Venus in Leo, June 6 to October 8, 2015
Venus is usually a fast mover through the signs, but due to her retrograde cycle, July 25 to September 6, 2015 we will have four months to develop a fresh rapport with the net-worth, self-worth planet through the Leo lens.
As the planet of money, assets, and resources, Venus is of significant influence regarding our material wellbeing. Depending on how the Venus transit moves through your chart, money can flow, or it can go.
As one half of the relationship duo, the Venus transit marks the next four months as a critical move-it-forward time regarding a specific relationship or few. The experience can occur at the social, one-on-one, and/or self-to-self levels. It is certainly a critical time for Greece and its relationship to its creditors.
As the planet of pre-existing needs and desires, the Venus transit sets us up for a karmic recall/re-examination of significance. As the planet of inner magnetism, attraction, and pheromones, Venus will now transmit a more dynamic invitation.
Through Venus, we tune in and we evaluate. That which we identify as valuable and meaningful establishes our inner vibration or energy field. This sourcing from within establishes our inner resonance and correspondingly, our outer magnetic and attractive energy field. The next several months will take us through a significant calling forth chapter in terms of our evaluations, our survival issues and needs.
What do you want, what do you need? We will now work our way through a four month acceleration track. Venus is a personal planet, but it is also pertinent to the social and collective experience. Greece’s financial predicament has been long in the works. It is a long overdue time for the USA to re-evaluate their gun laws. It is also a long over-due time for Canada to re-evaluate their political representatives. Campaigning is already underway for Canada’s federal fall election. The start of Venus in Leo has also put Donald Trump out on full show. Through mid November, Venus is also the ruler of the transiting north node, (one half of the karmic axis). This status also loans Venus’ activation greater potency.
Leo is a creator archetype. When Venus tenants Leo, the inner light of desire shines more brightly. We become more conscious of our wants and desires. We will seek to create, attain, and/or sustain that which now speaks to our heart in a more dynamic way. Venus in Leo is not satisfied with simply surviving. The impetuous is directed toward thrive, toward gaining more joy, pleasure, reward, love, and acknowledgment. Along with our increased sense of desire and deserving of all good things, Venus in Leo stokes the fire with added confidence, enthusiasm, optimism, and creative instinct.
Venus in Leo dishes up a good time to renew our love affair with self and with life. If you don’t have enough of the good stuff, this transit will prompt you to an inner search and retrieve. It will set the wheels in motion to awaken your sense of I deserve, which in turn launches the create-it process. When your sense of deserving is well-centered, a more fruitful stage is set for the calling forth of reward.
Venus is working its way through several levels/transits at the same time:
Through August 15, Venus completes the eighteen month manifesting and reality check cycle it began in January of 2014.
Starting August 14, Venus/Sun begins a fertile new eighteen month raising- consciousness/personal re-centering, and creative actualization cycle.
Aug 31 to November 2, Venus/Mars balsamic phase. (a culminating, seeding, and unlocking of potentials, cycle.)
- Venus/Jupiter conjunction: July 1, Canada Day; August 4; Oct 25.
– On July 1 and August 4, Venus conjoins Jupiter in Leo. On Oct 25, they’ll meet in Virgo.
- Venus/Uranus trine: June 28, Aug 19, Sept 22. (Venus in Leo, Uranus in Aries)
- Venus/Saturn square: July 13, Aug 5, Oct 10.
– On July 13 and Aug 5, Venus is in Leo, Saturn is in Scorpio. On Oct 10, Venus is in Virgo, Saturn is in Sagittarius
4. Venus/Mars conjunction: Aug 31 (Leo); Nov 2 (Virgo)
-Aug 31 to November 2, Venus is in balsamic phase to Mars (culminating; seeding; unlocking potentials)
Venus/Jupiter; Venus/Uranus; Venus/Saturn:
Although Venus is usually a fleeting transit, the aforementioned dates are imprint triggers for the bigger picture cycle. They mark when Venus/Jupiter (mobilizing) and Venus/Uranus (awakening), and Venus/Saturn (re-structuring, crystallizing) are at peak, but the opportunity they offer continues to stay highly activated through the next several months. When Venus and Jupiter are aligned, the future shapes up in some recognizable way. Intuition and desire speaks its truth more boldly; hopefulness and optimism increases. We can go further, shoot higher, and gain more. Venus/Jupiter is self educating. When Venus and Uranus align, they set a trend and/or accelerate a breakthrough. They can introduce a fresh perspective. They make us more inclined to take a risk, to consider an alternative, a new lifestyle, or a radical change. They awaken fresh opportunity, new friendships, passions, capacities, or love interests. When Venus and Saturn turn a corner, priorities shift, realities prove themselves, and significant paving stones are set in place.
Since April, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries have continued to stay engaged by a trine aspect. This alignment is one of the major influences that have kept the social and political activation going the recent months. The last of three exact trine alignments between Jupiter and Uranus occurs June 22, but the duo will keep the spark lit through July and into the start of August.
Venus in Virgo, July 25 to 31, 2015:
While the Greek financial drama unfolds, and money markets react, here in Canada, the number crunchers tell us we are already in a recession. It is largely blamed on falling oil prices.
As of July 18, Venus enters Virgo. She will turn retrograde in this sign on July 25; by July 30, she will back into Leo again. When a planet begins (or ends) a retrograde cycle, it moves slower than it normally would. For this reason, Venus will stay at 0 Virgo for 12 days. This suggests that we are at an information gathering phase of a significant correction, improve it, or healing cycle.
Virgo is a purification archetype. It suggests that there is important clearing work to do inwardly and outwardly, that a purging or elimination process is underway. It is one that will now claim more of our active attention, this in order to accelerate our learning and growth.
As a service archetype, Virgo facilitates our personal and our collective need. As an outer influence, it is a suggestion that each in our own ways, we must serve the greater good. We are all contributors to the collective evolution.
Lastly, Virgo is also a crises-generating and a humbling archetype. Certainly our needs are growing. Certainly there is a strain on our resources, and also on those who serve and protect us too. Crisis serves as a vehicle for growth. Firstly, it serves to raise consciousness. Secondly, it prompts action that we might not undertake without being forced or backed into a corner. As is so typical of human nature, when offered a choice, we are often complacent or even lazy about putting effort forward, but when push comes to shove, we are sure to fight harder for what we need. If Venus in Leo has created over-confidence, Venus at station in Virgo can bring a reality check. On the other hand, if something good or worthwhile has been created, Venus in Virgo gives us the opportunity to make use of it, to benefit from it.
Note also that the fixed star Regulus, the royal star, now sits at 0 Virgo and that Mercury, ruler of Virgo, is quite active in the week or so leading up to Venus retrograde. The second half of July 2015 is likely to be an amped up time for money, relationships and survival matters. Before we can get onto an improvement track, we can meet with further complication, challenge, crisis, or breakdown. We can feel victimized, at a loss, or find ourselves without sufficient tools or avenues. What’s at stake is precious to us, (relationships, career, material/financial, mortality.) It may even prove to be an epic time for losses, defeats, hard-won victories, and gains. Special folk and newsmakers will get our attention while Venus retrogrades in Leo.
The presence of a royal star raises the potential for success, especially so when intention and action taking is directed toward the greater good.
Venus retrograde July 25 to Sept 6 (0 Virgo to 14 Leo);
Uranus retrograde July 26 to December25 (20 Aries to 16 Aries):
Venus stations retrograde on July 25. Typically, the start of Venus retrograde can produce a stall out but just one hour later on this same day, Mars in Cancer squares Uranus. As a stimulant or ignition influence, this transit is sure to get something extra or unexpected cooking. Note also that Uranus is stationing in preparation to turn retrograde which is does very early on July 26 (3:38 am PDT.) When Uranus turns retrograde, it will target something specific. Mars is also facilitated by a trine to Chiron in Pisces, it keeps us attuned and driven; the combination is opportune for a much needed release or unwind. It is also an exposing combination.
On the bigger picture/soul front, Both Venus and Uranus in retrograde motion have chosen a specific agenda for this moment along our evolutionary timeline. Both transits set up a karmic replay and/or fruition cycle. Venus magnetizes and attracts the circumstances, resources, and relationships that we consider of value and necessity. Aiming for liberation, enlightenment, and acceleration, Uranus awakens our cellular memory. Chiron in Pisces provides access to the issues, healing, and potentials that our soul has chosen to bring to the forefront. Putting the soul’s will into action, instinctual Mars creates the experiential track that will allow for new exploration, growth, and learning.
Venus transitions from evening to morning star:
While Venus is in retrograde, she is in her closest proximity to the earth. During the retrograde period, she will seem to disappear while she transitions from an evening star to a morning star. This will occur on August 15, when Venus retrograde makes an inferior conjunction with the sun, but we won’t be able to see Venus as a morning star for about another week (look for Venus in the morning sky starting on Aug 20.) An inferior conjunction occurs when, from our earth view, Venus lines up between the earth and the sun (Earth, Venus, Sun). At the superior conjunction which occurs nine months later, the sun is situated between the earth and Venus (Earth, Sun, Venus).
Venus New Phase Aug 15, 2015:
August 15 marks the beginning of a new 18 month Venus cycle. It can be particularly significant launch time if you are born on August 15, or the few days around it. This new cycle is accompanied by a sense that there’s something special to do, someplace special to be, or someone special to meet on the road ahead. You can also feel a particularly strong sense of destiny in the making if 22 degrees of Leo or if 0 degrees Virgo is a feature of your chart. Regardless, we’ll all feel that sense of being poised at a brink of something major.
When Venus reappears/rises with the sun, she’s moving faster. She’s ready for action; she’s ready to express herself. The ancients considered morning Venus as the warrior goddess and often launched their battles at the helical rising in order to increase their chances for success. Of course we need to give a new cycle a margin of time before we can see how its shaping up. Look to end of August, the end of Venus retrograde on September 6, and the months of September/October as a key development and informing time. By October 26, Venus will be at its maximum western elongation. This is when the sun and Venus are as far apart as they can get. (Venus and the sun are never more than 48 degrees apart.) It marks another staging and/or ripening time of great potency and illumination. Where-ever we are, you’ll find yourself more fully/deeply immersed. Regarding the karmic nature of circumstances, the second half of October through the start of November may prove to be a cut-to-the-chase or a springboard time. It is certainly a destiny in the making time for politics in Canada. Although it is not officially announced as of this writing, it is widely assumed we’ll go to the voting polls on October 19.
The Venus/Mars Cycle:
2015 is an activation year for accelerated relationship development – me to me, me to you, me to us. While Venus tours retrograde, the transit prompts us to look inward, to become more conscious of our inner dialogue. It is our inner psychology, our relationship to self that sets up our magnetic attraction field. While Venus is in retrograde and Mars direct, circumstances prompt an intensification of this inner examination. It also facilitates the necessary internal adjustment.
On August 31, Venus retrograde conjoins Mars for the second of three meet-ups in 2015. The first was February 21 in Aries which launched an exploration and confront self cycle. The next will happen on November 2 in Virgo; this launches a work-in-progress, healing and repair, or crisis-as-a-springboard cycle. From August 31, to November 2, Venus travels in balsamic phase to Mars. This is a very potent staging and completion phase. Mars fuels our newly evolving desires. Attractor Venus is in a fertile/creative spurt from August 31 to October 8/9. She’s particularly potent, in fact at her greatest call-it-forth/put it into action phase during this leg of the journey. Canadians will certainly see the effects of Venus and Venus/Mars as the federal political campaigning hits full force. By October 8, Venus will finally regain Virgo.
By October 9, the next Mercury retrograde will complete. The final Mercury retrograde of the year occurs in Libra, a Venus ruled sign, from Sept 17 to Oct 9. The Mercury transit is also of significant influence in the karmic play-out of key circumstances with key people.
Here again is a list of the peak Venus dates to watch:
Venus in Leo: June 5 to July 18; Aug 1 to Oct 8
Venus in Virgo: July 18 to Aug 1; Oct 8 to Nov 8
Venus retrograde: July 25 to Sept 6:(starts at 0 Virgo; ends retrograde at 14 Leo)
Venus/sun new phase: Aug 15
Venus conjunct Mars: Aug 31 (Leo); Nov 2 (Virgo)
Venus conjunct Jupiter: July 1; Aug 4; Oct 25
Venus square Saturn: July 13, Aug 5: Oct 10
Venus trine Uranus: June 28: Aug 19; Sept 22;
To summarize, we are heading into a key evaluation and move-along time for relationships, finances, survival matters, lifestyle changes, personal and soul growth. We will continue in the thick of this peak karmic replay and destiny making cycle through the start of November. It is a ripe/opportune time to question yourself and the direction of your future. Do you feel happy? Loved? Acknowledged? Are you thriving or simply surviving? Are you making needless sacrifices in order to keep going? Is your passion alive and well? If you want more, what are you willing to do, how far are you willing to go to make it happen for yourself?