Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper: http://www.straight.com/life/914131/your-horoscope-may-25-31-2017
May Overview:
Usually the end of Mercury retrograde is less notable than the start or the cycle itself but this one ends with plenty of action. Mercury remains triggered by Eris, a disruptive, caustic, or burr-in-the-saddle agent, and Uranus, the strike-it-hot agent.
May 3, the day Mercury retrograde ends, holds good promise for business, official, creative, and social undertakings. The workweek should finish on this productive note. Even so, take note that through the full moon on May 10, Mercury is in close aspect to Eris, a disruptive, inflaming, or burr-in-the-saddle influence, and Uranus, the live wire/strike- it-hot planet. We can see two tracks running at once. Some things hit a great fast forward, others hit a sudden snap. To the plus, it can be a terrific time for a launch or a race ahead. Uranus marks the now as an ideal time for reinvention, innovation, liberation, upgrades, firsts, and for risk-taking.
Full Moon in Scorpio: May 10: 2:42 pm (20 Scorpio 24)
Super New Moon in Gemini: 12:44 pm (4 Gemini 47)
Karmic Axis sign change: North Node in Leo; South Node in Aquarius (May 9 to Nov 6 2018)
May 2: Vesta into Leo 4:52 pm
May 3: Mercury retrograde ends 9:33 am
May 9: Juno stations retrograde: 4:06 pm
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus: 9:07 pm
May 20: Sun enters Gemini: 1:31 pm
**Please note all times listed are PDT, please check your local time
Dates to watch: May 3 – 6, 8 – 12, 18 -20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31
May 10 delivers a very potent full moon in Scorpio. May 9 sets the stage with a shaping and solidifying transit from Sun/Pluto (trine) and Mercury perfecting with Uranus (conjunction), a transit that can keeps the action and excitement going strong. Mercury/Uranus is good for a fresh wind, a sudden insight, added clarity, a revelation, or something unexpected. The full moon is in favour to Neptune (trine) which can be exposing and revealing, and/or turns the potential into the reality.
A full moon in Scorpio is all about choice makings, motivations, powerplays, and obsessions. The full moon highlights all matters to do with trust, hidden agendas, betrayal, abandonment, sex, addiction, obsession, empowerment initiatives, big business, corporate mergers, finances, taxes, inheritances, crime, and hidden forces at work. On the bigger picture front, the Scorpio moon serves the soul’s agenda to confront itself.
May 9 is election day for voters in Beautiful British Columbia. Incumbent and Scorpio Christy Clark, the Liberal leader and Premier of British Columbia, will be in a tough fight to keep her job as Premier of the province. Her approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline is especially contentious and may be one of the main deciding factors that cost her the election. On British Columbia’s election day, the karmic axis makes a sign switch, out of Virgo/Pisces and into Leo/Aquarius. (South node in Aquarius; North Node in Leo.) Her chief opponent, John Horgan is Leo. With Mercury/Uranus ending the day, is sure to be a contentious race to the finish line. Surprise, upsets, and a fresh infusion are to be expected. (The full moon aspects Christy Clark’s Neptune in Scorpio and John Horgan’s Jupiter in Scorpio.)
On May 18, Saturn trines with Uranus for the second of three meet-ups. The first happened on December 24, 2016 and the next will happen on November 11, 2017. This one year transit favours the building of new reality. It makes the timing right for innovation, risk taking, for personal and lifestyle reinvention. We will continue to see politics on the move, along with new social trends and great strides in science, space, and medicine.
On May 19, Venus in Aries opposes Jupiter retrograde in Libra. Expectations are high, great gains can be made. More people, more money, more news, and more opportunity are on the move. This is a culminating marker for the karma at play and the recent Venus retrograde cycle (March/April 2017). The day or days around it can produce a major event, a major first, a lavish show, a significant social or money trend. On the light note, it’s a day to indulge, spend, and enjoy (try not to over-extend or over-indulge). For some, a hot new love or passion.
Venus (continuing in Aries), Mercury (in Taurus as of May 15) and Mars (in Gemini) continue to keep money, social trends, news, and relationship matters in full swing through the of the month. Both Canada’s Victoria Day weekend (May 20 – 22) and the USA Memorial Day weekend (May 27 to 29) are good for a break from the routine. Mars opposition Saturn on May 28 can mark a finish line, but as of May 29, the stars hit a fresh perk-it-up.
Full Moon in Scorpio: May 10: 2:42 pm (20 Scorpio 24)
Super New Moon in Gemini: 12:44 pm (4 Gemini 47)
Karmic Axis sign change: North Node in Leo; South Node in Aquarius (May 9 to Nov 6 2018)
May 2: Vesta into Leo 4:52 pm
May 3: Mercury retrograde ends 9:33 am
May 9: Juno stations retrograde: 4:06 pm
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus: 9:07 pm
May 20: Sun enters Gemini: 1:31 pm
**Please note all times listed are PDT, please check your local time
Dates to watch: May 3 – 6, 8 – 12, 18 -20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
The month ahead is on all systems go. Mercury, Uranus and Eris strikes it hot, especially for those born April 15 to 19. Building to a peak on May 19, Venus in Aries is particularly fruitful/lucrative for those born April 1 to 3. Having said that, all Aries will feel jettisoned by this month’s dynamic stars.
It’s a great month for fresh starts, new initiatives, and personal reinvention. New places, faces, and things to say or do, Mercury in Aries keeps you on the go physically, mentally, and socially. Along with Uranus, it can be a month of notable firsts. Something or someone new could light you right up.
The full moon in Scorpio on May 10 can be a powerplay time for matters to do with finances, a key or intimate relationship. Use May 9 to 13 to pitch it, say it, create it, launch it, or do it. May 17 to 19 is also lucrative and/or results generating. A relationship or contract moves to the next level. Perfecting the second of three meet-ups on May 19, Uranus trine Saturn sets the long-sought after and the long range into play in some concrete way. Uranus/Saturn has you harvesting from the past while it also sets the future on its course. Venus/Jupiter on May 19 takes a relationship, contract or money matter to the next level. This date can see you spend more or pay a price. The super new moon on May 25 delivers yet another full thrust start up.
As of May 9, the karmic axis switch to Leo/Aquarius begins an eighteen-month acceleration cycle on lifestyle reinvention. Creativity, social life and career ambitions can blossom. Your children or love life can blossom too.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Your private life and inner world is where all the action is happening this month. There’s way more going on inside of you than is evident on the surface. You could feel Mercury, Uranus and Eris as a chaffing influence, a burning sensation or desire, mounting restlessness or intolerance. Your inner rebel and your inner genius are on trigger ready too. Any moment could be the “it” moment that changes everything for the better.
May 9, 11, 13 can see positive strides/breakthroughs made. The full moon in Scorpio on May 10 could see you do a one-eighty on someone or something. Something you didn’t expect/didn’t see coming could be of major impact. Things could work out quite well, perhaps better than expected. The days pre-and-post the full moon can set the play in motion. May 16 to 20 can also put opportunity in your path. Aim to enhance, upgrade, or update. It’s the right time to get a second opinion or loan, start a new job or project, to sign on with a new agent, to explore counselling or a new health regime, or to take some other big step forward. Of course, you could spend more too but if so, it’s likely leading to something needed or wanted. Mercury’s trek into Taurus mid month provides a fresh boost of energy, ambition, or attention.
Spotlighting personal reinvention, home, family, and career, the karmic axis switch to Leo/Aquarius takes the guesswork out of the equation and makes the reality, the necessity, and the opportunity more well defined.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Mercury retrograde may be over, but you are just getting plugged in. Expect to continue to be on a busy and social fast-track through most of the month and especially through the first two weeks of May.
The full moon on May 10 and the few days either side can set wheels in motion unexpectedly. There can be a major reveal or release. The full moon target matters to do with debt, finances, issues of trust, work, health, a renovation or upgrade project. On a jarring note, you could discover that someone is undermining you or hiding something from you. To the plus, the full moon makes you aware of whatever is necessary. It provides an opportunity to get a better handle on it. Renegotiate with your lender, pay down your debt, recycle, reuse, build on a previous success. Overall, the full moon puts you on the upswing.
The karmic axis shift into Leo/Aquarius is a good one for your sign. For the next eighteen months it expands your mind, your education, your expertise, and your opportunities. Lifestyle and/or career reinvention is well timed. Synchronicity works in your favour, setting up you to make breakthroughs where you need it and want it the most. You’ll find yourself even quicker on the uptake and that you can communicate with a better cut-to-the chase. Travel, relocation, teaching, marketing, exhibiting, performing, politics or legal undertakings are also favoured.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Ready to hit the ground running? The end of Mercury retrograde on May 3 could jettison you unexpectedly. Whether you’ve been labouring at it or it shows up unexpectedly, a new job, career, project, or source of funding could set you on the fast track. All talk and no action? Mercury, Uranus, and Eris won’t let you get away with that anymore. May 9 to 13 can be especially opportune. May 18/19 are too. Get yourself launched and watch the good it does you.
For the next eighteen months, the karmic axis sign switch puts an added emphasis on reinvention where it will do you the most good. This transit targets money and income, living with yourself, relationship upgrade/reinvention/liberation. Stand as a group of one if you need to.
Saturn in good shape with Uranus keeps opportunity alive all month and especially so on May 18/19. Saturn/Uranus (May 18) and Venus/Jupiter (May 19) can provide access to new options and potentials. It can also stimulate a new perspective, resource or information source. Anything you do to upgrade your health or wealth is to your great benefit. These transits can produce a special event or social opportunity.
May 28 can bring you to the end of a project, chapter, or phase. Look to June to replenish your energy and motivation. It’ll put you on the move in some major way. The big push is on!
LEO July 22 – August 22
As if you weren’t already going strong! Loaning you an extra boost of dynamo in action, the end of Mercury retrograde on May 3 sets the future onto a faster track. Market yourself, put creativity to good use, get involved or reconnected, take centre stage, or aim for reward. This day can simply come and go or you can turn it into something real good.
Matters to with travel, relocation, future plans, spirituality, expanding your mind or your market are highly favoured. Mercury, Uranus and Venus in Aries also favour the sports inclined, the artist, performer, teacher, or lover.
The week of the full moon on May 10 has plenty to offer too. Make the most of your time and opportunity, especially May 9 and 12. May 18/19 also hold good promise. Put yourself out there, go exploring, try something or someone new on for size.
For the next eighteen months, the karmic axis moves through the paces in Leo and Aquarius. This ignites a major self discovery, personal reinvention cycle. To show up for yourself in a new way also means that you reinvent how you show up in relationship too. Saturn and Uranus are at peak on May 18 but in good shape all month. They put good timing on your side.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Mercury ends retrograde on May 3 but it can keep the action, stress, and guesswork going for another week or so. Despite the added excitement that Mercury/Uranus and a full moon can produce, May 8 to 13, you should feel you are getting a better handle on it. In fact, the full moon week can prove to be a major turnaround or mobilization time. It can be particularly fruitful for advancing plans, agreements and contracts. Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself or to take a risk on something you know is in your best interest. Your commitment level and staying power is in solid shape for most undertakings. May 18/19 can also deliver very well.
For the past 18 months, the karmic axis has been piling on your work load. It’s challenged you to sharpen your wits, get real, and to tackle the necessary healing, repairs, improvements, and upgrades. As of this month, the karmic axis moves you onto a next chapter. The next 18 months situates you (or confronts you) with a continuously evolving everyday reality. There’s plenty of acclimatizing, updating, and creating to do. Shake it up a little or a lot. It’s the time to give it your best shot. A new job, lifestyle, or health regime is a good place to start.
Significant endings, beginnings, breakthroughs and milestones intertwine throughout the month and especially so May 25 to 28. Change. Reinvention. Moving Forward. The new you, your new life. It’s not only good for you, it’s necessary.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Thanks to the end of Mercury retrograde on May 3, you’ll now hit a faster and better track. In fact, the first half of the month jettisons you to a next phase regarding a key relationship, ambition or project. It’s an ideal time for independence initiatives and for getting something new off the ground. An element of risk is in the mix, but it’s likely a wager you feel ready to make. May 3,7, 9 to 12, and 17 to 19 are your best for action-taking. From near or far, good news could come your way. There can be a notable event, a trip, or something else to look forward to. In terms of new undertakings or relationships, what’s hot is hot right from the get go.
Has something gotten the better of you despite the progress, effort, or investment? For the next 18 months, the karmic axis tour through Leo/Aquarius should help you to get a better fix on it and on life in general. This transit can let you off the hook, or it can springboard you to someplace good. The month should end on the upbeat.
May 28 can bring you to a finish-line but as of May 29 you are already onto something next/fresh.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Since the last week or so of April, Mercury retrograde has been in good shape with Saturn which is in good shape with Uranus. Ending Mercury retrograde on May 3, Mercury will continue to keep company with both, perfecting with Uranus (conjunction) on May 9 and Saturn (trine) on May 11. These two dates straddle the full moon in Scorpio on May 10. This full moon targets you specifically if your birthday falls on or near Nov 11, but of course, everyone feels the effects. Mercury/Uranus and the full moon set you up for something new and/or unexpected regarding work or work relationships. Loss and gain can be in the mix. You can aim for repeat or do it again, but even so, it still sets you up for something fresh. Overall these stars are favourable for a new project, renovations, overhauls, and upgrades of all kinds, or for developing a skill or specialty.
May 17 to 19 can be lucrative for a scouting mission, important talk, legal undertaking, starting a new project or job, or for working it out with someone or something. These dates could put you in the know, or see you spend or gain.
The karmic axis switch puts greater emphasis on both your private and public worlds. This transit signals the start of a major lifestyle changes regarding home, family, and career.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Mercury in Aries ends retrograde on May 3 but it will continue to keep you on hot-stuff mode through the first ten days of the month (at least!). This is due to the close contact with Eris and Uranus. Regarding living with yourself, affairs of the heart, or making your way in the world, this combination sets up a great time to hit the refresh button, make a significant (perhaps sudden) breakthrough, to strike out on your own, and/or to undertake a major reinvention. Mercury/Uranus puts your creative genius or rebel side out on full show. For some, a hot new love or passion keeps the excitement going strong. Saturn in Sagittarius well aligned with Mercury (exact on May 11) and Uranus (exact on May 18), provide the advantage of good timing on your side. Your intuition provides you with another excellent resource.
May 9 through 12 sets major wheels in motion regarding health, wealth, work, or renovation projects.
The karmic axis switch to Leo/Aquarius helps you to broaden and grow where it will do you the most good. It sets a facilitating backdrop for opportunity, success, and well being.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
One way or another, the end of Mercury retrograde on May 3 will get the ball rolling. You’ll now hit a faster track regarding all matters to do with family, a home move or renovation, a real estate transaction, a new business venture, or your personal reinvention. If you can’t hold back, you’ll just have to let it go. There’s a time and a reason for everything. No matter how the moment transpires, things have a way of working out as they should/for the best. It’s not the time to resist change, but to welcome it. The fresh and new is ideal for you.
Straddling the Scorpio full moon on May 10, the sun’s trine to Pluto on May 9 and Mercury’s trine to Saturn on May 11 are optimized for making it official, this regarding business or personal life undertakings.
The karmic axis switch now sets up an eighteen-month acceleration cycle, especially regarding material/financial advance, personal reinvention, your intimate relationship, or a health condition.
May 13 -19 is also a productive move along week. Venus in opposition to Jupiter on May 19 can increase profit, expense, or involvement. What’s launched this month will continue to unfold and to evolve through the start of June.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
The end of Mercury retrograde on May 3 can kick start something good. It may already be in the works or it could be brand new. Too, you can make a significant breakthrough with someone or something. Thanks to Mercury in cahoots with Uranus, expect to stay on a fast track through the first two weeks of the month. The exposing full moon in Scorpio on May 10 can redirect you or revamp your status quo in some significant way. It can bring something important out into the open, or put you on a major powerplay.
The Scorpio full moon on May 10 puts the spotlight on getting under better control. Of major impact regarding finances, career, parents or parenting, status, reputation, and investments of all kinds, the full moon and the month ahead can signal the end of a personal life or career chapter and the start of a major rebuild or turnaround time. A contract end, renewal, or legal judgement could be in the works. Too the full moon could be exposing in some timely way. May 9 and 11 put the reality in play. These dates are good for making it official and/or for action taking. May 12 through May 19 also set big wheels in motion.
The karmic axis shift into Leo/Aquarius begins an intensified eighteen-month self discovery/re-discovery, refresh-it process. You should find you can more readily ditch the things that no longer serve and that you are quicker on the uptake. This transit sets you up to break new ground regarding how you live
with yourself and regarding how you show up, engage, and participate in the world around you.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
As of May 3, you’ll start to pick up better speed as Mercury ends retrograde and hits all systems go. Financially, personally, or relationship wise, the first three weeks of the month can see you make great strides. May 9 and 11 are especially good for talks, making it official and for implementing a next phase or step.
May 17 to 19 can set the reality into motion in some major way, especially regarding your profession, finances, or relationships. Saturn’s trine to Uranus and Venus in opposition to Jupiter sets up an ideal backdrop to launch a new business venture, to put your hands on additional funding, or to take a risk on a new relationship commitment. A settlement or divorce can be amicably resolved. Too the transits can bring you added respect or recognition, sign a major contract, increase your income or assets or see you reach a goal, anniversary, or milestone. A major purchase can be in the mix too.
The karmic axis has just taken you through a major eighteen-month personal and social reinvention/explore the new me cycle. The next eighteen months is about integrating the growth while continuing the learning curve. It’s a major work in progress. May places you at the start of so much more to come.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Wednesday of every month at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net