September 5 – Oct 10, 2023 (6 weeks), 5 – 7pm PDT (8 – 10 EDT)
This on-line course is designed for self interest and for those who want to prepare for a deeper dive into the rich study of Evolutionary Astrology. The building blocks (planets, signs, houses, elements, basic astronomy, and more) are taught from the Evolutionary Astrology perspective. The course is suitable for absolute beginners as well as for those with some astrological background. Each class will be recorded, so you can review later and/or catch up if you have had to miss a class. $295 US; $325 Can. Registration deadline Sept 1. To sign up, please use the contact link from my website menu.
I am “Agent 300” – a contributing member of The Cosmic Intelligence Agency. Please check the website for a wonderful selection of writings and presentations by a renowned group of fine astrologers!