Venus begins a six-week retrograde tour on March 1. Mercury begins a three-week retrograde tour on March 15. Covering the same ground, both begin their retrograde tours in Aries and end in Pisces. Including pre and post their retrograde travel, Venus and Mercury will do a back and forth over Pisces and Aries twice. Water to fire, water to fire: from heating to cooling to heating again until the warm-up hits an optimal temperature. Potential is on heightened brew. This double back sets up a test drive period and allows added time to refine or redesign before heading onto the freeway.
March 13: Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: 11:54 pm (23:56 Virgo)
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse, (super new moon) in Aries: 3:57 am (9:00 Aries)
March 1: Venus in Aries turns retrograde: 5:35 pm
March 3: Mercury enters Aries: 2:03 am
March 14: Mercury stations retrograde: 11:46 pm
March 19: Juno stations retrograde: 10:59 am
March 20: Equinox, Sun enters Aries: 2:01 am
March 21: Vesta in Scorpio stations retrograde: 3:31 am
March 27: Venus retrograde revisits Pisces: 1:40 am
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries: 3:57 am
March 29: Mercury retrograde revisits Pisces: 7:17 pm
March 30: Neptune enters Aries: 5:00 am
**Please note all times listed are PST, please check your local time.
Dates to watch: March 1 – 3, 11 – 14, 19 – 24, 29, 30.
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Both Venus and Mercury turn retrograde this month. Of added note, (and rare), both will retrograde over the same degrees of Aries and Pisces. Both retrograde cycles will be of greater significance for you if your birthday is on or near March 30 to April 1. (Their impact is also dynamic for March born Aries folks).
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
There is more on the go than meets the eye. You are likely to be aware of an inner awakening or sense of knowing that is energizing inside of you. The process has been in the works for some time, and it will continue in active development over this next month or so. In fact, this metamorphosis will continue to hold sway over the whole year ahead. Some prospects and previously cherished goals are fading from view, while something fresh is on the rise. Even if you cannot explain it or see the whole picture just yet, you can feel it growing.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Venus retrograde (March 1 to April 12) can prompt a significant shift of perspective, attention, and/or momentum. Mercury retrograde (March 15 to April 7) backtracks over the same degrees as Venus retrograde does. This doubling up is quite rare and quite notable. Venus retrograde prompts a re-evaluation of how you feel. Mercury retrograde prompts a rethink. In other words, the intention behind both transits is to get head and heart on the same page.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
A new reality is in the works. It is one that has several stages to it. As of March 1, Venus begins a six-week retrograde cycle. As of March 15, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde cycle. Both transits cover the same ground. Both retrogrades start in Aries and finish in Pisces. This back and forth can help you get clearer on the prospects and efforts that are most worthwhile. You aren’t likely to waste much time on a test drive. If it is not viable, it will have a short shelf life. For the most part, results, answers, or a confirmation can be immediate. If uncertainty continues, just keep open-minded and open-ended. Wait for clarity to kick in. (Trust. It will.) Watch for circumstances to unfold and to dictate the play.
LEO July 22 – August 22
Have no expectation, stay open-ended, and take each moment as it comes. Venus in Aries turns retrograde on March 1 (to April 12). Pay close attention and you may notice fresh signals emanating from your instincts, impulses, and your heart. You could suddenly find yourself are heading in a different direction than expected. Mercury in Aries, starting March 3, can keep you quick on the pickup, especially through the first half of the month.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Venus begins a six-week retrograde tour on March 1. Mercury begins a three-week retrograde tour on March 15. Covering the same ground, both begin their retrograde tours in Aries and end in Pisces. The double-back influence can create a longer runway to the launch pad/starting gate, but there is an advantage to an extended test-pilot phase. The asset of any retrograde cycle is the opportunity to review, reassess, regroup, and renovate as is necessary or desired. Improvement, correction, and potential for healing are always the net gains of any retrograde cycle.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Venus in Aries begins a six-week retrograde tour on March 1. This planet travels retrograde with least frequency (every 18 months), but it is a feature transit to watch. Venus retrograde holds an especially strong magnetic potency that calls forth from the destiny pool. If the transit makes an important contact to your natal chart, you are likely to notice the influence of fate or karmic recall at play regarding circumstances and key relationships. Adding to this karmic recall cycle, starting March 15, Mercury takes a three-week retrograde tour over the same degrees (this is quite rare). Add to the mix a couple of eclipses (also signatures of destiny at work) and to be sure, the month ahead is absolutely stacked!
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Ample potential is on trigger. How it translates into the tangible and real is yet to be determined. In this regard, the next couple of months will be qualifying. On March 1, Venus begins a 6-week retrograde tour. On March 15, Mercury will begin a 3-week retrograde tour. Both retrograde transits start in Aries and end in Pisces. Both will cover the same degrees. This double pass in such close sequence is quite rare. Including two eclipses, plus Neptune into Aries (for the first time in 165 years!) this next month or so is sure to be an eventful time. So much so, it can alter the course of many lives.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
As of March 1, Venus begins a six-week retrograde tour. As of March 15, Mercury starts a three-week retrograde tour. Both transits begin in Aries and finish in Pisces, covering the same exact degrees (within a margin of 1 or 2 degrees). This double-up is a rare occurrence. Expect the month ahead and the next several to keep you consumed with a new phase of a specific project, circumstance, or relationship. You can find yourself well occupied with testing the waters and breaking new ground.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
The past three months have taken us through Mars retrograde. Next comes six weeks of Venus retrograde (March 1 to April 12) and three weeks of Mercury retrograde (March 15 to April 7). All retrogrades serve as an important reassessment and revision where necessary cycle. Venus retrograde is a particularly noteworthy transit as it sets up a potent magnetizing cycle that sets destiny and/or karmic recall into play in a central way. Often there is a sense of déjà vu or fated timing regarding the unfolding of relationships and circumstances. Venus retrograde calls forth the unfinished or unresolved, especially regarding relationships. In addition to the typical Murphy’s law effect that you can expect, Mercury retrograde turns the spotlight attention on something or someone specific (a key person, event, or circumstance).
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
For the past three months, Mars retrograde has kept you in observation mode, this regarding both your outer and inner worlds. Perhaps we have seen less of you. This retreat may have a variety of reasons, but overall, the Mars retrograde cycle is well used to re-center, to prioritize self-interests, and self-care. Mars ended retrograde on February 23. As of March 1, Venus (the other half of the relationship duo) begins a retrograde tour.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
There is a major transition happening now between a cluster of planets moving between Pisces and Aries. Thanks to their retrograde cycles, Venus (March 1 to April 12) and Mercury (March 15 to April 7) will be back and forth between these two signs twice each. You will feel the strongest effect of this harvesting, fruition, and karmic activation cycle if you are born March 17 – 19, or if your birthday falls on or near the super full moon, total lunar eclipse March 13/14.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Rose Marcus and Kristin Fontana discuss the month ahead on Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at 9 AM Pacific, noon Eastern time on
Link to Audio: Guiding Stars March Overview