Only two more months before the year finishes out! Last month four planets ended their retrograde tours. This month we launch into the second and last set of the eclipses for the year.
November opens with Mars freshly into Scorpio. Continuing to December 13, this Mars transit keeps the motivation and the action intensity dialed up, perhaps the obsession too. Entering Scorpio on November 5, Mercury intensifies communication tracks, the planning process, trade, commerce, and transport (of ideas, goods, and people). Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Scorpio set a backdrop for staying on topic/on target.
November 2, Mercury/Pluto can bring a sense of moving past a tight spot or hurdle, and onto a next track. The new moon in Scorpio on November 4 gains added punch from Uranus (opposition), the planet of the unexpected, of disruption, eruption, extremes, sudden windfalls, and opportunity. Watch for notable weather patterns, for significant headlines from the worlds of finance, business, and politics. We could hear news of accidents or of notable passages or births.
Venus enters Capricorn on November 5. Typically, Venus will spend an average of three weeks in a sign, but due to an upcoming retrograde cycle (December 19 to January 29), Venus will extend her visit to Capricorn to March 5. I will write more about this transit in the December column. For now, know that Venus will gift you with extra time to work on the cementing process, to get it under better control.
November 10 is a day heavily stacked with planetary alignments. Mercury conjunct Mars starts the day with something to confront or tackle. Here is the rest of the day’s list: Mercury/Saturn, Mars/Saturn (both are square aspects); moon/Saturn (conjunction), moon/Mercury, moon/Mars, and lastly, moon/Uranus (all three are square aspects). It’s a turning point or breakthrough day. There can be something to face, to move past, or to tough out. Push harder and forge ahead despite the obstacle or despite what remains that can’t be moved, changed, or reclaimed. Extra effort or patience is required, but do the work, get the result. The day sets a backdrop for solid accomplishment.
November 17, Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus. Watch for something unexpected to trigger and to fast track the action. November 18, the day is book-ended by trines from Mercury/Neptune (start of the day) Venus/Uranus (end of the day). Lucrative, social, entertaining, romantic; synchronicity and creative opportunity abounds. These transits precede the partial lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. A lunar eclipse will always illuminate and accelerate the action (what is already in the works) in some unexpected way. The lunar eclipse in Taurus puts added attention on money, survival, self worth, and on an evaluation process. The eclipse can help you to better sort out what or who is most worthwhile. The eclipse could prompt a revamp of your income or expenses, or a change in your relationship status. To get yourself better situated could mean dropping anchor or making a significant change. It can be an opportune time to invest, borrow, reassess, re-strategize, or renovate. This eclipse can unlock that which has been buried or held in a frozen state (i.e., emotions, memories, creativity, talents, resources). As well, the days around the eclipse can remove a blockage, or see you make progress regarding a dilemma or stalemate situation, to break free from inertia. This eclipse can be ground-breaking for you if it makes direct contact to your natal chart. Otherwise, you will witness the effect indirectly.
The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. Mercury does the same on November 24. Setting the stage for the USA thanksgiving, both transits put more of everything on the go and on the increase. Despite covid and supply issues, the week is sure to see plenty of folks traveling. One major holiday down, more to go. The sun/Mercury conjunction on November 24 launch their next two-month cycle and in so doing, they set the upcoming holidays and all they entail into full swing.
New Moon in Scorpio: November 4, 2:16 pm (12:40 Scorpio)
Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: November 19, 0:57 am (27:14 Taurus)
**Daylight Saving Time ends: November 7, 2021
November 5: Mercury enters Scorpio, 3:34 pm
November 5: Venus enters Capricorn, 3:43 am
November 14: Juno enters Capricorn, 12:23 pm
November 16: Vesta enters Sagittarius, 6:03 am
November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius, 6:33pm
November 24: Mercury enters Sagittarius, 7:36 am
**Please note all times listed before November 7 are PDT. After November 7, all times listed are PST.
Please check your local time.
Dates to watch: November 2, 4, 5, 9 -11, 13, 14, 17 – 21, 24 – 30
Happy Thanksgiving to those observing the holiday!
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
For the past two months, Mercury in Libra has kept you focused on creating a better equilibrium. It has also kept you feeling your way along regarding social and relationship matters. As of November 5, Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio and Venus treks into Capricorn. The time for fence sitting, skirting around it, or putting it off is over. Aim to commit yourself more fully to the goals you want to achieve, i.e., better health, wealth, respect, reputation, time management, productivity, or self honouring.
Last month, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury ended retrograde cycles. November/December delivers two eclipses, and the last of three meetings between Saturn and Uranus (by square aspect). Omitting Venus retrograde which will finish the year (starting on December 19), the next two months are prime for taking full advantage of time and opportunity. The more you invest, the better your prospects. It is important to do right by yourself too, this in terms of investing what is reasonable, practical, strengthening, refortifying, healthy, and smart.
November 2, 10, 13, and 17 can get the action going in some tackle it, confront it, eliminating, breakthrough, or unexpected way. To the plus, a block or hurdle is removed. Face the tough stuff and get it out of the way. November 10 can place you at a threshold crossing (ending, beginning, finalization) of significance. This date sets a reality into play, perhaps in some official way.
The few days before the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 can kick it into gear in some fast track or exceptional way. Mars in opposition to Uranus (November 17) is followed by Venus in trine to Uranus November 18. Watch for a sudden inspiration, a change of heart, an opportunity to advance your career, make more money, to make an important turnaround (financial, health, wealth), and/or to get something important under better control. (Bank rates could be on the move.) This eclipse precedes the USA Thanksgiving, traditionally a time when record numbers of travelers are on the move. Holiday shoppers and sales are traditionally in high gear too.
The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. Mercury does the same on November 24. The duo will meet on November 28. It’s time to focus on the future, not the past!
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
There is something important for you to undertake, to confront, to explore, or to revamp. Mars in Scorpio extends to December 13. This transit can drive or force you to take a deeper look at your motivations and expectations. What is it that grips you, that ignites your passion? What is it that lays claims on your undivided attention? Are you giving in to self undermining? What would an empowerment initiative look like? Watch for a relationship matter or circumstance to come to a head. Mars in Scorpio puts added emphasis on how you show up for yourself. This Mars transit is also well used to forge new inroads.
The first week of the month can be full to the brim. Mercury turns a corner with Pluto on November 2. This transit puts you in the know, and/or helps you to surpass a block, hold up, or requirement. The few days that follow keep it/you on the move along. November 4 can trigger something unexpected. Two planets change signs on November 5: Mercury enters Scorpio (to November 24) and Venus enters Capricorn. Mercury in Scorpio keeps the intensity dialed up, especially regarding relationships, finances, and communication tracks. Time is on your side, but make sure to use it well. On an extended tour of Capricorn to March 5, Venus works to solidify the reality – namely, your future course. Venus is both on a finishing and seeding track. It is ideal for formal education, career building, relationship commitment, citizenship, and all other official undertakings.
November 10 holds several stressful, pressure then release, aspects. It can be a day of difficult news or conversations. On the other hand, it can be a productive day of getting things out of the way and tackling what is necessary.
November 17 can see you or it hit full throttle or full steam ahead. An unexpected trigger can start your day. November 18, can set up an opportunity day, start to finish. November 19 delivers a partial lunar eclipse across the Taurus/Scorpio axis. You will feel the full impact of this eclipse if you are born on or near May 3, 4, or 13. Watch for something or someone to crack it open for you. This eclipse can be lucrative and fertile. It’s excellent for creative endeavour and for renovation projects of all kinds (health, wealth, heart). Directly or indirectly, someone could be instrumental in altering your reality.
The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. Mercury follows suit on November 24. Both join forces on November 28. This begins a two-month cycle that will take us through holidays and that also encompasses Venus retrograde (December 19 to January 28). Expect to work your way through an important elimination, processing, refining, and restructuring cycle that will set up the next leg of your journey.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Work, health, soul searching, budgets, upgrades and renovation projects can claim more of your attention while Mars (to December 13), Sun (to November 21) and Mercury (to November 24) tour Scorpio. Don’t hesitate to consult a health specialist or wealth expert. Extra time, effort, or resources spent on research can be worthwhile. Aim to recycle an idea, rebuild a success, or work smarter not harder. Set yourself to task, improvement is your net gain. Better solutions can be found. Don’t ignore electrical, mechanical or auto issues. It could be a good time to trade in your car or upgrade devices.
As of November 5, Venus begins an extended four-month tour of Capricorn. This is due to the upcoming retrograde cycle, (December 19 to January 29). Venus puts a more serious spin on goals, ambitions, and priorities, both financial and regarding important relationships (personal and professional.) Yes, it is time to get serious about your financial bottom line, to work harder to streamline expenses and pay down debt. Aim to ditch the time and money wasters. Consider downsizing. On the other hand, it can be an appropriate transit for a talk with the bank about a business loan, mortgage, or refinancing. If you aren’t sure what is best, Venus will give you extended time to feel your way along. Once Venus retrograde has come and gone (December 19 to January 29) you should feel you have a better grip on the reality, on what is most worthy of your time, heart, or money.
November 10 can be an over the hump, force it, or push harder day. Exertion, stress, and frustration are in the mix. Hard earned, well deserved. The day is well used to work it out.
Watch for the action to intensify and accelerate in the days leading up to the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. Mars opposes Uranus on November 17. Venus trines Uranus on November 18. Something unexpected could get it off the ground in some opportune way. Catch the wave! Eclipses tend to always catch us by surprise. This one could reveal a well guarded secret or expose something you might have had a feeling or a sense about but couldn’t quite put your finger on. It can work behind the scenes or in a less obvious way, or produce a saving grace. On the other hand, it can raise suspicions or trust, or disrupt your work or your day. Put safety and security to the forefront. Guard your passwords, don’t divulge more than is wise, don’t ignore warning signals regarding your car, tools, prescriptions, etc. guard your passwords, etc. To the plus, a renovation, change of plans, or change of job could set you on a more lucrative or secure track. Research, soul searching, a counselling session, or a meeting with a specialist or advisor could be to your great benefit.
Putting the holidays into full swing, the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, Mercury does the same on November 24. The duo will meet on November 28. Despite the added volume, travel, visits, shopping, and obligations, overall, activities should run smooth.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Whatever you are feeling, you’ll feel it deeply. The emotional journey can be all consuming. Mars, freshly into Scorpio, takes you on a much deeper dive. Along with the sun (to November 21) and Mercury (to November 24) in Scorpio, the next few weeks aim to put you better in touch with your own inner workings. All empowerment initiatives meet the seal of approval, so drive a harder bargain – with the universe, with yourself, with another, with whatever it is that has control over you. This next month or few sets a productive backdrop for making a turnaround where you desire and need it the most. Effort is required. Give it your best shot.
Venus tenants Capricorn from November 5 to March 5. The extra long stay (usually Venus changes signs about every 20 days) is due to an upcoming retrograde cycle, December 19 to January 29. Venus puts added attention on your career and professional ambitions, your social sphere, parenting or parents and relationships in general. Venus retrograde takes you through an important reassessment. The transit will give you extended time to finish off with the past, and to work out your goals and priorities.
November 10 calls for you to push through or push harder, to face a reality, to make it official, to hold yourself or another accountable. It can be a tough battle or a day of accomplishment. An important corner can be turned. It may not come easy, but it is worth the effort.
What a difference a day or two can make. November 17, Mars opposes Uranus. November 18, Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune. Whether you experience these transits as jarring or opportunity, they kick the action up a big notch, likely in some sudden and unexpected way. They are precursors to the November 19 lunar eclipse in Taurus. Watch for someone or something from your past to reappear. The eclipse provides an opportunity to break out of inertia, to put to an end or to make a significant turnaround with something that has gone on for too long.
The sun’s entrance into Sagittarius on November 21, Mercury’s trek into Sagittarius on November 24 and their meeting on November 28 (conjunction) sets the backdrop for the USA Thanksgiving travel and celebrations. They also set Christmas shopping and activities into high gear. My how time flies!
LEO July 22 – August 22
Are you feeling the change of season? The sun in Scorpio puts added attention on home and private life matters. Mars, freshly into Scorpio, can intensify inner yearning, questioning, and soul searching. Is it covid fatigue, or is it something more? Feeling a deep-seated restlessness, a desire for change, perhaps the desire for a complete overhaul?
Planet Mercury moves past a pressure point with Pluto at the month’s start. It can bring a shift of perspective and/or momentum and get you going on a next project or track. You may not be able to figure it all out instantaneously or even in the short term, but know those uncomfortable feelings serve to keep you awake, to disrupt complacency and inertia. Mercury treks into Scorpio on November 5 and will stay in this sign to November 24. Mars in Scorpio continues to December 13. These transits are appropriate for strategic planning and for renovation projects of all kinds (personal renovations included).
November 10 calls for extra effort and for facing it/tackling it head on. It might not be a cake walk, but if you can push through it (there’s little choice but to do so), you could net something worthwhile. November 17, Mars opposite Uranus could start your day with something sudden and unexpected. November 18, Venus trine Uranus and Mercury trine Neptune suggests opportunity and synchronicity is in full swing. It’s a good day for creative projects or creative enterprise. Spending and earnings can see a spike, which isn’t surprising given the time of year. Preceding the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19, these transits could stir up the weather too.
You could feel the effects of the lunar eclipse in a more direct way if you are born August 15 to 21 or if the full moon aspects your personal birth chart, otherwise you can witness it indirectly or in more general ways. With just one week to go before the USA Thanksgiving, the eclipse could feel like an unofficial launch to the holidays. To the plus, you may be able to complete a work or renovation project, or to get health, plans, or home-base matters under better control. There’s an opportunity to make a turnaround with someone in charge. This eclipse can be fruitful for the job hunt, tests, re-working the budget, revamping the plan, etc. The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, Mercury follows suit on November 24. Watch for more travelers, more shopping, more of everything to hit a fuller swing.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Ambition looks good on you. The sun, Mars, and Mercury (as of November 5) in Scorpio keep you driven, perhaps even obsessed, to meet your objectives. All three also keep your radar sharp, helping you to absorb and retain information, and to pinpoint what is essential. As such they can help you to stay a step ahead of the conversation or the action. Trust what you know and feel. You’re a smart cookie when it comes to figuring what is to your best advantage. Of course, you can continue to feel challenged by outside forces, by that which is beyond your control.
November 10 is a day to keep your wits about you and to push through or push for what you need to. Mercury and Mars drive a hard bargain with Saturn (square aspect) and the moon works it out with Mercury and Mars. This day can make it real in some substantial way.
Venus enters Capricorn on November 5. Typically, Venus spends about 21 days in transit through a sign, but due to her retrograde cycle (December 19 to January 29), Venus will tenant Capricorn through March 5! This Venus transit gives you extended time to feel your way along, to put better boundaries in place, to get it under better control, to achieve a much-desired goal (career, personal, or relationship), to build something of substantial value and worth. Even if it gives you more work, even if significant effort or time is required, know that Venus is on your side. You are the architect of your life. Aim high, aim higher!
Beyond the attention on the upcoming holidays, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 could bring long awaited news, see you make a breakthrough. Visitors could come or go. It could set the future on go in an opportune, perhaps unexpected way. Watch for the action to trigger over the few days or week that precedes this eclipse (and follows it too). November 17, Mars opposite Uranus switches you onto something fresh or next. The unexpected can launch your day. November 18, Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune. Catch the wave!
The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24 and the duo team up on November 28. Consider these transits to unofficially launch the holiday onslaught. Expect to see a lot more travellers, shoppers, events, and money in circulation.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Keeping you in action over the first few days of the month, Mercury continues in Libra to November 5, while Venus finishes up in Sagittarius. Avoid the last minute rush, stay a step ahead and you’ll do yourself a favour.
As of November 5, both Mercury and Venus head onto their next agendas. Mercury tenants Scorpio to November 24, joining the sun in Scorpio and Mars freshly into this sign. All three put added concentration on finances and on making the most of the resources you have. To the plus, all three keep you sharp shooting and resourceful. Trust your observational skill/your radar. You can find that you are even more astute than usual when it comes to reading people and situations. Also, you’ll have a good eye for spotting a good bargain or for what is most worthwhile. Mercury, Mars, and the sun can take you through a deeper exploration of your own motivations, sensitivities, and emotions. Time out for self reflection and soul searching is time well spent. There’s always a different way to see it/play it, always another avenue to try, or always an improvement that can be made. These transits prompt you to ask for more, from yourself and for yourself.
Venus enters Capricorn on November 5 to stay through March 5! This especially long transit is due to an upcoming retrograde cycle (December 19 to January 29). Venus in Capricorn puts the finishing touches on the past while at the same time, it lays the paving stones for a next chapter. This transit places you at the end of the road with home life, personal journey, or career chapter. Simultaneously, it also positions you at the threshold of a whole new reality. The transit gives you plenty of time to feel your way along, to establish priorities that align you with the future, not the past. It is a work in progress and one that you have likely been waiting for.
November 10 can be a tough go day. Mars and Mercury in square to Saturn can set a backdrop of added stress, frustration, or pressure. You can feel thwarted, drained, blocked, or forced, but don’t let it stop you. It is a day to push past it, to roll up your sleeves and to face the tough stuff. Added effort sets you up for your best reward or outcome.
November 17, Mars in opposition to Uranus can trigger something unexpected. It is a departure day or cut off day for some. November 18, synchronicity and opportunity are in full swing as Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune. Both transits are good for creative projects and thinking. Spending comes easy too. These transits precede the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. It can see you make a breakthrough regarding finances, health, or an evaluation process. The eclipse can prompt you to a deeper commitment or significant investment (money, heart, or time.) A renovation project, upgrade (at any level), new career or lifestyle track can set the future on its course in some timely way. At the very least, the eclipse reminds you that time is on the move and you should be too.
The sun’s entrance into Sagittarius on November 21 and Mercury on November 24 put the holidays into full swing. More travellers, more shopping, more events, expect to see the volume up everywhere – except perhaps for store shelves.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Mars has just entered Scorpio. If you haven’t felt an energy or momentum boost yet, you will soon enough. Mercury shifts gears with Pluto on November 2 and treks into Scorpio on November 5. One way or another, watch for the sun, Mars, and Mercury to get you/get it up and rolling.
November 10 puts a serious twist on it. The day is well used to pit yourself against a challenge, to face forward and take it on. Put yourself in steam roller mode and don’t stop until you get the job done (or at least get yourself to a level you can live with.)
November 17 can kick it into gear, perhaps in some sudden and unexpected way. Mars in opposition to Uranus launches the day. Hopefully it is a fresh wind or a welcome surprise that gets you going. November 18 could be delightful, heart warming, or lucrative as Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune. You could spend unexpectedly too. Spontaneity and synchronicity rule the day. Dive into something creative, social, inspiring, or entertaining. These transits precede the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. The eclipse can crack something open, move you out of inertia or a stalemate, bring an ending or launch you onto a new or next track. What changes or transpires could be long lasting. Change your appearance or something much more. The eclipse could prompt you to re-evaluate, cut yourself loose, to take a risk on something or someone that’s not your usual pick/fare. Stay game, try your luck. Something could jump out at you; someone could surprise you. You’ll feel the fullest effect of the eclipse if you are born on or near it. Otherwise, you may simply note its workings in your outer world dealings, the weather, and the events of the day. The eclipse and the rest of the month sets the holiday action into full gear. Despite Covid and supply issues, the sun (November 21) and Mercury (November 24) increase the number of folks and funds coming and going.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Mars is freshly into Scorpio at month’s start. It won’t advance into Sagittarius until mid December. Mercury tours Scorpio from November 5 to 24. Along with the sun in Scorpio, these transits can ignite a sense of standing on the brink of something. Indeed, you are.
Whether it is a sense, a feeling or something much more, the sun, Mercury and Mars keep undercurrents well stirred and potentials on brew, but mostly out of sight. These transits are useful for creative endeavour, observation and research, studies, projects, or for developing your game plan. Also, they can plunge you deeper into introspection or soul searching. You may want to pull back and hide out for awhile, to keep your thoughts to yourself. That’s perfectly fine too. When you are ready to resurface, you’ll have no trouble hitting the ground running or making a splash.
November 10 can move you past a deadline, an important timeline, or pressure point. This push come to shove, or steam roller day is stacked with dynamic aspects among Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and the moon. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Face the work head-on, keep it real, and you could net significant results.
November 17, Mars opposes Uranus. November 18, Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune. These transits precede the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. They set the stage for a breakthrough or turnaround of significance, for something lucrative, opportune, or worthwhile. Venus/Uranus can push the refresh button in some positive way. You or someone important to you could have a change of heart or mind.
You’ll perk right up as the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21 and Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Revision of plans, ambitions, goals, and expectations are the aim of Mars in Scorpio (to December 13). Mercury in Scorpio, November 5 to 24, can shift your perspective, your inner dialogue, and your outer conversations. Uncovering and discovering, feeling your way along; it’s a work in progress, an evolution to be sure. You can do no better but to immerse yourself and to allow for the experiential end to roll out what you need to know and to guide your hand. Along with the sun in Scorpio, Mercury also directs your attention to the immediate and short-range concerns, i.e., playing it smarter to extract the best out of spending, earnings, and the holidays.
Venus enters Capricorn on November 5 and will tenant your sign to March 5! The extra long stay is due to an upcoming retrograde cycle, December 19 to January 29. This transit marks an important passage of time. Venus draws added attention to how much your reality and your relationship to reality has changed and continues to change. That includes your changing relationship to yourself (body, mind,
and soul). The aging process, mortality and moving past the past occupy you too. To the plus, this transit marks the time as ripe for embarking upon a new career or personal life trajectory. You can afford to take your time (but not to waste it!) Venus gives you ample time to get yourself sorted out and to get something new up and running.
November 10 calls for added push and patience. Mars, Mercury, and the transiting moon are in dynamic tension to Saturn. Roll up your sleeves, set yourself to task, and by the end of the day you are likely to see a breakthrough and/or significant progress.
The week of November 15 hits full tilt, thanks to the building energy of the lunar eclipse in Taurus of November 19. Mars opposition Uranus on November 17 can trigger something unexpected. Venus trine Uranus, and Mercury trine Neptune on November 18 put opportunity and synchronicity into good flow. Take full advantage of the day’s gifts. The lunar eclipse in Taurus can put you on the receiving end, and/or in a state of attraction. To the plus, it sets a lucrative, worthwhile, fertile, romantic backdrop (get your sexy on!) Too can unlock something that’s been held in a frozen state or that’s been bottled up for awhile. What is it worth? What is its true value? The eclipse could uncover or reveal something more or something extra. Money matters claim attention too. It could be to your advantage to refinance, renegotiate, recycle, reuse, trade-in, or renovate. You could earn more but spend more too. Lastly, know it is easy to over-indulge.
Setting the holidays into full swing, the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21 and Mercury treks into Sagittarius on November 24. Despite supply issues and Covid, expect to see the usual increase of folks and funds on the move that is typical for this time of year.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
Continuing in Aquarius to the end of the year, Jupiter keeps you on a growth curve of significance. You can feel this transit as the as-yet undefined future calling out to you, as restlessness for change, as a desire for more freedom (personal, material), for a major lifestyle overhaul. This spark will continue to stay well lit, even after Jupiter leaves your sign. Your life is changing and there is so much more to come. We are just around the corner from Pluto in Aquarius (2033- 2044), the signature transit that will define a radically altered future for each and everyone.
Mars is freshly into Scorpio. Mercury treks into this sign as of November 5. Along with the sun in Scorpio, the month ahead keeps you focused on getting a better handle on priorities and goals (personal, professional, material). Scorpio transits help you to key into what is most important, lucrative, and advantageous. It’s a work in progress of course!
Venus enters Capricorn on November 5 and will stay in this sign to March 5. This very long transit can keep you working it out in some private or behind the scenes way. You may find the need (or be forced) to pull back, withdraw, go it alone, or isolate for awhile. See it as an opportunity rather than a sentence. Life, it is a matter of honouring the time you have.
November 10 can mark an important deadline or timeline. Mercury, Mars, and the transiting moon are in dynamic tension with Saturn. Added pressure, strain, difficulty, or resistance (yours or theirs) is in the mix. Added effort and patience is required but will prove worthwhile. Once past the block, over the hump, past the crunch, the spade is called, or it is finished off, you can move onto higher ground.
Mars opposes Uranus on November 17. Venus trines Uranus on November 18. These transits can set up a breakthrough or a break in the routine. They also set opportunity into higher gear. They are staging for the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. The eclipse can unlock or unblock buried emotions. It can revive or revitalize you in some important way. This eclipse favours a major investment to do with real estate, family, a career or business venture, your financial portfolio, or your health.
The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24. Encompassing the holidays, the duo begins a new two-month cycle as of November 24. The next couple of weeks sets the outer world action onto a much fuller swing. The holidays will come and go in a flash. Make the most of your time, your gifts, and your opportunity.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Mars is freshly into Scorpio and Mercury will follow suit on November 5. Along with the sun in Scorpio, look to these transits to keep you well on the go. They boost confidence, opportunity, and your talent for foresight. Pay close attention to your intuition, trust what you feel. These transits are also good for studies and research projects. They help you to pinpoint to what is most important, most valid, and most valuable.
Venus enters Capricorn on November 5. Due to an upcoming retrograde cycle, December 19 to January 29, Venus will tenant this sign until March 5! This extra long stay gives you ample time to put the finishing touches on the past, to define your priorities or to solidify a new goal – perhaps even to break a glass ceiling!
November 10 can mark a deadline, finish-line, or crunch time. It’s a day to get real, to face it and push past it, to force it if necessary. Effort is required but it could get you over the hump and onto a better track.
November 17, Mars opposes Uranus. November 18, Venus trines Uranus and Mercury trines Neptune. Watch for something to trigger or to start a trend. It’s an ideal time for a change of pace. Along with the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19, these transits set an opportunity backdrop (financial, creative, social, romantic.) The eclipse could break a silence or see you make a breakthrough. It could revive a conversation, an idea, or something more. For the eclipse to be of impact, it must make direct contact with your birth chart. Otherwise, you’ll see its workings indirectly.
Despite Covid and the supply issues, the last ten days of the month put the holidays into full swing as the sun enters Sagittarius on November 2 and Mercury follows suit on November 24. Before you know it, Christmas will have come and gone too!
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at9 AM Pacific, noon PM Eastern on