Thank you for your interest in classes. Due to my busy writing schedule and client practice, I am on an indefinite hiatus from teaching…
Taught via Webinar & In-Person Classes
Session 1:
The Basics of Evolutionary Astrology,
Natal Chart Interpretation
Segments 1 & 2, (12 Weeks),
Session 2:
Sexuality, Relationships and Interpretation Practice:
Segments 3 & 4 (12 Weeks)
Session 3:
Progressions, Transits, Returns
Segment 5 (6 Weeks)
Fees: $600.00 for each 12 week session (Session 1, Session 2); $300.00 for Session 3 (6 weeks)
**There is an additional cost for those interested in Certification (includes homework and mentoring). Please contact Rose for additional info.
Please contact me if you want to request this special consideration.
Course Outline
SESSION ONE: (12 weeks) Discussion of the Soul’s evolution through separating and returning desires, evolutionary intent, necessity, and karmic requirement; an examination of the various Evolutionary States of Consciousness and the recognizable characteristics of each tier within each of these states.
An in-depth discussion of the 12 fold cycle of the zodiac: each sign and corresponding sign polarity will be discussed first from the perspective of its purest archetypal expression (natural law). Secondly, we will discuss how the storehouse of subconscious conditioning patterns, developed through the experiences of both the contemporary life and previous lives, color the archetypes, adding complexities that drive and/or undermine our behaviour responses. We will also engage in an in-depth discussion of Planetary Aspects and Phasal Relationships.
The Jeffrey Wolf Green Step-by-Step Method of Chart Interpretation: this methodology offers a specific criterion for analyzing the Soul’s core evolutionary intentions for the current life, starting with an analysis of Pluto and the nodal axis (in relationship to Pluto and Pluto’s polarity point), by sign, house, planetary aspects, and phasal relationships. Chart examples will be used to in order to demonstrate this unique system of chart evaluation.
SESSION TWO: (12 weeks)
Sexuality and Relationships
Following a brief review of Session 1, this session will focus on the Soul’s evolution through relationships. Synastry and Composite chart interpretation will be covered. Students will have the opportunity to learn through in-class chart practice.
SESSION THREE: (6 weeks)
Current Influences and Dynamic Interpretation Tools:
The Study of Progressions, Transits, and Return Chart Methods.
This session will focus on the evolving potentials unlocked through the contemporary stellar influences. In addition to natal and relationship work, we will also be discussing the social advances and evolutionary potentials regarding the collective experience.
Internet access, webcam capacity (& passion for study) is all you need to sign up…
The JWG Method
Introductory Class:
~~The 12 Archetypes & the Evolutionary Astrology Perspective~~
This six week course will provide an in-depth examination of the twelve sign archetypes through the perspective of evolutionary astrology. How does the soul grow, what does the soul need, desire, intend? Our discussion of the twelve archetypes will examine their pure and natural expression, and also their expression through the complex workings of the conditioned consciousness, which colours behaviour responses.
This introductory webinar course, which is suitable for the novice, beginner, or advanced astrology student, will qualify toward the 30 week Evolutionary Astrology School program, (schedule tba).