I wish you and yours all the best for the holidays! Love & light, Rose
December Forecast Overview:
Recently the news reported that the H1N1 threat has hit it’s peak, but just like Sarah Palin’s ”blowin’ in the wind” headlining, the stars are on the rise again this month. Beyond the advance of American healthcare reform through government legislation, and Stephen Harper’s (Canada’s PM) brokerings with India, and Indonesia, December brings the second peak of the triple alignment of Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune in Aquarius (the first occurred in May 09). Thanks to the “labor of love” research of Italian Dr. Zamboni, Multiple Sclerosis suffering may be replaced by dancing in the streets. (Neptune correlates to auto-immune disorders, the sign of Aquarius correlates to the brain and the nervous system, Jupiter to freedom and Chiron to exceptional cures.) If you have not yet heard of the “Liberation Treatment” please google it. It could be essential information/renew hope for someone you know.
The shakeup planet, Uranus, retrograde since late June, resumes direct motion hours before the moon becomes full on Dec 1. With this added unleashing, the full moon is sure to be one of action. Exceptional, unexpected, or extreme circumstances could catapult life into the rapid transit lane. Uranus, can be electrifying, enlightening, and opportune, or it can deliver the sudden, eruptive, disruptive, or even explosive. The full moon occurs in Gemini, sign of communications, news, transportation, commerce, contemporary trends, air-born distribution, and connecting the dots. World news has already reported a couple of tragic transportation accidents. Please be especially careful, not only now, but always. A full moon in Gemini can bring challenges pertaining to duality, contradiction, compounding issues, dividedness, guesswork, conflicting reports, arguments, debates that go nowhere fast, truths, half truths, and outright lies. On the positive note, this full moon can see important alliances, inroads, and agreements made. Adding an extra lift to the full moon, the advance of Venus into Sagittarius can open hearts, wallets, and imaginations even wider. Start of the month forward, we should see an upsurge in retail sales, mobilization in speculative markets (plus or minus), increased emotionalism, hopefulness, generosity, and inspiration (perhaps inflations too.) Religion and spirituality are also expressions of Venus (and the sun) in Sagittarius.
The triple alignment’s second peak is particularly energized from Dec 7 – 21. (Please see May’s forecast intro for more.) Again, this triple alignment apex sets an opportune next stage for consciousness raising and for personal and lifestyle reinvention. Heed the signals and seize opportunity as it reveals itself to you. You will be gifted with time to figure it out/work it out, but first you must agree to sign on with the current stimulus package.
Dec 12, Hanukkah begins with the moon in the poignant and emotional Scorpio. Venus in Sagittarius well aligned with Mars in Leo suggests a joyous social time too.
Dec 20 – Mar 10, 2010, Mars tours retrograde through the sign of Leo. It is a critical time for re-centering. Mars can accomplish its intentions best by creating separation from over-investments or excessive attachments. Ultimately, the cycle is meant to encourage heightened objectivity. Cherished desires, ambitions, or goals can prove to be tarnished or lack luster when contrasted against the new fires or evolving needs that currently light our attention. Considering that Mars seeks to create new experience and new life, the retrograde cycle can also be a timely incubating, gestating, or heating up influence.
Good fire energy on Dec 25 suggests a high output and for the most part delightful day. Take it play by play and don’t let ego bruises or pressures get in the way. As Mercury in Capricorn begins a retrograde cycle on Dec 26 (through Jan 14), it is important to note is that there are no absolutes in life – nothing is written in stone. Do not dismiss or prejudge until you have given it or them the test of time, do not buy into fear, and don’t take anything or anyone for granted. Mercury retrograde can put a serious or sobering spin on the A to B routine. The timing of this Mercury retrograde, accompanying another set of eclipses (Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Cancer, Dec 31, and Solar Eclipse on Jan 14), can carry a distinct flavor of fated-ness or destiny. The lunar eclipse on Dec 31 is also a super moon, which suggests that the emotional tides and sensitivity dial can rise higher than usual. The Cancer/Capricorn polarity highlights home, family, the past, emotional and material needs, and professional matters. End of the year puts an added spotlight on safeguarding, prioritizing, securing, tightening up, or nesting. It can be a critical redefining time. Simple and cozy does it best for New Year’s celebrations too.
Full Moon: Dec 1: 10 Gemini
New Moon: Dec 15: 24 Sagittarius
Dec 31: Partial Lunar Eclipse/Super Full Moon: 10 Cancer
Dates of note: Dec 1, 5 – 8, 11, Dec 14, 15, 19, 20, 23 – 31
Start of the month can deliver an important stage setting or stepping stone time. Watch for a new door to open, important news, a contract of significance, a visitor, an invitation, or a meet and greet of significance. One way or another, the full moon on Dec 1 can see you take flight. The now is an important time to take better charge and to stay ambitious until the job is done the way you think it should be done. The stars continue to catapult you through an important transition time. It is a time of endings, beginnings and stage settings. Mars in Leo is an empowering planetary influence for artists, entrepreneurs, and lovers too. It is an important, perhaps even a monumental, shaping time for your relationship with your children too. Once Mars turns retrograde on Dec 20, your personal initiatives can fire up even more intensely. You will feel a significant inner shift and you can see an outwardly changed landscape too. Rebellious or wayward children could lose some of their fuel, which could make them more pliable/easier to mold. Mars in retrograde is about responding, rather than reacting, so taking a step back can be wise. Mercury’s retrograde tour can show you that you are not as far along or perhaps not as stuck as you may have assessed. Mercury retrograde can challenge you with restrictions, blocks, and retributions, or it can take you a deck clearing time. Positively, you can repeat a previous success or resume a goal.
The full moon Dec 1 could put you on the hunt or on the scramble. It could deliver a difficult selection process, overwhelming information, compound issues, or create added complexity to what may have recently seemed quite straightforward. Opportunities, expenses, finger pointing, or problems could mushroom beyond control. For some, a second job or added hours can come just at the right time. One way or another, the end of Uranus retrograde is sure to put you on a much faster track. As Mars begins retrograde (Dec 20), you could feel under even more pressure and strain. Family circumstances, parental requirements, your professional circumstances, or goals could feel limiting, restrictive, or oppressive. Then again, this Mars retrograde may signal a time when you can delegate responsibility and let some else take the reins. Dec 6 – 8 is a time to get it organized, said and done, or to rearrange or compensate where there is need. Dec 14, 19, and 20 can be synchronistic, advancing, or revealing. Dec 24 – 26 takes you over a finish line or threshold of significance. Mercury retrograde usually bring repeats, so know that you could face round two of a problem, health or work issue that you thought was already laid to rest. You may need to redo an agreement or paperwork filing, or you could go through another probationary period or trial run. This Mercury retrograde is an ideal time to resume studies, or to upgrading professional resumes, skills, etc. When it comes to health matters, a second opinion could be both wise and necessary. The super full moon lunar eclipse on Dec 31 ignites issues regarding emotional, family or physical dependencies, material security and needs. You could be particularly vulnerable or essential to someone in particular. The now is also delivers an important “rebirth”, maturation, coming of age or coming full circle time. Stay alert to the clues, signals, messages, and synchronicities as they appear, and use them to your best advantage.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20/21)
Those born at the end of May/beginning of June will receive the full intensity of the catapulting full moon on Dec 1. It can be a time when you find yourself involved with the public in some significant way, or when a business venture, partnership, or special relationship takes flight. At the very least, you will probably find yourself running around with too much to do. Start of the month brings the start of your social overload too. For the most part, the triple alignment is a beneficial and synchronistic influence, helping you to form a completely new perspective on life, love, and your future prospects. Great potentials are on the rise; dream big and to aspire higher. Enjoy the festivities and the seasonal gifts as they come. By the time Mars turns retrograde (Dec 20), you will be more than ready to pull back from the social, public, and holiday overloads. Mars retrograde (to mid March) can be a particularly productive cycle for scholastic and creative enterprises, so make sure you clear your agenda of wasteful activities and people so that you can use your time to your maximum benefit. Mars retrograde can put the spotlight on a particular friendship or business relationship (perhaps you will feel a sense of karmic replay or unfinished business.) Mid December through mid March can busy you with applications, paperwork filings, or other legal matters (immigration, adoption, pre-nup agreements, division of assets, school applications, etc.) Trial runs, education upgrades, business negotiations, refocused advertising campaigns, investment planning, skills upgrades are also likely to require your all. Mercury’s retrograde cycle (Dec 26 – Jan 15) can put you in a serious or sobering frame of mind. Positively, the cycle can help you to retool with a bettered focus. End of December through mid January can bring a decisive fork in the road or end of the road time.
CANCER (June 21/22 – July 22)
The highly stimulated full moon could see you surpass a creative block, a work issue, or a health challenge. You could turn a corner on a particular dilemma or piece of information that has stymied you for some time. Watch for sales to move into overdrive, for the phone to start ringing, and so forth. Ignited by Uranus direct, the full moon could deliver a synchronistic opening to state your case, make a pitch, advance legal talks, to get your next plans settled, etc. You should find that once the ball starts rolling, that things move fast. The full moon Dec 1 could launch the beginning of a scramble or hustle cycle. The triple alignment can increase financial or romantic potentials. You may be hopeful, game, enthusiastic, and ready to reinvent your wheel, but once Mars turns retrograde, you may trade your zeal and confidence for more cautious posturing. Mars retrograde can also bring you to a chiseled point of seasoned or sharpened awareness. Mars retrograde could find you venturing out on your own, or force you to legitimize your position through action taking or through legal means. Concentrate efforts to putting better relationship or financial building blocks in place. Watch for both the Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month and mid January’s Solar Eclipse to be influential catalysts that will take you beyond circumstance stalemates. Mercury’s retrograde tour, starting Dec 26 can resurrect unfinished business and bring key people back into your life. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn can see you lose ground quick or it could unhinge that which may have recently seemed rock solid or like a sure bet. Doubts or growing anxiety about someone or something can grow too. When things don’t turn out as planned, remember that it paves the way for something better to come along. Positively, Mercury retrograde can bring a time-is-ripe moment. It can help you to repeat a success, to regain your former status/control, or to build it better.
LEO (JULY 22 – AUG 22)
The full moon could thrust a sudden switch. You could find yourself full of great ideas or solutions, or find that a relationship or financial circumstance suddenly jumps to the next level. Your intuition is likely to be a ready dial – act or speak up when the impulse strikes. Still, stay cautious in speculative financial matters/ventures. Considering the Dec 1 full moon occurs in dualistic Gemini, things could go either way. Mars in Leo is a wonderful revitalizing influence for body, mind and soul. Note that your pheromones are likely to be particularly ignited now too. Mars in retrograde, Dec 20 through Mar 10 can set the kettle to boil for that which is going to become a central feature of your life as the year ahead unfolds. Mid month forward, your attention is likely to become very pinpointed and focused. It can be all or nothing time. Mercury’s retrograde tour can take you back to the drawing board. You may revisit difficult subjects or circumstances, or be forced to put better boundaries in place/stand your ground with a work colleague, boss, competitor, friend, or sibling. Labor issues, a strike, or a reoccurrence of health issue could challenge you too. Old or outworn equipment, vehicles, policies, procedures or strategies are likely to need an overhaul or upgrade. Stay alert for potential headaches and you could sidestep or minimize them. Christmas Day, the moon in Aries can make for a fun and upbeat day. Keep it low key as best you can for New Year’s Eve.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
Virgos born around September 3 will feel the fullest effects of the Dec 1 full moon in dualistic Gemini. If it feels familiar or like a repeat, you are cluing into the moment’s karmic significance. The now can be a time of maximum polarization between personal/internal and external authority, needs, or agendas. One thing leads to another, one thing hinges on another too; start of the month can be a time of compounding issues or multiplying complexities. You may not have all the answers, nor have you gotten the full story or straight story down yet. Uranus’s extra voltage influence can catapult you out a stalemate or stagnant cycle. For some, the Dec 1 full moon can be especially productive, generating, and rewarding. Consider it as your “go-signal” time. The triple alignment of Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune is one that pieces together synchronistic circumstances in order to help you to liberate yourself from toxic situations, thinking patterns, unhealthy habits, and self un-doings. Mars retrograde can be a personal strengthening and refortifying influence. It should help you to better align with what is best for you. Mars retrograde can deliver an exceptionally creative or healing time. Keep Christmas Day as unfettered as you can. Home, with family, or cozied up with a special someone is best for New Year’s Eve.
LIBRA (SEPT 22 – OCT 22/23)
This month could start with important news, opportunity, an arrival of significance, a special event, or milestone. Matters to do with your social life, the holiday, travel, transportation, publishing, sales, advertising, schooling, official paperwork, legal matters, negotiations, agreements, adoption, etc. come under the range of possible “got your hands-full”. The full moon Dec 1 can be an important time to reconvene talks, tackle stage 2, or to re-establish open lines of communication with a particular individual. The triple alignment of Jupiter, Chiron, and Uranus continues to favor your personal reinvention and your love life too. Mars can keep you and your social life busier than usual, but once retrograde begins (Dec 20), it will be time to pull back from the over-activity. Mercury’s retrograde cycle, Dec 26 – Jan 15 can challenge you with added family responsibilities, home complications or repair work at home. Christmas day should prove to be upbeat and a smooth sail. The lunar eclipse Dec 31 puts the spotlight on boundary issues, professional goals, and long-term security concerns. For the evening, let someone else cook it up.
SCORPIO (OCT 22/23 – NOV 21)
This first week of the month can be a dynamic moving ahead time. The full moon (in Gemini) on Dec 1 is particularly intensified for Nov 3 and Nov 16 birthday folk (and dates thereabouts.) It is a time when you may see your “ship come in” and when you can enjoy the (bonus) dividends of your emotional, financial, or professional investments. You may be in a position to call the shots, write your own ticket, etc, or to repeat a past success, catch a second wave, etc. The second go ‘round could prove to be even stronger/better than the first. Then again the full moon could deliver a “should I/shouldn’t I” dilemma or find a relationship conflict resurface. You could need to repeat your position, give the instructions or delegate again, you may have to retrace steps, rely on plan B or a backup option. This month’s triple alignment influence (Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune) can find you savoring/appreciating the clan get-togethers more than ever. Mars retrograde, Dec 20 – Mar 10, is a time to relieve yourself of added pressure, to be more selective re your battles, and to strip your efforts down to what and who is of top priority. The first few months of 2010 can be a gestational time for a particular project or ambition. Mercury retrograde can put you back in touch in key and essential ways. Perhaps there is some business to discuss with a friend, sibling or colleague, or some personal unfinished business to sort out with someone in particular. It can be a time to resume training programs, writing projects, important business negotiations and such. Mercury retrograde can also bring transportation, paperwork, legal challenges, or location quandaries. Health matters may need closer attention too. Let friends and family take care of you on Dec. 25. Dec 31 get out, get away or make it a romantic bells and whistles night.
The full moon Dec 1 can see you surpass an important hurdle or dilemma (personal or relationship wise.) It can be one of things clicking into place, of snap discoveries or of stumbling upon long sought after solutions. A promise or expectation could be on the table for discussion too. An important or official talk, negotiation, agreement, piece of news, paper, contract, a legal matter, official stand, paper trail, or contract could consume your attention too. In perfect alignment for the time of year, the triple alignment of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in social and upbeat Aquarius should put you in good holiday spirits. In whatever way you identify them, time with your family circle is your best gift of the season. Mars retrograde can shift your focus away from your outer world ambitions and draw you back to quality over quantity living. Life is about how you do it (your presence, your intention, your response) not what you do (to earn a living, etc.) Watch for new perspectives, inspirations, creative ideas, opportunities and people to keep you stoked. On a temporary note, Mercury retrograde can call for further belt tightening/sees a resurgence of financial challenges. It can be a hold-up or holding back cycle. Year’s end is also a time to re-evaluate your commitments and your relationships, and to revise both your short-term and long-term goals.
The wisdom journey of the Saturn/Pluto square is helping you to come to terms with yourself and your life in profound and productive ways. Of course, that is not mean to suggest that you have arrived at your endpoint (indeed the cycle is just starting), but that you are now on the right track. Having come to a certain point of inner reconciliation, you can now more willingly accept and align with what must be and what can be too. It is all part of a larger process – call it the consciousness of evolution. The full moon, Dec 1 puts the spotlight on work (work contracts, employee/employer or coworker relationships, goods and services) and health issues. This month’s triple alignment peak (Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune) is set to take you to the next important stage of your ongoing self-discovery and reinvention program (physical, material, situational). While Mars is retrograde (Dec 20 – Mar 10), your relationship and financial priorities will shift away from their recent focal point. It can be a time for trial runs, interim measures, stage setting, testing deeper waters or working out the kinks. Mercury’s retrograde tour is a time to review, readdress, reconvene, or refresh. While you may be heading in a new direction, Mercury retrograde (Dec 26 – Jan 15) can pull you back or keep you tethered for just a little longer. The lunar eclipse on Dec 31 again draws attention to tightening up the ship, to endings and beginnings, and intimates the karmic nature of your present circumstances.
Feel it out, put it out there, scout around, get around, or send it off. The synchronistic and informing full moon Dec 1 could prove to be an opportune piecing it together or “get you going” catalyst. Think bigger and think beyond the here and now – where you are headed is most definitely future bound. You could tie up a couple of important matters all at once. It may be time to streamline, to put all your eggs in the same basket, or to put toothbrushes together. Then again, it could be a time to cut yourself loose. Give yourself extra latitude, branch out more, double up, or tell two friends and let the news travel faster. If the writing is on the wall, admit it. Even if the information or exchange is initially confronting, know that ultimately, it serves to unlock the right door. The month could start with good news, or a noteworthy event, a social exchange, important talk or negotiation. Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune set a wonderful stage and fire up all the momentum you could ask for. Dec 6 – 8 can move you past a significant hurdle (pressure, doubt, delays, uncertainty, restrictions, added responsibilities, loss, etc.) Stay ambitious and get as much handled as you can before Mars turns retrograde (Dec 20.) After this point, it will time to forget your outer life double spin and to seek more quality time to enjoy the true gifts of the holidays. Mercury retrograde (Dec 26 – Jan 15) can put you back in touch with people you have not see or heard from for a long time. The lunar eclipse of Dec 31 puts an added spotlight on health and work related matters. Something could be in a brewing stage, do not ignore hints or inklings. Think safety first. This eclipse (along with Mercury retrograde) could weaken your resolve, chip away at your security (emotional, material, health, faith in another), cause you to second-guess your plans or decisions, or find you doubting another. Play it safe New Year’s Eve.
PISCES (FEB 18 – MAR 20)
Getting them to listen is one thing, getting everyone on the same page could be the other. Travel, added business volumes or worries, schedule, or transportation problems, shuffling the kids between two households, added responsibilities and pressures, etc. – you could be doing double time as full moon energizes on Dec 1. This could be a “kettle’s boiling” time too. Resentments or subtle digs can build; know that an argument or disagreement could easily blow out of proportion. The full moon could also bring important news, a decision to make, a visitor, or a next stage to implement. To some extent, pressure, burdens, or uncertainty can lift past Dec 8, but for the most of the month, you may not feel much of a let up. Once Mars goes retrograde, you may need work a little harder to keep up your good momentum or to make that good thing better yet. Put extra attention toward your health and your daily get-go. Mercury’s retrograde cycle (Dec 26 – Jan 15) can be a good time to review financial strategies, to redo your will or other official paperwork, or to reassess your career ambitions. It can be time to put better boundaries in place or to resume a project or ambition that has been relegated to a backburner. As is common of Mercury retrograde, you are likely to reconnect with former friends and business associates, colleagues, etc. New Year’s eve, a family gathering, house party or cozy romantic evening can deliver the goods quite nicely.
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