The first few days of June are instigating, mobilizing, and opportune. Don’t hesitate to act on instinct. Jump on it/go for it, give your all, don’t hold back. Seize the moment. Something fresh can gain excellent traction right out of the starting gate. It could prove to be lucrative and/or substantial. Full Moon, New Moon, Venus begins a four month tour of Leo:
June 3, Full Moon in Sagittarius:
The full moon in Sagittarius on June 3 puts the action into full swing (including the domino affect from the USA raising of the debt ceiling). More folks are travelling, shopping, coming and going. There is a background Uranian influence to this full moon which could kick it up a notch (could be subtle or noticeable.) This could translate into (more) reports of weather extremes, a flare up in crisis hot spots, or other noteworthy headlines. On the other hand, there is a lovely aspect between Venus and Neptune can make for smooth sailing and for getting your pleasure fill.
On the personal front, travel, camping, sports (watching or playing), outdoor entertainment, and scouting missions are good ways to make full use of the full moon weekend. Even so, an accommodation may be necessary. You may have to work around someone or something. A change of mind, plans, or pace can be in the mix (especially in the days follow June 3). Try not to second guess, to expect or project too far ahead. Take it as it comes and make full use of the moment.
On June 4, Mercury forms a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. This meet-up has been in the works nearly two months. Whether or not you have something actual to pin it on (and likely you do), this transit can bring a sense of finally turning a page or moving past a log jam. Mercury/Uranus can stimulate a fresh insight, perspective, conversation, news, or something entirely out of the blue. So much can change from this point forward.
June 5, **Venus enters Leo:
On June 5, Venus, freshly into Leo, opposes Pluto. This planetary pairing could change the score in some significant way (i.e., the impetus, cost, evaluation, the hook, the appeal). You may feel a sense of fate at play. The rest of the week can be unfolding in some threshold crossing way. For the most part, you can feel it as timely and opportune. Even so, there’s still more questions to be answered, to attend, to heal, repair. (Ceres builds an opposition to Neptune to June 10; Mars is in a frictional angle to Neptune to June 11.) As of June 15, Mercury/Saturn (square) can bring sense of surpassing a hurdle or block. More sifting, sorting, and uncertainty continues for the rest of the month. Experience is the best informant. Aim to make full use of the moment while the getting is good and don’t hesitate to shift track when the moment calls for it. Progressively, Pluto retrograde (already in the works), Saturn retrograde (starting June 17), and Neptune retrograde (starting June 30) set a backdrop to true your aim. This won’t happen all at once, but rather as an unfolding evolution. As circumstances roll out, conscious awareness grows. Your best answers and best course forward comes from this process.
**The transit of Venus in Leo is of special note:
On average, Venus will spend just over three weeks in transit through a sign. Due to this year’s retrograde cycle, which happens from July 23 to September 2, Venus will tenant Leo for approximately 5 months! Venus enters Leo on June 5 and leaves Leo on October 8.
Generally, Venus in Leo’s influence is optimistic, creative, fun loving, flirtatious, pleasure seeking, lucrative, reward and success generating. If you are a Leo, now is your time to shine, to stand in your own creative centre, to be your own best lover. Spotlight attention comes your way, good feedback can too. Venus sets a magnetic aura around you that is attractive. Everybody loves, you, everybody wants you. (Of course, there are times when being the chosen one comes with a price.) If you have natal planets in Leo, then you stand to cash in from this transit too. If you don’t have planets in Leo, you will still feel the Venus effect. Venus will light up a particular area of your chart for an extended timeframe. You’ll feel it as added confidence, a creative flourish, and as gifts coming your way in terms of ease of access, benefits, and opportunities. As a listening device (to the voice inside of you), Venus in Leo enhances a sense of deserving of more and better. The more you resonate with this sense of I deserve, the more it will reflect itself back to you. The archetype of Leo correlates to the heart and center of being. Venus in Leo puts you back in touch with your beating heart. It is up to you to listen up! Through the middle of July, action planet Mars in Leo dishes up a fresh supply of confidence and courage to go along with that energized desire and passion. “Can do. I deserve. Only the best will do.” You bet. Don’t let that tiger in your tank go to waste!
June 11, Pluto retrograde revisits Capricorn:
After a brief eighty-day introduction, Pluto revisits Capricorn. June 11 to October 11, Pluto retrograde places focused attention on something specific that needs a reality check. Some things are meant to end, some things are meant to take on a new form. Everything is slated for a shapeshift.
From late January to early September of 2024, Pluto in Aquarius will focus more active attention on seeding the new agenda – namely the acceleration of a reinvented reality. There will be one more finish up through Capricorn (September to November 2024) before Pluto begins its twenty-year journey through Aquarius. It is going to be quite the ride!
June 17: New Moon in Gemini; Saturn in Pisces begins retrograde, Dwarf Planet Sedna enters Gemini:
June 17 delivers a new moon in social, mobilizing, and trend setting Gemini. Coinciding with the new moon, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces. Along with Sun/Neptune (square), it’s a good weekend to shoot the breeze, kick back, and relax. Happy Father’s Day!
Also on June 17, dwarf planet Sedna treks into Gemini. Sedna, goddess of the Arctic Seas, has been transiting Taurus since 1965. As a collective archetype, this sign advance is another indicator of the evolution of consciousness and the reality it creates. Gemini correlates to information and communication technology, transportation, renewable energy, to social and urban trends, commerce, education, schooling, and learning, and to the nervous system. (A.I. wireless implants are now allowing for paralyzed individuals the opportunity to walk and move again.) The years to come present phenomenal creative opportunity to align with a future that is inclusive and honouring of all living things. Sedna’s influence requires this inclusivity and honouring. I have a lot more to say about Sedna and will likely present a workshop or produce a webinar down the road. One thing that we will have to face in the years to come is the issue of A.I. overtaking us. Many are already sounding the alarm on this issue. Under Sedna, when integrity is compromised or dishonesty is at the root, things can go from bad to worse. Respect, paying homage, and self honouring are essential. There is folly in just toying with something or someone, in not giving it a full stress test before taking it on, or in thinking you can get away with something without paying a price.
Mercury in Gemini:
Mercury visits Gemini from June 11 to June 26. That’s a fast Mercury transit. When Mercury travels fast, we move along/move through it faster too. June 15, Mercury/Saturn can move you past resistance, a finish line or a hold-up. On the other hand, the transit can dissolve or dissipate the momentum. You may come to realize the objective or plan is not as appealing as it previously seemed. That Plan B or something fresh may hold more interest or potential.
June 21, Summer Solstice, Sun enters Cancer, Ceres enters Libra:
Whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere, the solstice is a time to switch gears and to put more priority on self-care, comfort zones, home, family, and personal life matters. As Ceres leaves Virgo for Libra, it shifts the focus from work and health and onto relating and social interactions. Ceres in Libra looks to create a better balance between the necessities and the pleasures of life. To September 14, new relationships can be seeded. Know that Ceres infuses all new ventures with added karmic potency. Note that Ceres also dials up karmic potency regarding fresh threshold crossings and decision-making regarding existing circumstances. As such, the solstice sets the next quarter of the year for some significant developments regarding the personal life journey and the public arena.
Finishing out the month:
June 24/25 could kick-start something fresh or unexpected. It is a good weekend to start a vacation, or to explore a new option. Mercury’s advance into Cancer on June 26 is good for prioritizing self care, home, family and the comfort zone. Sun/Saturn (trine on June 28), Mercury/Saturn (trine on June 29) and the start of Neptune retrograde on June 30 bring the end of the month to a relatively smooth finish. Ease your way along, take it as it comes.
June 3: Full Moon in Sagittarius, 8:41 pm (13:18 Sagittarius)
June 17: New Moon in Gemini, 9:36 pm (26:43 Gemini)
June 21: Summer Solstice, Sun enters Cancer: 7:57 am
June 5: Venus enters Leo: 6:46 am
June 11: Pluto retrograde revisits Capricorn: 2:45 am
June 11: Mercury enters Gemini: 3:26 am
June 15: Sedna enters Gemini: 6:17 am
June 17: Saturn stations retrograde: 10:27 am
June 21: Ceres enters Libra: 4:22 am
June 22: Vesta enters Gemini: 12:14 pm
June 22: Juno enters Cancer: 4:40 am
June 26: Mercury enters Cancer: 5:23 pm
June 30: Neptune stations retrograde: 2:06 pm
Please note – all times listed are PDT, please check your local time
Dates to watch: June 1 -5, 9 – 11, 14 – 20, 25, 26, 28 – 30