or around October 25 will feel this eclipse as a major catalyst.
July 2 delivers a total solar eclipse in emotional and nurturing Cancer. Those born on or near November 3 are affected by this eclipse which is a take root and/or a seeding transit of great significance. The lunar eclipse on July 16 is particularly influential for those born on or near November 17. Venus in opposition to Saturn during the lunar eclipse marks the end of a lengthy restructuring cycle and the beginning of a new reality baseline.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Most productive place to apply effort: hone a talent; develop expertise; stick with it; take it seriously; stay resourceful; build for tomorrow;
Area of greatest growth potential: give of yourself, gain in return; heed the spiritual call; express yourself; lead by example; set your heart free
Mars, fresh at it in Aries and Mercury finishing up in Sagittarius have you going strong at the start of January. Mercury treks into Capricorn the day before the solar eclipse on January 5, but if it slows you down, it won’t be by much. Uranus in Aries ends retrograde on January 6 and Venus enters Sagittarius on January 7. You’ve come to an end, but more importantly, you have come to an important new life chapter. Whether you are entering your adult life, are long into your elder years, or somewhere in between, the eclipse cements a new priority and a new reality baseline. It is an auspicious time for starting a new business venture, committing your all, getting it under better control (downsizing perhaps?), or making it official.
Encompassing the super full moon total lunar eclipse on January 20/21, watch for mid January through mid February to be an especially action-packed period. Watch for important news, an out of the blue opportunity, a sudden arrival or departure. Too, there can be an opportunity to make a name for yourself, to perform, teach, publish, or travel.
Chiron enters Aries on February 18. Uranus enters Taurus on March 6. Both are lengthy transits through their respective signs. Both set you on an individuation path regarding the designing of a life; this including a career or path of service, a lifestyle choice, the legacies you create and hearts you stamp along the way.
Uranus in Taurus will reinvent your day to day reality, perhaps radically so. You’ll discover new skills, talents, capacities, and resources that you can apply to your survival needs (i.e. earning a living) or that take the quality of your life to a new level. You could invent something useful (it is within range!). Health and wealth (as in quality of life) are the major target of this transit. If Uranus in Taurus challenges you, remember that out of the box thinking, remedies, or solutions could be your best bet. Be proactive regarding your health, do your own research, make sure you are up to speed with the latest and greatest, explore alternative healing, etc.
Jupiter graces your sign for 2019 but holds a dynamic aspect to Neptune for most of the year. Jupiter/Neptune increases potentials but also the uncertainty side of life. It’s a great transit for going with the flow, for creativity, spiritual practice, and even romance, but make sure to keep feet on the ground too.
The total solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2 can be an emotional one. The spotlight can be on a young one, a childhood or family matter, a mother figure, a medic, or someone or something from your past. There may be concern over financial security, trust funds, proprietary rights, taking care of someone of in need, or of finding yourself in need. Along with the total lunar eclipse on July 16, there be tough financial or emotional decisions to make. On another note, these eclipses can dig up memories you have buried or suppressed. They provide an opportunity to complete something long standing and karmic in nature. Again, the eclipse will hold impact if it makes direct contact to something significant in your chart, otherwise it will simply be a more dynamic new or full moon.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Most productive place to apply effort: your health; getting over yourself; move past the past; facing your own resistance or negativity; breaking free of conditioning patterns, excuses, or fears that hold you back; have better patience for the things that are taking too long; embrace a new personal life or professional chapter; endings; beginnings; short term/range projects and goals;
Area of greatest growth potential: leaving the past behind; trusting in the bigger picture prospect; long term goals;
One way or another, expect to hit the ground running in January. Mars in Aries keeps you on a fresh battery charge through the middle of February. You have no time to waste. Patience can be in short supply too (try not to race too far ahead of yourself!). To the plus, Mars in Aries keeps your instincts and intuition fired up too.
The solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 is preceded by Mercury into Capricorn on January 4 and followed by the end of Uranus retrograde on January 6 and Venus into Sagittarius on January 7. If your birthday is on the eclipse or near it, this one is for you. A new reality is about to set into play, one that holds an element of the abrupt, the unexpected, and/or the non-negotiable. Uranus at station is an amplification trigger. Something could burst/crack open. Something that was previously on a hold up can suddenly hit a fast track. Don’t hesitate to act quick, take a risk, ditch the old/the past in favour of jumping into something new. Trust your gut/your instincts/your first response. Whether the eclipse produces a slight delay (thanks to Uranus at station) or a sudden thrust, there will be no holding back on this one. A new reality sets into play. It could be accompanied by a sense of having dodged a bullet.
January 11 to 25 can see important developments regarding professional, legal or money matters or regarding involvement with an agent, advisor, parent, mentor, or authority figure.
The super full moon lunar eclipse on January 20/21 holds lucrative, perhaps even exceptional potential. Watch for something or someone you didn’t see coming, for sudden inspiration or insight, or for something to be exposed or revealed that prompts action.
Uranus in Taurus, starting March 6, is a creative opportunity transit for your sign. It is time to live and to love differently, get to know a new version of yourself. Noting Uranus in Taurus is a seven-year transit, you’ll have plenty of time to familiarize yourself. This transit supports a significant change of career or lifestyle. It keeps you up to speed with the changing times.
The end of June through July marks another endings and beginnings peak of the year. Featuring an emotional attachment or issue, a family member in greater need, a home or real estate matter, or a revisit of the past, July 2 delivers a total solar eclipse in Cancer. The lunar eclipse on July 16 is accompanied by Venus in opposition to Saturn and Mercury retrograde. Significant responsibilities, pressures, safety and security, financial and emotional matters can weigh more heavily on you. It is an appropriate time to reprioritize, to start seriously building your nest egg, to start a family or to downsize, etc.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
Most productive place to apply effort: invest your time toward quality over quantity; aim to turn the potential into the reality; work toward tangible results and goals; stay realistic regarding what you can and cannot do
Area of greatest growth potential: a new lifestyle/social life, a new learning curve, goal, project, friendship, agent; relocation;
Daily life hit the speed dial as January opens. Mars, freshly into Aries keeps your phone ringing and your fit-bit number-crunching your steps. The make-it-real solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 is accompanied by the end of Uranus retrograde in Aries (January 6). Perhaps long in the works or anticipated, your future has finally arrived. Even so, there may be more working it out or finishing up to do until you are fully transitioned into the new chapter. Look to be well on your way once you are through the next set of eclipses in the summer.
January 21 delivers a super full moon total lunar eclipse in Leo. Venus/Jupiter in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries accompanies this full moon. It is full of opportunity but with Venus/Jupiter also in dynamic aspect to Neptune (square) there is a major element of the unknown and uncertain, or of loss before gain in the mix. You can have a lot riding on faith, perhaps more than you would sign up for ordinarily. Time reveals all. Venus will move on while Jupiter/Neptune takes you through an unfolding creative process through most of the year ahead. You will feel the strongest impact of this dynamic eclipse if you are born on or near February 18/19. Both January eclipses hold an element of the sudden and unexpected. You’ll find yourself onto a new or next track, pronto quick.
Starting on March 6, Uranus will park itself in Taurus. It will tenant this sign for the next seven years. It won’t be standing still though, and neither will you or your personal life. Uranus in Taurus sets a new baseline reality into play, this regarding home, family, real estate, self employment, and most of all, how you live with yourself.
The total solar eclipse on July 2 could produce a new job prospect, an opportunity to start a new money-making venture, or to take something already started to a next level. There may be an opportunity to heal a relationship matter. This eclipse is a good one for working with a new medical specialist or financial advisor, or for teaming up on a project (make sure each one’s role is clearly defined). On another note, whether in a personal or professional role, you may be instrumental help to another. The eclipse can also put the spotlight on a family member.
The total eclipse on July 20/21 can see you achieve, complete, or begin something of significance, reach a significant goal or milestone. Mercury is retrograde at this time, so watch for something or someone from the past to come up for review. All eclipses punch up the karmic nature of circumstances.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Most productive place to apply effort: your future security; short term and long-term goals/projects; develop specialized expertise; build a more solid personal and professional reputation; social networking/marketing
Area of greatest growth potential: build on a past success; unburden yourself/free yourself; aim higher; explore a new option; welcome a new professional or personal life status; “go live”; go live;
Mars has just taken an exit out of Pisces, but you’ll continue to have an ample fresh fuel supply to keep you going strong while Mars fires it up in Aries (through mid February). While Jupiter and Neptune, your ruler, continue to keep a question mark looming large, the solar eclipse in Capricorn is solidifying in some striking, perhaps unexpected forward thrust way. This is due to the ramp it up influence of Uranus stationing direct on January 6. Mercury into Capricorn (January 4) and Venus into Sagittarius (January 7) also stoke the momentum. The energy of the eclipse extends over a duration of time, so watch for this one to play out over the next couple of weeks in some eventful way. The eclipse is auspicious for fresh starts, new creative ventures, and for major lifestyle changes.
The super full moon total lunar eclipse on January 20/21 is accompanied by several significant transits pre and post. A continuation of the solar eclipse earlier in the month (new moons and full moons are part of the same cycle, these eclipses are part of the same eclipse family), watch for this eclipse to reveal more and/or to fast track you, perhaps unexpected so. The eclipse could provide a welcome surprise, perhaps such as a job opportunity, a creative solution, a sale, or a well-timed discovery. Too, it could put you into a creative spurt. If something breaks down (be that a vehicle, a piece of equipment or communication) see it as a blessing in disguise. It’s an opportunity to get it fixed or upgraded. Be reminded that eclipses are more influential if they make direct contact to your natal chart. Otherwise, you’ll feel the effects indirectly or as a punched new or full moon.
Both Chiron and Uranus change signs in 2019. Chiron first entered Pisces in 2010. From mid April to September of 2018, we had an introduction to Chiron in Aries. As of February 18, Chiron will take up residency in the fire sign, to stay until 2027. To some extent, you are already familiar with this stoke the fire/break the chain stimulus, thanks to the past seven years of Uranus in Aries. Both transits work to accelerate your personal discovery/individuation process. Driven by the desires of the soul for your own liberation, both transits are on an intensification program to help you clear away the debris of the past (the complexes and traumas of this life and past lives) and to reclaim your special gifts and talents.
Uranus in Taurus, starting March 6, will revolutionize our social world and our values. A new lifestyle is in the works, it is one that you will feel as a natural progression. Along the way, Uranus will reinvent the way you think, communicate, relate, and create. Friendship bonds can grow stronger. You could find yourself more involved in the community or going your own way. Over the years to come, you’ll develop a new level of emotional and material self sufficiency.
The total solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2 can mark a special anniversary, milestone, achievement, or goal setting/goal reaching time, for you or for someone you love (a child or a young one). The solar eclipse can mark a significant ending (retirement for some) and/or beginning (personal, professional, official). Although Mercury is retrograde, the lunar eclipse on July 16 can bring a money matter or relationship to a completion or conclusion.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on Wednesday’s at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net