Astrological influences that suggest Covid-19 will continue to be of concern for some time yet. Saturn in Aquarius, a signature for social distancing, continues to July 1. (The transit will return at the end of the year and remain with us for the next two.) Correlating to the lungs and to person to person transmission, Gemini transits remain especially active through the end of June/beginning of July, this via Mercury, the sun, Venus, and a couple of eclipses. (Gemini/Sagittarius will continue to be staging over next eighteen months via the transit of the karmic access and eclipses.) Ceres in Pisces, a sign archetype that correlates to the immune system and global exposure, continues for the rest of the year. Along with the shorter transit of Mars in Pisces, May 12 to June 27, expect for the action to remain fluid.
Having said that, the month ahead will produce a significant shift of tide. May hosts the start of retrograde for four planetary bodies (in one single week!) and a nodal axis (karmic axis) sign shift. (A list of dates and planetary action follows after the full intro.)
On May 4, the north and south nodes of the moon (the karmic axis) move out of Capricorn/Cancer and into Sagittarius/Gemini. The karmic axis sets the subject-du-jour and market backdrop for an eighteen-month period. (Eclipses mark action peaks along this evolutionary developmental track. June and the start of July deliver the next set of eclipses, June 5 lunar eclipse, June 20 solar eclipse – and marking a more significant election year for the USA, a lunar eclipse on July 4.)
For the past eighteen months the nodal axis has featured the Cancer/Capricorn polarity. This transit has contributed to the dial up of fears, insecurities, and the necessity to get it under better control. As of May 4, the karmic axis moves onto a next script writing page. The south node leaves Capricorn for Sagittarius, the north nodes leaves Cancer for Gemini. This nodal shift marks a notable eighteen-month acceleration/transition period of moving the past into the present and the present into the future. The past informs the present. It is also the springboard to the future.
May 7 delivers a full moon in Scorpio. It is the archetype that correlates to death, debt, bankruptcy, taxes, sex, corruption, addictions, and issues of trust. On the other hand, it is also an empowerment archetype. To the plus the full moon can be signal the start of a significant turn the tables time. While uncertainty continues (especially to the new moon on May 22), there’s good potential to move to higher ground. News, a fresh perspective or opportunity, new element or twist, or important conversation can set the stage for progress, regain, or recovery.
The start of Pluto in Capricorn’s retrograde tour on April 25 began a noticeable shift to more talk, planning, and push toward opening back up for business. From May 10 to 17, four planetary bodies reverse course and two will advance into new signs. Here is the list:
Saturn in Aquarius stations retrograde May 10,
Venus in Gemini stations retrograde May 12,
Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde May 14,
Pallas Athene in Aquarius stations retrograde May 17;
Sign changes:
Mercury into Gemini May 11; Mars into Pisces May 12.
Unlike the more obvious Mercury retrograde transit, outer planets can often go under the radar as they start their annual retrograde tours (unless they make significant/dynamic alignments.) However, the roll out in quick succession is sure to hold sway. Watch May 10 – 17 for a more noticeable flattening of curve and a momentum shift. (Note: as a planet begins or ends retrograde, it moves slower and therefore its influence increases in scope. There can be a temporary halt or standstill just before the redirect.)
While the outer planets travel in retrograde motion every year, Venus retrograde is a less frequent and therefore more significant transit. This is especially so as it is a personal planet and features our three top interests, namely: survival, finances, and relationships.
Venus in Gemini travels retrograde from May 12 to June 24. Plans and conversations can shift course. Use this transit to reassess, regroup, resume, reconnect, and enhance. It is a good transit for furthering self study, writing projects, conversations and negotiations. On the karmic front, Venus retrograde dials up the unfinished business of relationships (from the recent past or from the past life catalogue.) There can be something more to say, do, or explore. It is a good transit for second chances.
Keeping the action fluid, Mars enters Pisces on same day that Venus stations retrograde. Mars in Pisces is also an exposure archetype, so despite good prospects for lifting of restrictions, it is wise to continue to stay vigilant re social distancing and your health. Like the Mercury retrograde from earlier in the year that launched the wide scale spread, Mars in Pisces can act by stealth. Too, it can disperse, diffuse, or dissolve. Watch for what is on already on brew to gain traction. To the plus, Mars in Pisces will energize potentials that are ready for fresh exploration. Use this transit to image, dream, or to search for a fresh source of inspiration. The transit is well used for creative pursuits, a romantic interlude, and/or the spiritual quest.
The new moon on May 22 could be newsworthy, noteworthy or mobilizing. Although May 10 to 17 is a jam-packed week for a shift of tides and/or a further lifting of restrictions, it is likely to take time to sort things out and to implement plans. By the time we reach this new moon, we’ll have more information. It can launch the start a next roll it out phase. Mercury aligned with Venus retrograde can prompt an announcement, important event or meeting, set or revive a next trend (economic or otherwise). Perhaps there will be some promising news regarding the research re drugs or a vaccine to combat Covid-19. This new moon can put the attention on a special someone or group (a sibling or relative, friend, neighbour, neighbouring country, students etc.) Despite the numerous retrograde influences, it is a favourable time to resume, (but incorporate change), or at the very least to start planning and preparation for something next. Will schools re-open? With so little time left to the end of semesters for the northern hemisphere and Venus in Gemini in retrograde through the end of June, it is largely unlikely. Social distancing continues to be wise. On-line or at home studies are the best way to go.
May 7: Full Moon in Scorpio: 3:45 am
May 22: New Moon in Gemini: 10:38 am (2:04 Gemini)
May 4: North Node into Gemini/South Node into Sagittarius: 10:48 pm
May 10: Saturn in Aquarius stations retrograde: 9:09 pm
May 11: Mercury enters Gemini: 2:57 pm
May 12: Mars enters Pisces: 9:17 pm
May 12: Venus in Gemini stations retrograde: 11:45 pm (21:50 Gemini)
May 14: Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde: 7:31 am
May 17: Pallas Athene in Aquarius stations retrograde: 1:29 am
May 26: Juno in Libra ends retrograde: 7:50 pm (6:49 Libra)
May 28: Mercury enters Cancer: 11:09 am
**Please note, all times listed are PDT, please check your local time.
Dates to watch: May 3 – 7, 9 – 15, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
The month ahead sets you onto a next page trajectory. Despite the ongoing uncertainty and the necessity to keep vigilant on the Covid-19 front, it is time to get moving on plans and projects.
For the next eighteen months, the karmic axis (on a sign change to Sagittarius/Gemini as of May 4) puts the spotlight on the future and what steps you need to take to get yourself better on track to meet with it. You can feel a greater awareness of the past on a faster receding track and the shortening timeline between today and tomorrow. Intuition is on the increase too. Your faith in the future can be called into question, but of course, life hold no guarantees.
May 7 delivers a full moon in emotional Scorpio. Signalling the start of a turn-it around time, it could move you out of a stalemate and place you at an advantage. It can prompt a significant improvement where you want it and need it. It can launch onto a next powerplay. A Scorpio full moon dial ups matters to do with finances (taxes, debt, assets) trust issues, survival, sex or intimacy. Watch for a deeper insight into another, into yourself and/or what it takes to get yourself better positioned. Watch also for news, or for someone or something to be a major catalyst for setting wheels in motion.
May 10 to 17 is a major shift-track week, thanks to four planetary bodies starting retrograde cycles and two planets on a sign change. Here’s the list (starting first with the retrograde cycles): Saturn in Aquarius begins retrograde May 10, Venus in Gemini stations retrograde May 12, Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde May 14, Pallas Athene in Aquarius stations retrograde May 17; Mercury enters Gemini May 11, Mars enters Pisces May 12. With so much shifting all at once, watch for some noticeable redirect! If there’s loss, confusion, or a stall out, it won’t be for long.
The outer planets go retrograde once a year, Venus does so less frequently (once every eighteen months). Correlating to money, relationships, and survival – and as the only personal planet of the bunch – it is naturally an important transit. Venus retrograde is best used to reassess, reconnect, regroup, resume, and enhance. Venus retrograde in Gemini is a good time to get back to writing projects, to renegotiate, Do not under-estimate the karmic potency of this transit. Keep on watch (inwardly and outwardly) for signals and clues. Your inner guide has more to say. It is for you to listen up.
Mars tenants Pisces from May 12 to June 27. The transit can keep you or it/the action largely out of sight but still on brew and stoking the potential. Inspiration and spiritual replenishment can come though your quiet moments, perhaps through dreams, music, reading, or study. Allow yourself extra breathing space for creative conjuring, to meditate, to relax, replenish and heal. Enjoy the quiet time while you can. Mars in Aries will put you on go and keep you going strong from the end of June through the start of 2021!
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
There are many ways you can experience the workings of the full moon on May 7. Kicking it up a notch and into full steam ahead, it can remove a block, take or force you out of a stalemate. It can set a powerplay into action, theirs or yours.
Among the many possible ways that the full moon can trigger, it can bring an obsession, addiction, trust or money issue to the fore. Someone could be quite persuasive, mesmerizing, or undermining. Too, it could plunge you into a deeper questioning, self examination and/or soul-searching process.
For the next eighteen months, the karmic axis sets a fertile backdrop for personal and relationship growth. Either the bonds and the benefit grow right where you are, or you’ll feel compelled to go in search elsewhere. The transiting nodes also puts the spotlight on assets, resources, and financial matters/growth. Diversification, social or on-line enhancement, a second or alternate income stream can be a step in the right direction.
May 10 to 17, reserve expectations, stay flexible, switch gears as the moment dictates. Four planetary bodies reverse course and two planets change signs one right after the other. (Saturn, May 10; Venus, May 12; Jupiter, May 14; Pallas Athene May 17; Mercury into Taurus, May 11, Mars into Pisces May 12). That is sure is to produce a significant redirect of action and attention!
Taking you through an important rethink, Venus in Gemini tours retrograde from May 12 to June 24. It is an important transit for a rethink and for getting back in touch with what’s most important/most essential for you. Are you spending your time, money, or heart wisely? Can you make a good thing better? Is there something more or different to take on? Explore your options, reassess, feel your way along and revise as necessary.
Mars tenants Pisces from May 12 to June 27. It’s a good transit for creative inspiration and for going with the flow. Still, make sure to guard your health. We aren’t out of the woods yet with Covid-19.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Need an extra push? One way or another, watch for the full moon in Scorpio on May 7 to provide it. What it will take to get yourself where you want to be? Are you using your time and resources wisely? Whether the prompt is a deeper insight or a change of perspective, you could lock onto something that holds greater impact or value. A renewed commitment to bettering your best serves you well.
Too, the full moon (and the transits that follow) could put you back to work or see you resume something that was delayed or sidelined. Repair projects, upgrades, and renewals are well timed.
The karmic axis shift to Geminin/Sagittarius sets you into greater observation mode, this regarding how you interface with the world around you and what’s going on inside you too. Instincts and intuition speak their truth. Where are you going and how are you going to get there? What does the future hold? Over the next eighteen months you’ll learn plenty more about what is in your better interests and about navigating your way through the rapidly changing social reality. Watch for new options, avenues, interests, impulses and triggers. Relationships – especially the relationship you have with yourself – moves onto a next phase. A key relationship occupies more of your attention. The future does too. Getting there is step by step process.
Four planetary bodies change direction and two planet changes sign between May 10 and 17. Expect this week to be rerouting in some noticeable way. Use Venus in Gemini, May 12 to June 24 to reassess, retrace, resume, reconnect, and enhance. While it is a time to get back to it, Mars in Pisces (May 12 to June 27) keeps the action moving along a fluid, learn as you go track.
May 22 delivers a new moon in Gemini in favour to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Venus retrograde conjunct Mercury in Gemini. It’s a good time to set plans and intentions into action, to tend to paperwork, to resume a talk or negotiation, to start, restart, connect or reconnect with someone key. The new moon could deliver news, an event, a social opportunity, etc.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Covid-19 challenges aside, some things will not and cannot continue as is for much longer. You can’t keep running up against more of the same either. Watch for the full moon in Scorpio on May 7 to break down the resistance, to remove a block, to prompt a significant change of heart, mind, or status quo.
Pluto in Capricorn has recently turned retrograde. Between May 10 and 17, four more planets reverse course: Saturn in Aquarius May 10, Venus in Gemini May 12, and Jupiter in Capricorn May 14, Pallas Athene May 17. Also happening in the same week, Mercury treks into Gemini May 11, and Mars into Pisces May 12. It’s very unusual to see so much activity is such a short span of time. When a planet turns retrograde, it prompts an important review, revision, and realignment process. Venus retrograde can dial up something unfinished from the past (regarding recent experiences or a past life matter).
Questioning yourself more? Uncertain of the potentials? Is it real or realistic? What’s ideal? What holds promise? Venus retrograde (and the karmic axis shift) keeps you searching for better answers. To the plus, the transit is well used for holding more conversations with yourself, and for enhancing studies, skills, products, portfolio, or repertoire, creative writing or creative exploration. Most valuably, Venus retrograde helps you to get better acquainted with who you are now, rather than the facsimile version – in other words, who you used to be. As you move through this process, progressively you’ll gain a better feel for how to play it next.
Aim to upgrade health and wellness, not only for the body, but also heart, mind, and soul. Are you feeling a stronger pull toward pursuit of a vocation rather than a job, toward understanding the of higher purpose or yearning for more spiritual fulfillment? Know you are hearing the call of the karmic axis sign shift, which will continue to be of significant influence for the next eighteen months.
LEO July 22 – August 22
The full moon in Scorpio on May 7 can remove a block or a hold up. No matter how it plays out, you may feel a sense of a welcome or well-timed release. It can be easier to let go, switch tracks and make an important turnaround (financial, emotional, psychological, attitude or relationship wise). The full moon sets the stage for getting yourself back on track.
The full moon signals a good time to start on home or personal renovation projects, to undertake refinancing, to concentrate on improving relationship bonds with the family or one you love (including self to self). The full moon tests your strategic talent. Play it right and you could gain ready approval, more appreciation, or a better profit margin.
For the next eighteen months, the karmic axis sign shift sets the fertile backdrop for growth, this regarding matters of heart, your career, educational and creative endeavours or a spiritual quest. This transit helps you to reach a wider audience, and/or increase your social network, and to explore fresh possibilities, including relocation or relationship involvements.
Venus in Gemini tours retrograde from May 12 to June 24. Along with Saturn (May 10), Jupiter (May 12) and Pallas Athene (May 17) also starting retrograde cycles, it is likely that we see a significant shift re social interfacing, the pandemic and its dictates. In addition to putting you back in touch, the Venus transit prompts a rethink on goals, ideals, and prospects. One way or another, it is time to move onto a next track.
Mars enters Pisces the same day Venus in Gemini turns retrograde (May 12). In combination (including Mercury on a new track in Gemini as of May 11), the month ahead is ideal for exploring your financial options, playing up the romance, putting creativity or inspirations into play. You are also wise to pump up your immune system and continue to prioritize healthy and safety.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Starting May 4, the karmic axis shifts to the Sagittarius/Gemini sign polarity. For the next eighteen months, their influence will set a backdrop for you to explore career options and lifestyle choices. You’ll experience a few personal checkpoints and crossroads along the way. The process will assist you get better in touch with your essential needs (emotional and material).
The full moon in Scorpio on May 7 could bring significant news or an unexpected opportunity. Don’t drop your guard on Covid-19 or security and safety fronts. Know you can be susceptible or talk yourself into more than is wise. On the other hand, your intuition can place you at an advantage and help you stay a step ahead or to make a financial gain.
May 10 to May 17 is likely to be a noticeable tide-turner week. This is due to the following planetary activity: Saturn in Aquarius begins retrograde motion on May 10; Venus in Gemini stations retrograde on May 12, Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14, Pallas Athene stations retrograde on May 17. Also, Mercury enters Gemini on May 11, and Mars enters Pisces on May 12. Its unusual to see so much activity squeezed into a single week! Keep your mind open and your time flexible. These transits can flatten the curve in a more noticeable way and lift (at least some of) the restrictions caused by the pandemic. Still, take nothing for granted. Continue to stay vigilant regarding your health. We won’t be out of the woods regarding Covid-19 for some time to come.
May 12 to June 24, Venus retrograde in Gemini is well used to reassess, regroup, resume, revise rebuild or enhance. Venus retrograde can see you question the rules or something more. Is where you have been aiming adding up to the right equation? It can send you on a hunt for a better place to be (physically, materially, emotionally, relationship wise). Although you can resume, something has changed. It could be a feel, or it could be something more. Allow more time for it/for you to get more fully sorted out.
The new moon in Gemini on May 22 can bring news, a reconnection, or something eventful. It’s a good time to start or restart.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
The full moon in Scorpio on May 7 can dial up matters to do with finances, trust, survival, intimacy or empowerment initiatives. Waiting for a surgery date? You could hear news, either at this full moon or at the time of the new moon on May 22. Should you let it go or take it on? You could cross an important threshold.
To the plus, the full moon could see you scoop a bargain, do well on an investment, get a great rate on refinancing, make a major purchase, or undertake a powerplay (financial or otherwise). A tax refund or a tax bill can be significant too.
The full moon can signal the start of a major shift regarding the above. May 10 to 17 hosts a tight run of planetary action: Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde May 10; Mercury enters Gemini on May 11; Mars enters Pisces and Venus in Gemini stations retrograde on May 12; Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14; Pallas Athene in Aquarius stations retrograde on May 17. It’s unusual to see so much planetary action rolling out in a single week! Restrictions can lift; things that have been on hold or conversely, that you have banked upon can give way. A new element, an alternate option or more pressing priority can gain traction. Intuition, a conversation or piece of news can shift your thinking or something more. Although it is a tide turner week, you may need to allow more time before you get it sorted out or for things to get fully up and running.
Venus retrograde in Gemini (May 12 to June 24) is an important reassessment cycle, for getting back in touch with folks, and (more significantly) what’s most important to you. Use this transit to restart studies or a writing project, to upgrade your resume, media and marketing, to revise plans, to have another discussion or to give it/them another chance. Whether a recent experience or of the past (of this life or another lifetime), Venus retrograde can also take you through another go around with some unfinished (and karmic) relationship matter. It is an opportunity to move the relationship and/or yourself to higher ground.
The karmic axis sign switch to Sagittarius/Gemini sets an eighteen-month backdrop for exploring more options and avenues regarding the living of a better and brighter future. This transit is not only about the bigger picture outer world journey, but also about searching inward for personal truth and higher truth, for that which will make you feel more well rounded and whole. Experience and evolution go hand in hand. It’s a process!
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
What have you got going for you? What is most valuable or profitable? Can you take it in a whole new direction? Is it time to move or to move on? Are you growing apart or closer? Putting added attention on the grand essentials of life, the karmic axis shift (starting May 4) sets you onto a next page trajectory regarding bettering your best.
Feeling stuck? Not for long. The total immersion full moon in Scorpio on May 7 compels you to action. Instincts, impulses, intuition, creativity, emotions hit high gear. You could get swamped, hopefully it is in a good way. An emotional floodgate could open. You can find yourself especially open, expressive, and responsive. Put it out there and you could set yourself up for good reward. Tired of being cooped up? You could feel this full moon as well timed regarding cutting you loose. This full moon and the week that follows can produce an ease up on Covid-19 precautions, but we aren’t out of the woods yet. Continued social distancing and vigilance re your health is wise. In trine to Neptune, the full moon could bring a welcome attention, a well-timed release, or something lucrative. Watch for an opportunity to clear something up or clear it away. The days that follow could move a conversation, plan, project or mindset onto a next track.
May 10 to 17 is a roll-it-out week as four planetary bodies reverse course within a couple of days of each other. Here is the list: Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde on May 10, Venus in Gemini stations retrograde on May 12, Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14, and Pallas Athene in Aquarius stations retrograde on May 17. That should add up to significant tide turning for the spread, mortality rate, and handling of Covid-19 pandemic. Mercury into Gemini (May 11) and Mars into Pisces (May 12) are also activating and mobilizing transits.
May 12 to June 24, Venus retrograde puts added emphasis on finances and key relationships; on sorting it out and thinking it through again, on retracing steps and revisions, resuming, reconnecting or recovery. It’s an ideal time to finish off whatever has been recently interrupted or waylaid (i.e. projects, studies, plans, negotiations, and conversations).
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Do you feel a sense of heading onto a next phase growth spurt? If so, you will be sensitized to the workings of the karmic axis on a sign shift to Sagittarius/Gemini. The next year and a half will make you even more aware of how far you have come, how much of your past is still left to be processed, surpassed or reworked, and how significant the here and now is in terms of spring boarding you into the future.
The full moon in Scorpio on May 7 is good for replenishing heart, mind and soul. It could spark creative spurt, romance, a spiritual or vision quest. While it is good full moon for creative enterprise and imagining, also make sure to maintain a grip. You could be prone to unrealistic expectations or for letting things slide when you should stay on top of them.
May 10 to 17, can redirect the conversation, interest, action, and/or momentum as four major planetary influences begin retrograde tours: Saturn in Aquarius, May 10, Venus in Gemini, May 12, Jupiter in Capricorn, May 14 and Pallas Athene in Aquarius, May 17. Additionally, Mercury enters Gemini on May 11 and Mars enters Pisces on May 12. That’s a lot of action bunched up together; it is likely to be a news-worthy week. Including Pluto retrograde (which started at the end of April) that brings the count to five planetary bodies in retrograde. It is likely we’ll see a significant de-escalation regarding the Covid-19 numbers and more roll-out regarding the lifting of restrictions. Having said that, it is important to stay vigilant and to guard your health. Covid-19 may diminish it’s spread, but it won’t disappear. In one form or another, it will continue to be a significant factor through this year (at least).
Look to Mercury in Gemini, May 11 to 28 to stimulate more social contact. You won’t lack for more things to think and to talk about, to explore and to do! One way or another Venus retrograde in Gemini, May 12 to June 24, will get you reconnected. It is an optimum transit for resuming after this time of interruption. Re-prioritize. Give it another try or them another chance. Looking back and looking ahead, Venus retrograde takes you through an important personal and financial reassessment. It dials up karmic or the fated nature of circumstances and involvements. The new moon on May 22 could bring news, a fresh opportunity, a special event or meeting, or spark something that puts a smile on your face.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
The full moon in Scorpio can lift a restriction, unblock or unlock something that has been jammed up for awhile. Too, it could provide the opportunity to let off some steam. Sandwiched between the start of the karmic axis on a sign switch (a mobilizing influence) and the following week’s transits (May 10 to 17), the full moon can signal the start of a significant turnaround for something that has been difficult to grasp or surpass.
The pandemic has set the structure of everyday reality as we have known it on precarious edge, but in doing so, it makes for an optimum time to let invention and innovation to take the lead. There is no limit to the potentials that await you. Starting now and for the next eighteen months, the karmic axis backdrop sets an ideal time to go exploring, to try new options on for size. One way or another, Mercury in Gemini (May 11 to May 28) and Venus in Gemini (retrograde from May 12) will set you back to task. Time is precious. Use it wisely. What is it that you need to do in order to get yourself better readied for the next leg of the journey? Is it a new job or income stream? A loan, a certificate, or other legal document? Use Venus retrograde in Gemini to finish studies, upgrade skills, to tend to important paperwork and renovation projects, or to get back to the negotiation table. The transit is also well used to reassess financial needs and ambitions, to revise your plan or attitude, improve health and communication tracks, to ditch time wasters (including folks who don’t show up for you as they should – i.e. folks who ask for your vote, your heart, or your money and offer little in return).
By the time the new moon in Gemini arrives on May 22, you should feel well informed and ready to get going on something next. Watch for news, an event, an important conversation or meet-up.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
The full moon in Scorpio on May 7 can be the start of a turnaround and/or an empowerment track, this regarding finances, health, or the emotional journey. Mars, continuing in Aquarius to May 12, could rev up a fresh impetuous or opportunity, something new, alternate, or overtaking.
Travelling in close contact for the past month or so, Saturn and Pallas Athene have recently advanced into Aquarius (Saturn, April 3; Pallas Athene April 29). Both transits prove you with a short window to take a test drive on firing up something new for yourself. Put your feelers out. What signals or impressions are you picking up? Saturn turns retrograde on May 10, Venus in Gemini turns retrograde on May 12, and Jupiter in Capricorn turns retrograde on May 14, and Pallas Athene turns retrograde on May 17. While the start of most of these retrograde cycles are not as obvious or as event producing as Mercury retrograde can be, the fact that so many planetary influences reverse course over a short few days is likely to amount to something notable! I suggest they will coincide with a more significant flattening of the curve regarding Covid-19 and easing up of the restrictions put in place to combat the virus. Still, social distancing and vigilance regarding health and safety will continue to be essential. One way or another, Covid-19 will continue to challenge survival on the planet for some time to come.
While the outer planets travel in retrograde motion every year, Venus retrograde is a less frequent and therefore more significant transit. Especially so as it a personal planet and features our three top interests, survival, finances, and relationships.
Venus in Gemini tours retrograde from May 12 to June 24. The transit heightens intuition and soul-searching. It ignites an increased awareness of an internal dialogue. A selective information/selective viewing vehicle, Venus will keep you occupied with specific people and matters that require added review, attention, assessment, etc. Venus retrograde is an opportune transit for reconnecting and for resuming writing or creative projects, training and studies, talks and negotiations. Reconsider options, revise plans, review investments (financial and emotional). The new moon in Gemini on May 22 and the few days pre and post hold good favour. Watch for news, a special reconnection, a creative spurt, social, romantic, or financial opportunity.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
We are moving through uncertain times, but that’s when opportunity is at its ripest. Ceres, a seeding influence, has recently entered Pisces. Outside of a dip back into Aquarius in the fall (end of September through the middle of November), Ceres will tenant Pisces through February 2021. The transit gives you plenty of time to set the stage for the next phase of your life.
Pump up on trust – in yourself, your instincts, in the bigger picture perspective and in divine order – and then put it into action. Aim to feel your way along, listen to intuition’s guidance, and modify as the moment inspires or dictates. In other words, stand as fully present for yourself as you can. Look to Mars in Pisces (May 12 to June 27), to keep your energy, drive, and enterprises well fuelled.
The full moon in Scorpio on May 7 can be the start of a turnaround regarding prospects and potentials, recovery and recuperation (physical, financial, emotional). It could trigger positive developments regarding negotiations, communication tracks, and speculative ventures. You could hear news, uncover or discover something that can be useful, lucrative or pleasing.
Four planetary influences turn retrograde and two planets make sign changes between May 10 to 17. Here’s the list: Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde May 10; Venus in Gemini stations retrograde May 12; Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde May 14; Pallas Athene stations retrograde May 17; Mercury enters Taurus May 11; Mars enters Pisces May 12. That’s a lot of switch track in a single week!
The outer world reality is in a rapid state of change, your inner perspectives and motivations are on the move along too. The karmic axis sign shift (starting May 4) marks the next eighteen-months for transition between what was and what is.
Venus in Gemini travels in retrograde motion from May 12 to June 24. This transit is best used for a personal check-in and regroup. Are you where you want to be (emotionally or materially)? Do you have enough information, experience, or training to go on? Should you invest more or give it more time? Does it need a re-write? Family (interaction support, safety), improvements to home/home base, personal enjoyments, and living with yourself better are the main attention getters for this Venus transit. The new moon May 22 can see you reconnect with a special someone or resume a project. It could bring news or an event. It’s a good time to start a renovation or to push the refresh button.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on Wednesday’s at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on