(See below for a link to monthly podcast for the month ahead.)
** I am teaching again! Beginner Astrology, 8 weeks (via zoom meeting webinar) starts Wednesday, September 23 at 5pm PDT. The class is taught from the Evolutionary Astrology perspective (soul development.) Please email me for more info.
Interested in intermediate level or certification? Classes begin in February 2021. Please contact me for curriculum outline.
September Overview:
Send the kids back to school? Keep them home? How do I make it through today, let alone tomorrow? September opens on a full moon in Pisces searching for better clarity – for truth, for answers, for confirmation on the direction forward. The searchlight also continues for the cure that will save our species from harm at all levels (physical and moral harm top the list). Pisces is an exposure archetype, so please continue to stay vigilant regarding health and safety. Simplify where you can. Go easy on it and on yourself as best you can. Time reveals all.
There are several transits accompanying the full moon of September 1. Venus in Cancer in opposition to Saturn on September 2 can mark an important deadline, finish line or timeline. Venus/Saturn can bring you to a limit or create a limitation. The duo can make for no easy answer or option. Toughing it out will continue to be the reality for some time to come yet. On the other hand, Venus/Saturn can make the reality crystal clear. Its a good place to launch from. Pisces (the full moon) is also the archetype of surrendering to it and rising above it.
Mercury in Virgo bookends the full moon with trines to Pluto on September 1 and Saturn on September 3. Both are productive transits, suggesting the ability to mobilize, revamp/change tack and to get it under better control, make it more workable, to have something more tangible to go on. The sun’s trine to Uranus on September 2 sets up an opportunity backdrop for trouble shooting and creative solutions, for something useful, advantageous, lucrative or more workable to be procured or added to the mix. Even if something breaks-down unexpectedly, it can be an opportunity in disguise. Better to get fixed, healed or handled sooner rather than later when the cost or the wear and tear on the system is more significant.
Mercury tenants Libra from September 5 to September 27. Venus enters Leo on September 6. Both transits can be helpful for getting a better feel for where you are at in relation to your present circumstances (including relationships and finances). What you/we face now is a peel it back process, and it is no overnight undertaking.
Mars in Aries, retrograde: September 9 to November 13:
Have you been feeling impatient, frustrated, or angry as of late? Are you at war with yourself, it, or them? Do you feel yourself on the verge of exploding? Done that already? Mars in Aries has been has stayed well triggered as of late. September 9 to November 13, Mars in Aries works its way through two-month retrograde tour. Mars goes retrograde every two years, but rarely does it do so in the sign of Aries. In fact, the last time it did so was 1988. This Mars transit will be of major significance for you if you have natal planets in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn at the degrees of 15 to 29.
When the action/assertion planet tours retrograde, it is a time when you can’t and should not force what is not coming readily or naturally. An impulsive or reactionary move can cause later regret. Let the anger cool down first. Violence on top of violence is insanity unleashed. Nothing of significance is ever accomplished when everyone shouts at the same time. Rather it is a time to pull back, to observe and to listen more. What is at the root of it all? You can’t figure that out unless you take a time out to get to the bottom of it.
When Mars in Aries is retrograde, the soul looks to tame the runaway ego, to realign self and soul. Mars retrograde does not stop the activation process but does create a significant shift of momentum. The cycle asks for/requires a different action, a different response. Introspection is always a useful tool during any retrograde cycle. When Mars is retrograde in Aries, the soul is revising its desires, instincts and impulses. Why so? It is because the experiential track is informing and triggering a new response. You can verify this for yourself. When you check in, are you still on autopilot, or do you feel something new and different stirring from within? Listen up and you just might hear yourself say, “typically my first go-to is, but….”; or “I tend to react or proceed in this way, but I am starting to feel differently about it now”.
The next two months is for checking in with yourself. Do you really want to continue or is there someplace else to go? If it isn’t meant to be, the signs, roadblocks, or frustrations should become more obvious. If it still holds good prospect, then this Mars retrograde cycle will continue to stoke the fire, to to infuse it with fresh life, to refuel you to the point where you have enough energy and momentum to go the distance with it. Know that Mars retrograde will not stop those who are hellbent on stoking angry, violent, and destructive brush-fires, who want to burn the whole village down for self serving purpose. We must not let them!!
Mars retrograde marks the next two months as an appropriate time to engage in a temporary or sideline activity. For example, the retrograde cycle arcs over the peak campaign period and USA election day. It is also a good time for giving something or someone a trial run.
On another note, know that while Mars in Aries tours retrograde, it is a heating up influence, but that which gains new life may not be obvious or visible. I cannot restate it enough. Please take this under consideration and put safety measures to the forefront re Covid-19. (Also, please make sure to vote on November 3!) One the retrograde cycle is complete Mars in Aries will hit full steam ahead.
The end of Capricorn retrograde:
September opens with all four planetary influences in Capricorn on retrograde tours. Over the next five weeks, all will end their retrograde tours. Here is the list: Pallas Athene, September 3; Jupiter, September 12; Saturn, September 28; and Pluto, October 4. One by one, they are foundation laying. Combined with the Mars retrograde transit taking dictation, they solidify the reality baseline in some finish it off, reprioritize, and move it forward way. Expect to keep working through it in some intensified way through this month and next. The best you can do for yourself is to face the reality for what it is, to use your time, not to waste it. Roll up your sleeves and put your best effort forward on your own behalf.
September 1: Full Moon in Pisces, 10:21 pm (10:12 Pisces)
September 17: Super New Moon in Virgo, 4:00 am (25:00 Virgo)
September 5: Pallas Athene ends retrograde: 6:07 pm (12:12 Capricorn)
September 5: Mercury enters Libra: 12:46 pm
September 6: Venus enters Leo: 0:21 am
September 9: Mar stations retrograde: 3:22 pm (28:08 Aries)
September 12: Jupiter stations direct: 5:40 pm (17:24 Capricorn)
September 20: Juno enters Scorpio: 12:19 pm
September 22: Sun enters Libra: 6:30 am
September 27: Mercury enters Scorpio: 00:40 am
September 27: Ceres retrograde revisits Aquarius: 00:20 am
September 28: Saturn stations direct: 10:11pm (25:20 Capricorn)
**Please note: All times listed are PDT, please check your local time
Dates to watch: Sept 1 – 6, 8 – 15, 22 – 25, 28, 29
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
September kicks off with a full moon in Pisces. Uncertainty continues in the mix, so stay vigilant regarding your health and your passwords. Pisces is also an exposing influence, so know the full moon could reveal something that has previously gone unnoticed. The sun’s trine to Uranus on September 2 can produce a saving grace, a timely discovery or opportunity. You could scoop a bargain or turn a minus into a plus. Also, on September 2, Venus in opposition to Saturn can bring you to a deadline, finish-line or a significant next step. If the first couple of days of the month prove to be a drain or a tough grind, look to the end of the week for more fuel or incentive.
September 9 to November 13, Mars in Aries travels retrograde. This will be a particularly notable transit for you if you are born April 4 to 18. Mars retrograde marks the next two months for an important review (karmic, personal). This retrograde transit also takes you through a preparation phase or a trial run for an important next chapter. Doing battle with it like you always do may not yield the desired results. Rather, Mars retrograde is well used for “look and listen-up”. Take the next two months for a test drive. Feel your way along regarding what you really want for yourself and how you are going to proceed next. Mid November onward sets you onto fast forward/full steam ahead.
September 3, Pallas Athene ends retrograde in Capricorn. Just 3 days after Mars stations retrograde, Jupiter in Capricorn stations direct. In combination, all three assist you to get yourself better on track. By September 28, Saturn will end retrograde in Capricorn and by October 4, Pluto will also resume direct motion. Progressively they’ll assist you to move past the block or hold up and to build on more solid ground.
To the plus, Mars retrograde on a pull back and regroup cycle allows for you to gain a better perspective, to get back in touch with what is in your best interests. The transit assists you to get you back to center-ice where you belong so you can start the play over and take a better shot at it (as leader of your own domain, as manager of your own heart). Too, it can be time to break the chain, do your own thing or go your own way. The transit can help you (or force you) to disengage from (or altogether eliminate) what is not serving you, to cut yourself loose in some productive way. Watch for instincts to provide new signals and prompts. Mars retrograde can also take you through a karmic revisit. A sense of déjà-vu or familiarity is a clue to the importance of this karmic recall. It is your chance move that circumstance or relationship in a new direction.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
From now through early next month, all planetary influences transiting through Capricorn (namely: Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) will end their retrograde tours. As they continue and time does too, you’ll progressively gain a better sense of what’s coming down the track next, and what or who is most productive and worthwhile of your time and effort.
September opens on a full moon in Pisces. Despite the uncertainty of the moment, reality is shaping up in some definitive way. Venus/Saturn can bring you to end, wrap up, finish, or a sobering realization. There can be something or someone to give up or let go of. What’s cleared away now sets the stage for a next chapter to begin.
Due to its retrograde tour (September 9 to November 13), Mars will extend its tour of Aries until January 6, 2020. Mars in Aries stokes the fire, stirs up the potential and encourages you to dig deeper for the hidden wealth you can sense is lying in wait for you. Uranus continues traveling retrograde in Taurus until the middle of January. Both transits give you added time to regroup, to feel your way along, to work yourself up to it. Look to January onward, for your ready, set, go time. That is not to say you should sit out the next few months, not by a long shot. This is a sort-out and line-up-your-ducks time. The more inner development or groundwork you undertake now, the more well set you’ll be for the next action track. View Mars retrograde as a project-based transit. It is also good for the pull-one-off agenda, and for tending to things you can accomplish in a relatively short period of time. Introspection is productive too. The transit will keep you busy sorting yourself out or cooking it up behind the scenes.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Feeling at a loss or finding it difficult to know what’s reasonable or safe? Several supporting aspects accompany the full moon in Pisces on September 1. Look to Venus/Saturn (opposition) to chisel it out or to dictate it. Thanks to trines from Sun/Uranus, Mercury/Pluto, and Mercury/Saturn, watch for synchronicity to roll it out for you. The full moon and the few days that follow could inform or assist you in some timely or advantageous way. September 4, Venus/Mars (square aspect), can see you turn an important corner (for yourself, in relationship to another/others, regarding finances). Getting it fixed, healed or upgraded is better done now rather than at some point later.
Mercury enters Libra on September 5; Venus enters Leo on September 6. Both transits can put a better spin on communication and creative tracks. Your heart speak can provide clearer signals too.
Mars, the action planet, tours retrograde in Aries from September 9 to November 13. This pull-it-back transit prompts a rethink of goals, involvements, and lifestyle choices. By choice or circumstance, the transit could set your future on an alternate course. A sense of karmic destiny or déjà vu is a clue to the importance of where, when, how, or who. Consider Mars retrograde as making necessary revisions to the play or gameboard. Look to the end of the year for circumstances to hit a fuller swing and/or to set you onto a significant new adventure. Use this Mars transit to explore something outside of your usual, or to sign up for a short- term undertaking.
Over the next five weeks, all transits through Capricorn will complete retrograde tours and resume forward motion. Here are the dates: Pallas September 3, Jupiter September 12, Saturn September 28 and Pluto October 4. Now that they’ve pulled it apart/dismantled it (i.e. the reality, the rationale or justification), they’ll work to build it back up again. Progressively, they’ll pave the way forward in some better defined, perhaps no turning back way. Too, they can help you gain better inner resolve to get to work on your build it better project(s) where you want to and know you should. Effort is required yes. Pay it up front and you’ll set yourself up for the best possible results will be worth it.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
The month’s start could find you overwhelmed, at an end of the road, or at a breaking point. The full moon in Pisces (September 1) is accompanied by several additional transits. Venus in Cancer in opposition to Saturn can make for a tough grind and/or hit home with a harsh reality. You could feel out of options, resources, or support. All things happen for a greater life reason and purpose. Even though the going is slow, the planets are in the process of speeding up the inevitable, of getting you bridged over to the other side. On the plus side, Sun/Uranus, Mercury/Pluto, and Mercury/Saturn (all trines) could produce a saving grace or a great opportunity.
Venus and Mars turn a corner on September 4. Mercury enters Libra on September 5. Venus enters Leo on September 6. All three can boost communication tracks and creative opportunity.
Feeling that you can’t rely on the pre-established or carry on as you have been? That you can’t continue to beat your head against the wall or keep running on empty? Something has got to change! The process is already well underway. If you don’t feel that as truth, you will soon enough! Mars in Aries travels retrograde from September 9 to November 13. This transit refortifies you/it from the inside out. Confront the reality head-on, face yourself honestly. The biproduct of this strip it down process will assist to find your strength and courage again. Mars retrograde is well used to review priorities and commitments, to refinance, downsize, and to restructure where necessary. There are times when you may not feel you have a choice. Circumstances are dictating, in some cases, harshly so. Reward comes from effort. The greater the effort, the greater the result.
This six-month Mars transit sets the timer to “whole new reality”. The next two months will pull the reality apart. Following that, it will time to hit the ground running with what’s gaining traction, and to use it to your advantage. Despite how hard the going is or what you feel you have lost along the way; the stars are conspiring on your behalf to help you to build your life into something more bankable.
Jupiter ends retrograde on September 12. Combined with the start of Mars reversing course, Jupiter direct helps you to keep it real, so that you can no longer cover up what you know to be true. Jupiter serves to get you better on track with necessity and to make your better bets a more obvious pick. The end of both Saturn retrograde (September 28) and Pluto retrograde (October 4) will progressively outline the direction forward with clearer definition.
LEO July 22 – August 22
September opens on a full moon in Pisces. Uncertainty is in the mix but look to the sun’s trine with Uranus and Venus in opposition to Saturn to select the options for you.
Mercury tours Libra from September 5 to 27. This transit can enhance communication tracks and same page accord. Put your attention toward the visual presentation – toward making yourself or your offerings look more appealing. Sign up for a personal interest course, etc.
Venus in Leo, starting September 6, shines favor on you. This is a good transit for attention getting, create-it endeavor, and for enhancements of all kinds. The transit boosts your potentials and vitality, general sense of well-being and can-do. You could find yourself on the receiving end of more love and admiration, good feedback, and gifts.
The world is changing, you are too. Mars in Aries travels retrograde from September 9 to November 13. Is there somewhere else you’d rather be? Whether you have chosen it for yourself or it has been shaping up, the transit can find you questioning, resisting, or sparing with the future you have been heading for. Whether an enforced delay, a battle to face or a mountain to climb, Mars retrograde is a time to pull back and take stock, to check in with yourself again. Just a few days after Mars begins retrograde, Jupiter in Capricorn ends the retrograde cycle it started last May. Together, Mars retrograde and Jupiter direct work to true your aim, to show you what is most worthy an investment, what is most viable for you to pursue. Mars retrograde is well used to switch tracks, either for a short time or with a more permanent aim in mind. Plan B could shape up for you quite readily or naturally.
Pallas Athene ends retrograde on September 3, Saturn ends retrograde on September 28 and Pluto does the same on October 4. That’s the complete list of planets in transit through Capricorn. Progressively, the reality takes more well-defined shape and form. There may be hold-ups along the way, but don’t let them stop you. Don’t waste a moment. Get yourself sorted out, line up your ducks. Use your time wisely. Soon, it will be springboard time. Look to the end of Mars retrograde (November 13) onward for full steam ahead.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Whether it is your actual birthday or not, the full moon in Pisces on September 1 can bring special attention your way. Soak up on the good stuff! The unexpected (plus or minus) can be in the mix over the first few days too. The sun’s trine to Uranus holds excellent potential. Seize opportunity and try not to stress on the rest. The full moon is a catalyst for putting it out in the open, and/or to moving onto something next. Endings and beginnings are intertwined. Something fresh and new can hit the spot quite nicely.
Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra on September 5. Venus exits Cancer for Leo on September 6. Both transits enhance communication and creative tracks. They can help you to make better inroads, to spruce it up, package and deliver it with better prospect.
Mars in Aries begins a two-month retrograde tour on September 9. Stay in your own bubble, do it yourself, go your own way, give your all to the moment. Don’t hesitate to put your own needs and interests first, to stand as a group of one. Mars retrograde submerges you in an intensified day to day learning curve and self discovery process. Use this transit to pull back, regroup, carve it out for yourself, refortify from within and to undertake upgrades (health and attitude included). The next two months set you on a self discovery and recovery cycle of significance. Its time to get back in touch with who you used to be before all the layers were glued on top. Each time you hit paydirt, you’ll feel it, you’ll know it. Watch for instincts, intuition, and your powers of observation to sharpen. Emotional responses can hit the quick trigger too. Also, the next two-month can take you through a try out period, trial and error, research project, or a stoke the fire process. Once the retrograde cycle is over, expect to hit the ground running on a next chapter.
Jupiter in Capricorn ends a four-month retrograde tour on September 12. Pallas Athene, currently touring Capricorn, ended retrograde on September 3. Saturn in Capricorn ends retrograde on September 28, and Pluto in Capricorn ends retrograde on October 4. All four are shaping, defining, and solidifying. Progressively, they are building the framework for this next phase of your life.
Essentially, all the planetary shifts and redirects are conspiring on your behalf. They will assist you to find yourself again, to reclaim self at center and to rebuild from the inside out in an essential and timely way. Of course, there are battles yet to face, but each breakthrough point is a victory gained. As time and experience advances, you’ll know that statement to be true.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Now is not the time to let up on social distancing. Uncertainty starts the month thanks to a full moon in Pisces on September 1. Continue to guard your health and your passwords, keep track of your stuff. Forgetfulness, theft, or the error of omission are within the range of possibility for this full moon. Too, the full moon is exposing and revealing. You or they could let something slip. To the plus, the full moon holds hidden potential. Something you discover could place you at an advantage or prove to be a saving grace.
Mercury tours Libra from September 5 to September 27. This transit can see you on an upswing. Even so, continue to stay flexible regarding your plans and expectations. Mercury can make for plenty of coming and going, re activity and your thinking process too. You may notice you are quicker and shaper on the ball.
While you have a natural propensity for collaboration and partnering up, and mostly you don’t mind going along with others, you are likely to feel you want and deserve more recognition. Mercury and Venus also prompt you to put more attention toward self interests. Yes, make sure give your first consideration toward your own needs, priorities, and interests. If you don’t do it, who will?
Have you been toughing it out with someone or something? Mars in Aries tours retrograde from September 9 to November 13. This transit could either plug the plug on something that was heating up or see it (or them) go snap. It is well used for pulling back on it, distancing yourself, creating a sharper dividing line, or for going on to other things while you let it (or them) stew. Ultimately the Mars in Aries transit gives you six months to test pilot a new way of showing up for yourself. It is a learn as you go process.
Jupiter In Capricorn ends a four month retrograde on September 12. This transit loans added momentum to the start of the Mars retrograde agenda – namely making it real. Pallas Athene turns direct on September 3, Saturn on September 28 and Pluto on October 4 – all in the sign of Capricorn. All four of these Capricorn transits are putting the finishing touches on the past. At the same time, they are setting a new foundation into place. Their number one priority is to get you to face yourself honestly. Once you can get back in touch with what matters to you most, you will start to create a better even keel/better consistency and security from within. You’ll see that reflected by a natural shift of attention and priorities, by the inroads you make, the feedback you get, and how the pathway unfolds in front of you.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Despite the continuing uncertainty, there are several transits in the first week of the month that should keep you on the move along. The full moon in Pisces (September 1) is accompanied by Venus/Saturn bringing you to an important conclusion or threshold crossing. Trines from Mercury/Pluto, Mercury/Saturn and Sun/Uranus accompanying this full moon help you to get it sorted out. It could go easier or smoother than you anticipate. When in doubt, go with the flow, choose what’s easiest, or closest at hand. Think creatively. A unique solution or different/alternative (Plan B or even one you haven’t thought up yet) could be the it ticket. Don’t hesitate to ditch one thing for another, or to let go and move on.
Venus/Mars turn a corner of September 4. Mercury enters Libra on September 5, and Venus enters Leo on September 6. All three should put you on the upswing with evaluation process, an important conversation, an investment of time, heart, or money.
Mars in Aries turns retrograde on September 9. Jupiter in Capricorn ends retrograde on September 12. Switching gears in quick succession, they shift the momentum and the priority in an overtaking, perhaps non-negotiable way. It makes no sense to perpetuate something that isn’t making the grade. Nor can you force what isn’t coming naturally. Jupiter direct calls for a level of stripped-down honesty. What’s the bird in hand reality? Today’s tough-it-out action sets up tomorrow’s benefit/result. Mars retrograde is a time to regroup. Aim to be more attentive to the urgings of your soul, to switch track and/or tack according to the signs and signals you receive. Watch for intuition and for activities and involvements to provide you with important clues.
All planetary influences currently touring Capricorn ending retrograde cycles over this next five weeks. Here is the list: September 3, Pallas Athene; September 12, Jupiter; September 28, Saturn; October 4, Pluto. All are reaching a time is ripe/time has come stage. As they move forward, know you/your life will too. Progressively you’ll reach a better-defined sense of direction. You’ll finally be able to move forward on the pending pile, on projects, decisions, or circumstances that have been held up for far too long.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Don’t have it nailed down or sorted out well enough yet? There is no need to sweat it. Go with the flow, relinquish control and you just might find things work out even better than you have anticipated. The full moon in Pisces is accompanied by several transits, namely Venus/Saturn setting the timer on reality, mobilizing Mercury/Pluto and Mercury/Saturn making it more workable or viable, and Sun/Uranus on setting synchronicity, innovation, and creative potential into good play.
Venus/Mars, the relationship duo turn a corner on September 4. Mercury enters Libra on September 5. Venus enters Leo on September 6. Combined, they keep the interpersonal and communication track on an upswing. Enhancing matters and relationships dear to your heart through the start of October, Venus in Leo pumps up your creativity, satisfaction, and success ratio. Venus can also bring favoured attention your way and/or enhance your love life. Play it up, soak it up.
Mars in Aries tours retrograde from September 9 to November 13. This transit is best used for a personal regroup. Craving more time to yourself. Do you still want to carry on? Ready to go your own way? Feeling that something more is heating up? Mars retrograde can set up a pause before go time, a trial run cycle, or a karmic revisit transit. The next two months will help you to better pinpoint what is at the core or what is most worthy for you. Look to the middle of November onward for full thrust time.
Between now and the start of next month, all planets transiting Capricorn will end their retrograde tours. Here’s the list: Pallas Athene, September 3; Jupiter, September 12; Saturn, September 28; and Pluto on October 4. As time moves forward, more is solidified or cemented. These transits bring you and circumstance to a ripe and ready timetable. This in terms of building it better, what resources, pursuits and investments will provide the greatest opportunity and growth potential; what/who is most bankable in consideration of the long-range future and benefit.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
The full moon in Pisces on September 1 sets up best case scenario for improvements and for making it workable. Despite the limitations, uncertainty of circumstances, doubts, or feelings, you may be surprised at how well you/we adapt. Potentials will soon gain better traction. There are several facilitating transits accompanying the full moon that make for a productive go. Venus in opposition to Saturn on September 2 and in square aspect to Mars on September 4 set the timer to reaching, achieving, finalizing, completing. This next phase or page is simply a natural progression.
Mercury tours Libra from September 5 to 27. Venus tours Leo from September 6 to October 2. Both transits put added attention on finding a better balance between output and reward. Both assist you to better gains re your activities and investments (time, money, and heart).
Have you been wrestling with it, with them, or with yourself? September 9 to November 13, Mars in Aries travels retrograde. This it the pull back and regroup portion of a six-month cut new teeth cycle that extends to January. Mars puts the focus on breaking new ground/laying a new foundation, making new inroads, and starting (or battling your way through to) a new chapter. The next six months also places added emphasis on home and family life. While Mars tours retrograde, it is important to observe the shifting tides, to allow for circumstances and best options to reveal themselves, to take more time out to check in with self. There are times when collaboration is wise, and times when your own needs should come first. Uncertain on how to play it? Confirmation will come if you give it enough time and space to grow on you. Wait until the urge or instinct feels compelling enough to propel you.
The whole year has been breaking down the reality and rearranging the deck chairs. Over this next five weeks, all four planets transiting Capricorn will end their retrograde tours: Pallas Athene, September 3; Jupiter, September 12; Saturn September 28; Pluto, October 4. You’ll feel each these planetary resets as foundation setting or as building blocks laid into place one by one.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
The full moon in Pisces on September 1 exposes that which is in need of more work, correction, healing, repair, or upgrade. On the one hand, you could face loss, drain, or disappointment. On the other hand, the full moon could set you up to scoop a bargain, refinance, turn a loss into a gain. Too, it could put you at a surprise advantage. Also, this first week of the September provides an opportunity to further a necessary conversation, to back out or to change your mind on something that isn’t working for you well enough.
Mercury tours Libra from September 5 to 27. In general, the transit can enhance communication tracks, smooth out collaborative undertakings, and help you to find a bettered equilibrium. From September 6 to October 1, Venus in Leo sets a backdrop for you showcase yourself and your offerings. Too, this Venus transit can put an added spotlight on someone you love or admire. You could gain benefit through others. A gift or gifted moment could come your way.
For the past two months, Mars has had you doing battle with your day to day, perhaps with someone specific. Perhaps you have felt the urge to jump the gun on something. September 9 to November 13, Mars travels retrograde in Aries. The transit is best used to pull back, regroup, or reconsider it. Put yourself in observation mode, feel your way along, and watch for instincts and outer signals to inform you. The next two months can be well used to take on a temporary or sideline project, or to explore a different option or alternate track.
Over this next five weeks, all four planetary influences traveling in Capricorn will end their retrograde cycles: Pallas Athene, September 3; Jupiter September 12, Saturn, September 28, and Pluto, October 4. Each one will set another piece of the puzzle in place. Now through the end of October keeps you working through it. November onward will be the time for full steam ahead.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
The workings of full moon in Pisces on September 1 is of greater impact for those born on or near March 1. Several accompanying transits set the wheels in motion for a natural progression (namely Venus opposition Saturn, Sun trine Uranus, and Mercury in good shape with Pluto and Saturn). Things can fall into place readily and well. Creative solutions and synchronicity can be on your side. Watch for a flash of inspiration, a surprise advantage, an opportunity to strike a better bargain, get your message across, or to make a significant inroad.
September 5 to 28, Mercury in Libra keeps the attention focused on creating a better balance and on sorting out the worth of your investments (time, money, heart). September 6 to October 1, Venus in Leo keeps you focused on better your best and on getting better traction out of your day to day.
Mars tours retrograde in Aries from September 9 to November 13. This inventory taking transit finds y0u you deeply introspective and re-evaluating assets and resources. What do you have going for you? What are you up against? The next two months set a backdrop to help you get clearer and better onto target. What is required of you? Keep observing and checking back on it; pay close attention to your inner triggers, and go by feel, inch at a time if needs be. Don’t fight yourself, listen up instead. Mars retrograde is not a time to force what isn’t coming naturally. It is a time to pause before hitting go. You can use the transit to pick up the slack with a short interlude or sidetrack. Mars retrograde is also a stoke the fire influence. It gives you an extended time to colour it in more – in other words to lay a more solid foundation before getting something new off the ground, or to ensure that you really do want to bust yourself loose before you light that match.
Between now and the start of October, all planets transiting in Capricorn will end their retrograde cycles. Here’s the list: Pallas Athene, September 3, Jupiter, September 12, Saturn, September 27 and Pluto, October 4. The first three out of that four are on their finish up in the sign of Capricorn, the difficult grind archetype. They have been particularly hard at work regarding their mandate of deconstruct/reconstruct over this entire year. Evidence of this fact is all around us as a daily occurrence. Progressively these momentous transits are reformatting your goals, priorities and expectations.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at 9 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net