Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper:https://www.straight.com/life/1107271/your-horoscope-july-26-august-1-2018
Check out the podcast below for an overview of July 2018 and the upcoming eclipses:
July 2018 Guiding Stars radio show.
August 2018 Guiding Stars radio show:
Mars in Aquarius travels retrograde: June 26 (9:13 Aquarius) to August 27 (28:37 Capricorn)
Mars out of bounds (in south declination): July 8 to September 24
July 12: Super new moon, Partial Solar Eclipse, 7:48 pm: (20:41 Cancer)
July 27: Total Lunar Eclipse, 1:20 pm: (4:45 Aquarius)
July 1: Juno enters Taurus: 1:45 am
July 10: Jupiter in Scorpio stations direct, 10:04 am (13:21 Scorpio)
July 21: Eris in Aries stations retrograde: 6:52 am
July 25: Mercury in Leo stations retrograde, 10:03 pm (23:27 Leo)
July 28: Ceres into Virgo: 2:01 am
**Please note all times listed are PDT, please check your local listing
Dates to watch: July 4, 5, 8 -13, 22 -30
July Overview:
Mars retrograde (in brief)
Mars in Aquarius turned retrograde on June 26. While the transit can let the air out of your tires, take you off your game, and is often a thwarting influence, it is by no means diminished in strength or agenda. Don’t expect Mars retrograde to shoot with blanks.
When Mars travels retrograde, subjective awareness, desires, instincts, and impulses shift. We become aware of inner urges that are not heading in the same direction as they were before the retrograde started. The outer world shifts too. Either we pull the plug or it happens to us.
Whether it is a natural progression or a radical redirection, Mars retrograde in Aquarius shifts the energy, politics, social climate, personal or sexual involvement.
While Mars retrograde continues, a pull back and personal regroup is wise. Don’t struggle against it. This is not a cycle to push, it is a time to check in with yourself and to give yourself more to reflect, to breathe, to unplug from auto-pilot. Pay heed to the part of your consciousness is clamouring for your attention. Mars retrograde calls for a pull back so that you can reflect with more objectivity, If or when you come to a sudden snap, that’s okay. The air clearing can be necessary.
The Mars transit is of major note. Replacing Jupiter, it will be the fourth brightest planet in the sky for the next couple of months (after Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury). This is because Mars will be in its closest proximity to both the earth and the sun. Coinciding with a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius, Mars will reach its closest distance to the sun at its opposition (perehelic apparition) on July 26/27, 2018. The last time it came so close was in 2003. This was the closest Mars had come to the sun in 60,000 years. it’s closest distance to the earth will be a few days later (July 30/31). Interestingly, at the start of 2003, North Korea withdrew from the NPT (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty).
Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 12:
Although the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 is only a partial eclipse, it is also a super moon and is in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. As such, it can pack an emotional punch. Setting a new reality into play, this eclipse can be eventful for you personally if you are born on or near July 12, or your natal chart holds planets at 20 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.) If it doesn’t hit your chart directly, you can feel the repercussions of the worldly reality. The eclipse marks the beginning for an end that has been long in the works. At the same time, it is a defining and cementing time for the new reality. The past serves a springboard or a portal. Note also that while eclipses are acceleration catalysts and tend to bring about sudden and often jarring change, the fall out effects of the July 12 eclipse are likely to long and drawn out.
Mars retrograde (in brief)and July forecast:
Mars in Aquarius turned retrograde on June 26. While the transit can let the air out of your tires, take you off your game, and is often a thwarting influence, it is by no means diminished in strength or agenda. Don’t expect Mars retrograde to shoot with blanks.
Mars represents the experiential leading edge of the soul’s desire for its own evolution. The soul utilizes Mars to embody and experience that which it desires. Mars is an instinctual archetype. It also correlates to sexual impulses.
When Mars travels retrograde, subjective awareness, desires, instincts, and impulses shift. We become aware of inner urges that are not heading in the same direction as they were before the retrograde started. The outer terrain shifts too. We can pull the plug, or someone or something can do it for us.
Mars in Aquarius and in retrograde shifts the energy in some dynamic way. It also shifts the politics, the social climate, the personal or sexual involvement level.
While Mars is retrograde, it is a good time for a personal regroup. Don’t struggle against it. This is not a cycle to push, it is a time to check in with yourself and to respond rather than keep on auto-pilot. Pay heed to the part of your consciousness is clamouring for your attention. Mars retrograde calls for a pull back so that you can reflect with more objectivity, If or when you come to a sudden snap, that’s okay. It is clearing the debris away and setting you up for a critical next phase.
The Mars transit is of major note. Replacing Jupiter, it will be the fourth brightest planet in the sky for the next couple of months (after Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury). This is because Mars will be in its closest proximity to both the earth and the sun. Coinciding with a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius, Mars will reach its closest distance to the sun at its opposition (perehelic apparition) on July 26/27, 2018. The last time it came so close was in 2003. This was the closest Mars had come to the sun in 60,000 years. it’s closest distance to the earth will be a few days later (July 30/31). Interestingly, at the start of 2003, North Korea withdrew from the NPT (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty).
Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer, super new moon, July 12, 2018:
Although July 12 is a partial solar eclipse, it is sure to pack an emotional punch. The eclipse is in Cancer and opposing Pluto in Capricorn. It is also a super moon. Setting a new reality into play, this eclipse can be eventful for you personally if you are born on or near it or your natal chart holds planets at 20 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.) If it doesn’t hit your chart directly, you’ll feel the repercussions of the worldly reality instead.
The eclipse marks the beginning for an end that has been long in the work. At the same time, it is a defining and cementing time for the new reality. The past serves a springboard or a portal. Note also that while eclipses are acceleration catalysts and tend to bring about sudden and often dramatic or jarring change, the fall-out effect or rebuilding mandate of July 12 eclipse could be long and drawn out.

July 10, Jupiter in Scorpio ends the retrograde cycle it began on March 8. Note that it will be freshly on the move along (moving out of station), increasing the scope/the action of the eclipse. Jupiter in Scorpio taps the undercurrents, the hidden sources and resources; it also adds to the karmic intensity.
Total Lunar Eclipse, July 27, 2018 1:20 pm PDT/4:20 EDT

The total full moon eclipse is also in dynamic tension to Uranus in Taurus. In addition to tense social, economic and political climates, the eclipse could produce something notable regarding geo-physical activity or weather extremes such as high summer temperatures, drought conditions, and wild-fires. If Mars retrograde has resulted in Hawaii’s Kilauea volcanic activity quieting down, this total full moon eclipse could rev it up again. Of course, this is not surprising. The effects of global warming are now far too obvious to ignore. An eclipse in Aquarius can also raise the potential for lightening strikes – for accidents, sudden outbursts, surprise, shock, the bizarre; emancipation bids, rebellions, revolts, violence, and terrorist activity.
Mercury in Leo is retrograde from July 25 to August 18. Coinciding with the eclipses, expect someone or something from the past to show up again.
There’s one last eclipse to mention – another super new moon partial solar eclipse in Leo on August 11. I’ll have more to say in the August newsletter, but in brief: Mars retrograde in Aquarius is still engaged with Uranus in Taurus. Venus (ruler of Taurus and partner to Mars) is in trine to the south node, so can be a good transit for social and relationship matters (especially regarding lovers, children and fathers), pleasure pursuits, travel, creative endeavours. Aim to make the most of it.
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Due to its retrograde travel, Mars will tenant the sign of Aquarius through the middle of November. In general, Mars in Aquarius is one of your better transits for hitting the refresh button, for personal/lifestyle/social reinvention. Although Mars in Aquarius is built for speed, thanks to the retrograde cycle, you’ll have extra time to figure yourself out and/or to come up with something new. A pull back, time-out, and rethink is an ideal way to make use of the transit. You can also find yourself occupied by a temporary involvement, project, or sidetrack.
Mars retrograde takes you off auto-pilot. Whether it is an outside force to wrestle with or a desire that gains a fresh wind, the transit switches your drive, incentive, and subjective attention onto an alternate track or target. Despite the frustrations or thwarting that is typical of the transit, when well directed, Mars retrograde can be a productive “know what you are getting yourself into first” cycle. This personal check-in transit can provide reinforcement, or you can loose steam for something or something that you have previously wanted, that you found quite desirable up until recently. It can also see you change what you want and how you go about getting it. Your inner process is a direct reflection of the soul making an internal program adjustment.
Even so, when Mars is retrograde, there’s plenty that is out of your control or reach. Roll with it as best you can.
July 9 to 13 and July 24 to 31 are the action peaks of the month. The partial, new moon solar eclipse on July 12 begins a new home, family, and living with yourself chapter. It is especially cementing or threshold crossing if your birthday falls on or near April 10. It is an important time to re-prioritize and to get a better handle on the reality, its limits and its opportunities. A grand trine involving Venus, Saturn and Uranus can help you to repair or heal some long-standing issue or to make improvements where it is most beneficial. Setting a new reality into play, this eclipse can be eventful for you personally if you are born on or near April 10 or your natal chart holds planets at 20 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.)
Taking you through an important rethink or revisit, Mercury in Leo turns retrograde on July 25. You can find yourself on a backtrack or revisit with someone significant/special, perhaps a child or a lover.
July 27 delivers a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius. Mars retrograde is in its closest proximity to both the sun and the earth, which is sure to trigger something intense. Uranus in Taurus is also a key player (square aspect). Expect the unexpected to come on fast and furious. The eclipse can trigger a relationship breakthrough or bust up, a sudden lifestyle change, financial opportunity, or expense. High risk is in the mix. Accidents can happen. Although fast action may be required, it is important to keep safety in mind.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Are you feeling or craving a bigger disconnect from the outside world or your everyday reality? If so, you are plugged into the workings of Mars retrograde in Aquarius. On the surface, Mars retrograde, is well aligned with a summertime kick-back. On the deeper level, through the staging of circumstances, Mars retrograde creates a window of opportunity to self examine and to break a chain of subjective replay so new pathways can be forged regarding how you identify with yourself and your creative process. Mars retrograde gives you time to observe yourself/the action from a different vantage point. The intention is to stoke the inner rebel, to rework your instincts and impulses so that you act or get involved in ways that are progressive and liberating, that are in keeping with the cutting edge you, not the old you.
Something or someone from your past can resurface on or near the partial solar eclipse July 12. To the plus, it is a good time to reconnect with places you’ve been/lived and folks you know. Whether challenging or heart warming (and likely both), the eclipse can dish up a special opportunity to work it out with a family member (perhaps a sibling or parent/parental type.) Don’t expect to keep buried emotions, resentment, or neediness under wraps.
Making it official in some definitive or legal way, the July 12 eclipse can be critically shaping to your long-term future or future security. You can grapple with strong opposition or a reality that is difficult to wrap yourself around. The eclipse can spark a time has come, writing on the wall, or one door closes another opens moment. Even though Mars retrograde can be a time to pause and take stock, eclipses work as acceleration tracks. They thrust you into full steam ahead, often taking the choice making out of your hands. Engaging Pluto by opposition, The July 12 eclipse can overpower you with a reality you can’t ignore. Even if you feel too weak, to frail or to vulnerable to take it on, that’s exactly what you can be forced to do. Yes, sign the contract, file the paperwork, make the commitment, take it on. If you can help, stand fully present. If you need help, seek it out. The going may be tough, but today’s dues set up tomorrow’s profit. Put in the work, set yourself up for substantial results. A lovely trine accompanies this eclipse, setting corner stones in place for productive healing, repair, or correction to begin once the dust settles down.
Solar eclipses begin new cycles. Something ends so something next can begin. A lunar eclipse brings relationship matters to a head. Generally, what occurs is the result of something that has already been in the works but that has not gained our full attention.
Mercury in Leo turns retrograde on July 25. The two steps forward, one back transit can play on your self confidence issues and/or find you questioning yourself or your heart. The transit puts added emphasis on a special someone (another or you, yourself.)
The total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 is accompanied by Mars aligned with the karmic south node (the past), in opposition to the sun, and in its closest proximity to the earth. The eclipse sun and moon are in dynamic tension to Uranus (square aspect) so watch for this to be an explosive or breakthrough time regarding personal relationships. Noting that the eclipse is in Aquarius, it is likely that we’ll hear of a notable/surprising divorce or severing of ties. Social and political matters can reach a breaking point too. Extra caution is advised from July 24 to the end of the month. You’ll feel this hot-wired eclipse more dynamically if your birthday falls on or near April 24, or if the eclipse makes direct contact to planets in your birthchart. Otherwise, you can feel the dynamism of this eclipse in an indirect or less extreme way.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Mars retrograde is in full swing now and gaining extra turbo through the end of the month. Take a vacation. It’s an ideal transit for a change of pace/scenery. Clear extra time to explore the workings of your heart and mind. An added degree of separation between you, it, them, and/or more of the same can only do you good.
The July 12 eclipse solar eclipse in Cancer can bring something from the past full circle. Is it time to downsize or to break through a ceiling? An important investment, or involvement can weigh heavily on you. It is a time to review financial and material priorities and goals. Necessity may dictate the play. If it isn’t meant to be, you can’t hold on to it. If it is meant to be, you’ll see it shape up in some compelling, must do way.
Mercury in Leo turns retrograde just before the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27. Whether it is a good idea, subject of interest, or career aspiration that has been waylaid for one reason or another, a conversation, social, community, or relationship involvement that has been left hanging, or a relocation prospect, the retrogrades (Mercury and Mars) offer the opportunity to go back and give it another shot.
Although the common advice for Mercury retrograde is to avoid locking yourself in, the transit is perfectly fine for re-negotiating or resigning the lease/the contract (actual; karmic.)
The total lunar Eclipse on July 27 can rev it up unexpectedly. Don’t expect to be sitting still. In general, the eclipse can be a strike flint, catch the wave, or shock wave transit. Added intensity, excitement, and volatility is in the mix. The eclipse can produce a special event, a surprise announcement, visitor, windfall, or opportunity.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Eclipse month is upon you. it could be a life-altering month or few, especially so if your birthday is on or near July 12, or the eclipses make a dynamic aspect to personal planets.
The solar eclipse on July 12 is a partial eclipse and a super moon. If you are born on or near July 12, you have likely already felt the workings of this eclipse for the past few weeks. There’s a lot to reflect on; the eclipse puts you in touch with the past and the workings of your subconscious. It can prompt the re-surfacing of long forgotten memories or buried emotions. If you wonder why it is difficult to keep emotions under good control or find that you are the target for another’s displaced emotions, it is because the eclipse is triggering the unfinished business of the past. A personal or health relapse is within possibility too. Despite a replay that you may not want to deal with, this new moon solar eclipse brings you to the finishing stage of a lengthy life chapter and the launch of a new one. Moving past the past is the ticket for moving into the next phase of life. Aim to lighten the load in whatever way you can. Downsize, forgive, hold yourself accountable, do your part to the best of your ability.
For some, a reconnection with the past (person, place, or thing) can signal a positive full circle/completion. Perhaps it is time to return to a place you have lived previously. It can be time to reconcile with the aging process, to take care of (or say goodbye) an aging parent/loved one, or to start a new career, a new home or family life.
Mercury turns retrograde on July 25. Caution is advised from the start of the month regarding overconfidence and overspending. Expenses could rise. Perhaps you’ll find you paid too much for something (regarding money or matters of heart.) Mercury retrograde can see you on a major rethink regarding money and investments. To the plus, the transit can help you to restart a success track or to revive something that made money for you previously. It is a good transit for figuring out what its worth and what or whom is in your best interest.
The total lunar eclipse on July 27 can prompt a major break-through, break-up, severing of ties, cut to the chase, or something abrupt and completely out of the blue. Noting that it is an eclipse in Aquarius, anything goes. Aquarius is a high stress, accident producing, and reactionary archetype. If you have high blood pressure, etc. or know someone that does, be on close watch and aim to defuse or de-stress when the going gets to be a lot.
LEO July 22 – August 22
Have you been thinking lately that you have better places to be, better ways to spend your time, money, and heart? Quality over quantity, Mars retrograde can be put to best use when you consciously choose to a pull yourself away from the marginal, and the time and money wasters. At the very least, take a vacation! Gift yourself with more fresh air/more oxygen/more breathing space. A refuel can only do you good.
The solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 can put you in a mood to hide out or avoid it, but even so, you could get pulled into something pressing or necessary. Even though a solar eclipse sets up a new beginning, can be a time to tough it out with something or someone. The eclipse can target your vulnerability and weak spots. Safeguards are wise, especially regarding your health, food intake, and matters to do with security, rights, and boundaries. There can be added challenges regarding the ability to control, follow rules, dealings with parents, the elderly, officials, or authority. Having said all that, remember that the eclipse may not be so impactful for you unless it makes feature contact to your chart. Otherwise you can be impacted indirectly by outer world happenings.
Mercury takes a retrograde tour in your sign from July 25 to August 18. The transit is meant to stoke the inner fire even more, to help you get even clear about what, whom, where, and when is in your better interests.
The total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 can pack a quite a punch. You’ll feel the effects strongest if your birthday falls on or near the eclipse. Any eclipse in Aquarius is enough to do it. Mars retrograde is a major feature of the eclipse: Mars on the karmic axis (south node), forming an opposition to the sun while it is also at perihelic apparition (its closest distance), and it is also travelling in its closest proximity to the earth since 2003. The eclipse also pulls from a dynamic aspect (square) with Uranus in Taurus. Whew! Expect for an eventful end to the month, for something major to fast track the reality.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Beyond a good time to take a vacation and to enjoy the season’s best, the eclipse of July 12 can prompt a significant breakthrough regarding a long-standing issue from your past. The eclipse can prompt a release of long buried emotions and resentment. You could fast track into a new lifestyle and/or get a fresh handle on a new you. A significant relationship can move to a new or next level. That could mean a goodbye or hello. You are likely to feel a strong sense of fate or karmic destiny at play. Of course, an eclipse must make direct contact to your chart to be of significant impact, otherwise, you’ll experience the impact as an indirect or outer world influence, or as only slightly stronger new moon or full moon.
Mercury in Leo begins retrograde motion on July 25, two days before the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27. The lunar eclipse could set you up for an unexpected breakthrough or release. Watch July 24 to the end of the month for action. You’ll see where you’ve gone wrong or where you’ve gone right. Experience is your best teacher. Either way, expect to become a lot better informed. Venus in Virgo is in trine to Pluto, suggesting that there is a great opportunity to fill in a missing blank or to do some significant healing, updating, upgrading, or repair work, this regarding health, work, or working out something of significant karmic implication. Regarding the emotional, material or healing track, Venus/Pluto could produce an opportunity, one you didn’t even know you were looking for. Whether you recognize it or not, it could prove to be a saving grace, perhaps one that comes disguised (i.e. an abrupt or unexpected pull the plug could pave the way for something much better to come along.) It must be said, that an eclipse in Aquarius can produce something jarring. Accidents can happen, so make sure to always keep safety in mind.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
In general, Mars in Aquarius is one of your best Mars transits. Due to its retrograde tour (June 26 to August 27), you stand to gain from Mars through the middle of November. Mars in Aquarius boosts your social life, creativity, desire for independence and freedom. This Mars transit makes more of a risk taker, innovator, explorer, and rebel. A think for yourself transit, while Mars travels retrograde, it creates a wider degree of separation between you and another, between you and it or them. Mars retrograde prompts you to put yourself/your wants and needs first, to think more in terms of “me” instead of “we”. Noting that the Libra archetype often has an issue with enmeshment or co-dependency, that can be a good thing. Making it too obvious to ignore, Mars retrograde turns up the spotlight on an issue, objective, or involvement that needs review and reformatting.
The important stuff (home-base, family, career, security) weighs even more heavily on heart and mind, especially so thanks to the July 12 solar eclipse. Whether it is abrupt or there’s more time to put in/more persevering to do, the eclipse brings a lengthy life chapter to a finish line and initiates the next chapter. The tendency is to keep building more of the same, especially when fear or insecurity calls the shot, but the wisdom is in recognizing what’s out served you, and in opting for significant and fundamental change. Downsizing and streamlining is a good option. The past, along with its rewards and consequences, comes full circle. Most of all, the journey is one of self preservation and deep inner growth; of recognizing yourself, living with yourself and using the past a foundation to build yourself better. The eclipse can also feature matters to do with parent/child relationships, issues to do with caretaking of the elderly, retirement, a new business venture or career project/ambition/track.
Mercury in Leo begins retrograde motion on July 25, the day before the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 26. This eclipse is hotwired with Mars in Aquarius retrograde and Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in Taurus. Watch for the eclipse to thrust the action switch regarding something to do with money, a key relationship, career trajectory or lifestyle change. This eclipse can produce a special event. It is good for a vacation or a getaway. Then again, it could produce something unexpected that gets you up and running fast/faster. You could find yourself on a significant break through, break away, cut to the chase, or stroke of genius moment. Risk can be in the mix. The eclipse can be especially opportune, but a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius can also produce something sudden, jarring, surprising or shocking. Look to contacts to your natal chart to evaluate how intense or how opportune this eclipse can be.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Jupiter in Scorpio ends retrograde on July 10. Since March, the transit has likely kept you well occupied with tracking down more and/or getting yourself further ahead. Perhaps these past few months have kept you buried deep in product development or occupied with a specific matter. No doubt you have become more conscious of your internal process and have found yourself questioning your motives, ambition, investments, or involvements. Perhaps trust issues have been chipping away at you. Such is the nature of Jupiter’s self improvement, soul searching or confront yourself mission.
The past is a springboard for next. Reward or consequence (likely a combination of both) is in the mix; the July 12 partial solar eclipse can see you reach a milestone, anniversary, goal post, or finish line. Although the eclipse brings you to an ending or completion, most importantly, the eclipse sets the foundation for a new reality. It sets you to task on your next build it better agenda (actual/karmic).
The full moon total eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 is accompanied by the start of Mercury retrograde in Leo and Mars retrograde at its closest proximity to the earth. This full moon is in dynamic tension to Uranus which is sure to trigger something more than par for the course. It could be a great opportunity in the making, perhaps to do some important personal healing, to do important catch up, to release, offload, or to upgrade in some essential way.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Feeling less interested in socializing or subjecting yourself to outer world bullshit? Feeling as though the air has been let out of your tires? Mars retrograde can see you (or it) lose steam. It’s is an ideal transit for an unplug. It is not the best transit for making new inroads or for forging ahead, at least not in the same direction you were heading before the retrograde began.
Although Mars retrograde can set up road blocks, you/life won’t find yourself standing still. Jupiter, your ruler, traveling in Scorpio, ends retrograde on July 10. While the effect can be subtle, don’t under-estimate its potency. Jupiter’s turn around supplies added juice for the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 which is in opposition to Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler. This eclipse tugs hard on emotions, security, and needs. There is an opportunity to grow and to heal, to resume something of great importance to your soul’s bigger picture agenda, to rework the past and to finish/resolve a long-standing matter, perhaps one that has been a source of regret. Is there something draining your time, money, energy, health or heart? It is time to get a better handle on it. A productive earth grand trine of Venus, Saturn retrograde, and Uranus set a productive backdrop for corrections, upgrades, and repairs. The eclipse gives you little choice but to accept what isn’t meant to be or what is coming to an end. On the other hand, it assists to hold up your end – to do what must be done regarding facing the work or the reality.
July 25, two days before the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius (July 27) Mercury stations retrograde in Leo. Stay ready for anything goes, let the moment dictate the play. Plans or good intentions may not go according to expectations. The end of the month can be a good time to travel or to book yourself off work, but if you have a choice, avoid the first day or so of Mercury retrograde (July 24 to 27 if you can.) Although “nothing ventured, nothing gained” caution is advised regarding risk taking too. Make sure your vehicle is in good running shape, don’t downplay anything to do with safety. On another note, the total lunar eclipse could bring an unexpected opportunity or windfall, news, a special connection or event.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Saturn and Pluto have been travelling retrograde through Capricorn since the end of April. Both transits could make you feel that you are being held up or back, but see their influence as buying you time instead. Saturn has just surpassed the half way mark of its retrograde cycle, Pluto will do so on the solar eclipse in Cancer, July 12. It’s a partial eclipse and a super moon, a “high tide” influence. You will feel the transformative effect of this eclipse the strongest if your birthday falls on or near January 10.
The solar eclipse sets the future on its course. It begins a new chapter regarding how you show up for yourself and how you represent yourself when interfacing with your world/the world around you. The eclipse prompts or challenges you to develop a new level of emotional and material self consistency. A new professional and personal status is in the works. Perhaps there’s a new role to play regarding interfacing within the family or in relationship to a specific member.
Mercury in Leo begins a retrograde cycle on July 25. A total lunar eclipse in Aquarius happens on July 27. Both can trigger something out of the blue regarding expenses, investments, involvements, health, and matters of heart. Watch for the eclipse to be an activation trigger regarding a special someone (a lover, child, or one with financial ties). The eclipse can put feature attention on money issues to do with inheritances, taxes, memberships, pooled resources, etc. You could be in for a relapse or another go around, but even if it is a repeat, it’s never the same twice. Even if the eclipse produces something jarring and testing, it is designed to get you better informed and up to speed, to assist you or push you to a next level, phase, or stage. One way or another, the eclipse can help you to make a faster breakthrough or to move yourself into a better position.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
Mars, now travelling retrograde in Aquarius, is on an internal combustion ramp-up. It will reach a peak of potency by end of July when it will shine its brightest in the evening sky. The red planet is travelling closer to the earth than it has in two years. It is also travelling in its closest proximity to the sun since 2003. Noting this fact, expect Mars to supply significant added fuel to the total lunar eclipse on July 27. You will feel the catapulting effects of this total lunar eclipse the strongest if your birthday falls on or near January 23 to 25. You can feel Mercury retrograde – or the effects of the eclipse in a Mercury retrograde type of way – if your birthday falls on or near February 12.
Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Virgo are key players to both the partial solar eclipse in Cancer, July 12 and the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27. Both Uranus and Venus are prompting you to update how you evaluate, relate, and resource.
The eclipse on July 12 underscores the importance of timing it right, and/or of rolling up your sleeves to do what’s necessary before you run out of the optimal time margin. While the eclipse can hit you where you feel most vulnerable and/or put you on the short end, it sets an agenda into play regarding essential and necessary improvements, upgrades, and repairs. The eclipse is a good one for starting a new job or health regime, for catching up on lost time or filling in a missing blank with someone or something. On another note, the eclipse can simply mark a good time for a vacation, or for taking more time out for yourself/prioritizing your personal life over your professional life.
Be remined that the eclipses will only be of influence for you personally if they make a direct contact to your birth chart, otherwise you’ll witness their influence indirectly.
Mercury retrograde, (July 2 to August 18) is a good transit for taking time out to enjoy yourself more and to spend more quality time with those you love (self included!) As is typical of the cycle, expect to hear from or bump into people you haven’t interfaced with recently. The transit can see you on an important rethink or review.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Whether you take an official vacation, or you hang around right where you are, more quality time spent with loved ones – including yourself – is a healing balm. The partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 can be shaping or re-directing in some significant way, especially so if it makes direct contact to your natal chart. Emotional floodgates can open. It can remove a block, the resistance, or the low hanging ceiling. Putting you better in touch with yourself and with those who have your heart, the eclipse finds you highly attuned, sensitized, and/or readily triggered. You’ll readily tap/draw from a deep emotional reservoir. Emotionally or otherwise, it’s a full circle journey. The past serves a major springboard for what comes next.
Launching an important new cycle that extends for the next two-ish years, the solar eclipse can put the feature spotlight on a child or a parent, on a creative project/venture, on professional development. What ends or begins now sets the foundation a new reality/new lifestyle to begin.
Mercury in Leo turns retrograde on July 25, just two days before the total lunar eclipse in Aquarius. It could be a wild week/end of the month so try to give yourself extra margins where-ever possible. Anything goes. Something sudden and unexpected is likely, perhaps to do with repairs, health, work or working it out. Something or someone could jump out at you. The eclipse could see you make a surprise discovery. To the plus the eclipse could spark a stroke of genius or window of opportunity moment.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on Wednesday’s at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net