A Look at the Year ahead
By Evolutionary Astrologer,
Rose Marcus
Don’t expect to ease into the New Year, expect to be thrust into it right from the get-go! The pressure point of the Mars and Pluto opposition on Jan 2 is sure to set dynamic wheels in motion; intensity shifts to the next level. It seems we may all be on the move at once, especially through this first week of the year.
The major “writing on the wall” cycle begun at the end of September 2007 is now two-thirds along. Mars retrograde, a heating up influence, has just slipped back into Gemini, igniting a more urgent need to be heard and to get cracking. Note that Mars pitted against Pluto (Jan 2) is a very driven and quite often an explosive or violent combination. The event of Bhutto’s resurfacing and assignation has so far followed this key cycle to a tee. There’s more to come, stay alert. Whatever has been stewing and brewing over these past few months will not only surface, it will rapidly escalate once Mars is unleashed; it’s retrograde cycle completes as of Jan 30, just after a showy Full Moon (Jan 22), a momentous first taste of Pluto in Capricorn (entering the sign on Jan 25) and the start of Mercury’s retrograde cycle (Jan 28 – Feb 18.) The very potent Solar Eclipse on Feb 6 can ignite fabulous opportunity for some, or utter chaos for others. Watch for the unexpected, perhaps even the shocking. Keep your eyes on the US candidate’s election Feb 5, which takes place the day before the new moon solar eclipse. It’s a wild card race, but perhaps in the end perhaps the results may not be so surprising. (Chiron and Mercury retrograde involved in this eclipse, suggests there are flaws or “ya, buts” in all the runners of the race.) Feb 6 is also the start of the Chinese Year of the Rat (charismatic, ambitious, and opportunistic.) It’s sure to be an exceptional, over the top week.
The element of earth now replaces fire as the dominant influence for 2008, suggesting it is a key year to build. Whatever has been instigated over this last year (or years) can become more pervasive and prolific. Jupiter, the expansion planet has just left Sagittarius and will now spend the year in the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter in Capricorn looks long range and takes the big picture viewpoint into consideration. This influence brings heightened ambition and prompts increased effectiveness; it addresses appropriate boundaries, control issues, longevity and security needs. Is the time ripe? Jupiter in Capricorn stirs great hope. A matured sense of realism, responsibility and accountability greatly increases the potential for substantial accomplishment.
Pluto, the planet that represents both collective and personal evolution, will dip briefly into Capricorn from the end of January through June and will tenant this sign solidly from the end of November 2008 through 2024, culminating the massive growth cycle begun in 1995. The potentials thus far realized while Pluto toured Sagittarius have turned the world into both an enlarged playing field as well as an encroaching presence in our daily lives. In years to come, Pluto through Capricorn’s era will enforce a time of reckoning with the past, at the personal level and beyond. Occurring only once every 248 years, Pluto in Capricorn ignites astrological flare-signal for an emerging new world order that will see a significant reorganization/restructuring of private life priorities, as well as produce a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the larger world context.
It doesn’t take much looking around to spot the signposts of history in the making are already written. Opportunists can thrive now, but those who build on false or self-serving platforms will not be able to stand for long. (Even so, the results of the rampant or the corrupt can easily create a high price fallout of lasting havoc or destruction. Witness the course of global warming as but one demonstration of this fact.) Capricorn can bring an already shrinking world to its knees, but it can also elevate the responsible visionary to great achievements.
The first three to five months of the year are key stage-setting months and set the compass for the autumn harvest. Mercury’s retrograde cycle (astrology’s “Murphy’s law”) Jan 28 to Feb 17 can bring transition or temporary circumstances and challenges, and serves as an opportune weeding out process. Mars and Pluto will oppose for the third and final time on the New Moon of Mar 6, this time across the Cancer/Capricorn polarities. (Interesting that Bhutto’s young 19 year old son (archetype of Cancer) has stepped forward to continue her leadership and legacy (archetype of Capricorn.) January, mid February through the beginning of May are your best months for full throttle acts of courage, for shaking up the old and outworn status quos, and for breaking new ground.
If you plan to sell or buy real estate, or have any other important contract or undertaking to schedule, avoid mid May to middle of June, and end of September to mid October, when Mercury retrograde will again be up to tricks.
Spring through beginning of fall is best viewed a transitional phase; invent or modify your plans as you go along. The August eclipses set the stage for September’s lucrative stars and bring another fresh start cycle. Solid new relationship or financial plateaus can be reached. For some, October and November can ignite a key now or never, make it or break it time as Saturn in Virgo oppose Uranus in Pisces lift the ceilings or crumble the false security walls. October through February of 2009 brings yet another anything’s possible or anything goes cycle.
2008 says the time is ripe for a big career push. A more responsible or authoritative position appears to be in the works; aim to complete your degree, go professional, or launch your own business. You may have already witnessed recognition and notoriety build, know that you are just at the start of so much more to come. Over this coming year, you’ll become even more forceful and influential. Lucrative contracts could come your way, income increases too, but Saturn’s influence says there’s extra work involved. You won’t see much let-up all year, but Saturn in Virgo will prompt you to become more efficient, thorough and consistent; these essential resources will help you to survive a hefty mortgage or other bank debt. The stars put extra emphasis on daily health regimes too – make sure you take care of yourself as well as you take care of other business. Mid May through July can be a time when you feel quite happy with how things have shaped up. Your love life is set to fair better in 2008 too.
On the personal note, your parental status or responsibilities are also primed for a revamp. The health and requirements of aging parents can be of growing concern too, especially in the latter portion of the year. Jupiter and Pluto enforce the need to put your self in charge and to become more self-regulated too. Regarding your own ambitions or family issues, take control now and set well defined boundaries and limits, don’t wait to see how things play out first. October through February of 2008, will find you surpassing yet another key plateau. Anything can happen, there’s unlimited potential waiting for the taking.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Both Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo are marvelous stabilizing energies for you. Life can run smoother than it has for years. Jupiter in Capricorn spins a more confident attitude re your potentials and future. Educational and travel opportunities are set to expand, your social life is sure to hold more luster too. With Saturn’s added influence in one of the most empowered placements in your chart, it’s a great year to cultivate your artistic/creative ambitions. Perform more; consider going professional. Saturn in Virgo will help you to conquer any insecurities or doubts you may have, and as you realize success after success, it will encourage you to attempt even more. Saturn’s influence also works quite well for you in the romance department. This is a productive planetary placement, suggesting concentrated efforts will help you to make that good thing better yet. For some, this can be a year to make your relationship commitment more official (yes, wedding bells!), or to have children. If you find yourself on your own, you’ll enjoy that too. Still, stay especially alert through the Mercury retrograde cycle, Jan 28 – Feb 17, as things could get crazy or spin out of control. February eclipses could deliver unexpected opportunity or complications (re friends, groups, associations or re income or assets). Watch the building trends and catch the good wave. Schedule your holidays in July and put a marker-point between what was and what is about to be. Aim to make it a fresh start in September. Try to get yourself repositioned and as far ahead as you can in the first two-thirds of this year. October onward, something new (and perhaps unexpected) can dramatically change all.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20)
Can you feel yourself or your life gaining a second wind? Mars has just re-entered Gemini and now resumes a cycle begun in August and September of 2008. January and February will see things moving along rather fast. You’ll find yourself crossing yet another significant threshold by the beginning of March. Mars in retrograde is a heating up influence, it can also produce a pressure-cooker feel. This first week of January could be delightfully exciting, especially if there’s a plane ticket with your name on it. Then again, the month could start with a very explosive event, a flash opportunity, or a rash action that could significant alter the course of your life. Please use every precaution when traveling, avoid road rage, and do not under-estimate angry or aggressive people, especially from Jan 1 -8. While first of January is the most dynamic, the energy will continue to heat up throughout the month. Mars will complete retrograde Jan 30, but you’ll have Mercury retrograde to contend with, Jan 27 – Feb 17, before you can truly ride the good wind. Those born June 5 – 9 are sure to see incredible doors open and amazing things happen in the month prior to or following the Feb 6 eclipse. Luck and synchronicity runs especially high. It’s an opportune time to relocate, to pursue the career of your dreams or to invent something new, or to adopt, immigrate, divorce (if that’s a desirable direction), or to advance legal matters. Yes, feel free to buy a lottery ticket (instant wins are best), but better yet, take a risk on your future and seize the day! Those born June 14 to 20 are also poised for a vibrant new start too. Jupiter and Saturn support you to make progress re finances, family relationships, and home base. September is a favorable time to change your career focus or status, to retire, to free yourself financially or emotionally, or to move your home or business. You are sure to be busied October through December with a significant change in the family too.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
If you have positioned yourself appropriately, last year’s potentials can net a handsome pay off in 2008. Jupiter’s one-year tour through Capricorn will get others to sit up and take notice a lot more than they do now. Lucrative contracts, increased sales and a larger client base are all well within reach. This empowering Jupiter transit is not only beneficial to your professional activities and public reputation; it does you justice re partnership matters and sees you gain an expanded social life too. With Jupiter’s help you’ll gain a greater sense of what it is that you really need from others and you’ll learn how to become more effective in getting these requirements met too. For some, this Jupiter transit can signify marriage, for others, it can be time to put attention towards a second child. While Jupiter in Capricorn can bring happiness and abundance, Pluto’s influence will drill right into the heart and core of matters. If you are heading in the right direction, Pluto will help you to anchor relationships more solidly and will empower you in the process. If your current status quo is not on the right track, Pluto will make it glaringly obvious and will enforce major change. Now until Mid March, you’ll work your way through a momentum build and a personal working-it-out cycle. Mid March to Mid May can position you at the point of giving a relationship or personal goal another go (a second chance at a fresh start), or it will bring you to a start over from scratch point. Those born around June 22 are slated for intense lifestyle overhaul; there’s no sense holding on to a sinking ship. Pluto will help you (or force you) to transform the way you represent yourself at all levels. Be wise about taking things on this year, think twice about increasing your debt load. Don’t bank on the potentials, economic uncertainty lies ahead. Be conservative in your financial estimates as you plan your future and don’t get in over your head with credit, mortgages, or bank loans. Spring and fall are the two key times to make your moves re partnerships, financial investments and your career. Mid September can see things fall into place quite nicely. Don’t expect to plateau for long. Nov to Dec are set to change the score yet again.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
You may have ducked out of site for a little while, but the Mars-Pluto blast off Jan 2 thrusts you right back into the swing of things. January is a good month to rekindle your inroads with clients, resume plans or projects, and to remind your fans that you still have ample to impress them with. It is also a time to send out more resumes and to explore all new offers, financial or otherwise. The solar eclipse Feb 6 can signal dramatic and unexpected change for those born Aug 8 to 11, and also for those born in the autumn of 1948 through the summer of 1951, and Nov 1989 through Dec of 1990. Note that an eclipse can be especially activated not only on the actual date, but also in the month prior to or following. With Mercury retrograde also activated someone or something special could reappear. Those born Aug 16 – 18 can find luck and synchronicity runs especially high; watch for an exceptional or out-of-the-blue experience. While you’ll have plenty to keep you busy right from the get-go, mid May marks the beginning of a new two-year better your best cycle as Mars enters Leo. Mid June through end of October brings the last golden window to enjoy the Midas touch and easy rewards of Pluto in Sagittarius, (especially so for those born Aug 21-22.) Call attention to yourself and get it off the ground. Simplify your life and streamline your ambitions. Reposition yourself as well as you can, re romance, creative undertakings, children, finances, career so that you will have enough of the good stuff to stretch through the leaner times ahead. Jupiter in Capricorn can bring more business in the door, but with it comes added responsibility. Still, it appears you are ready to apply yourself to the tasks before you; Jupiter and Saturn bring you the great wisdom in knowing the value in the act. Along with Pluto in Capricorn, it appears you will be working much harder for each success, especially so from November onward. More due diligence will need to be directed to your health and a health conscious regime. Pluto in Capricorn can prompt you or force you to restructure the way you do your day, or the way you address your health. As the year continues, your direction will become quite clear and you’ll find a growing need to put more well defined limits on what you can and cannot do.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
You can still be in the throws of transition, or find yourself coping with emotional or financial fallout as 2008 begins. The Mars-Pluto opposition Jan 2 can draw attention to how much time has been lost and how little of it there is to waste now. Try not to let it get to you, take it step at a time. The cycle begun in September of 2007 reaches a culmination point by the beginning of March, when you’ll finally be able to put most of it behind you. Still, your catch-up cycle will continue through spring. In fact, while Jupiter and Saturn well placed in your chart suggests you will gain significant accomplish and move forward very well, you may not fully come into your own until July when Saturn completes it’s retrograde tour. At this time, Mars will advance into Virgo and ignite a new two-year cycle which will prompt you to experiment with a new way of living with yourself and of being in the world too. Jupiter, the abundance planet, will spend the year in Capricorn and occupies the most gifted position of your chart. While Saturn in Virgo (through October of 2009) sets a task before you, Jupiter says you deserve to enjoy rewards too. Re your love life, creative or professional ambitions, or children, you will find much better opportunities lie ahead. Pluto in Capricorn will spend the next dozen years empowering you and helping you to create a life you think of as worthy and satisfying. The lunar eclipse Feb 20 will define the shape of things to come, re romance, finance, children and entrepreneurial ventures. You’ll come to another significant release or turning point, October through February of 2009. This can be a make it or break it time for relationships, career or financial aspirations.
LIBRA (Sept.23 – Oct.22)
So much is blossoming for you now. Start of the year can find you well occupied with travel, relocation, business expansion, promotional activities studies, and legal undertakings. In laws, long distance relatives, and weddings or event planning can also consume a great deal of attention. Harness that newly found confidence, determination and can-do attitude; it will serve you especially well through March. Even though you are getting back to it (studies, work, a move back home) it can seem all fresh and new. You are in an opportune growth cycle and are sure to be very aware of a sense of right timing. Jupiter in Capricorn finds you with a growing desire to play it safe, to settle down and to develop a life that will offer greater security and continuity over the longer haul. If a more secure future without the guesswork or uncertainty is what you feel you need, take matters into your own hands now. Downsize or take the plunge with real estate (relocate for a reduced mortgage or quality of life), move in together or plan the wedding, undertake self employment, or get serious about a significant savings or retirement plan. Mid February through September is the time to make your moves. In fact, although your new life is already underway, September can feel like you have just arrived at the start of it all. While you have planted yourself firmly on new ground, know there will be an ongoing need to experiment, modify, revamp, renovate or upgrade; watch for new considerations, work opportunities, or necessary add-ons, Oct through December.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
These past few years have been a big push and you have probably been able to accomplish great feats, both professionally and personally. The year ahead suggests it’s time to stop aiming for more and to take whatever you have already established, especially in terms of new friendships and business liaisons, and solidify it further. You now need to concentrate efforts toward developing more continuity and reputation. Keep visible and stay in circulation. Public speaking or performing, teaching, or published works are avenues by which you can solidify your reputation. Business and pleasure can merge quite nicely too; don’t hesitate to invite a client to lunch and let them get to know you better. Consider teaming with friend or group of friends on a business venture or financial investment. The solar eclipse Feb 6 could uproot you or suddenly take you on an unexpected detour (sudden added expenses are quite possible.) Also watch for a financial, social, or romantic window of opportunity around the lunar eclipse Feb 20. Children also command your priority attention; they could display extraordinary talents or perhaps they will start a new life. It’s quite possible they could need financial support. By fall, you will be ready to reinvent your wheel all over again. Love, creativity, the meaning of success will reach a new plateau October onward (your relationship to children will too.) As the year advances, you can look forward to a complete new lifestyle, one that is more in keeping with the new person you have become.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 – Dec. 21)
Mars and Pluto could start the year with a relationship drama, travel, an opportunity to perform, or some other circumstance that puts you on a sudden move. The full moon Jan 22 could be opportune, be ready to spring into action. Still, don’t bank solely on the potential, with Mercury soon to turn retrograde (Jan 28 – Feb 17), you have a strong propensity for seeing what you want to see rather than what is. Saturn’s continuing tour through of Virgo will bring you more work and responsibility, and increases the need to prove yourself to the powers that be. Jupiter’s one-year tour of Capricorn bodes well for financial security and helps you to gain more personal control over your usually extravagant ways. While you thrive on fresh adventure, the stars also find you more interested in dropping anchor and developing more continuity. If you are ready to step forward into a major relationship commitment or financial investment, wait until the Mercury retrograde cycle completes as of Feb. 17. The solar eclipse Feb 6 can bring people to you; benefit comes through a community, a circle of friends or a sibling. Watch for an event of great note to have an indirect affect on you. The lunar eclipse Feb 20 brings exceptional opportunity, as do the two eclipses in August. In fact, mid August could be a good time to plan a wedding, or to invest in your future with some other concrete step (publish, perform, buy a piece of property or a business, or start family.) October through December the stars can put home life and professional life in a state of flux. You could find yourself on the move or find yourself busied with new considerations, projects and goals. While your stars seem to fair okay, note that October through December (and beyond) is likely to bring an unstable economic climate.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
January can see you busied with after the holidays catch up and year end matters. It’s also a time to resume your diet or exercise program, yoga classes or other good for you routines. While you may decide to give your job or relationship another chance, at the same time you are likely to be gearing up to launch your life in a whole new direction. If life comes at you, rather than it being one of choice, know that you are your best fall back support. Saturn and Jupiter will keep you ambitious and confident, and help you to make wise choices. You are going to move from one sure thing to another, so by all means chase your dream. When it’s the right thing, know that there is virtually no risk involved. If you have any hesitation about moving yourself forward, you can rely on February’s eclipses to accelerate matters and to thrust you to where you need to go. Having said that, you should proceed with extra caution especially in financial matters Jan 28 to Feb 17 when Mercury is retrograde. When Pluto enters Capricorn your environment or physical appearance can undergo a significant overhaul, (watch Jan 25 – June 13; Nov 26 and beyond.) Pluto can cause challenging health issues to rise to the surface too, but with such great stellar protection, you are likely to readily find the right healers and treatments at the moment you need them the most. The lunar eclipse Aug 16 can be fortuitous for financial matters and affairs of the heart (an exciting new love could make a sudden appearance.) Mid March through mid May, August through December are full to the brim, opportunity months. Seize the day!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 19)
Thanks to its retrograde tour, you are getting a double dose of Mars lighting the good fire in your love, happiness, and success sector. Mars has kept your options and opportunities exceptionally energized since August of last year and will continue to do so through March. You will now get back into the swing of things now with renewed vitality. January’s stars help you to retrace steps that have worked well for you in times past. Your creativity continues at an all time high, business, romantic, and fertility prospects are greatly enhanced now too. You’ll also find the ability to get through to your kids better now too. February’s eclipses are sure to make your life even more exciting and on the go. The changes you make this year are sweeping ones; and it appears you’ll embrace them with gusto. It’s an exceptional time for those born Feb 5 – 8, 14, you’ll be amazed (for the most part, delightfully so.) Both August eclipses bring you to striking new thresholds re relationships and finances; they are harbingers of dramatic lifestyle changes. Saturn and Jupiter offer background support and help you to take the necessary steps to correct, fine-tune or heal. Even if you don’t have much time, money, or patience to spare, you’ll find you’ll be able to cover your bases just fine. Jupiter and Saturn are helpful re good councilors, advisors or medical support, and also re government subsidies or bank loans. If you need to apply for assistance, do so now through mid Jan, mid Feb through mid Mar, or wait until mid Aug to Sept. Still, it’s important to work on relinquishing the burdensome, so be careful not to get yourself into massive debt and while you are at it, don’t let yourself be plowed under by relationships either. Oct-Nov brings you to significant end of the road; it will be time to untie yourself from a less than satisfactory romantic or business partnership or arrangement.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Saturn and Mars are presently helping you to narrow down your selection process to who and what is most worthy of your time and attention. The month of January sees your efforts directed toward getting on with it or getting something new off the ground, whether it is a business venture/proposal, a key relationship, a home move/renovation, or a change in a family dynamic. Jan 2 can take you out of a stalemate and/or launch a big push re all the above. February’s first eclipse (Feb 6) can keep you out of sight; you’ll most likely be swamped and are too busy to come up for air. You are likely to have something very exciting cooking on the backburner. Place yourself on alert for synchronicity and pay attention to your gut instincts and inspired flashes. The lunar eclipse Feb 20 can be professional lucrative, especially for those born Feb 19 – 21. Sign a contract or mortgage, start a new business or job, or undertake some other personal pledge. Mid March through June brings a successful, attention-getting timeframe. Romance and professional dealings are likely to go quite well. Your children can make you feel proud and happy too. August through end of the year can necessitate changing the format re your work or health programs. You’ll be challenged to revamp the whole system, upgrade technology, skills, or tools, or you can find yourself working toward an altogether new direction. Major thresholds re social, romantic and business partnerships can be surpassed October through February 2009.
Time slots for January are booking fast so please factor in possible wait period; I’m currently scheduling sessions for the end of the month.
Details on this event, classes, or to book a private consultation: rose_marcus@shaw.ca ww.rosemarcus.com
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