Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper:
March 12: Full Moon in Virgo: 7:54 am (22:13 Virgo) Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 27: New Moon in Aries: 7:57 pm (7:37 Aries)
March 4: Venus in Aries stations retrograde:1:08 am (13:08 Aries)
March 7: Vesta in Cancer stations direct: 1:34 am
March 9: Mars enters Taurus: 4:34 pm
March 13: Mercury enters Aries: 2:08 pm
March 20: Vernal Equinox: Sun enters Aries: 3:29 am
March 29: Pallas Athene enters Aries: 9:45 pm
**Please note all times listed are PST or PDT, please check your local time
Dates to watch: March 1 -7, 9 -13, 17, 18, 20, 22 -26, 29, 30
Month Overview:
March opens with the sun conjunct Neptune (March 1) and Jupiter retrograde in opposition to Uranus (March 2). Sun/Neptune can bring something key from the past to a harvest point. This harvest can mark a time of fruition or fuller exposure. Consider Jupiter/Uranus as a circuit breaker influence that will either flick on – to energize/spark it to life, or flick off – to disrupt the status quo.
Both transits set the stage for Venus retrograde, March 4 to April 15. We’ve already been on the clock since the end of January; the program will extend to the summer solstice and beyond. Expect whatever you are dealing with to stay on the front burner. We’ll hit the half way peak of this cycle by January of 2018.
Venus is the relationship planet, the planet of net worth and self worth. When it tours retrograde, it’s a critical time to get back in touch with yourself and your essential needs. What do you want? Are you thriving or simply existing? The next couple of months take all of us through a major reassessment regarding money, relationships, and survival matters.
Venus embarks on a retrograde tour every 18 months. It goes retrograde in Aries every 8 years. The last time Venus was retrograde in Aries while Jupiter was in Libra as it is now was 1993. Perhaps that cycle marked an important springboard time, a time fight for yourself or to make a break for it. You may see something similar or relevant between then and now.
Although you may feel temporarily held up by life, a retrograde cycle will always serve as an accelerator. It offers opportunity to revisit and revise. Venus retrograde can replay a piece unfinished relationship karma. That can happen via inner review or through an actual circumstance. If someone new shows up (intimate, social or business), there won’t be any time wasted getting on to task. It’s an opportunity for both individuals to try a new approach or to make a new statement to each other. March 25, the sun and Venus retrograde conjoin. This marks the peak of Venus retrograde, the end of her time as an evening star (she’ll disappear for approximately 10 days), and the start of a new 18-month cycle of relating, evaluating, attracting, and manifesting.
March 12 delivers a full moon in Virgo. If there’s something to fix, repair, or heal, it will make it presence known. Mercury and the moon form dynamic aspects with Saturn, which suggests added pressure, running out of steam or options, something important/legitimate to finish off, a serious or sobering tone to conversations or reality. On the plus side, there’s something important to say, do, or work toward – and good opportunity to do exactly that. The days preceding and following the full moon hold productive stars. By March 17/18, you should see results or at the very least, some tangible progress.
The Spring Equinox happens on a last quarter moon; the seeding of a new season begins. Winter is over and spring is upon us.
If you live in the Seattle area, please join me on March 9. I’m presenting a lecture on Venus retrograde for the Washington State Astrology Association. I’ll also be offering a one-day mentoring workshop on relationships on March 11. Please visit WASSA’s website or contact me directly. The workshop will provide an opportunity for you to practice your skill at synastry and composite charts. Please let me know if you’d like to offer charts to use for examples.
Register for the lecture and workshop: http://washingtonastrologers.org/
Contact me if you’d like to submit charts for examples: rose_marcus@shaw.ca
Happy Spring!!
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Jupiter/Uranus kicks the month off with a sudden fast track.
If you feel a growing need to pull back and/or distance yourself, then you are picking up on Venus retrograde. You want to connect, you love them, but….
Through mid next month, Venus retrograde takes you through a critical personal re-evaluation process. What you do want, what do you need; what’s newly firing up inside of you? Mars into Taurus, starting March 9, helps you to qualify better and to steady yourself as you go.
The full moon in Virgo on March 12 can put you under added strain or drain (emotional, physical, financial). You can feel worn down or at a loss to come up with a better answer or solution. It won’t last for long though. Look to Mercury’s advance into Aries on March 13 to get you up and at ‘em again.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Don’t under-estimate your intuition or your body’s signals. There is a lot more going on with you, around you, and for you than is readily visible. Venus retrograde, starting on March 4, can make you sharper/more tuned in. Go your own way, let the world spin on its own without you as you can, as much as you can. The month ahead is an important, perhaps even a critical time for self-reflection, personal reassessment, and self-preservation. Quality time spent on studies, a spiritual sojourn, a creative endeavour, or on healing is especially productive.
On another note, don’t think you can avoid, deny, or keep everything under-wraps. You can’t sweep it under the carpet. Jupiter’s opposition to Uranus on March 2 and the after effects of the full moon on March 12 can be exposing. The best thing you can do is not to repress what you feel, what you hear, or what you see.
Venus retrograde in Aries will continue to work on the internal and subterranean levels. As of March 9, when Mars treks into Taurus you’ll start to feel you are gaining ground, that you have more sway and more staying power where you need it and want it the most.
With challenges and opportunities throughout the month, there’s no ability to fall asleep at the wheel. The full moon in Virgo on March 12 through to the sun’s square to Saturn on March 17 can produce a week of major progress for your applied effort. Aim to stay on top of it, plan to work your way through it. Know your soul finds value in the act of creating the circumstances that are going to push you toward the most viable direction for your evolution. It’s up to you to see it as worthwhile and to make full use out of it. Stay committed and courageous.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Who and what gets a piece of you? Venus retrograde says it’s time to be more selective, to make the time you spend add up to more. Venus retrograde will also put you through a rethink regarding, goals, finances, and relationships.
Mars in Taurus, starting March 9, agrees with Venus retrograde in terms of pulling back on social involvement to give more quality time and attention to the immediate moment, to the things and people that matter most.
The recent solar eclipse may have kick-started something brand new. Jupiter’s opposition to Uranus on March 2 keeps it in full swing and moving in the fast lane. This issue or circumstance will either completely over take you, or it will succumb to real short shelf life.
The full moon on March 12 can dish up unexpected problems at home, with health, or on the job. By the end of the week, you should have a good handle on it and be able to move onto a next page.
Set yourself into full swing for last two weeks of March and aim to get yourself as far as you can. Next month brings Mercury retrograde (and more.)
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Is your life working for you? Have you hit a wall? Are you into something new but have yet to figure out how to operate the software? Finances, career, and personal priorities are up for major reassessment while Venus in Aries tours retrograde. Mars into Taurus, starting Mach 9, can give you something more tangible to aim for.
The first few days of the month hold opportune stars for feeling your way along. Stay open-hearted and open-minded. Don’t prejudge. Try it on for size and work with what’s immediately available/right in front of you. The moment holds hidden gifts for those who can appreciate the subtle nudge.
The full moon on March 12 could put you on the short end of the stick with unwanted/unforeseen extras – i.e. expenses, paperwork, clean up, repairs, communication or health issues.
One way or another, Mercury into Aries, starting March 13, will light a fire. It’s a good transit for a new career project or direction or for any other fresh battle you want to take on, such as/especially a new commitment to yourself. Pay up front and think in terms of long term success.
LEO July 22 – August 22
The start of March could bring fresh opportunity your way. Make the most of the moment. By March 4, Venus begins a six-week retrograde cycle. The workings of this cycle were launched at the end of January and will continue to be a major theme or concern through June and beyond.
Are you headed in the right direction? Are your investments (time, money, heart) giving you the pay-off you feel you deserve? What’s so special about you? What makes you stand apart from the crowd? What are you envisioning for yourself? Venus retrograde is a time to reflect on the future and to get a better handle on the overgrowth. Aim for quality over quantity. Venus retrograde can be a good time to take a vacation or go on a temporary excursion/exploration, i.e. a side-track project, a study, etc. The retrograde is always a time to reconnect with places and faces you haven’t seen for awhile. It can also take you on a review of relationships. If someone shows up, there’s like a piece of unfinished karma to workout – that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Venus retrograde in Aries prompts a revisit of the past, this, in an attempt to get the new you to come to the table.
The full moon on March 13 can see you run out of steam or come up short. You are wise to minimize output and pump up on vitamins or other good for you stuff. Paperwork and accounting is best left to another day.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Something new is in the works. Maybe you know what it is, maybe you haven’t put your fingers on it just yet. Maybe it’s a feeling, maybe its a visibly budding prospect. Best of all, it’s a new you in the kick-start stage.
How’s the money end of things working out? Are you at one or at war with yourself, with your intimate relationship needs? Venus retrograde, starting March 4, takes you through an intensified soul-searching chapter. The cycle is meant to re-stoke your inner fire, to put you back in touch with your deepest yearnings and desires, and help you to reclaim your inner warrior. Once you are in better personal accord, you’ll also feel better engaged. Worry will dissipate. As you stoke that inner fire, you’ll start to create a more empowered energy field. As that happens, you will begin to attract something fresh, something new, something more in keeping with what you truly desire.
The full moon on March 12 is in your sign. You will feel it more significantly if you are born Sept 14 to 22. Something you thought was finished may be up for another go-round. You may have more work, healing, processing, or repair to do. Perhaps you’ll have to work it out again. It’s a good transit for renewing a loan or contract, for seeking more advice, a second opinion, or a better price.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
March opens with Jupiter retrograde in Libra giving more leeway to Uranus in Aries. It’s the second of three opposition alignments that arc over the better portion of 2017. Jupiter in Libra increases your desire for personal harmony and a better balance. Uranus in Aries continues to prod you to show up for yourself in a new and more dynamic way. Essentially Jupiter and Uranus are working in partnership, even though quite often it doesn’t feel like it.
Venus retrograde, starting March 4, intensifies this drive. To find more social or outer world harmony, it is essential that you create a new model of the “you out there”. That means getting back in touch with yourself. Venus retrograde in Aries is a “me first” not “we first” archetype. The portal to greater fulfillment lies within you. Show up for yourself and you’ll show up for the relationship/the world too.
Watch your health and blind-spots, don’t oblige yourself unnecessarily on the weekend of the full moon March 12. You may find yourself at a loss, have more than you can cope with, or find that the sailing isn’t as clear as it should be. By the end of the week you should feel you have achieved and/or gained something substantial.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
The start of March could introduce something extra, fresh and/or unexpected, perhaps regarding work, a repair job, renovation project, or health-related matter. Too Jupiter/Uranus has you feeling the need to come up with something new, or wanting to shake it up a little more. There’s no flat-lining for you. You need to keep it interesting for yourself.
Venus retrograde also prompts you to pull back from over-involvement and go your own way more. Personal interests, projects, and priorities clamour for more attention. Yes, by all means, carve out what you need, put self interests at the top of the to-do list. Not as easy to do as it should be? Venus retrograde will make you work your way through it. The transit will keep you occupied and processing for the next couple of months. Making the breakthrough/coming up with something new may be a trial and error, learn as you go process, or it may be a matter of designing it as you go along.
The few days leading up to and following the Virgo full moon on March 12 can be a productive work it out time. It should shape up well.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
The start of the month offers you a good kick-start. Jupiter/Uranus can prompt a sudden epiphany, a breakthrough, a severing of ties, or a lucrative fresh prospect. No matter how it plays out for you, it’s a liberating feel.
You need a battery recharge! Venus retrograde prompts you to pull back from over-involvement. Create more quality time for yourself and your pet projects, get the endorphins going with physical activities you love, be more selective regarding output. The cycle is a good one for developing a specialty or a niche market, for standing apart from the crowd, for creating a better distinction between you and everybody else.
Venus retrograde can also take you on a karmic revisit. It’s your opportunity to repeat a success or to make new choices and to demonstrate a new side of yourself.
Allow your self extra time to create, develop, to feel your way along, and/or get more fully situated. Once the retrograde is over, you’ll be ready to take the world by storm again.
You may not have enough control, will power or say/so around the time of the full moon on March 12. Circumstances or health can drain you. On the other hand, the full moon through the week that follows offers an opportunity to correct, repair, heal, or off-load something that’s been causing you extra problem or pressure. It’s also an advantageous time to renew a mortgage or lease, or to seek a second opinion, better professional help or advice.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
The month opens with potentials are on brew, emotions too. An unblocking, unleashing, or open it up transit, Jupiter’s opposition to Uranus on March 2 can put you into a better know or onto a sudden go. An element of surprise could be in the mix. What is fast-tracked over the first couple of days of the month could set the stage for Venus retrograde. The retrograde cycle takes place from March 4 to April 15, but the issue or circumstance has already been on brew for the past couple of months and will extend for a couple of more after it completes.
Uranus in Aries has had you craving more independence and freedom for quite same time. Perhaps it’s made you feel more edgy, cranky, short tempered, or rebellious too. Venus in Aries retrograde intensifies this need/this urge. You need find a better comfort margin. A greater degree of separation between you and it or them will do you plenty good. You don’t have to overthrow it all – although in some cases that could be the right move! It’s up to you to chisel out the extra privacy, independence, or leg room that will strike a better balance.
A new home life or business venture can be in the works. While you may be impatient to reinvent the wheel, Venus retrograde can delay your full steam ahead. The benefit is that it gives you extra time to sort it out. While patience is usually your virtue, with so many Aries influences right now, you may have to put more conscious effort into keeping a lid on it!
The full moon on March 12 and the week that follows gives you an opportunity to fill in a missing blank, catch up with someone, resume a negotiation, advance a piece of unfinished business (karmic or otherwise), scoop a good bargain/buy low, to upgrade, repair, or heal. A short getaway can be ideal too.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
Jupiter’s opposition to Uranus on March 2 can jumpstart a fresh idea or something more. Introduce yourself to someone or something new, ask another question, go scouting or surfing. It can get the ball rolling in some fortuitous or unexpected way.
What’s meant to be will be, what isn’t will quickly fall by the wayside. Don’t force what isn’t coming naturally and don’t lock yourself into something that doesn’t allow for a back-out. Venus retrograde, starting March 4, can prompt a change of mind, interest, or heart. The retrograde is also an appropriate influence to reconnect, to resuming a conversation, an activity, or project. Keep open-ended; explore and let experience be your go-to information source.
You may have to go the extra around the full moon on March 12. There may be more work, expense, fixing, upgrading, or clarifying to do. You could come up short financially or feel spent in some other way. To the plus, you may be able to score a bargain or get a better interest term. The week that follows can see you accomplish or finish off well.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Pushing your refresh button in some notable way, the sun/Neptune conjunction on March 1 and Jupiter/Uranus opposition on March 2 sets the month onto full throttle right from the get-go. Whatever is happening for you is likely to be all consuming. Whether you see it visibly or feel it somewhere inside of you, the now gains a fresh injection of potential. Even so, Venus retrograde, starting March 4, can hold up delivery. There’s more to explore, to experience, to stage, and/or to get out of the way before you get the all’s clear signal.
Yes by all means, take more time out to be with yourself. Venus retrograde is a good transit for pulling back from social activity to prioritize self interests and self reflection. Watch closely for instincts and intuition to pulsate with new signals and information. The transit aims to sharpen your observation skills so that you can decipher yourself better. Allow yourself to be full present in the moment and for yourself. You are currently a work in progress. Don’t define yourself, experience yourself instead.
The full moon on March 12 can see you hit a wall and surpass it. Too, you could turn a major corner with someone or something. Whatever is exposed or opens up for you will take the rest of the week to unfold and complete.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on Wednesday’s at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net