Happy New Year!!
The first quarter of 2025 is dominated by Mars, then Venus, on retrograde tours, but rather than holding up action, the stars keep us well immersed in their various mandates.
What an exceptional, threshold crossing year lies ahead! One that is unlike anything we have experienced previously. Of the five outer planets, three make introductory sign changes, one has already made the change, and one makes its annual sign change. That adds up to all of the outer planets heading onto new initiatives in 2025!
Here is the list:
Pluto in Aquarius (20-year transit) already begun.
Neptune: (14-year transit) previews Aries: March 30 – October 22:
Saturn: (2 ½ year transit) previews Aries: May 24 – September 1:
Uranus: (7-year transit) previews Gemini: July 7 – November 7:
Jupiter: (annual sign change) transits Cancer: June 9 (to June 29, 2026)
Neptune and Saturn will dip back into Pisces, and Uranus will revisit Taurus before the head into their full-term residencies in 2026.
As the signature signposts of the times, we will feel this planetary shuffle at every level of existence. The outer planets map the history of our existence and describe the key features of collective evolution and the generations. They also map individual (bigger picture) evolution and key life passages.
To some extent we are already alert to the workings of Pluto and Uranus. Still, so much of the future is unclear and guesswork at best. What can we expect when both Saturn and Neptune cross the threshold out of Pisces and into Aries? Out of (seemingly) nothing comes something, comes everything. The unseen but on brew hits the fast track into reality.
In addition to the planets, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) also turns the page. As of January 12, they launch an 18-month transit through the Virgo/Pisces sign axis. The lunar nodes are an 18/19-year cycle. Think back and you may recognize a bookend circumstance or similarity between the transitions of that time and now.
The first quarter of 2025 is dominated by Mars, then Venus, on retrograde tours, but rather than holding up action, the stars keep us well immersed in their various mandates.
Mars turned retrograde on December 6 in the sign of Leo. On January 6, Mars will backtrack into Cancer to complete the retrograde tour in this sign on February 23.
Venus, takes a retrograde tour from March 1 to April 13 (starts in Aries, backs into Pisces). Mars takes a retrograde tour every two years. Venus takes a retrograde tour every 18 months. Typically, there is a time margin (several months, half a year or more) between the two retrograde cycles. This year, there is only 5 days. Mars is the planet of action and desire. Venus is the planet of attraction and essential relationship needs; it is the planet of self worth and net worth. That both take retrograde tours one right after another suggests relationship evolution is on an acceleration track (self to self included) through the middle of April (and into May). Both Mars retrograde and Venus retrograde set up an important time for a personal regroup. Once you get yourself better sorted out, you can engage with the world around you and call forth in a more fruitful way.
Additionally, Mars is in the middle of an important negotiation with Pluto, the Great Transformer. The duo have been sparing since late October/early November. On January 2, Mars opposes Pluto for the second of three passes (Nov 3, January 2, April 26). Each one of their meetings hold distinction. The first pass happened just 2 days before the USA election, at the very last degree in the signs of Cancer/Capricorn. That transit marked a culminating and seeding threshold. On January 2, Mars is retrograde in Leo in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. This set a cut-to-the-chase backdrop for a significant breakthrough, an awakening, enlightenment, and liberation (could be tied to a divorce, a severing of ties, a freedom bid or a fresh spark lit.) The start of the year also sets a backdrop for opportunity, a fresh discovery, stroke of genius, and twist of fate. (The fate of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the federal Liberal party are currently hanging by bare threads.)
Mars reaches the halfway peak of its retrograde tour on January 15. Whether subtle or obvious, from this point forward comes a shift regarding the integration, implementation, and activation process. Encompassing an opportune full moon in Capricorn on January 13, January 12 to 19 can the high point of January for accomplishment, results, gains, solidifying, cementing, cashing in, or launching fresh initiatives. The last week of the month is good for action too. Coinciding with the end of Uranus retrograde on January 30, the sun’s trine to Jupiter ends the month on an upswing.
Mercury in Capricorn, January 8 to 27, sets a good backdrop for good think through, organization and accomplishment. Mercury in Capricorn also sets good timing on your side. January 12 to 19 is action peak of the month. To start the week, Mars/Neptune (trine) keeps it flowing well. This transit increases receptivity (both ways). It can keep you creatively, spiritually, or romantically inspired, open, and hopeful. (It can increase sensitivity and vulnerability too, so put added attention toward guarding your health and wealth.)
The full moon in Cancer (Jan 13) is accompanied by sun/Uranus (trine) and Venus/Jupiter (square, Jan 14). In combination, this first half of the week sets a backdrop for significant progress or gain. January 15, sun/Mars (opposition) mark the halfway peak of the Mars retrograde cycle. You can feel this shift as a subtle undercurrent or in a more obvious way as Mars now moves beyond the developmental or outline half and into the implementation/sorting out portion of the retrograde cycle. Once onto the second half of the week, Uranus/Juno (opposition, January 16) pushes the refresh button on contracts (karmic, actual), likely with new terms/additions. January 18, Venus/Saturn (conjunction) are on a finishing or goal reaching track while sun/moon (trine) keep the action well orchestrated. Well timed for the USA Inauguration, the sun is on a fresh power surge from January 19 to 21 (The sun enters Aquarius on January 19 and builds to an exact conjunction with Pluto on January 21). The last week of January finishes the month on an upswing, with the end of Uranus retrograde and the sun’s trine to Jupiter on January 30.
February is an opportune month to go with the flow, to ease into it and to stay open-ended. At the same time, allow yourself to explore potentials and to take full advantage of the moment. As of March 1, Venus in Aries begins retrograde. (Venus backs into Pisces March 28 to finish the retrograde in this sign on April 13.)
March also hosts two eclipses (March 14, total lunar; March 29 partial solar), another Mercury retrograde cycle (March 15 – April 7) and our first introduction to Neptune in Aries (March 30 to October 22).
April opens with both Mercury (to April 7) and Venus (to April 13) retrograde in Pisces. The month can start with uncertainty, but it certainly will not end that way! Mars in Leo completes with Pluto (last opposition) on April 26. Plan on full steam ahead from the middle of April through the middle of June. The action does not stop there, it simply shifts onto a next phase. I will write and speak on the year ahead in greater detail soon. In the meantime, for your individual forecasts, I have covered January and touched on the year ahead.
January 13, Full Moon in Cancer, 3:23 pm (23:59 Cancer)
January 29, New Moon in Aquarius, 5:35 am (9:51 Aquarius)
January 11: Nodal Axis sign change, 3:02 pm (North Node Pisces, South Node Virgo)
January 2: Venus enters Pisces: 8:23 pm
January 3: Vesta enters Scorpio:
January 6: Mars retrograde revisits Cancer: 3:43 am
January 8: Mercury enters Capricorn: 3:29 am
January 11: Eris in Aries ends retrograde: 00:12 am
January 19: Sun enters Aquarius: 12:59 pm
January 27: Mercury enters Aquarius: 7:52 pm
January 30: Uranus in Taurus ends retrograde: 8:22 am
**Please note all times listed are PST, please check your local time
Dates to watch: Jan 2, 3, 6, 7 – 9, 12 – 21, 23 -25, 27, 29, 30.
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Mars retrograde in Leo kicks off the new year in opposition to Pluto, the Great Transformer (January 2, 3). This enlightening and enriching Mars/Pluto transit serves to move you past an internal conflict and onto a personal breakthrough of significance. Progressively, you will gain a greater understanding of how complex, how deep, and how inter-connected it is in scope. When personal will and soul will conflict, the latter will always win. (Pluto will always create/insist on evolution that is meaningful and purposeful. It will not let you off the hook with the tough stuff, but it will support your growth.) This Mars/Pluto recalibration transit has been in the works since the fall and will continue to occupy center stage through the spring. To the plus, Pluto’s transit through Aquarius (recently begun, lasting for the next 20 years) sets a creative opportunity backdrop for your Aries sun to shine brighter.
As of January 6, Mars retrograde revisits the sign of Cancer. The action is on home, family, real estate, attachments, and matters to do with safety, security, caretaking, and the past. Mars in emotional Cancer heightens sensitivity, empathy, and the subconscious. The transit will keep you consumed with your day to day and with feeling your way along through the internal response track through the end of the retrograde tour (February 23). Better quality self care is top priority for this Mars transit. For the several months, Mars keeps you exploring and hunting for your best options. You can feel it, but you might not see it just yet – fresh potentials are out there for the taking.
January 8 to 27, Mercury, on tour through work-oriented Capricorn, assists you to be more efficient with your time and effort. It is a good feeling when you get a better handle on priorities, when you begin to see the results of better organization and control. Encompassing an opportune full moon in Cancer (January 13), the week of January 12 – 18 can keep you on a good roll. It is the peak of the month to set wheels in motion and/or break new ground. Take advantage of good timing. The stars set an optimal backdrop for synchronicity, growth and opportunity, a breakthrough, attainment, gain, and results.
For the past eighteen months, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) has put the spotlight on relationships (social, personal, self to self). As of January 12, the karmic axis will shift gears (to Virgo/Pisces). The next 18 months moves you through a transition phase. Improvement, healing, clarity, and simplification is the task that is set before you. To accomplish the task, an elimination process comes first. As you work your way through to the other side, you will uncover the wealth of fresh potential that awaits you.
The month ends on the upswing. To top it off, January 30 host the end of Uranus retrograde and a fortuitous sun/Jupiter trine.
As the year progresses, several major planets make introductory sign changes: Neptune into Aries, March 30, Saturn into Aries, May 24, and Uranus into Gemini on July 7. (Jupiter changes sign every year. On June 9, Jupiter begins a one-year tour of Cancer). Expect this year and next to place you at the start of so much more to come. So much can spring to (new) life. This is especially so if your birthday falls on or near March 19. Over the coming months, (and the next few years too), there are many firsts and threshold crossings awaiting you.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
The start of the new year sets a backdrop for a significant personal breakthrough. That could happen through a sudden insight or download, or through circumstance. On January 2 Mars, in retrograde this time, opposes Pluto for the second of three passes. This acceleration track began late Oct/early November and continues through the end of April/beginning of May.
Change begins with you. It begins inwardly first. An awareness raising transit, Mars retrograde (Dec 6 to Feb 23) is a time to examine how you go about seeking personal fulfilment. Mars retrograde calls upon you to reflect more on how you operate, and to make whatever change and improvement is necessary. Mars retrograde aims to put you better in touch with that which can increase your success, satisfaction, and reward ratio. As of January 8, Mars will backtrack into Cancer. It will finish the retrograde tour in this sign on February 23. Mars retrograde in Cancer sharpens your perception and response instincts. You will absorb/retain more from your reading, studies, conversations, and daily interactions, perhaps more than you are consciously aware of. During the retrograde cycle, you will have a talent for instant recall when it serves your purpose or the moment. Also, what you experience during this Mars retrograde cycle will forge an imprint that will continue to inform you for the next couple of months (and longer). This platform building time sets a foundation or a springboard for progress/your next page.
As of January 12, the karmic axis (nodal axis) begins an 18-month transit through the Virgo/Pisces polarity. What is on your bucket-list that you have not yet accomplished or tackled? Have you reached your potential yet? Has it? Is there something missing? For the next 18 months, the karmic axis aims the spotlight toward improvement, healing, correction, and toward filling in the missing blanks. It is a time to explore and to tap fresh potential. The karmic axis can keep you on a search for higher purpose, your true calling, or a path of service. Your spiritual quest could lead you to the seeking of greater relationship with the divine, or to seek a deeper, richer, heart to heart/soul to soul connection with a special someone (could be a lover, a child, or a special past life connection/recall.)
Mercury in Capricorn, January 8 to 27, sets a backdrop for good think through, better organization and accomplishment. Mercury in Capricorn also sets good timing on your side.
January 12 to 19 is action peak of the month. To start Mars/Neptune (trine) keeps it flowing well. This transit increases receptivity (both ways). It can keep you creatively, spiritually, or romantically inspired, open, and hopeful. (It can increase sensitivity and vulnerability too, so put added attention toward guarding your health and wealth.) The full moon in Cancer (Jan 13) is accompanied by sun/Uranus (trine) and Venus/Jupiter (square, Jan 14). In combination, this first half of the week is prime for significant progress or gain. January 15, sun/Mars (opposition) mark the halfway peak of the Mars retrograde cycle. You can feel this shift as a subtle undercurrent or in a more obvious way. Mars now moves beyond the developmental or outline half and into the implementation/sorting out portion of the retrograde cycle. Once onto the second half of the week, Uranus/Juno (opposition, January 16) pushes the refresh button on contracts (karmic, actual), (with new terms or additions). January 18, Venus/Saturn (conjunction) are on a completion or goal-reaching track while sun/moon (trine) keep the action well orchestrated. Well timed for the USA Inauguration, the sun is on a fresh power surge from January 19 to 21 (The sun enters Aquarius on January 19 and builds to an exact conjunction with Pluto on January 21).
The last week of the month sets a good backdrop for upgrades, personal reinvention, fresh opportunity, and fresh page initiatives. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27 and meets with Pluto (by conjunction) on January 28. Uranus ends retrograde on January 30 with a sun/Jupiter (trine) blessing.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Pluto’s lengthy transit through Aquarius will take you a future that you cannot (fully) see or fathom now. When you look back, you may say that this transit introduced you to some of the best, most opportune, or most life altering years of your life. This can be especially so in the years that Uranus in Gemini forms good angle (trine) to Pluto (to 2028/2029). July to the start of November can give you a preview of the energy and opportunity of this planetary pairing.
Right now, there is a Mars/Pluto (opposition) transit underway. This work in progress began at the end of October/beginning of November and extends through the end of April/beginning of May. Each of the three meetings between these two planets hold distinction. (The first pass, at the very last degree of Cancer/Capricorn, marked both a completion threshold and a potent seeding for the future. (The future point reference both the short term, i.e., May forward, and long term, i.e. 2026 and beyond.)
On January 2, Mars in Leo is retrograde while in exact opposition to Pluto. This transit trigger serves to uncover something that may have been previously overlooked or discounted. Too, it can awake something inside of you that has not yet tapped its full potential or time is ripe moment. By January 6, Mars retrograde will revisit Cancer. This is an excellent transit for tuning in, for developing and resourcing your finer sensory apparatus, especially that of your empathic and intuitive skills. Mars retrograde in Cancer calls for you to feel your way along to what is most valuable and worthwhile. Watch for inklings, emotional responses, premonitions, or synchronistic moments to inform you. (Also on January 6, Mercury/Neptune can expose or reveal something that you have not clued into yet).
Along with the sun in Capricorn, Mercury tours this sign from January 8 to 27. Both help you to think and act in a more methodical or practical way. There is wisdom in slowing down and taking your time, especially when the risks you take or decisions you make are ones you will live with for some time.
As of January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) moves into an eighteen-month transition cycle that keeps you focused on refining, on surpassing blocks (emotional or actual), and eliminating what stands in the way of personal or career ambitions and progress. The focus is on renovation projects (all levels) and on improving the quality re home living, family life, health, or healing mandates. Along the way, this transit can dissolve judgement patterns or assist you to work through the knots of past conditioning.
January 12 to 19 hosts several opportune planetary aspects that can see you accomplish or gain. Also, this week could move you (or springboard you) onto a next page or more profitable track. The sun enters Aquarius on January 19. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27. Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) ends retrograde on January 30. Ending the month on an upswing, on this same day, sun/Jupiter (trine) and Venus/Juno (trine) set an opportunity backdrop for exploration, marketing, travel, fresh initiatives, speculative ventures, and for contract matters.
Come spring and summer, several planets are on introductory sign advances. Both Neptune (March 30 to Oct 22) and Saturn (May 24 to Sept 1) visit Aries, Uranus previews Gemini (July 7 to Nov 7) and Jupiter begins its one-year tour of Cancer on June 9. In combination, these transits set you on the fruition threshold of a next life chapter. It is one that sets a backdrop for cashing in on the work you have done to date. A fresh career and new lifestyle potentials await you.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
The start of January could trigger a personal breakthrough. You could surpass a hurdle, gain a sudden insight, or stumble upon a fresh opportunity. January 2, Venus enters Pisces and Mars/Pluto form the second of three oppositions. Underway since late October/early November and continuing through the spring, this Mars/Pluto cycle sets up an acceleration track regarding a significant change of lifestyle. This encompasses your health or physical status, investments, material or financial matters, and a significant relationship.
January 6, Mars retrograde backtracks into Cancer. It will remain in your sign through the end of retrograde (February 23) and through to April 17. Think back to September of 2024. That is when Mars first entered your sign and launched the track that is currently in the works. By the middle of June, you will be more fully settled into the new groove. It does not stop there. One thing after another, summer through early fall will continue to keep introducing you more new avenues and options. By fall and through the end of the year, you should find life is in good flow, that you are on an easier, smoother sail.
January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) launches a next 18-month cycle. Over this time, you will gain better clarity on what improvements are necessary and worthwhile, what potentials are real and viable. You will get better clarity on the work, research, study, and/or healing that is necessary to undertake. If you want more room at the top, you will have to clear more away. Some things and some people will take an exit out of your life. Mostly, it is a natural progression.
January 12 to 19 holds good prospect for breaking new ground and for moving forward. There is a potential for gain, increase, or accomplishment. Accompanied by sun/Uranus (trine), the full moon in Cancer on January 13 can make it real in a definitive or cementing way. It is an auspicious time to sign a contract or to launch a new venture.
January 19 through the end of the month keeps the action and momentum on a lively track. The sun’s trine to Jupiter on January 30 ends the month on an upswing.
There is still more uncertainty, backtracks, too many variables floating around, more dismantling or relinquishing to be done, but by the middle of June, you can feel at the start of finding your way clearer, and onto a straighter track forward. The hold-up or holding pattern gives way so that you can find the way back to sure foot again. Starting June 9 (to June 29, 2026) Jupiter in Cancer puts you at the start of your next 12-year learning curve and growth cycle. It can be time to move in a new direction. Regarding career, creative enterprise, a family status, or big lifestyle change, Jupiter in Cancer will support you to get your new trajectory up and running, one that can keep your life on the upswing for the next 3 to 6 years (and more).
LEO July 22 – August 22
On January 2, Mars retrograde will oppose Pluto for the second of three passes. Each of the three passes hold distinction from each other. The first alignment which took place just a couple of days before the USA election, happened at the very last (anaretic) degree of Cancer/Capricorn. It triggered an especially potent completion and seeding moment for the collective journey and for personal lives too. This Mars/Pluto actualizing agenda (a “force the envelope” battle between personal will and soul will) extends in a front-and-center way from October/November through April/May.
The second opposition alignment (on January 2) takes place while Mars in Leo travels in retrograde motion. If you are born on or near July 23, you can feel the catapulting or life-altering affect of this transit in a full force, full thrust way. This transit could completely revamp the way you create, engage, and actualize. Watch for new Instincts and impulses to trigger in a (potentially much) different way you would typically respond or act. You could gain a fresh insight, into yourself, into them or it. As of January 6, Mars retrograde will take an exit out of Leo and revisit Cancer. It will finish the retrograde tour in this sign on February 23. Mars retrograde in Cancer is a time for feeling your way along fresh potentials, new concerns, and circumstances. Aim to nurture new projects and prospects, to put better safeguards in place, and to get more secure before you take the next step or go full tilt. Keep working on it and keep it under wraps until mid April. Between now and then, Venus retrograde, another Mercury retrograde, and a couple of eclipses will make their contributions to the evolving circumstance. It will be important to allow these transits to deliver their goods, and to incorporate their offerings before Mars returns to Leo (April 17 to June 17) and places you on full steam ahead. (Note, Mars hits the midpoint peak of the retrograde cycle on January 15. You can feel this momentum shift in a subtle or an obvious way.)
On January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) begin an 18-month tour of Virgo/Pisces. This marks a transitional period for clearing away that no longer serves, for moving between an ending and a beginning, and for tending to a loose-end or unfinished business (of this life and/or past lives). At the same time, significant potential is on brew. This karmic axis cycle can set a backdrop for finding a calling/your life’s purpose, or your destiny. It can be a time when you feel called to realign with your soul, to embark upon a spiritual quest, or to seek your heart’s true love in a total immersion way. The next eighteen months marks a gain access or development period. The following eighteen months can bring you to a time of attainment, realization, and fruition.
Several planets are on introductory sign changes in 2025. Neptune (14-year transit) previews Aries, March 30 – Oct 22; Saturn (2 ½ year transit) previews Aries, May 24 – Sept 1; Uranus (7-year transit) previews Gemini, July 7 – Nov 7. Jupiter begins its one-year tour of Cancer on June 9 (to June 29, 2026). The collective will feel this planetary shuffle at every level. You will feel the fresh energy impulses and activations on a personal level if you are born on or near July 23. Look to the first quarter of the year as a get your bearings straight time, and the end of March through the fall as a spring forward/test the waters time. By 2026, you will be fully onto your next life chapter.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Despite Mars on a retrograde tour, 2025 does not waste time setting its agenda in motion. Kicking it off, January 2, Mars/Pluto form the second of three oppositions. Self and soul have working through competing objectives since late October/early November. January 2 (or the days nearby) can trigger an insight or shift of perspective that accelerates the conversation and collaborative process. This Mars/Pluto realignment initiative extends to late April/early May. By then, you should feel you are better resolved, that you have a clearer sense of your better options and how to navigate the way forward.
Venus tours Pisces from January 2 to February 3. This transit can keep you completely submerged wherever you are. It sets a good backdrop for going with the flow and easing your way along, for allowing inspiration, romance, or creativity a full reign. Venus in Pisces also sets a good backdrop for a vacation, a time out, or spiritual retreat. By the weekend of January 18, you can reach a completion, a fruition, or a solidification point regarding an aspiration or creative endeavour. This second half of the month is also a time to resurface and to get yourself plugged back in again.
Do the work, apply yourself, get the result. Both the sun (to January 19) and Mercury in Capricorn (January 8 to 27) assist you to stay ambitious, to maintain good control and to net your desired results. January 12 to 14 (and through to January 18) can be a time of recognition, accomplishment, or reward. The fruit bearing full moon in Cancer (January 13) puts synchronicity and good timing at peak.
On January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) leave Libra/Aries to be begin a next 18-month development track through Virgo/Pisces. It is time for you to work your way through your soul’s bucket list and to fill in the missing blanks, to review and get to work to improve how you show up for yourself in relationship. People and potentials that appear/feature in this 18-month period are those that you have something specific and karmic to revisit, rework, and to gain from. (That can become more obvious over time or in hindsight.)
January ends on the upswing. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27 and immediately aligns with Pluto, the great transformer. By January 30, Uranus in Taurus ends retrograde and the sun trines Jupiter. Expect to feel revitalized and to have plenty on the go, and to work toward.
Retrograde transits dominate the first quarter of 2025, but these transits do not keep you or life on hold. Expect to navigate your way through plenty of new terrain over the year ahead as several planets make introductory forays into new signs: Neptune in Aries (March 30 to October 22); Saturn in Aries (May 24 to September 1); Uranus in Gemini (July 7 to November 7). Jupiter leaves Gemini for a one-year tour of Cancer from June 9 to June 29, 2026. The best you can do for yourself is to find your center and to refortify that base. It will serve you well as you respond to life and its new options and mandates.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
On January 2, Venus, your ruling planet, begins a five-week tour of Pisces. This transit coincides with the start of the karmic axis (lunar nodes) on an exit of Libra/Aries and into Virgo/Pisces. Take your time to feel your way along, to entertain possibilities and potentials. Stay open-ended, go with the flow, allow for answers/the way forward to come of its own volition. Progressively you will gain better clarity. By January 18 onward, you can feel a sense of things shaping up in a more tangible way.
Also on January 2, Mars/Pluto meet for the second of three oppositions. This force-the-envelope, acceleration transit began late October/early November and extends through the end of April/early May. Self and soul are in a battle of wills. Each of the three alignments are distinct. The first marked a completion and seeding threshold. For the second alignment (Jan 2), Mars in Leo is on a retrograde tour. Weather the spark lights in a subtle or obvious way, watch for a light bulb to go off, for enlightenment, an awakening, inspiration, or sudden realization to trigger a switch track momentum. A few days later (on January 6), Mars retrograde will backtrack into Cancer. This shift directs the action toward a personal regroup and better self care. What do you need to rework to feel more safe and secure? Do you feel well nourished or nurtured? While Mars tours Cancer, greater consistency and a more secure foundation is the best place to direct your efforts. Family, home, and real estate matters consume priority attention too.
Along with the sun (to January 19), Mercury transits Capricorn from January 8 to 27. Both transits assist you to stay grounded, despite whatever pressure, grind, or uncertainty you face. Do not forget to give yourself the same level of support you give out to others. Capricorn transits call for better organization, practicality, and restraint where is serves you best. Aim to stay in the reasonable zone regarding what you can and cannot manage.
January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) end their 18-month tour of Libra/Aries to begin a next 18-month development track through the Virgo/Pisces polarity. This transit marks a transition time. For the next 18 months, this transit busies you with addressing unfinished matters (karmic and actual) and wrapping up loose ends. An elimination and relinquishing process moves to an acceleration track. While this experiential track is underway, potentials are progressively taking shape and proving their worth/validity in a more definitive way. The best way to play this transit is not to prejudge, but to allow the moment to reveal itself and to respond accordingly.
Mars will finish the retrograde cycle on February 23 and continue in Cancer until April 17. Venus takes a retrograde tour from March 1 – April 12. March also delivers another Mercury retrograde and a couple of eclipses. Despite the first quarter of the year being dominated by the retrograde transits, life will not place you on hold.
Three outer planets are on introductory tracks in 2024: Neptune in Aries (May 24 to Sept 1); Saturn in Aries (May 24 to Sept 1); Uranus in Gemini (July 7 – November 7). Additionally, Jupiter exits Gemini for its one-year tour of Cancer on June 9. If you are born on or near September 23, you can feel these planetary sign changes as a significant energy or momentum surge right out the starting gate. Saturn in Aries puts you under pressure to be a self starter, to show up in relationship (to the world around you and the people in it) in a leadership capacity or more independent way. A new initiative, career track, social life, or lifestyle is a move in the right direction.
The entire year ahead will keep you deeply submerged in the process of moving past the past and into your new reality. While there will be back and forth and fresh start gateways through out the year ahead, mid June takes you over a threshold of significance.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
The year ahead will pack in a lot of living. Three outer planets make introductory sign advances (Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus), one already has (that’s Pluto), and another makes its annual sign advance (that’s Jupiter). Adding to this list, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) also shift into a new polarity (out of Libra/Aries and into Virgo/Pisces).
To start, on January 2, Venus begins a five-week tour of Pisces. It sets an optimizing backdrop for creative and speculative enterprise, and for matters and people who claim your heart. (Venus in Pisces is also a good transit for enjoyments, vacationing, the spiritual quest, and for allowing for the natural flow to find its own watermark.)
Also on January 2, (and of primary importance) Mars opposes Pluto for the second of three alignments. Mars/Pluto have been holding sway as a force-the-envelope and/or an acceleration influence since late October/early November and will continue to stoke the agenda through late April/early May. Each of the three alignments are distinct. The first one happened just a few days before the USA election across the Cancer/Capricorn polarity. That pairing was both a culminating and seeding influence. On January 2, the opposition takes place in Leo/Aquarius, with Mars in retrograde motion. (For the last alignment, both planets will be travelling in direct motion across Leo/Aquarius.) Relevant to both your personal life/home life and your career/professional or public status, this second Mars/Pluto alignment could awaken something in you. It could trigger fresh insight, challenge, opportunity, expose something important, and/or fast-track you (or it) onto a completely altered course. Depending on how the transit aligns with your natal chart, the workings of this transit can be subtle or striking.
Mars first entered Leo on November 5 (election day). The retrograde cycle began on December 6 and continues to February 23. On January 6, Mars will backtrack into Cancer. It will finish the retrograde in this sign and extend its tour of Cancer to April 17. This Mars transit gives you an extended time to sort out priorities and to feel your way along to your better options. It also loans you access to substantial potential. Opportunity can shape up in a larger format way. Now through mid June sets an optimal backdrop for new initiatives, career development, reputation building (fame generating), contract undertakings (personal, professional, karmic) and for a lifestyle redesign.
While the sun (to January 19) and Mercury tour Capricorn (January 6 to 27), aim to stay practical, to keep it real, to manage your time and resources efficiently. Your effort (toward personal improvement) is a worthwhile cause. The full moon in Cancer (January 13) could set up an especially fruitful week of opportunity or accomplishment. (January 12 to 19 is the peak of the month for taking advantage of the moment, for getting it off the ground and/or netting results.)
January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) switch from the Libra/Aries polarity to Virgo/Pisces. This sets an 18-month transitional time that keeps you focused on learning the ropes/the parameters, and on continuous and necessary improvement. It is the time for studies and skills development, for exploring potential, and most importantly, for eliminating that which is weighing you down or challenging your progress. This includes any loose ends or unfinished business, with yourself (personal or health improvement mandates) or with others (actual and karmic in nature).
January 25 to 30 ends the month on an acceleration upswing. Take advantage of as much as you can while the opportunity presents itself and the getting is good.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
You could find yourself on a shift track, a breakthrough, or on the move as 2025 opens. Whether subtle or obvious, something of significance could give way, pop up or pop open for you. January 2, Venus enters Pisces (let it go/let it flow), and Mars/Pluto form an exact opposition angle. This Mars/Pluto push/pull alignment sets an acceleration agenda that began late October/early November and that continues through the end of April/beginning of May. Personal will and soul will continue to spar until the rough edges are smoothed out and the realignment is accomplished. Mars on retrograde tour through Leo (began on December 9) and Cancer (January 6 to February 23) assists this acceleration process. Through the end of the month and into next, you should find yourself further along. Watch for your inner tuning fork and empathic senses to sharpen and increase. The most worthwhile pursuits and potentials are the ones that appear/come forward most easily/naturally. Your capacity to relinquish and transcend sets you on a growth curve of significance.
The sun (to January 19) and Mercury (January 8 to 27) in Capricorn can keep you ambitious and assist you to get it under better control. Even so, you will need to work within the limits and dictates of what is achievable for now. Your current project or trajectory is a build up process that will develop in increments and stages. It is for you to appreciate the learning curve, that each step of the way has something of value to offer, to be fully explored and absorbed.
On January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) shift to the Virgo/Pisces axis. The next 18 months finds you in transition, between what was, what is, and what is progressively gaining ground. This next page backdrop will prompt a more active search for improvement and greater fulfillment. Your ambition could be directed toward a better aligned career path, or a better quality of life (better health and self care included). The next 18 months sets up an elimination and qualifying process that will assist you to uncover/unlock more of your potential. It could put you on the pathway toward the fulfillment of a life purpose, life’s dream, or your soul’s yearning. The process is one that requires additional training via the firsthand experiential trial-and-error track.
January 12 to 19 can be a week of opportunity and increase. The full moon in Cancer is accompanied by sun/Uranus (trine). Things can have a surprising way of falling into place and working out. It is an optimum full moon to take full advantage of the here and now, to start/launch something new, to take a risk, give it your best shot, to cement the deal or sign a contract. The end of the week wrap up bears the mark of a goal reached, or of good accomplishment and the ability to build from the success. The last week finishes the month on the upswing.
Shortly after Mars ends retrograde (on February 23), Venus embarks upon a 5-week retrograde tour. Venus tours retrograde from the start of March to mid April, through Aries and Pisces. March/April also delivers another Mercury retrograde and a couple of eclipses. Consider the first quarter of the year as a time to feel your way along and to make necessary adjustments and preparation. The end of March through May/June can be springboard time. Several outer planets are on introductory sign changes in 2025. If you are born on or near November 22 you will be among the first to download the fresh catalyst/fresh infusion influences. An activation/acceleration timetable is set from end of March through September/October by the following planets on sign changes: Neptune in Aries (March 30 – October 22); Saturn in Aries (May 24 to Sept 1); Uranus in Gemini (July 7 -November 7); Jupiter in Cancer (June 9 – June 29, 2026). Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus will back track through the end of the year. Past the first quarter of 2026, Saturn (2 ½ years), Neptune (14 years) and Uranus (7 years) will begin their respective long stay in their new signs. While 2025 can see you breaking significant new ground, it is still a transition year. By 2026 you will be fully over the threshold and into your next life chapter.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
The new year opens with Mars/Pluto (opposition) surpassing a pressure point that unlocks/unblocks a new realization, a shift of perspective, and/or a next step. No matter whether the effect of Mars/Pluto is subtle, sudden, or suddenly obvious, this transit sets wheels into accelerated motion. A three-phase process is underway that began late October/early November and extends to April/early May. January 2 transit places you at the next transition gateway.
On January 6, Mars retrograde revisits Cancer. It will finish the retrograde cycle on February 23 and continue in Cancer to April 17. Use this transit to feel your way along to what is in your best interests. Where to start? Prioritize self interests and personal needs. It is important to get yourself to a more secure and self-assured place before you can gain the desired traction regarding interactions with the world around you. It is a major work in progress, and it is all consuming. You will continue to navigate your way through transition and groundbreaking in the year ahead.
On January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) begins an 18-month tour of Virgo/Pisces. Over the next 18 months, you have significant job to do – to heal, correct, and improve. You will undergo a major clearing and elimination process that also incorporates an examination of your beliefs and inner narrative. This 18-month transit favours education, training, apprenticeship programs, developing a speciality or a niche market. On another note, some doors will close, and others will open. The trajectory of your life could change in a way that you did not foresee or consider as a viable option. For every “can’t,” there is a “can.” What does not come to fruition simply clears the way for something better to come along.
The sun and Mercury (January 8 to 27) in Capricorn infuse you with fresh fuel and set a backdrop for tackling the task at hand with good think through and good execution.
The full moon in Cancer (January 13) is accompanied by an opportune pairing of sun/Uranus (trine). The full moon could set up excellent timing or good news. A spark lit, new undertaking, or reinvention mandate could be the start of something quite opportune. Things could fall into place or get off the ground with good synchronicity. The week of January 12 to 19 is the highpoint of the month. It can be productive, profitable, and opportune. It does not stop there. The sun’s entrance into Aquarius (January 19) and alignment with Pluto (conjunction January 21) sets the shift gears action onto an acceleration track. The last week finishes the month on an upswing thanks to Mercury’s advance into Aquarius (January 27), Mercury/Pluto (conjunction January 28), the end of Uranus retrograde (January 30) and sun/Jupiter (trine, January 30).
The first quarter of 2025 is dominated by the retrograde tours of Mars (to Feb 23); Venus (March 1 to April 12); and Mercury (March 15 to April 7). All three are well used to check in with yourself, to evaluate, observe, to rework, and to get better prepared to hit the ground running in the second quarter of the year. If you are born on or near December 22, you can feel the fresh infusions of Neptune (March 30 – October 22) and Saturn (May 24 – Sept 1) in Aries, and Saturn/Jupiter (final square, June 15) in a direct, sudden, impetuous, or fast-track way. Jupiter begins a one-year tour of Cancer on June 9. Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus are on introductory visits to new signs in 2025. Consider these introductory transits as giving you an extended time to test pilot and acclimatize before setting in for the long haul. (Duration: Saturn in Aries, 2 1/2 years; Neptune in Aries, 14 years; Uranus in Gemini, 7 years.)
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
Pluto, the Great Transformer, is just at the beginning of its 20-year tour of your sign. Since the end of October/beginning of November, Pluto and Mars have been in a push/pull (opposition) angle. They represent the battle between personal will/desire (Mars), and soul will (Pluto). You can feel this transit as being under continuous (yet every changing) pressure (external/internal). Circumstances in play are forcing you to produce something new. That external force or pressure exists for your benefit. Once you are through this year and onto the coming years, you will see how the sooner rather than later mandate has served you well.
January 2 could produce an insight, a shift of perspective/plan, a sudden incentive, or something more. The Mars/Pluto (opposition) transit could cut you loose, plug you back in, or dish up something unexpected. Venus in Pisces (January 2 – February 3; March 27 to April 29) can dissolve barriers and put you better in touch (with your self, your soul, or another). It also stirs imagination, dreams, romance, spiritual aspirations, and potential. The January 2 Mars/Pluto transit is the second of three installments, but the first for their meeting across the Leo/Aquarius polarity. Mars retrograde in Leo helps you to recenter, to better attune to what is truly in your heart. (The heart is always the best place to start.)
As of January 6, Mars retrograde will revisit Cancer. It will finish the retrograde tour on February 23 in this sign, but Mars will continue in Cancer to April 27. The transit puts added emphasis on matters to do with work and health. Improvement mandates fall under two categories, necessary and desired. It can be time to find a new helper, advisor, or service provider. Efficiency and better time management are also important priorities. Ditch the time and money wasters and you will gift yourself with more leeway to relax, and to explore.
The sun (to January 19) and Mercury (January 8 to 27) in Capricorn help you to feel your around what potentials are real and worth the effort. Both transits keep you working behind the scenes and/or staying mostly out of sight. That will change mid month onward.
As of January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) advances to Virgo/Pisces. This marks the next 18 months as a transitional or set-up phase for the significant change that lies ahead. What is on your bucket list or wish list? It is a time to tend to unfinished matters and loose ends, to complete, to heal, to make adjustments and get started on improvements. There are things to be cleared away, missing keys to fill in, people to find (karmic recall), potentials to unlock/to tap. You can become more highly sensitized to energy fields around you and inside you too. You will tap in much deeper and find yourself very responsive to energy work and other healing modalities. This karmic axis transit could see you discover the wealth that exists inside of you (i.e. healing talents and creative skill sets from past lives). This year, next year, and the several following can help you to bring more of your natural gifts forward and out into the world.
The full moon in Cancer on January 13 is accompanied by sun/Uranus (trine) optimizing the right time and place. Things could come together and or springboard quite nicely. This full moon and full moon week (January 12 to 19) holds good prospect and profitability. You could reach a goal post, a milestone, or a starting gate that holds great potential. The last week of the month also holds better than average potential (especially January 28 to 30).
The first quarter of the year are dominated by Mars (to February 23) and Venus retrograde (March 1 to April 13). Both transits are helpful for sorting out what is in your heart, what and who is most worthwhile. There will also be another Mercury retrograde cycle (March 15 to April 7) and a couple of March eclipses to get through too. If you are uncertain regarding your next best options, take your time, feel your way along and do not allow fear or insecurity to guide your choices. Fresh opportunity will continue to present itself all year.
Several outer planets make introductory visits to new signs this year: both Neptune (March 30 to October 22) and Saturn (May 24 to Sept 1) visit Aries; Uranus gives us a first sampling of Gemini (July 7 to November 7), and on June 9, Jupiter leaves Gemini for its one-year residency of Cancer. Add that together, and to be sure, you will be exposed to new opportunities and trends. There are new things to explore, places to be, and faces to meet. 2025 sets the transition into play before we get to 2026 and beyond. Over the coming years, Pluto in Aquarius (and the rest of the planets) will radically reinvent your daily reality.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Don’t the holidays come and go quick? January 2, Mars/Pluto (opposition) sets you onto a next track. Even so, you might not be ready to get back to work just yet. How wonderful for you if you more vacation time off.
Mars/Pluto have been working their way through a push/pull dynamic since the end of October/beginning of November. You might welcome what life presents (and/or see yourself as gifted by circumstance) but also feel an undercurrent of trepidation as you move forward into the unknown. This work in progress will extend through the end of April/early May. Personal will (Mars) and soul will (Pluto) are at odds, but they are pushing forward their agenda in order to come into better alignment. The result is significant personal reinvention and fast-tracked change.
As of January 6, Mars retrograde will back into Cancer. It will finish the retrograde (on February 23) and continue in Cancer to April 17. Mars in Cancer increases your emotional responsiveness and your empathic abilities. It also keeps a wealth of inspiration, creativity, and potential on tap, especially thanks to the additional influences of Venus in Pisces (January 2 to February 3; March 27 to April 30) and Mars/Neptune (trine) continuing at peak through most of January and into the start of February. Mars/Neptune sets an optimal backdrop for spiritual practice/pursuits and for romance too.
The sun (to January 19) and Mercury (January 6 to 27) in Capricorn are well timed to set new goals. Do the work, gain the result. Ambition and effort can take ready shape. Both the sun and Mercury set a backdrop for personal or career success. Your reputation can cement and grow. The month ahead could or see you step into an official role, take on added responsibility, or be the one in charge. Look to the full moon in Cancer on January 13 and the week that follows (January 12 to 19) for good timing and for opportunity. Reality/your future can set into play in a lucrative, and potentially exciting way. January 19 can bring you to an end, but more importantly, to a beginning.
On January 12, the karmic axis (lunar nodes) advance out of Libra/Aries and into Virgo/Pisces. Expect to be fully submerged in your day to day, for life to be full to the brim for the next 18 months. There will be plenty of clearing away to tackle too (actual and karmic clearing). The unfinished work falls into the category of karmic recall and fruition. This karmic axis cycle accelerates the transition between your past and your future. Along the way you will come to realize how strong, how courageous, how dynamic you truly are. The spiritual warrior in you has been waiting for this curtain call. You will come to recognize that you need not ask for less when it is your divine right to ask for more. Your life – it is for the taking!
The first quarter of 2025 is dominated by Mars retrograde (to February 23) and Venus retrograde (March 1 to April 13). Both transits help you to reclaim self at center, to tap the wealth of resource that you came into this incarnation with.
Neptune, your ruling planet, takes an introductory dip into Aries (March 30 to October 22). It will revisit Pisces for one last time (October 22 to January 26, 2026) before it settles into its 14-year tour of Aries. Saturn (2 ½ year transit) will also take an introductory spin in Aries (May 24 to September 1) and then to finish out the year in your sign. Uranus makes an introductory visit to Gemini (July 7 to November 7). These three planets, plus Pluto freshly into Aquarius, and Jupiter’s annual sign change in June (from Gemini into Cancer), make for a busy year ahead. Out of nothing, comes something, comes everything. Expect a few spontaneous combustion moments in the year ahead. Aim to take your world by storm!
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose and Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at at 9 AM Pacific, noon Eastern on www.healthylife.net: