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June Forecast Intro:
The end of May has delivered 3 major planetary shifts: Saturn has completed a four and half month retrograde cycle (May 30), Neptune has begun a five month retrograde (May 31), and Uranus has made its first foray into Aries (May 27). The directional changes of Saturn and Neptune should help us to find the keys that will lead to more productive moving ahead, especially so once we get past the Mars/Neptune opposition on June 4. Let us pray this is the case for BP’s next attempt at stopping the oil gush.
The last time Uranus visited Aries (1928 -1935) most of us were not around or had newly arrived on the planet. Uranus sweeps away the obsolete and introduces the new at a lightening-quick speed. When Uranus tenants Aries, the future, not the past, gains the lead in shaping the present. Add Jupiter in Aries (the two are a particularly hot item through the summer months) and we find the whole planet coming alive from the ground up, literally and figuratively. It is a particularly energized time for collective awakenings, (grass movements, political uprisings, geophysical and weather extremes, personal discoveries) of amazing innovation and inventions, and of radical (and seemingly overnight) lifestyle changes. Suffice to say, a lot occurs in a short period of time.
Through May, most of us have felt the influence of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces as overwhelming uncertainty, confusion, dissipation, loss, or of potentials just beyond reach. Moving quickly forward, Jupiter strikes the Aries match, June 5, and conjoins Uranus, June 8, to light a new perspective and fresh-start momentum. Jupiter and Uranus hook up every fourteen years, but only every 42 years in the cardinal (action) signs of Aries and Libra. Both these planets will remain in the early degrees of Aries for the summer, and through the fall into the start of next year they will revisit Pisces. Your life will be particularly influenced by this dynamic duo if you are born in early Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, or late in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius. Don’t know if that pertains to you? You should know just by the edgy feel and by the speed at which radical change occurs.
Mars leaves it’s 5 month stay in Leo to activate in Virgo (through July 29), suggesting that we may become quicker on the draw, at least concerning what isn’t working, or what is not delivering as the potentials had promised. On the downside, Mars in Virgo can confront you with more headaches, complaints, and problems. On the positive side, it can be a productive fix-it signature, igniting a few weeks when you can gain better headway. Instead of stop-gap solutions, (which can only provide temporarily relief at best), try to build a better bridge instead.
Another eclipse season is about to begin. June 26 delivers a partial lunar eclipse (full moon) across the Capricorn/Cancer axis. Lunar eclipses tend to bring relationship undercurrents or matters to a climax. The compelling effects of this particular eclipse are greatly magnified by Mercury in opposition to Pluto, and Jupiter/Uranus in Aries. Watch for significant unearthings, surfacings, and revelations to create a deep impact. You could become clued in to something (or someone) that completely alters your perspective or decisions. There can be break-throughs or break-ups, startling news, information leaks, power-plays, etc. Circumstances could have a strong mark of fated-ness. The Capricorn/Cancer sign axis puts the spotlight on family and home concerns (with a particular emphasis on the young and the aging/old), career security, material ambitions and needs, relationships to authority figures, bosses, banks, etc. This lunar eclipse can see a re-visitation or resurfacing of something or someone from your past. It can force an official or legal stand, a significant re-prioritizing, or some other difficult step forward. Economic u-turns or geophysical upheaval fall under the Capricorn/Cancer jurisdiction too. While whatever occurs has most likely been stuffed, buried, or in the works for some time, when it surfaces it is likely to create a sudden thrust forward, (upheaval too.) While the moment itself can be brief, its effects can be lasting. (As I have written previously, eclipses hold influence not only when they occur, but over a length of time too.) When comfort zones are challenged and security is at stake, you can be sure that the eclipse will be one of high emotional impact. In particular, those born June 21 – 26; Sept 22 – 28; Dec 22 – 27; and Mar 21 – 25 can be in for a major overhaul of ambitions, wants, needs, and existing circumstances. Note both this eclipse and the solar eclipse on July 11 bring an end to the cycle of experience begun in 1991.
New Moon: June 12: 4:15 am Gemini (21:24)
Full Moon: Partial Lunar Eclipse: 4:30 am Capricorn (4:46)
June 5: Jupiter ingress into Aries (11:29 pm)
June 5: Chiron retrogrades in Pisces (0:20 pm)
June 6: Mars ingress into Virgo (11:11pm )
June 8: Ceres retrogrades into Sagittarius (11:29 am)
June 8: Juno ingress into Cancer (2:08 pm)
June 9: Mercury ingress into Gemini (10:41 pm)
June 14: Venus enters Leo (1:50 am) to July 10
June 21: Summer Solstice: Sun enters Cancer 4:30 am
June 25: Mercury enters Cancer (3:32 am) (to July 9)
June 26: Partial Lunar Eclipse 4:03 am (4:46 Capricorn/Cancer)
ARIES (March 21- April 19)
The summer ahead can signal your break-out or break-fee time, especially so if you are born March 21 – 24. Potentials, whether they have been building for awhile or whether they show up fresh, can be especially vibrant now. Whatever is created is ultimately up to you, so know this is an exceptional time for you to take a test drive on a new course of action. Once something launches, look for it to take-off with lightening speed. Work, health, physical appearance, public profile and your social life are likely to be on the betterment roster while Mars advances through Virgo. Noting that both Jupiter and Uranus will backtrack into Pisces for the last quarter of the year, the summer can be provide a sneak peak of so much more to come. When Aries takes the lead, it is not the time to focus on long-range plans, but to give your absolute all to the here and now.
TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)
Last month’s full moon may have thrust you in an unexpected direction. Start of this month can find you still trying to figure out the lay of the land. Once Mars surpasses the opposition to Neptune on June 4, you should start to see your way clearer. Reality can sink in too. You may have to give up the ghost on some hoped for potential, but as Mercury in Taurus harmonizes with Saturn, by June 8, you should see that you are heading in a more solid direction. Mars in Virgo can help you to make improvements where it counts the most (i.e. the hunt for a new line of work.) More respect and attention can come your way too. While in the sign of Aries, Jupiter and Uranus dip into a background position, but you will still feel their heat. Pay attention to those intuitive or inspirational flashes, they could lead to something quite significant. Jupiter and Uranus are in a gestational or brew state for you this summer. Test the waters on a new way of living within yourself and concentrate on freeing yourself from self-undermining or other bad habits. A new romance or creative project could fire up quite significantly for you too. The lunar eclipse on June 26 could put you on the move, professionally or personally. There can be an important, perhaps official event to attend, legal matters or contract negotiations to deal with; an influential person could make a significant appearance too. You could hear long-awaited news or find yourself back in touch with someone you have not heard from in a very long time. This eclipse could herald the start of a long relationship or significant life chapter. Educational, marketing or publishing ventures can be advanced or revamped during this time too. The eclipse could also signal a transition for someone important to you, or bring an opportunity to take over a position that has become newly vacant.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Looking to get into something new? New things to do, places to be, and faces to see, Jupiter and Uranus write a new journal entry now. All you have to do is to keep yourself in motion, synchronicity will do the rest. You should know right away whether the fit is a good one for you or not. You should find that you instantly gravitate to specific people or potentials and that you’ll know right away whether the fit is a good one for you or not. Mars in Virgo (June 6- July 29) and the last jaunt of Saturn through Virgo (to July 21) can keep you especially busy and your personal life on a pressure cooker dial with new home hunting, home projects and spruce-ups, family matters, or end of the year school activities. You may need to put more attention to your home based business too. The last jaunt of Saturn through Virgo (to July 21) can keep your personal life or finances on a pressure cooker dial for just a little while longer. Then again, it’s wise to pull back expectations and to simply concentrate on doing your best with what you have to work in this particular moment. The lunar eclipse on June 26 can produce significant financial or emotional impact. Watch for something unexpected to surface and be prepared to revamp your plans, strategies, or budget.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
The advances of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries can signal the start of the end (a dismantling or move camp cycle), or the end of a long set-up or sit-out phase. It’s time for new might and new fight. Don’t hold back, stay ambitious, and give it your all. The summer ahead can bring a dry-run/test period for new professional ambitions or committed relationships. You could find yourself facing new options, challenges, or responsibilities, or suddenly find the need to scramble faster in order to bring things up to proper speed. Of course, as stated previously, if you were born at the start of Cancer, then you will feel the compelling force of Jupiter/Uranus (Pluto and Saturn too) more strongly than if you were born later in the sign. Life could come straight at you June 8/9. Circumstances, health, family matters, or relationships could take a 180, especially at the time of the lunar eclipse on June 26. Re contracts, finances, important partnerships and public relations, this eclipse can be especially challenging and reforming (perhaps in jarring pull-the-plug ways), or it can be profoundly altering in an empowering way. Past this first week of June (and better yet after the new moon June 12) Mars in Virgo can bring you more clients and put more helpful people in your path. Venus in Leo could provide excellent financial or career opportunity June 14/15. (It’s a great time to sign a contract, to make a large investment, or to seek attention and favour from the new person in charge.)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Sometime past the first week of the month, a window is likely to suddenly pop open. Even if you find yourself cut free when it wasn’t part of your master plan, you are likely to feel grateful for the fresh air effects of Jupiter and Uranus. This dynamic duo should help you to gain a better feel for what’s sitting on the horizon (and perhaps for what can be coming down the pipe too.) There are some days when the stars are in your favour, and other days when for every plus or gain, there’s an extra challenge or two to contend with. The best you can do is to stay confident that it will all work out for the best and let the moment show you how to play it next. The advance of Mars into productive Virgo should help you to make necessary corrections and improvements. You should be better able to pare down to specifics and essentials, and find yourself to be less wasteful with resources, money, or time (of course, this first week could produce a material, emotional, or physical drain.) This Mars placement helps you to refine ambitions, wants, regimes and strategies and get better use out of your time too. Mars in Virgo can make you more practical, regimented, or humbled. It’s a good placement for those looking for a new job or those working hard at studies, savings or health regimes. Venus in Leo (June 14 –July 10) helps you to draw special attention and favour. The lunar eclipse June 26 puts the spotlight on work and health. Considering the time of year, it can simply signal the transition between the end of the school year and the start of summer season.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Once you get going, there will be no stopping you. The arousing influence of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries can help you gain on yourself in important ways. You could get very hot about someone or something. A consideration, ambition, personal slight, injustice, or cause can send you into overdrive, especially so once Mars advances into Virgo (June 6 – July 29.) You’ll attack everything with great enthusiasm or great fight. You may find yourself on the offense or the defence, (you can be quite reactionary too) but you certainly will not be playing middle of the road. Ultimately, Jupiter and Uranus fired up in Aries will prompt you to more empowered choice making, where it counts the most. Doormat, second fiddle, slave, victim, starving one – it’s high time to jettison these coats from your closet. It’s time for you to create a better degree of separation from relationship enmeshments, self sabotage, financial folly, and from crisis consciousness too. You are at the helm of your own life and it’s up to you to create it better. The lunar eclipse on June 26 brings you to a defining moment. This can be a pinnacle time for realization and actualization. You can surpass a personal or professional milestone and achieve something of great significance to you. Added respect and recognition is in the mix too. A previous goal or someone influential or important to you can factor into the equation. A contract, certified status, official position, or stand could mark the dividing between your past and your future.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
The pressure is building and most likely you can feel it. Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter hit all the important angles of your chart. If you were born Sept 23 – 27, you are likely to feel the head-on impact of these milestone stars now and through the summer months. If you were born later in the sign, you’ll have a longer grace period to ready yourself. Jupiter and Uranus are just introducing their fresh perspective now, both will recede from Aries by late autumn and return to this sign at the start of 2011. The summer can introduce you or confront you to new circumstances, and prompt you carve it out for yourself in a new way. You are at the beginning of an inner and outer restructuring cycle that will rev up even more next year and will keep going for the next five or six years. Suffice to say, things are not going to remain the same. Have courage, do what you must, don’t delay or resist facing the necessary. Ultimately, improvement is your net gain. There is no wisdom in hanging on tight to that which you are obviously outgrowing now. The coming-full-circle lunar eclipse June 26 can drive this point home. It is a time of a significant home, family, or professional transition. One door closes, another opens immediately.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Your ambition hits a new stride now. Jupiter and Uranus in Aries position you at the start of a productive, breaking-new-ground, cycle. This dynamic duo can find you tackling the tasks at hand with great vengeance. A fresh attitude makes it all the more workable/doable. Watch for new work or health procedures, techniques, tools, and discoveries to fuel you. Of course, competition serves to energize you too – this can be a positive thing so long as you don’t let it overtake you. Now can be a great time to branch out into a new line of work or to strike out on your own. Repackage or redefine yourself and give them something new to talk about. Even if you have reached the top of your game, there is always a new ladder to climb. A new name tag/label/identity is a worthy aim. Jupiter and Uranus could create a radical departure from your usual routine or schedule. The eventful lunar eclipse on June 26 could unchain you in some unexpected way. Something quite significant could pave the way for your future. This eclipse may bring a location move (perhaps a great distance away), an educational or vocational opportunity with long range benefit attached, or it could put you in the limelight with the public or media. Someone or something from your past could play a significant role. Too, the eclipse could energize an important trip, reconnection, public presentation, or start of a new relationship adventure.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You are coming out of a lengthy transition cycle and now you – and your life are about to come alive, perhaps in a spectacular way. While Saturn in Virgo has tethered you one thing after another, the advances of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries are set to deliver your liberation. Keep open to the range of possibilities and only go where your heart feels the heat. While Jupiter and Uranus reign in Aries, you are likely to feel especially inspired, creative, and expressive. You should feel a good physical (& frisky) energy increase now too. You have not yet reached the fullness of your life’s mission and reward, but it is just around the corner. It’s time for you to fall in love – with yourself and your life all over again. Of course, it’s still not a clear sail just yet. There is still a residual of the struggle/juggle/uphill climb while Saturn (to July 21) and Mars tenant Virgo (June 5 – July 29). For now, give yourself as much latitude as you can create, and make the moment your own as best you know how. The lunar eclipse June 26 could find you obsessed about getting your point across or completely consumed with getting your objective met. You could do a one-eighty re someone or something, or the circumstances could reverse on you. This eclipse could find you irresistibly pulled in a direction (impulsive spending is possible too). Then again, you could feel completely polarized within yourself or re a relationship matter. It can signal huge turnaround or upheaval time re finances, contractual matters, partnerships, or health.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Whether there is an external catalyst (and likely more than one) or whether you have simply matured to this point of reconciling, you are likely to feel a new rebellion is stirring from deep within the core of your being. The advance of Uranus and Jupiter into Aries suggest it is a time for you to break free of the past, to stop allowing yourself to be run and defined by the old you, and to let your newly updated program drive the show instead. Those born Dec 22 -26 will experience the full thrust of the summer’s cardinal planetary activations, and the lunar eclipse on June 26 too. New challenges or new impetuous can appear quite suddenly. If life comes “at you”, don’t take it lying down – bite it back instead. This is your time to prove what a powerhouse you can be. Saturn (to July 21) and Mars in Virgo (June 5 to July 29) are in your camp, helping you to implement, strategize, correct, heal, and manifest more productively. Venus in Leo (June 14 – July 9) loans you added confidence where you can use it the most; you can make great strides in finances, home, and family related matters. A new address, home renovation, or a new family addition can be on the docket for some. The lunar eclipse on June 26 can force the envelop, like it or not. It is a time to define your plans or intentions, handle important talks, negotiate contracts, to make it official, or to take other legal action.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Always game for something new, you should appreciate the fresh air feel of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries. Of course you still have Saturn (to July 21) and Mars (June 5 – July 29) through Virgo to tough out (there may be some added or lingering issue to deal with), but at this late stage in the game, you are likely to make productive use of their ambitious fix-it mandates. While the Uranus/Saturn opposition has likely been a difficult one (perhaps you have felt you were on a just-can’t-get-it-right losing streak with finances or relationships) Jupiter teaming with Uranus should shoot you onto a new page in a quick flash. You’ll see synchronicity fire up through new social, marketing, or educational opportunities. Past this first week of the month, you should witness more promising choice re summer jobs, rentals, products, properties and projects. Venus in Leo (June 14 – July 10) can bolster your public profile and your love life too. The lunar eclipse June 26 could bring hidden advantage or potential, or a saving grace, especially re work or health. You could clue you in to something you had not seen previously, or perhaps you will find that something you have down-played reaches a level where you can no longer ignore or side-step it.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Uranus has spent the past seven years fashioning new lightening rods in Pisces. Your lifestyle, perceptions, desires, and approach to life has changed significantly over this time. Jupiter’s tour through Pisces has delivered even more; none of what you have experienced has been small or insignificant. Yes, you have been living it large and you have weathered Saturn in Virgo these past couple of years too. To be sure, the gods have asked plenty of you, and you have certainly earned your stripes. From one extreme to the other, the advances of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries can boost you in as yet unrealized ways. Watch for clues and flashes of inspiration and let synchronicity light the way. You are about to discover new resources and capacities that have lived within you unrealized until now. Follow up on all new leads. A hot new source of income could be your new green initiative. Explore, experiment, be willing to risk all. Chiron’s advance into Pisces (to July 20) also suggests an exceptional time to play the maverick. The eventful lunar eclipse on June 26 can put a significant spotlight on creative endeavours, children, romance, and entrepreneurial ambitions or on some past achievement. This eclipse could signal the end of the road or a fruition point for something you have worked on for a long time. A much sought after potential could turn into a bird in the hand reality. The eclipse could also deliver a special celebration, an event to attend, or single you out in some special way.
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