Listen to Rose live on Guiding Stars Radio with Kristin Fontana
Wed Oct 29, 10 am
(Topic of discussion – The November 4 Election and the Saturn/Uranus opposition)
Watch Rose on BREAKFAST TV, Vancouver, B.C.,
Fri Oct 31, 8:30 – 10 am, City TV Channel 13
One Day Tarot Workshop, Sat Nov 1;
One Day Astrology Workshop – the Lunation Cycle, Sun Nov 2
See below forecasts for details
November Overview:
Life is about to be altered, drastically so for some. At this critical juncture, it is our alertness and conscious response to the here and now that is so imperative. While destiny’s intensified tour de force is undeniable, free will is always our gift for the choosing. We so easily squander it through tunnel vision, apathy, or resistance to facing inevitable truths. Canada has just made federal election history by recording it’s lowest ever voter turnout. I hope and I pray that the US public will not recreate such a tragic loss of opportunity.
November 4 is a key date, not only because it is the US election date, but also because it is the first of four meetings of planets Saturn and Uranus by opposition. Together they serve to accelerate significant social restructuring cycle. Spanning the next two years, no stone will be left unturned. Note the following intensification dates for this Saturn/Uranus cycle: Nov 4, 2008, Feb. 5, Sept 15, April 27, 2010 in Virgo/Pisces; July 27, 2010 in Libra/Aries.
There are three key points to make regarding this planetary pairing. Firstly, the liabilities of the past are the key determinants that now shape our chiseled-down future. Note as examples the current economic crisis and the impact of global warming on our everyday existence. Secondly, while the past may hold the key to our future, the stark reality is that there is no possibility of turning back now. We cannot lean back nor can we fall back, the previous support post can no longer carry the weight. Lastly, for those who need change but don’t know where to look for it, fear not, it will find you.
Each step forward irrevocably defines the difference between possibility and reality. November 1 and 2 can bring clarity and time for action or risk taking. Along with the Saturn/Uranus opposition, Mercury advances into Scorpio at 7:52 am PST Nov 4 suggesting political change is imminent for the US people. This emotionally day could become quite volatile, not only on Wall Street, but also (more dangerously) on Main Street. With Mars in Scorpio squaring Neptune in Aquarius, the unexpected can be exposed, and when it is, we can feel betrayed (personally, collectively.) (This is a smoke & mirrors or wolf in sheep’s clothing influence. We can be duped into seeing what we want to see.) The potential of extreme emotionalism, volatility, havoc, criminal activity, violence, rioting (or even terrorist activity) is possible. The Full moon November 12 may reveal more than we have anticipated. Mars and Neptune is an aspect of significant loss. can be productive for making dramatic turnarounds and/or for gaining more solid ground.
Pluto’s 14-year tour of Sagittarius ends on Nov 26. This is a major astrological milestone, as we will not see Pluto in Sagittarius again in our lifetime (in fact it will not return to this sign for another 248 years.) Pluto in Capricorn will spend the next 18 years shaping the new status quos. For many, the road ahead is not easy, but eventually it will lead to significant, lasting, and much needed reform.
Key dates: Nov 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11 – 13, 14, 15, 23 – 26, 28, 29
Things are about to get a lot busier. Saturn and Uranus are set to break you out of a rut. Your everyday reality will undergo a radical transformation. You could change the type of work you do or the way you do it. This planetary pairing can bring the opportunity to specialize or stand out in your field. Education upgrades will place you at an advantage. Mars in Scorpio (to Nov 16) puts added focus on financial improvement and relationship empowerment. Investigate all avenues and options; intensify the money chase, rearranging finances, revamp agreements. Intimate relationships can sizzle while Mars tours Scorpio, and can be a source of great joy while Mars tours Sagittarius (Nov 17 through Dec 26.) Conversely, Mars in Scorpio can empower you to set yourself free, once and for all. Lucrative potentials and optimism abounds as Venus leaves Sagittarius on the full moon Nov 12, while Mars enters Sagittarius from Nov 17 through Dec 26. Both these planetary energies expand your professional notoriety, travels (body, mind, or soul) and potentials re money and love. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn can bring a time of ripening. You could feel challenged to prove your authority in no uncertain terms. Relationships with bosses, parents or other VIPS can be radically altered. Those born around March 20 will get the full effects of Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn now. November 1, 2 are great put-it-together days. The lucrative full moon Nov 12 could solidify financial or romantic matters. Nov 1, 2, 10, 15, 29 and 30 are fruitful dates for just about any undertaking.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Partnerships or cooperative ventures can make a surprising turnaround thanks to Mars and Uranus in harmony at month’s start. Then again, if it’s time to go your separate ways, the parting should be easier to do now than at other times. Some things can be out of your control, of course, but don’t let financial expenditures escalate too far out of hand. Your social network is set to expand in ways you didn’t expect. Jupiter and Saturn are in harmony throughout the month; so much can fall into place with very little effort or strain. Beyond a great social event, the opportune Full moon in Scorpio Nov 12 could bring groundbreaking news or open an important door. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn is empowering. It can provide opportunity to legitimize yourself through education, or through professional advance. For some, Pluto in Capricorn can bring marriage, or prompt relocation. To be sure, a better quality of life is possible, reach out for it.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20)
Don’t just think about it, do it! The Saturn/Uranus opposition cycle can take you out of a professional or home life stalemate. Is there something you have always wanted to try but have held back on? Now is the time to risk a completely new career, industriousness will net a payoff of significance. Relocate for better opportunity; a stimulating new life can be waiting for you too. This Saturn/Uranus transit is particularly intense for those born around June 9, give or take a couple of days. Government regulations, accreditation, licensing, or other legal issues could also occupy priority attention. So too, you could find yourself busied or challenged by changing relationships with family members. Make sure your status (professional, personal, financial inheritance) is legally secure, or that you can get out of contracts or arrangements should the unexpected occur. Does your insurance cover everything it should? It could be wise to get disability insurance for the added security. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn can start you on a recovery cycle of great significance. This can be an exceptionally positive influence for those wanting to quit addictions or other self-sabotaging ways. If you are born around June 21, you will probably feel great relief as Pluto leaves Sagittarius. For all Gemini’s, Pluto’s advance into Capricorn puts the spotlight on material and emotional security. This planetary advance will force you to establish better boundaries, anchors, self-autonomy, and self-reliance. While you may initially feel buckled under, Pluto in Capricorn is set to teach you how to build better control in your life. Self-employment could be more viable for you now. The full moon Nov 16 can bring information, revelation, confirmation, or gift you with a time to set the record straight.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Synchronicity conspires on your behalf this month, thanks to the Saturn/Uranus “fresh juice” opposition. Link up, team up; for the most part, your people connections are very good. Tradeshows advertising campaigns and other sales ventures can be lucrative. Call in a favor or ask around when you need something. You never know where a simple inquiry or curiosity can lead. The full moon Nov 12 can be especially inspiring, entertaining, lucrative, or fortuitous. Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Capricorn now intensify the magnetic vibration around you, suggesting you can enjoy an abundant attraction cycle. (People could “hit” on you.) A new passion or romantic interest is likely to strike a deep cord right from the get-go. The Saturn/Uranus opposition could also put you on a sudden move. You could make a significant personal discovery or receive information that can alter everything – perhaps in a flash. Sun and Mars in Scorpio are empowering, Nov 1, 2, 10 – 15. As the month advances, the days will get even fuller. Pluto’s advance into Capricorn will be felt quite dramatically for those born around June 22. A significant relationship, partnership, or income stream could end or begin. Face the fact, you can’t turn back the clock. The new moon Nov 27 bodes well for the job search. It can also busy you with studies, a new health chapter, or some other cherished goal. Put your all into it, nothing less will do.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
Scorpio month is always a time to review and revamp. Are you where you want to be? If not, what changes do you need to make in order to firm things up for yourself? Family, real estate investments or home-related matters can seem like a bottomless pit in terms of investment or concern, but there’s really no better place to concentrate your efforts. If you have recently taken a financial hit, this month’s stars seem to provide the opportunity to recoup perhaps even quicker than you thought was possible. Downsizing – or even walking away – can be the smart way to go. Of course, the Saturn/Uranus opposition can also be disconcerting for some, especially if you are resistant to facing facts. The past can catch up with you now. A relationship that breaks up during this transit may not have fit the bill for some time. Overall, the current transits can help you to walk away from what you need to with broader understanding and grace. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn can be humbling; you may come to realize you aren’t infallible, but you will also come to realize that you can – and will – build it better next time. You’ll learn patience while Pluto in Capricorn helps you to reclaim your resilience. This influence can fine you with much greater dedication and determination -perhaps you’ll find you have no other choice. You’ll learn to harness your resources or your position in more practical and result generating ways.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
Someone new could make a sudden entrance into your life. Some event that could be life altering could also happen now. With Saturn/Uranus so featured, it can be important to put extra safeguards in place (physical, material, and emotional.) Stay alert and be ready to reinvent yourself at a moment’s notice. This transit could be fabulous or disconcerting. Relationships are about to be radically transformed. You could benefit through association; it pays to align with people in the know. Hopefully, you will find connections to be fortuitous, but there’s also the possibility of feeling used when hidden agendas are revealed. (By the way, McCain’s Sun is in Virgo. No matter if he wins the race or not, Sarah Palin has definitely sky rocketed to fame.) The full moon Nov 12 can be quite healing, productive or fortuitous, especially for those born around Aug 22 and Sept 11. Watch for a notification or piece of news, an invitation, a contract, a special meeting, or gift to come your way. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn highlights one of the best areas of your chart. Children, romance, entrepreneurial or professional success can transform you in profound ways. For those who have been sitting on the fence, it’s time to take that very important step forward. An end of the month change of residence or business move can be in the cards for some. The month may end, but your new life is just getting started!
LIBRA (Sept.23 – Oct.22)
Saturn and Uranus will clue you in to much more than you could have possibly anticipated. A particular friendship or perhaps a sibling relationship could feature more prominently now. Someone could enter or exit your life, perhaps suddenly. An important client or income stream could suddenly appear or disappear too. If you get the chance to study with a teacher or coach of note, don’t hesitate to dive in deep. The offshoots could be quite significant. Then again, perhaps you’ll step up to the plate as teacher yourself. Stop talking about writing and start doing it. Sacrifice can be called for re work, health or cherished goals, but if you could see ahead, you’d know that the prize is definitely worth it. Spirituality could also be another area that grows substantially for you. Nov 1, 2, shoot high, think big, and jump in with both feet. Financial gain is possible, although in some cases it may be a matter of spending it to earn it first. Nov 4 could also set you free, perhaps unexpectedly. If you are cut loose, know that there’s better opportunity on the horizon. A child or lover could surprise you too. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn (Nov 26) is especially significant/life altering if you are born around Sept 23. Pluto in Capricorn can force you to become more self-reliant. It can bring major transitions, challenge, ambitions, limitations or the reaching of limits re any of the following: family dynamics, aging family members, children coming of age, real estate investments, home repairs or renovations, relocation, home based business ventures. See your challenges as an opportunity and don’t waste a moment, create the necessary improvements.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
In the mood to throw off everything and reinvent yourself? Freedom is essential now. You’ll crave new stimulus too – and you won’t have to go looking for it. A dynamic new life path is opening for you now and for the most part, it can feel exhilarating. Potentials exist as never before. Nov 1, 2, 8 – 11 can be particularly opportune, even lucky. Mars ends its tour of Scorpio on Nov 16, but Mars in Sagittarius will continue to keep you on a high charge through Dec 27. Conversely, Mars in Scorpio can also make you more wary of others, and more alert to hidden agendas. The long range/bigger picture view of the Saturn/Uranus cycle will force you to reinvent parts of your life that you have taken for granted or assumed were better on track than they now prove to be. While planetary energies can bring ease and opportunity, it pays to work your advantages to the max. Put extra thought and effort into keeping your clients coming back for more. Reinvent your social life while you are at it too. The illuminating full moon Nov 12 will help you to know better where you stand. Watch for important connections/a social event of note, substantial money negotiations or transactions, plans to be solidified, or a threshold crossing re partnerships. Projects, investments, intentions, relationships, holiday plans, sales, etc., the new moon Nov 27 bring the time to get it rolling.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 – Dec. 21)
Changes are coming down the pipe. The month ahead is likely to keep you hopping with one thing after another; you won’t have time to complain of boredom! The Saturn/Uranus cycle will force you to reinvent both your inner and your outer realities. This planetary influence is especially life altering for those born around Dec 10. Home is likely to be an especially busy place, necessary costs such as repairs, renovations, or a move can eat away at your savings. So too, tuition costs or other support of family members can add up substantially too. Don’t question it, know that everything you invest in your career or family will generate excellent returns. Watch for insights or revelations, Nov 1, 2. Pluto’s advance into Capricorn (especially influential for those born around Dec. 21) brings both a time of stage setting and of ripening, professional and personal. From here on in, aim to gain greater stability and control over your survival issues. It’s time to build a more solid platform on which to stand (re financial, material, emotional, or health), and to create durable structures and foundations. A better quality lifestyle awaits. Mars in Sagittarius Nov 16 launches a vibrant revitalization cycle. It can be “take off” time for some.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Whether it’s the school of life or more formal studies, it seems you are on an accelerated learning program now. Good thing you are a quick study, Saturn/Uranus thrust you into real life with a zesty twist. You don’t have to go searching; the universe has conspired to provide synchronicity for the harnessing. All you have to do is show up for yourself and take what’s filtering your way. Studies can be a turn on. Take specialty courses; sign up for personal interest or for career advancement. Intellectual and social are of primary importance now. Saturn/Uranus also brings a trial period that lead to somewhere significant. Get at those writing projects, etc. The full moon Nov 12 could bring unexpected advantage; perhaps you can fill another’s shoes or scoop a choice vacancy. Then again something lucrative or fun could come your way. Or you could scoop a used car or piece of equipment, or some other bargain. (Watch the fares or tickets sales, and try your luck with contests on the radio, etc.) Pluto’s sign change will be revolutionizing for all Capricorns, but is especially dynamic for those born around Dec. 22. Pluto in Capricorn can create a dramatic reformulation re present circumstances and key relationships. Health could become a priority to address. Revamp your appearance; the change will do you good.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
The Saturn/Uranus opposition can rock your finances and your intimate relationship sector. You can feel that you have lost control in both of these important areas. When things come to a head, see it as opportunity, address and correct it. Despite challenges, it appears that you are making important breakthroughs too. In fact, Jupiter’s influence (currently in Capricorn) can help you to access added background support or provide you with a saving grace. This influence suggests something is in the budding stage, whether it’s a new relationship, career path, creative project, or a new foundation of internal security and confidence. Scorpio transits, (namely Mars, Sun, and Mercury) can help you to make important turnarounds, especially around the full moon on Nov 12. Watch for Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn to eventually supply added background support. Pluto in Capricorn will help you (or force you) to strengthen your spiritual foundations, to give structure to your creativity, or to turn a cherished dream into an actual reality. In warning, don’t cripple yourself with addiction or other self-sabotaging ways. Seize/create opportunity, Nov 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 23 – 26, 29.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Nov 1, 2 could bring good news or an opportunity to show off what you can do. Luck and synchronicity runs high. Someone influential could inspire you. Month start places you at an advantage, so by all means, take action. Saturn and Uranus can help you to make important legal or professional breakthroughs. Now is the time to set yourself free from relationships, jobs, or circumstances that aren’t delivering the goods. Look around, there is plenty more out there for you. Be willing to take a risk on change. Make yourself better known, revamp your appearance, and try new things. Once an important ball starts to roll, it’s likely to roll very fast – and there’s no time to waste. Good thing Uranus will keep your energy high. Try not to fuel up on anxiety, go with the flow instead. You will probably be happy to see heavyweight Pluto leave Sagittarius as it has been a lengthy and grueling cycle for you. Pluto in Capricorn will help you to find the stability and control you have been searching for. It will also help you to stabilize your finances. It’s a time when you can groom customer loyalty and when you’ll learn who your friends and supporters truly are. Pluto in Capricorn can help you to feel more confident and on track as you step forward into a more secure future. The full moon Nov 12 can see things fall into place quite beautifully.
Sunday Nov 2 10:30 – 4 pm
Your Personality Type is described by the Moon’s phase at birth. The Moon’s transit can also be used a timing device. Every 3 to 4 years, your phase will change, offering you the opportunity to align with a new energy base.
You can use the lunar phases to plot the course of your entire life!
In this fascinating, and information-packed workshop, you will learn your lunar phase personality type, what your current life cycle is, and what action taking best suits your personal clock.
This workshop is suitable for the simply curious and for students of astrology too.
Cost: $100.00: Deadline for registration: Thurs, Oct 30.
Location: North Vancouver, B.C.
Saturday Nov 1: 10:30 am to 4 pm
This course is also offered on:
Sun Nov 30: 10:30 am to 4pm.
Cost: $100
Contact Rose for details:
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