The stars now set the stage toward Saturday’s partial lunar eclipse (June 26). This lunar eclipse rises over North and South America, and sets over Australia and Asia. The greatest visibility will occur in the (South) Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. The total duration of this eclipse is just under 3 hours. Note that the effects of eclipses are always strongest where they actually occur, but they will also be influential in corresponding geodetic (astro-mapping) regions. If they do not directly aspect your chart, they can come and go with little impact. (If you don’t know whether or not they are, it’s time for a reading!)
Those in western North and South America get to see more of the eclipse than eastern dwellers do, but as we have already seen, the eclipse is already activating the geodetic regions of Eastern Canada (June 23 quake, the G 8 and G 20 summits) and the Gulf of Mexico where we have just witness yet more tragic backtracking re the oil rig repair. The Soccer World Cup in the geodetic region of South Africa continues through the lunar eclipse and ends on the solar eclipse, July 11. Jupiter and Uranus, also feature influences of this lunar eclipse, hold jurisdiction over much of South Africa. (Germany and western Europe “receive” from this eclipse too.)
When a Lunar Eclipse occurs, our personal and private life journey can “pivot on a dime”, but noting that the Capricorn/Cancer axis is featured, we are also like to see social, political, economic, geo-physical events of significance too. (In other words, this particular eclipse could take on the eventfulness usually associated with a solar eclipse.) This eclipse is also part of a metonic cycle. Think back to June 26, 1991. This evolutionary cycle has now ended. The occurrences of the here and now will shape the next 19 year evolutionary mandate, taking us all the way to June 2029.
We can be taken by surprise, but in reality, a lunar eclipse brings the already building undercurrents to the surface where we are forced to address them. It can reveal circumstances and relationship issues that we may have had a feeling about but have so far ignored, downplayed, avoided, etc. The Lunar eclipse across the Cancer/Capricorn axis can hit below the belt of our emotional, physical, economic, and material security. It is important not to get caught up in the tailwinds of surprise, or to waste energy on denial or blame. See your reality for what it actually is, and use the confronting moment to reposition to higher and more productive ground. Stonewalling, overcompensating, or rationalizing it all away will not do you justice.
Capricorn is an archetype that corresponds to endings, mortality, time-spans, and reality itself. When the cardinal (action-oriented) Cancer/Capricorn polarity is ignited, we come face to face with the consequences of our past. Progressively from here, we will start to identify with the rhythm of the metronome’s new beat.
While the above can sound alarming, eclipses can be positive catalysts too. The lunar eclipse could bring your life’s circumstances to a long-sought after mountain’s peak. It can a potent time of circumstantial ripening, one of significant achievement and rewarding actualization.
While only a portion of the moon is obscured by the earth’s shadow, this eclipse is of particular note due to the fact that there are a number of extra planetary players involved. Together they form the cardinal cross configuration that so many astrologers have mentioned as of recently. (I’m taking a bit of licence here in order to make my point; in actuality, Saturn is in a mutable, not cardinal sign.) This configuration is particularly pressurized; it can be described as lava at the boiling point. Note the grand-cross configuration with the following planets: Mercury/Sun in Cancer, opposing Moon/Pluto in Capricorn, squared by Jupiter/Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Virgo. (Astrologers, note also that Moon and Ceres (north), and Mercury and Pallas (south) are in out-of-bounds declinations.)
The karmic (nodal) axis of this eclipse occurs in the constellation of Sagittarius, suggesting that we, personally and collectively, are in a critical future shaping moment; that truth (and Gaia’s truth too) will be unleashed, one way or another. Whatever is mobilized will be mobilized and spread with great force (and high volume too.) I pray that more physical or environmental catastrophe does not occur. If possible, avoid travel for a few days either side of the eclipse date (June 26.) Mercury teamed with the eclipse Sun suggests an important communiqué, message, event, or piece of news. A key person could factor quite strongly too, whether it is an intermediary or messenger, an expert, a parent, boss, or authority person. You could become clued in to something (or someone) that completely alters your perspective or decisions. Mercury’s involvement in the eclipse offers an idea time to get in touch with yourself. It is a good time for soul searching, self examination, deep memory process work, etc.
Transfixed, obsessed, peeling back the layers, the eclipse Moon and Pluto together mines/plummets the depths and runs the gamut of emotions. Expect to find more lurking in the recesses. Watch for secrets, hidden agendas, hidden emotions revealed; we can also witness underhanded power-plays, targeting, manipulation, more system corruption, perhaps political coups, acts of aggression, terrorism etc. Please note that Moon/Pluto can one of paranoia too, try not to get too obsessed about the negative or the potentials.
Saturn in Virgo can draw attention to the fact that we are in a too little, too late to salvage chapter. (Case in point, the Gulf oil rig disaster.) The time for plugging holes and excuse-making is over. The past is a done deal, and the new reality is already defining itself in no uncertain terms. You may not know where you are going to next, but you can know for certainty where you should not be. Step away from the doors that now close. You are not meant to pry them open again.
Live-wire planets Jupiter and Uranus in Aries are fired up not only for the eclipse, but also for the summer. They are the planets of amazing (and shocking) discoveries, of innovation, synchronicity, opportunity, and reinvention. These two serve to catapult circumstances into an even faster forward. They serve to accelerate our liberation, like it or not. They call for risking taking and a radical departure from what was. While those who are directly influenced by the current stellar influences will be going through the paces in a big way now, know that none of us are exempt from a major reshaping of our everyday reality. If you are wondering when we will reach the end of this present one-thing-after-another intensity, the answer is – not any time soon. The race has already begun and we are speeding along our future’s timeline faster than we know. The best we can do now is to welcome the revealing moment for the incredible opportunity that it is. Knowledge is power, take action on it. Saturday’s eclipse signals the start of the summer pressure-cooker stars. I’ll be back next week with July’s forecasts…
Stay conscious!
Blessings to all…
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