Forecast Overview:
Put ambition to work and you’ll bank substantially, especially when it comes to saving yourself headaches, inconvenience, or extra effort. While legitimate answers, workable solutions and tangible results are the driving force, perhaps your best recompense will come from seeing what you have averted or avoided – i.e.: lost dollars, lost opportunity, lost time. Harmonizing across earth signs, Saturn and Pluto form an easy accord throughout the month. In fact, while they have been in trine aspect since January, they draw closest in April and are at their peak energy exchange for the year. Note that both planets are traveling retrograde (Saturn retrograde cycle: Dec 19, 2007 – May 2; Pluto retrograde cycle, April 2 – Sept 8.)
Retrograde cycles intensify the inner journey. Greater awareness re the internal structure or internal workings of the planet’s energy and expression become well ignited within consciousness; we can respond at both personal and collective levels. April 2, Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn can accelerate the dismantling of troublesome walls and/or disintegration of a stronghold barrier – note that the troublesome and the stronghold may be the two sides of the same wall (reasonings or actualities.) With the productivity of Saturn/Pluto conjunction reaching maximum effectiveness, April offers a prime time for retooling the cogs. Positively, this Saturn/Pluto planetary aspect can be a fortifying combo, empowering those who operate from a realistic, self-motivated, and self-sufficient base. This month’s undertaking and accomplishment can set a solid platform for the next around-the-corner building phase. On the minus side, note that self-serving opportunists can also work the strings to advantage. The industrious bully or dictator can have an uncanny knack for playing the right tunes and for advancing their agendas. Too, we can fall victim when we succumb to our own vulnerabilities and fears rather than rise to the deployment of our better self.
Advancing into the sign of Aries on April 5, hot-blooded fertility goddess Venus is especially activated at the time of the New Moon, and again April 21 – 24. Mercury’s tour of Aries, to April 17, can set even faster wheels in motion; this is a heating up or inflaming influence. It seems we are all game for more risking taking this month. First hand experience is Warrior Aries’ path to enlightenment.
April is an opportunity month, even if and when internal unrest or necessity is the primary catalyst. April 19 to 26, the stars are especially igniting and mobilizing. April 15 to 20 can be a very lucrative stage setting time, especially for staking a personal claim, stepping on to the professional scene in a larger more visible fashion, for partnership accords, and for financial or intimate matters. Once we identify what it is that we have to work with, it’s simply a matter of getting there
Something of substance and or lasting value (material or emotional) can be quickly created, amassed, anchored, or gained as Mercury moves through fertile and generating Taurus, April 17 to May 2. The Sun and Mercury in favorable aspect (relative to the fruition point of South Node) are opportune for talks, paperwork, negotiations, social, or promotional events, and announcements.
The very potent Full Moon, April 20, occurs across the Scorpio/Taurus axis and is likely to bring whatever you have been working toward to a climatic turning point. (Undercurrents can surface too.) April 20 – 22, everything happens fast; lock in quickly and aim for immediate results. These dates will establish the new platform from which we will build for some time to come. Note that money markets could swing quite dramatically.
Mars in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn form an opposition aspect at the same time the Full Moon occurs,creating extreme inflations or deflations, not only re economics, but also re emotional and weather climates. This duo can incite a mad dash grab. Big steps forward, large commitments, and undertakings are the direction forward for many of us as we respond to this now or never moment. (We can see a sense of urgency mirrored in the bigger playing fields too; projected fear, mistrust, or economic uncertainty can be the primary catalyst or culprit for added safeguards from those in control. Large sums of money are likely to swap hands.
The synchronicity of the Full Moon is additionally enhanced by the influence of Uranus in Pisces. If we have stacked our cards right, April 20 – 28 could deliver a winning hand.
Pluto and Saturn support professional ambitions and make your daily grind a smoother go. You should find yourself to be quite productive this month, now that you have gained a sense of direction (called the “fix it now/moving past the past” program), we’ll see you tear into it with great gusto. You can make good progress with health regimes too. You won’t be sitting around wondering what to do. The New Moon in Aries fires up fresh impetuous and resolve, in fact you may have an excess of it. True to good old Aries form, you won’t see a purpose to wasting time on anything marginal. Either it works for you, or you are already searching elsewhere before the rest of us have blinked. Mercury’s entrance into Aries April 2, followed by Venus, April 5 keep life especially stimulating and on the go; you’ll become a person of great interest to watch. Try a sassy new haircut or wardrobe, a fresh new look will put your world on notice. The advantageous Full Moon April 20 could see a major financial coup or private life repositioning that can be a big plus for you. In fact, it could set you on a solid future course. Either you’ll decide to go for it big time or you’ll decide to walk away from something or someone that once held great importance. Ailing parents and professional matters can reach a significant threshold too. There can be a sudden pulling of the plug, but ultimately you stand to gain. If it’s time to renew with the bank or lending institutions, you could find yourself at a sudden advantage. One person’s loss can be your great gain. By month’s end, you should feel pleased at how things have worked out.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Attitude is everything and it appears you are well on track. You are on an agenda, whether it’s obvious or not. Saturn, even in retrograde, will keep you active, determined, and ambitious, especially when you feel you have not achieved enough of what you want. Pluto keeps you confident and goal oriented, and helps you to stand firm on your sense of deserving. Together, this duo turns you into a strong force to reckon with. While you stand steady, you are also growing. Whether your ambitions center on romance, creative endeavors, issues with children, or re vocational or educational aspirations, Saturn and Pluto are set to help you to improve the odds and to make a good thing better yet. The fertile New Moon cycle beginning April 5 can heat up romantic potential or creativity (use your birth control!); the exposing and transforming Full Moon April 20 will bring relationship or financial matters to a head. Huge steps can lead to huge progress. April 20 – 22, luck runs especially high. Synchronicity can deliver, so make connections, try a scratch and win ticket, enter a draw. April 20 to 31 can be the right time to propose or elope; launch a campaign, tour or legal case; perform, sign on, host or attend a special event, deliver important news, take a trip, or to relocate for better opportunities.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20)
Saturn and Pluto have kept you submerged you in your private life and home life as of late. April’s working-it-out stars are set to help you break out of a rut and to turn recent losses into gain. The New Moon April 5 can provide a fresh perspective and fresh stimulus; you should begin to feel excited and inspired again. Whether its inventory, people, or ideas, new arrivals are sure to add more vibrancy to your days. Watch for a surprise, an exceptional contract offer, an opportunity, or a saving grace, April 20 – 22. Don’t hesitate; jump on it instead. The right place, right time Full Moon could be exceptionally advantageous, thanks to a facilitating aspect (trine) between Mars and Uranus. Your assets, popularity or appeal could see a sudden (and perhaps dramatic) climb. You could be offered a professional contract or suddenly find the home of your dreams.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Pluto’s retrograde turn can lift relationship blocks, while Aries planets dish up a time of fresh starts – re new ventures or for the roles you have already taken on. The catalyst may be inspiration, anger, need, or a sense of time running out. No matter how it plays out, Mars touring Cancer (to July 1) fires up enough initiative to get the job done (or at least to take a good stab at it.) Saturn and Pluto can draw your attention to what you have not yet accomplished or what you have not yet gotten from others. Together they are supportive, suggesting you’ll connect-the-dots for yourself in a productive and realistic way. This workable planetary duo loans you resourcefulness and management skill; you can put up with the shortfalls while you work on surpassing them. Feel confident to speak your mind. Saturn and Pluto help you to communicate your needs with clarity. Seek out advice or professional help, a support system will help you to move along much quicker. The New Moon in Aries April 5 can pile on new pressures or bring challenge with authority figures. By the same token, you may be forced to exert your authority more or take on a more responsible role re career finances, or family matters (congrats to first time parents.) Don’t back down from a professional challenge, stretch your ambitions, let it fuel you to new heights. Action taking April 17 – 26 can net a profitable payoff, (financial or emotional), don’t hesitate to give up to get. April 20 – 22 brings an exceptional window of opportunity.
LEO (JULY 22 – AUG 21)
Your work, business, or health regimes will benefit from a fresh infusion, so aim to create a freer schedule, scout for new product lines or investments, get more sports minded and/or try a new approach to your fitness programs. Keep an eye on the horizon, a new stream of prospects, considerations, or avenues are sure to appear as the month advances. Aries month is the right time to seek public attention. Take the stage or podium, implement new marketing strategies or promotional programs, get out there to enjoy a busier social life. If your current circumstance offers a newly found freedom, take the ball and run with it. You’ll enjoy extra latitude now and can get away with more than the usual. New Moon to Full Moon can see a financial matter or romance in the budding stage. The Full Moon April 20, along with the Mars/Jupiter opposition can also prompt you to make an important change in the way you do business or manage investments and family matters, invest time or money. Perhaps you’ll find a niche or a hole to fill, have a special announcement to make, or find yourself at an unexpected advantage (one person’s loss is another’s gain.) April 20 – 26 puts it all in place; can bring an award, reward, special recognition or hefty contract; you could reach a pinnacle of professional or personal success, or come to significant accord or conclusion. Travel for business is very profitable; relocation for studies or a new lifestyle can also be a wise move. A new love or passion could change everything.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
Start of the month is breakthrough time. Mercury’s entrance into Aries April 2, could find you surpassing a personal, emotional, or financial challenge – perhaps it’s one that you have struggled with for sometime. Saturn’s transit through Virgo (begun in September, 2008 and lasting until October of 2009) receives support from both Pluto and Jupiter this year, which suggests you can make great headway for yourself. Present efforts will produce significant results. Saturn and Pluto loan you added stamina and suggests now is the right time to pit yourself against a challenge. Face yourself squarely and get a handle on your shortfalls, don’t let them rule your life. Looking to the bigger picture, plan to be “there” by your next birthday. September stars offer a great platform from which to build. You will want to make the most of this upcoming new cycle and it is important to set the stage now. Looking to your short-range goals, the facilitating Full Moon April 20 can bring significant achievement and results. April 20-22 favors contracts, legal matters, finances, education, travel, romance, and social opportunity. You could be picked out of a crowd and/or receive special attention. Luck runs especially high, buy a lottery ticket or put your name in a draw.
LIBRA (Sept.23 – Oct.22)
It’s time for you to establish tighter boundaries and to make sure others recognize you as a force to reckon with. Aries month highlights the contrast between what you need and what you actually get. Be selfish, it could do you some good (within reason of course.) Positively, Venus and Mercury in Aries can find you charged about a new love interest or partnership proposal (business or personal.) When your interest is peaked, don’t sit back, take the initiative, make the first move. If you feel threatened by the competition, know it’s an opportunity for you to improve your own game. With Mars and Uranus so activated, a new approach related to work or health regimes can generate well for you too. New tools, technologies, or support systems are also a big plus, especially when they save you time or money. The Full Moon April 20 can bring a financial matter to completion (a new home, a divorce settlement, an outstanding debt, tax reporting, a professional contract.) The weekend could also bring a special occasion or event (a wedding, a funeral.) While big steps may be undertaken, know that things are likely to transpire quite smoothly. Commitments or pacts made bode well for your long-term benefit.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
The planetary backdrop continues to bless you with advantage, opportunity, and an astute sense of how you can make the most of it all. Still, Aries month can find you challenged with disruptions, requirements, or expectations that can add pressure where you feel most vulnerable. Your desk or work environment could be somewhat of a battlefield; then again, Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries could busy you with new projects, products or work. You can be easily over-extended, it’s important to be aggressive re any health issues or concerns. When you meet up with an issue, jump on it sooner rather than later. Keeping an eye to your long-term benefit, aim for a cut and dry swift resolution. Luck runs especially high April 20 – 22; the Full Moon April 20 is especially fortuitous for new undertakings and for gaining attention from your adoring fans. Expectant parents can look forward to an especially smooth go of things. It’s also a terrific getaway weekend, especially for lovers and performers. When you meet someone new, you’ll feel like you have known them for lifetimes (you have.) Travel, romance, social opportunity, promotional activities, and contract deals are favored through April 30.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 – Dec. 21)
Saturn and Pluto have been helping you to achieve a level of stability and consistency. Whether you like it or not, you have been able to stay put and maintain. If you have felt locked in or held up, you won’t feel it for long. Pluto’s retrograde turn April 2 along with the progress of Mercury and Venus into Aries refuels you with plenty of ambition, passion and initiative. Momentum builds from the New Moon to Full; April 6 – 11 finds you compelled to veer off in a new direction; new activities and interests keep you busy. Aries month highlights new romantic, creative, recreational and entrepreneurial potentials. You are likely to find yourself more physically active too; sports enthusiasts are particularly up and at ‘em this month. The Full Moon April 20 finds you aiming to create more effectiveness and efficiency. It can bring you to a new level in your work or healing process, or bring a time of agreements and contract signings. A secret exposed, or something previously hidden or undercover can alter your course. Address the outstanding or remaining issues and tie up the loose ends (taxes & financial matters, work, duty, responsibilities, obligations, your personal process or health concerns.) The earth trine of Saturn, Pluto and the Sun says workable solutions can be found; fix-it programs or repair work can be well timed/put everything back on track. The month ahead can also put a spotlight on children (supporting their growth, independence and/or new interests), on child rearing (perhaps it’s time to try it a new way), or on the responsibilities of single parenting (the stars suggest you can excel in this regard.)
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Pluto’s entrance into your sign will thrust you into an empowerment overhaul and there’s likely to be no stone left unturned. This transit is especially potent if you are born around Dec 22. If you are born at the tail end of the sign, you still have a significant way to go (but of course, you’ll also have an extended window of opportunity to create your internal and external evolution in a more controlled and self-directed fashion.) The circumstances of past two months have made you better informed. Now, as Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn (starting April 2 – through mid June), you’ll find yourself readdressing your ambitions and motives; along with this process comes new impetuous and resolve. This is a key time to reformulate your self-image/relationship with yourself, which includes revamping your physical appearance and creating change in your home too. The New Moon, April 5 can find you busy with new developments in the home or with family. Cohabitating or moving into new digs can certainly keep you well occupied. Your new attitude will serve you well re partnership and relationship issues. By the Full Moon April 20, a declaration or announcement can be well timed. You will have reached your mark, or you will decide to set yourself free. Mars and Uranus suggest an important and liberating breakthrough, things can move along surprisingly well, perhaps even better than expected. On another note, the Full Moon weekend could dish up a delightful social occasion and an opportunity to reconnect and/or network. If there is something new in your bag of tricks, offer it up. It’s likely to be an instant winner for you. April 22 – 28 continue to be action packed and are successful undertaking days.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
A busy month lies ahead. Aries month can create more mobility, both in thought as well as in action. Whatever has been brewing behind the scenes (including suppressed emotions or buried resentments) can become more visible too. As the days grow longer, you’ll get more physically active and find yourself connecting more socially too. The New Moon April 5 brings a great time to make new inroads or plans, and to sign up for fitness or sports programs. Check out what’s new and keep yourself informed and updated. The Full Moon could deliver a change a re health or work related matters, if the plug is suddenly pulled in one area, it’s good to have a back up plan already in the works. Change is good, in fact it can wonderfully beneficial/lucrative. Spontaneity can deliver for you very well. Jump in when you feel inspired, and when you feel the need to be outspoken, take your best shot – faster progress is your net gain. The Full Moon is sure to move you in a new direction, and it’s one that ultimately puts you on the plus side, especially where investments are concerned. If you have to renew terms, commitment or contracts, take advantage of the lowered rates or discounts, and choose long term.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Mercury and Venus will continue to keep you ambitious as they move out of your sign and into Aries. You’ll find yourself to be even more resourceful and driven. Pluto’s turn to retrograde on April 2, can make you zero in on the negatives or minus column, but if it motivates you to a clean up project (re relationship or financial matters, or your internal process), then the stars are doing their job. The New Moon April 5 can ignite a new chapter re romance or the money game. Greater security is the aim, but boring or routine is not part of your preferred repertoire, nor a statement of who you are. You are sure to feel game for risk taking and nicely, opportunity is all around you. Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter will keep your prospects nicely fired up from mid month on. In fact things are sure to get especially exciting around the event filled Full Moon weekend, April 20 -22. Watch for a special match to strike, or for a terrific winning streak. An award or important news could come your way too. Money markets could fluctuate wildly and then stabilize. This is also a fantastic weekend to enjoy a getaway, for romance, business, education/enlightenment, or simply for pure pleasure. (Vegas anyone?