“Everything, everywhere, all at once”. Pluto’s seminal transit through Aquarius, – an occurrence that happens only once in several lifetimes for the soul! – serves to shatter the blocks and limitations that keep consciousness frozen in the repeating loop of the past, to accelerate the experiential track of self discovery and personal reinvention, and to awaken exceptional creative potential. Considering that Pluto correlates to evolution and Aquarius to liberation, the potential for profound inner change and soul growth is at its prime. How can you best ready yourself for the years ahead?
March Overview:
Heads up! There’s major action from the stars over the month ahead as three planets (Saturn, Pluto, and Mars) make significant sign changes.
March 1: Venus/Jupiter conjunction; March 2, Mercury/Saturn conjunction:
Venus/Jupiter, conjunct in Aries, opens the month. This is a strike-flint and fast track planetary pairing. The duo can fire up passion, enthusiasm, and spontaneity. The desire for instant gratification, impulsivity and reactionary responses are possible too. Not a little, but a lot – whatever you feel, you are likely to feel it in spades and you aren’t likely to hold back much. To the plus, Venus/Jupiter in Aires can inspire action-taking in some positive, cut to the chase, cut loose, or break-free way. First is best, a first is blessed.
On March 2, Mercury forms a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius. Simultaneous to reaching a completion, goal post, deadline, or finish-line, this transit also positions us at a new or next starting-gate. Just hours after this meet-up, Mercury leaves Aquarius for a fast two-week transit through Pisces. To the plus, Mercury in Pisces can diffuse recent tensions or added stress and create an ease up on the pressure points. On the other hand, the confusion and uncertainty that accompanies the fluidity of present circumstances can make for difficult navigating.
March 7: Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn enters Pisces:
March 7, the full moon in Virgo puts the spotlight on matters to do with health, service, work, and working it out. It is wise to stay detail oriented and to put safety measures to the forefront. Double check, ask more questions. Among the range of ways this full moon could play out for you: mistakes, flaws, shortfalls, oversights, and the unfinished can cost you extra stress, work/effort, or time. Don’t ignore or over-ride warning signals (intuitive or actual; health wise or regarding interactions with others). You could find yourself on the short end of the stick, perhaps feel victimized by circumstances or disappointed when others don’t hold up their end of the bargain. To the plus, the Virgo full moon brings an opportunity to make improvements, to repair, correct, fix, heal, or finish what needs to be. It is a good time to see a specialist, to get better informed, to redo a test, to clean up or clear the clutter. Simplify as best you can.
The full moon coincides with Saturn’s exit out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Saturn spends two- and one-half years transiting a sign. Every 29 and one-half years, Saturn makes it full circle around the zodiacal wheel. In so doing, it comes back to occupy the same place in your chart. Think back that far and you’ll see that a chapter of your life has completed and that you are standing on the threshold of a next chapter. Every seven years, you’ll move through a Saturn checkpoint. Where-ever Saturn goes, it defines or redefines your reality and its baseline. This includes the constructs of your consciousness (and its judgement patterns), the necessities you face, along with developing priorities.
Social distancing and isolation has been a signature of Saturn’s two-years-plus tour through Aquarius. This fracturing influence has widened social and political divides and produced harsh living for many folks who have been displaced by natural and man-made disasters.
Saturn in Pisces operates on several levels. Chiefly, it will dissolve barriers that are in the way of realizing the potentials that are on brew and now ready to meet their time has come moment. Those potentials can be in the realm of loss and disillusionment, or in the realm of attainment regarding an ultimate aspiration or dream come true.
March 14 – 18:
The mid-week of the month hosts a run of notable stars. Here is the run down:
March 14: Mars/Neptune square
March 15: Sun/Neptune conjunction
March 16: Mercury/Neptune conjunction
Mercury/Mars square, Sun/Mars square,
Venus/Pluto square; Venus into Taurus
March 17: Sun/Mercury superior conjunction in Pisces
(Omitting Venus from the list, all the above involve either planet Neptune or the sign of Pisces)
March 18: Mercury into Aries
If the full moon of March 7 opened a “can of worms”, watch for March 14 to 17 for more to go on. In increments over these few days run, more will be exposed. These transits can help to fill in the missing blanks, to redirect or shape-shift as is warranted, to make better use of the bird in hand. Progressively, there will be more to go on, which hopefully will lead toward more productive talks or results.
With so many of the above-mentioned transits drawing from Neptune and the Pisces archetype, you can’t push what isn’t coming naturally. March 13, Jupiter conjunct Chiron can set destiny into play in some cut to the chase and/or freeing way. Go with the flow but also stay attentive. Progressively, each day reveals more. it is a good week for spring break, a vacation, romantic interlude, or spiritual retreat. Catch up on sleep. Take extra time out for studies or healing. It is also an excellent week for music concerts, creative/artistic endeavours, movie making, dreaming, wedding planning, marketing ventures and such. A release from hospital or jail is also within the range of potentials.
March 23: Pluto enters Aquarius:
Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius is of major significance for all. Marking collective eras and evolution, Pluto’s orbit around the sun takes 248 years. Due to its extreme elliptical orbit, Pluto’s transit through each of the twelve signs is not uniform but varies from 12 to 30 years. Pluto’s tenancy in a sign marks the soul path for each generation. Since 2008, Pluto has been in transit through Capricorn. From March 23 to June 11, Pluto will give us a brief introduction to Aquarius. It will only dip into the sign in 2023, so we have yet to see if it will make a dramatic or subtle entrance. This year and next, Pluto will transit back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius. By November of 2024, Pluto will begin its 20-year tenancy of Aquarius. The impact of this transit on your personal life depends on how Pluto connects to your natal chart. On the collective level, Pluto in Aquarius will accelerate the radical reinvention of reality. Key subjects of this transit are all matters to do with climate change, A.I., technology, science (including medical science), space travel, social and political reforms, and lifestyle reinvention. For more on this VIP transit, please check out my article on Pluto in Aquarius. I’ll be giving a workshop for the CIA on Pluto in Aquarius on March 16. (I’ll post a registration link for this workshop soon.)
March 25: Mars enters Cancer:
Typically Mars spends about 6 weeks in transit through a sign but due to the recent retrograde cycle (end of October through middle of January 2023), Mars has spent seven months in Gemini. This has been an important experiential information gathering cycle. It may have produced added guesswork, kept you in dilemma, or juggling a few things at the same time. It has also been time of karmic review and of developing karmic potency. From March 25 to May 20, Mars will transit Cancer. Mars, the action and assertion planet, will now direct its attention to home base (real estate matters included), to family matters, to nurturing and nourishment, food issues, to safety, security, and personal comfort zones. Most importantly, Mars begins a new self care and self preservation chapter. This transit aims to get you back in touch you’re your essential needs. What will keep you feeling safe, secure, supported, nurtured, and nourished? This transit is best used to feel your way along.
The month ends on an upswing thanks to the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction (March 27), Venus/Uranus conjunction and Mars/Saturn trine (March 30).
March 7: Full Moon in Virgo, 4:40 am (16:40 Virgo)
March 21: New Moon in Aries, 10:22 am (0:49 Aries)
March 2: Mercury into Pisces, 2:51 pm
March 7: Saturn into Pisces, 5:34 am
March 11: Juno into Taurus, 8:15 am
March 16: Venus into Taurus, 3:34 pm
March 18: Mercury into Aries, 9:23 pm
March 20: Spring Equinox: 2:24 pm
March 22: Ceres into Virgo, 8:55 pm
March 23: Pluto into Aquarius, 5:14 am
**Please note, all time listed are PST, please check your local time
Dates to watch: March 1, 2, 6,7, 14 – 18, 22 – 25, 27, 30
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Ready to tackle something new or next? Opening the month, Venus/Jupiter in Aries infuses you with an energy boost and fresh incentive. Mercury/Saturn in Aquarius (conjunction, March 2) brings you to a combined finish line, goal post and starting gate. These transits prompt you to cut to the chase, and to speak your mind in a forthright, perhaps even blunt way. Through the first half of the month, Jupiter/Chiron sets you onto a significant growth curve. This experiential combo moves you beyond the known into a completely new frontier. The evolution unfolds bit by bit in some significant, even life altering way – over the coming month, over the next few months, and over the next few years to come.
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 dials up matters to do with health, repairs, and fix-it projects. Watch for something that previously escaped your notice to surface. Put extra safety precautions into play, especially regarding your health. There is still much that you do not know, that is not yet revealed. Relinquish expectations, surrender to the process, and work with the bird in hand.
March 7 also coincides with Saturn’s exit out of Aquarius and into Pisces. The task master and reality check planet spends two and a half years in transit through a sign. Saturn in Pisces shifts your priority attention off social/community involvements and onto a search for the as yet unrealized potential, that which you desire or sense, but do not yet have in hand. The transit calls for you to spend your time engaged in more worthwhile activities and endeavours. That can mean more time alone to study, reflect, heal, or to incubate. Clear away the clutter and distractions, simplify where you can. Aim for more peace and quiet, enjoy your privacy, make sure you get good quality sleep while you are at it too. Perhaps it is a spiritual quest that calls, perhaps it is a healing process that requires you to take time out. Saturn in Pisces will continue to operate at two levels simultaneously. On the one hand, this Saturn transit will dissolve a reality or a consciousness that has served its time. It is a slow process of moving the past to the rear-view mirror so that you can put your full attention toward this next leg of the journey. Simultaneously, Saturn in Pisces works to solidify the potential that is building momentum but that has not yet hit the surface of your awareness or your reality. Give it time. For some, Saturn in Pisces can solidify a career path, a soul mission, or set you on a path to spiritual fulfillment.
If answers, confirmation, or a solid sense of direction alludes you, watch for March 14 to 18 to pull back the curtain and to fill in the missing blanks. It is an unfolding process stretched over a few days. With so much dominance in the sign of Pisces (Sun, Mercury, Neptune), know you can’t push what isn’t coming naturally. Inspiration must come of its own accord. There is a range of possibilities for this grouping of Neptune and Pisces influences. You could run out of steam for something or someone that has been previously cherished, or you could simply feel an energy drain. If you have been deceiving yourself or buying into an illusion, you could be in for disappointment. To the plus, a potential could demonstrate more viability. A vacation, spiritual retreat or romantic interlude is well timed. If you are a musician, actor, or artist, this week could put you in the zone quite beautifully. Volunteering is another way to feed the soul (yours, theirs). Let the spirit move you!
Mercury enters Aries late in the day on March 18. Along with the spring equinox and start of Aries month on March 21, you should feel more get up and go.
On March 23, we will get our first introduction to Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto will only graze the sign for 2023, but do not underestimate the potency of this transit to set you onto a completely altered reality, and/or a faster forward. Things can change in the blink of an eye. Pluto will turn retrograde on May 1 (at 0:21 Aquarius) and exit Aquarius on June 11. In 2024, Pluto will begin a 20-year trek through Aquarius. Radical change is the order of the day. Align with your future, do not stay tethered to your past.
As of March 25, Mars will end its seven-month tour of Gemini. In so doing, it can bring you to the end of an informing chapter (in other words, an experiential track). Through May 20, Mars in Cancer puts added attention on home and family, safety, security, and self preservation (emotional and material). The last week of the month could be your best. March ends with Mars trine Saturn and Venus conjunct Uranus. Make full use of the opportunities at hand.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
One way or another, the start of the month can spur you to action. Venus in conjunction with Jupiter in Aries provides fresh impetus and is good for cutting to the chase. Mercury’s conjunction with Saturn calls for thinking smarter rather than pushing harder.
Mercury takes a quick dip into Pisces from March 2 to 18. Simplicity and ease is the way to go. Music, movies, yoga, a spiritual retreat, romance, sleep, submerged in the ocean or the bath-tub – take your pick. They all provide good nourishment for body, mind. and soul.
Saturn leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 7. It will spend two-plus years in this sign. For the past couple of years of Saturn in Aquarius has been working to bust up the concrete of the past and to force you out of your limited way of coping. While demonstrating the limitations of the reality you have built for yourself, Saturn has also aimed to introduce you to a whole new way of perceiving – this regarding where you have come from, where you are at, and where you think you are going. For the next couple of years, Saturn in Pisces will work to dissolve the remaining barriers that prevent you from seeing the opportunities at hand.
Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23. It will only dip into this sign in 2023 (to mid-June) but make no mistake, the reinvention mandate is not up for negotiation. Depending on how Pluto aligns with your natal chart, the transit will give you a length of time to get with the program but know the sooner you accept the inevitability of change, the sooner you set yourself up for reward.
March 14 to 16, let it go, go with the flow, let the muses play. You could tap a wealth of imagination and creative inspiration. The mid-week of the month is also well set for a vacation, a spiritual retreat, or a romantic interlude. The transits keep you receptive, open, and hopeful, but on the other hand, you could also find yourself especially susceptible and vulnerable. Know you can be easily swayed. Don’t bank on a promise. If you indulge in alcohol or take drugs, please know your limits. It can be easy to forget, to lose track, to over-indulge, or overspend.
Since last August, Mars has been on tour in Gemini. Have you been spinning wheels? Mars enters Cancer on March 26 and trines Saturn on March 30. By this point you should feel like you are making good/better progress. Keeping it/keeping you upbeat, Venus/Uranus sparks something fresh.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
A fresh start is a good start as the month opens. March 1, Venus/Jupiter (conjunct in Aries) keeps you going strong. March 2, Mercury/Saturn (conjunct in Aquarius) sets a time is right backdrop. The first few days could deliver news.
Just a few hours after meeting with Saturn, Mercury begins a two-week trek through Pisces. To the plus, Mercury in Pisces can dissolve a barrier or see an ease up on rules and restrictions. On the other hand, the transit may not give you a solid confirmation or all the answers you’d like. Look to the full moon in Virgo on March 7 and the week that follows to fill in the missing blanks.
Mid-month is well set for a vacation, for timeout for healing, a spiritual retreat, or for spring break. March 14, 15, is best used for creative endeavours. Watch for matters to sort themselves out. (Note the rundown: March 14: Mars/Neptune square, March 15, Sun/Neptune conjunction; March 16, Mercury/Neptune conjunction.) Don’t fall asleep at the wheel! March 16/17 can kick it into gear, change the score, or surprise you with something you did not see coming. It could produce a good breakthrough or bring an opportune time to get it said, signed and/or done.
In general, Mercury in Aries, March 18 to April 3, can fast track you or it. It can speed up plans, communication tracks, the learning curve, your thinking process and responses. This Mercury transit can also find you more physically active and on the go, whether that is through sports and exercise activities, or through more errands and such.
Mars ends its seven-month tour of Gemini on March 25. To May 20, Mars in Cancer will put added attention on security, safety. and comfort zones, (emotional and material). Attention also focuses on holding onto what you have and holding onto what belongs to you. By the end of the month, Mars trine Saturn suggests you will have a good handle on what’s workable, tangible, and real. Also on March 30, Venus/Uranus (conjunction) could spark something fresh, lucrative, or opportune.
March 23 to the middle of June gives us our first introduction to Pluto in Aquarius. This is a life altering, once in a lifetime transit for everyone. This transit could provide a sneak peak at your future. New places to be, new faces to meet. The coming months (and years) can introduce you to new range of possibilities, prospects, and potentials. On the checklist: higher education (specialization track), relocation, speculative ventures, a new career trajectory, a re-invented lifestyle (social world included). Pluto in Aquarius will be with us for 20 years. If you are born at the start of Gemini (on or near May 22) you’ll get the full thrust of this transit now and over the next year or few.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Venus/Jupiter in Aries and Mercury/Saturn in Aquarius kick off the month. Both transits (conjunctions) provide good incentive for giving it your best shot. Even so, as of March 2, Mercury exits Aquarius for Pisces and in so doing, shifts the momentum. Circumstances are fluid through mid month. Stay open-ended regarding your expectations rather than to bank on them. If you can allow the moment to unfold it for you, it will reveal your best play.
The March 7 full moon in Virgo could be a time to clear it away, to correct, heal, eliminate, fine tune, or improve. It can clue you into what you have missed so far. The full moon in Virgo coincides with Saturn’s advance into Pisces. For the next two- and one-half years, Saturn will continue to dissolve whatever may be in the way of you moving to the next level for yourself. In increments and stages, Saturn will outline your future in some definitive, reality generating way. How can you best align yourself with this transit? Stay open and receptive to all options and avenues. Know that the potentials will grow over time. How well they blossom will be dependent on the soil you use and how well you water them. (Life – it is a work in progress. Sometimes it is not easy to live it out. Go gentle on yourself but keep tending to the garden!)
The mid-week of the month is well timed for spring break, a vacation, or for easing your way along. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel though. March 14 – 16/17 could pull back a curtain, trigger or unfold plenty. You could suddenly see your way clear. What surfaces (or is exposed) may seem out of the blue, but it is likely something that has been already on brew. Mars/Neptune (square), Sun/Neptune (conjunction) and Mercury/Neptune (conjunction) and a few other transits can be good for creative undertakings, marketing ventures, inspired moments, romance and the spiritual quest. This week/run of stars could also prompt a health breakthrough. What is lost could be found. What is hidden can be exposed. On the other hand, you can be susceptible regarding health or the sales pitch. Guard your health, keep your eyes on the road, know your limits regarding consumption of drugs or alcohol, safeguard your passwords, etc.
Venus, (finances, evaluation process) in Aries (to March 16) keeps it going strong in the first half of the month. Mercury (talks, thinking/planning/observing, negotiations, activities) in Aries (starting March 18) will keep it going strong in the second half.
From March 23 to June 11, Pluto, agent of the soul, will give us a first sampling of its tour of Aquarius. By the end of 2024, Pluto will launch its 20-year tour of this sign. For the past couple of years, Saturn in Aquarius has been busting up the concrete on the parts of your life that are no longer holding up, that need demolition and reconstruction. Pluto will now carry forward from where Saturn has readied the ground. Over the coming years, Pluto, will prompt a complete overhaul of your consciousness (including motivation and incentives) and your reality. The signposts are everywhere. We now stand poised at the threshold of a radical altered reality. When it comes to the evolutionary mandate, Pluto will leave no stone unturned.
LEO July 22 – August 22
What’s new? Don’t have an answer for that yet? You will soon enough! March 1, Venus/Jupiter (conjunct in Aries) lights a fresh spark. As of March 2, Mercury/Saturn (conjunct in Aquarius), can see you reach a goal post. Simultaneously Mercury/Saturn sets a new agenda into play. A new prospect, project, or adventure is on the horizon.
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 could produce a shortfall or require added work, effort, or patience. Attention is claimed by what needs to be fixed, corrected, healed, or cleared away. Clean and simple is the best way to handle it. A small step or gesture can do the trick.
The full moon coincides with Saturn’s exit out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Things can fall apart or get diffused. Over the next two-plus years, Saturn in Pisces puts added priority on the search for the more worthwhile and meaningful, this regarding investments of time, resources, and heart. Some parts of your life are now reaching an expiry date. Some parts of your life are listed “as yet untapped,” and/or still hidden behind closed doors. No matter what occupies you now, rest assured, tomorrow is on its way. You can’t prepare for the things you cannot see or are not yet acquainted with, but when it comes to your future, all that will be necessary is to show up for it (the more fully, the better!).
The world is rapidly changing, and so is your future. Whether you feel prepared or not, you stand poised at a threshold of significance. As of March 23, Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. If you are born at the start of Leo (on or around July 23/24) you’ll get a jump start on social and lifestyle reinvention through mid-June. If you are a later born Leo (i.e. in August), you will have more time to prepare for reinvention. What’s on the road ahead? New career opportunities, a lifestyle redesign, and new social network. Most of all, Pluto in Aquarius is about reinventing the way you show up for yourself and how you participate/interface with your day-to-day reality too.
After seven months in spin class, Mars is finally taking its leave of Gemini. As of March 26, Mars will begin a two-month tour of Cancer. The worries, distractions, pressures, the daily grind, the people who need you/rely on you – there is so much to navigate. More quality time for self-care and to commune with the divine is time well spent. Gift yourself with the refuge you need. Aim to regroup, to feel your way along, to heal, study, or to forge a deeper bond with one you love (self included). The month ends with Mars/Saturn (trine) and Venus/Uranus (conjunction) keeping you on the good roll.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
March begins and ends on a positive spin. Venus/Jupiter in Aries (conjunction, March 1) and Mercury/Saturn in Aquarius (conjunction March 2) support new goals and fresh initiatives. It is an ideal time to chart a new course, this regarding work, health regimes, self-improvement, and finances. Can do, will do – set confidence into action and see the good it does you.
For the past two and a half years, Saturn in Aquarius has likely kept you striving hard to make a breakthrough where it counts the most (i.e., work, relationships on and off the job, health, confidence levels, the learning curve). The transit has been strenuous, and likely stressful too. Saturn will now ease up on the above-mentioned pressure points. What’s next on the list? Saturn’s priority is focused on working with the potential that is already on brew and to prove its viability. If you have done the work to date well, this transit can be a time of attainment and achievement. Saturn in Pisces brings to the light of day that which has reached its time has come moment and dissolves whatever barriers are in the way of the full immersion mandate. No matter whether it is felt as a reward or simply a next threshold, Saturn in Pisces calls for you to aspire higher, to relinquish what no longer serves, to dig deeper for faith in the attainment of your greater good, and to align with your soul’s yearnings for the truly worthwhile.
March 7, the full moon in Virgo could move you another step forward or give you something more to go on. Still, you may not have full clarity, knowledge, or disclosure until the following week when several planets surpass checkpoints with Neptune (March 14, Mars/Neptune square; Mar 15, Sun/Neptune conjunction; March 16, Mercury/Neptune conjunction). By March 16/17 you should find yourself in the know and on the go.
Venus leaves Aries for Taurus on March 16. Mercury leaves Pisces for Aries on March 18. Both keep the action on a productive move-along.
On March 23, Pluto will begin a two-month introductory visit to Aquarius. By the end of 2024, Pluto will launch into a 20-year tour of this sign. The seasons have changed. Reality has too. The past is over, and the future is already ringing the doorbell. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius can suddenly reinvent your everyday reality, or you can see the development over time. Likely it will be a combination of both. Pluto correlates to the inevitable force of evolution. Pluto in Aquarius marks times of accelerated and radical reinvention at all levels. This transit advances collective evolution, marks generational changes, and of course also influences your individual life. The best you can do, is to live each moment of your life to the fullest. Embrace change. Be a risk taker and have the courage to live your authentic self. View every moment as an opportunity in the making.
As of March 26, Mars ends its seven-month tour of Gemini. Do you feel secure, well supported, and nourished where you are? If not, it is time to go seek elsewhere. Through mid-May, Mars in Cancer keeps you feeling your way along. Your job is to find yourself a greater comfort zone and level of internal security, especially regarding the prospect of change that you know and feel lies on the road ahead. Do not hesitate to ask for help or to offer it when you see one in need. By the end of the month, Mars/Saturn (trine) and Venus/Uranus (conjunction) suggests things are working out well and that you are moving in a good direction.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Ready to take on something fresh and new? It is ready for you too. Both Venus/Jupiter in Aries (conjunct on March 1) and Mercury/Saturn (conjunct on March 2) set an optimal time is right backdrop for fresh starts and new undertakings (relationships included). Put courage into play and seize the moment. You could hit it right on the first try. Something or someone new could take your world by storm. A singular moment could jettison you into a whole new reality.
Only hours after teaming up with Saturn in Aquarius, Mercury moves into Pisces. This transit is best for easing up, for letting go. Allow rather than force. Mercury tenants Pisces from March 2 to 18. Mercury in Pisces sets a good backdrop for creative inspiration, romance, or a spiritual retreat.
Saturn’s advance into Pisces on the full moon of March 7 is a transit that comes around only once every 29/30 years. Take a look back. You are coming full circle now. Saturn will spend the next couple of years solidifying potentials that are ripe and ready to surface. If it is your calling, this transit could set you more solidly onto a path of service or a vocational track that is more well aligned with soul purpose. Perhaps you have important healing to undertake, or more soul searching to do. At the same time, Saturn will dissolve parts of your life (and parts of your consciousness too) that are past their due date, that have created or continue to create unnecessary blocks and restrictions. Lastly, this Saturn transit may take you through a two-year-plus preparatory stage before the next life chapter begins. Consider it as buying time to do the necessary clearing away and acclimatizing before that next chapter arrives.
Pay close attention to the details and don’t discount hints and clues on the full moon of March 7, especially regarding your health or safety. Avoid unnecessary exposure to toxic environments or others who are obviously showing signs of sickness. It could be a good idea to book the day off to rest, relax or catch up with yourself. At the very least, try to simplify your work or plans as best you can. Something unforeseen could require your attention. On another note, the full moon in Virgo could fill in a missing blank or help you find something that was misplaced. If there is an issue to work out or a repair to be done or you simply lose your way, know it could take another week or so, until you see your way clear. Watch for things to unfold, and for clarity or answers to come in increments and stages from March 14 onward. March 16/17 sets wheels in motion, perhaps suddenly. By this point you’ll have a better sense of how it is shaping up and what action to take next. Venus into Taurus and several other planetary influences give you more to go on and more to work with.
Pluto is the other big news transit this month. On March 23, Pluto will advance into Aquarius for a brief, two-month preview. By the end of 2024, Pluto will begin a twenty-year tour of this sign. Libra and Aquarius are both air signs and so on a general note, you could adopt and adapt to the inevitable change(s) that Pluto will facilitate with a level of relative ease. Of course, it all depends on how it animates your natal chart. Pluto transits are always profound in terms of the self-discovery and soul evolution. Significant personal and lifestyle reinvention is on the roster for all. (If not sooner, then later!) Now and in coming years, this Pluto transit can help you to find a wellspring of courage and to keep head and heart beating as one. The discovery process of the coming years could see you unlock your special talents and resources (including ones you did not know you had). Pluto in Aquarius sets you on the path to meet with your special destiny. That special destiny will also include those with whom you have invited and/or contracted to join you on the mission.
After seven months in Gemini, Mars will trek into Cancer on March 26 for a two-month visit. The transit puts added focus on getting it under better control. It will take you on a review of commitments and priorities. Put self-care and your own comfort level at the top of the list. The month ends as it began the month, with plenty of incentive and with good stars to back you up. Mars trine Saturn and Venus conjunct Uranus on March 30 keeps you in full swing and moving in a good direction.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
March 1 and 2 is optimal for finishing it off and for approaching something fresh. Work, health, and home upgrades are favoured by Venus/Jupiter (conjunct in Aries), and Mercury/Saturn (conjunct in Aquarius).
Mercury in Pisces (March 2 to 18) helps you to ease up and go with the flow. As such, a vacation can be well timed (especially in the week of March 12). For the most part, creative or romantic incentive should come naturally. Dream it and do it! Envisioning is the first step toward making it real. Mercury in Pisces is an exposing or exposure archetype. As such, it is a good transit for marketing and for seeking to become better known in your chosen field.
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 can help you to fill in a missing blank or to make improvement. Unexpected repairs, rearrangements, or corrections can be necessary. The full moon also coincides with Saturn’s entrance into Pisces. For the next two-plus years, Saturn will put the priority attention on the bigger picture agenda, i.e. life purpose, personal and spiritual fulfillment. For some, Saturn in Pisces can mark a time of “coming into your own” regarding career aspirations, a path of service, or a date with destiny. Notoriety or fame is also a potential.
The super big news is Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius on March 23. It is a once in a lifetime transit for all – and a once in several reincarnations transit for the soul! For the past couple of years, Saturn in Aquarius has been preparing you for this transit by taking the jackhammer to any reality, judgement pattern, or consciousness that has kept you overly attached to your concept of security. Pluto’s intention is to accelerate the unlocking, unblocking and reinvention process. Pluto will only dip a smidgen into Aquarius (just a half of a degree) before it retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11. Continuing to straddle the past and future threshold, Pluto will move back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn for this year and next. By November of 2024, Pluto will finally begin its 20-year residency of Aquarius. If you are born on or near November 23, you’ll feel Pluto’s life-altering influence soon. If you are born later in the sign of Scorpio, you’ll have some time before Pluto shows up full strength.
Suffice to say, your evolution is not up for negotiation. Life/the future is not written in stone. You can wager a guess, but you cannot know all of what the future may hold. Having said that, when it comes to the known quantity and what is sensed and felt, you are better off not to resist the changes you know are desirable, necessary, or inevitable. Aquarius is the archetype of the unexpected and to be sure, Pluto in Aquarius will produce plenty of that! If you can stay open and on watch, you will be in a better position to see and read the signals, and to align with your best opportunities.
Mars ends its seven-month tour of Gemini on March 26 to begin a two-month tour of Cancer. This transit is best used for feeling your way along and for setting into a better comfort zone. The month should finish on a positive upswing with Mars/Saturn (trine) and Venus/Uranus (conjunction).
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
March begins and ends with a good energy boost from the stars. The conjunctions of Venus/Jupiter in Aries (March 1) and Mercury/Saturn in Aquarius (March 2) favour fresh start initiatives. Mercury/Saturn can also see you reach a well-timed finish-line.
Just after it completes with Saturn, Mercury begins a two-week tour of Pisces (March 2 to 18). The first half of the month sets a good backdrop to let go, ease up, simplify, and clear the clutter. Take time out for personal, creative, romantic, or spiritual replenishment. A vacation or a retreat could be well timed (especially March 14 to 16).
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 could clue you into something you may have missed, ignored, or downplayed. Too, it could trigger something unexpected that needs to be repaired, healed, or reworked. You could spot an advantage, a bargain, or come up with a better solution. Improvement is the net gain.
Coinciding with the full moon on March 7, Saturn enters Pisces. This two-years-plus transit will work to dissolve the barriers that prevent you from taking a deeper dive into your emotional body. As the process continues, this Saturn transit can disintegrate your attachment to goals or ideals that you once cherished. At the same time, it can help you (or force you) to reformulate new ones. The transit takes you on a review of the past (i.e., losses, regrets, consequences or rewards) while also setting you on the search for bigger picture purpose, value, and meaning. How well do you live with yourself? Is your home life rewarding? Saturn in Pisces also puts added attention on your private life journey (home, family, alone time, relationship ideals).
On March 23, Pluto will leave Capricorn, to give us a brief two-month introduction to Pluto in Aquarius. From the middle of June to January 2024, Pluto will revisit Capricorn. Next year also moves through some back and forth before Pluto settles in for its 20-year tour of Aquarius. Whether this year’s introduction appears as a jolt, a burst, or a breakthrough, or whether it moves in your life by stealth, know that Pluto in Aquarius has major plans for each one of us. Did you feel Pluto in Capricorn as a restrictive or curtailing influence? If so, Pluto in Aquarius could feel liberating and/or exhilarating, like a breath of fresh air. Watch for new opportunities to show up out of the blue, for synchronicity to deliver. Pluto in Aquarius can completely reinvent your lifestyle and your way of navigating through everyday reality.
As of March 26, Mars leaves its seven-month transit of Gemini for a two-month stint in Cancer. The transit finds you more emotionally responsive and sensitized. On the one hand, Mars in Cancer can help you to make a deeper connection with a special someone, perhaps to get clearer and more committed. On the other hand, this Mars transit puts added attention (or stress) on comfort zones (emotional, financial). Adjustments are called for (and they take time.) The transit could stir up insecure emotions, but as the month finishes out, Mars trine Saturn suggests things are working out smoothly and well. Venus/Uranus (conjunction) in Taurus keeps a good spark well lit.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Whether you are infused with fresh incentive or are simply getting back to it, March 1, 2 puts good speed and good timing on your side. Hit the ground running, cut to the chase, give it your best shot. Immediately after the Mercury/Saturn conjunction (March 2) calls the deal done, Mercury exits Aquarius for Pisces. This switch can immediately diffuse stress. While other transits can keep the stress, guesswork, and intensity going, from March 2 to 18, Mercury in Pisces can help you to ease up and let go. This transit works best when you allow for things to chart their natural course, rather than push or force what is not forthcoming.
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 can be an opportunity to fill in a missing key, to resume something unfinished, to heal, improve, clean up, repair or rework something. Watch for news or results. If you take a test, do an interview, or need to explain something, remember to keep your answers simple, practical, straightforward. Too much information could water down the effectiveness of what you want to say or what you have to offer. If plans fall apart or an opportunity is lost, it might work in your favour. That vacancy can create room for something better.
Coinciding with the full moon, Saturn begins its two-years-plus transit of Pisces on March 7. In general, you could feel this transit as (somewhat) less stressful than Saturn in Aquarius. The transit can necessitate that you accept the fluid nature of the market, or of circumstances, conversations, commitments, or involvements. While you can maintain a rock-solid exterior profile, inwardly you may feel insecure, doubtful, or uncommitted. You can persevere until you gain greater clarity or circumstances play themselves out. If it is not meant to be, it will falter. The bottom line is that you can’t build greater stability if the foundation is not solid to begin with. How can you know? Treat time as your best informant.
The week of March 12 is well set for spring break, a vacation, a retreat, or for creative endeavours. Watch for something more to be exposed or to unfold from March 14 to 16/17. Potentials prove themselves. March 16/17 can make it real, see you make a breakthrough, or fast track the action. Keeping finances, activities, and relationships on the move, Venus enters Taurus on March 16; Mercury enters Aries on March 18.
Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 23 but it is not done with your sign. Pluto will revisit Capricorn mid-June to January 2024, and again in the fall of 2024. Pluto in Aquarius, a revitalizing transit, can help you to become more resourceful. It will help you to put your special brand of genius to work. Along the way (in years to come) you’ll discover capacities and talents you didn’t know you had. Don’t hesitate to go exploring outside of your comfort zone, even to try something radically different from your usual choice. You could find you pick up new a skill quite quickly. You could find an instant rapport with certain folks too. When this happens, know it is not your first rodeo, that you have an acquaintance with that subject, skill set, or person, and that your soul has an important reason for the reconnection.
After seven months in Gemini, Mars is finally on the move. From March 26 to mid-May, Mars will transit Cancer. This Mars transit increases emotional responsiveness and sensitivity. It also challenges you to be more assertive in seeking support from others. While you have a talent for holding up the fort, what is most important is that you give yourself the consideration and support that you desire and need. On another note, the personal touch goes a long way when it comes to establishing a better rapport with your clients and those you need to interface with on a day-to-day basis.
The last week of the month finds you going strong and in good shape. Mars trine Saturn and Venus conjunct Uranus sets a backdrop to help you most with what you have to work with. You should find that things fall into place quite well.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
March open finds you feeling a sense of accomplishment for getting as far as you have. It also sees you ready to tackle something fresh and next. March 2, Mercury meets with Saturn (by conjunction) and then leaves Aquarius for a quick two-week stint in Pisces. This transit is best used to allow creative inspiration to guide you. Dream a little more. Allow the moment/the potential to unfold and reveal itself.
If you come up short on the full moon in Virgo on March 7, see it as an opportunity to rework it, or to make the necessary improvement or upgrade. The full moon spotlights what is missing, incomplete, and/or in need of correction, repair, healing, a cleanup, or an upgrade.
Coinciding with the full moon, Saturn leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 7. For the next two-plus years, Saturn sets a backdrop for endings, transitions, and threshold crossings. It also works to color in more of the potential. Saturn in Pisces can mark a time of realization and attainment regarding a cherished goal, or a time to reconcile with the reality or consequence that you have sensed and felt was coming your way soon.
The mid-week of the month is ideal for spring break, a vacation, and for taking it step by step. Watch for matters to unfold and then follow their lead. March 14, 15 can be revealing and exposing. March 16/17 sets a backdrop for moving to something next. What transpires could be a natural progression, or it could be something out of the blue and unforeseen. Either way, expect to see it move along and/or to get you going, perhaps along an alternate route. Follow inspirations of the moment. Venus enters Taurus on March 16. Mercury enters Aries on March 18. Both transits give you more to go on.
Know it or not, you have (or rather your soul has) been waiting for this transit to arrive your entire life. Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius on March 23, is a once in a lifetime transit. Occurring only once every 248 years, it is a once in a few life-time occurrence for the soul’s journey. If you are born on or near January 21, you will witness the direct effect of this transit over the next couple of months and into the next two or three. If you are born later in Aquarius sign, then you will have more time to watch Pluto in action through the outer world. Suffice to say, a radically reinvented reality is on the roster for all. As we have witnessed through sudden world events (war, natural disasters, etc.), that radical reinvented reality can happen in the blink of an eye. The unexpected is a signature of the Aquarius archetypes, so know that you cannot fully plan for what may come your way. That is not to say that you should fear this transit, not at all. Pluto in Aquarius can deliver exceptional opportunity and see you crack the code on the discovery and unlocking of your special skills and talents – and on your special destiny too. What is required of you is the courage and the creativity to face each and every day with your whole heart, your whole self. When Pluto in Aquarius comes knocking, you cannot hold anything in reserve. Be the risk taker you know you want to be and need to be. Wager on your abundant future by giving it your best shot. Be the change!
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
The start of the month is an ideal time for fresh initiatives. Venus/Jupiter (conjunction) in Aries provides fresh fuel. Mercury/Saturn (conjunction) in Aquarius keeps you inspired, and results driven. It can bring you to a goal post or a fresh start.
Just hours after Mercury/Saturn team up, Mercury treks into Pisces. March 2 to March 18, Mercury in Pisces keeps you especially attuned and responsive. First impressions give you plenty to go on. Also, this Mercury transit keeps you creative, on the go and deeply submerged in the process of listening to your beating heart, in getting yourself from A to B.
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 puts added attention on health and safety. It could necessitate a correction, repair, adjustment, or improvement. A visit to your dentist, doctor, specialist, advisor, techie, or mechanic could be on the list. A test or rescheduled one is within scope too. If you didn’t give yourself enough time to heal, you could have a relapse. Don’t try to cram too much into a short timetable. Give yourself an extra margin to get the job done and alleviate the stress. It is good to double check and to be detail oriented, but also be aware that the small stuff can get in the way or clutter it up unnecessarily. Simplify as best you can. A rescue mission is also within the range of possibility for how this full moon could play out. You could be inconvenienced if someone drops the ball or does not hold up their end of the bargain. To the plus, there can be an opportunity to fill in a missing blank, to complete something that was left unfinished, to take a conversation further, to get a discount or bargain, or to fill a vacancy.
Coinciding with the full moon, Saturn enters Pisces on March 7. For the next two-plus years, Saturn will ask you to put more effort into creating and actualizing the life you want to live. It is time for you to aspire higher, to not only dream it, but to do it too. To move forward, you will need to relinquish parts of your life that you once treasured, and to surrender yourself to the as-yet-unknown and unrealized. Have faith in yourself to navigate your way and to choose wisely. In a very short timeframe, you will know much more than you do right now.
March 14 to 17 hosts a run of stars that hold great creative potency. With so many planets triggered by Neptune and Pisces, it is all about the potential. Initially you may not fully know how to play it. Stay open, ease your way along, allow yourself to feel and to respond. Each day unfolds/reveals more. March 16/17 makes the potential real, perhaps with a change or a revamp. You could gain clarity, make a breakthrough, and/or hit a forward thrust.
Supporting your evolution, Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on March 23. Now through mid-June provides a short window of opportunity to peak into the future and to download what you can. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the moving parts figured out. Pluto’s note is written for your soul to decipher while you are busy working it out in your day to day. From the middle of June to January of 2024, Pluto will revisit Capricorn. This back and forth between the two signs will continue until November of 2024 when Pluto will begin its 20-year transit through Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius will bring potentials to life that are already on brew but that have not yet fully surfaced. In years to come, Pluto in Aquarius could put you in touch with that which has so far seemed elusive and/or beyond the realm of possibility. Something extraordinary and exceptional lies ahead for you. It is no less than your special date with destiny.
Spinning wheels no longer, Mars ends its seven-month tour of Gemini on March 25 to begin a two-month transit in Cancer. By the end of the month, Mars trine Saturn brings a feel of right time and on track. Venus/Uranus (conjunction) keeps you inspired and excited to take on a new chapter.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at 9 AM Pacific, noon PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net