Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper:https://www.straight.com/life/1259416/your-horoscope-june-27-july-2-2019
June 3: New Moon in Gemini: 3:02 am (12:34 Gemini)
June 17: Full moon in Sagittarius: 1:31 am (25:53 Sagittarius)
June 21: Summer Solstice: 8:54 am (Sun enters Cancer)
June 4: Mercury into Cancer: 1:05 pm
June 8: Venus into Gemini: 6:37 pm
June 9: Vesta into Taurus: 2:51 am
June 20: Juno into Leo: 7:27 pm
June 21: Neptune in Pisces stations retrograde: 7:36 am
June 21: Sun enters Cancer: 8:54 am (Summer Solstice)
June 26: Mercury enters Leo: 5:20 pm
**Please note, all times listed are PDT, please check your local time
Dates to watch: June 6,7, 9 -11, 13, 14, 16 – 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27
Feeling the pinch or feeling juiced up? Venus in Taurus kicks off the month with dynamic aspects to Saturn and Pluto. June 3 delivers an amped-up new moon in Gemini. In aspect to Neptune (square) and Jupiter retrograde (opposition), watch for this new moon to mobilize the action in a promising, unforeseen, domino, ride the wave, or trip the switch way.
Trump has already hit the new moon trigger with a tariff penalty threat on Mexico prompted by his dissatisfaction with the illegal immigrant issue. The stock market has reacted quite intensely.
If nothing much happens over the first few days of the month for you, keep on the lookout. June is a wired-up, action month. You’ll see plenty of planetary stimulation over the month ahead.
On June 9 and 10, the sun in Gemini triggers Neptune (square) and Jupiter retrograde (opposition) for the second of three trigger-points in June (by transits via the new moon at the beginning of the month, the sun near the middle of the month, and Venus at the end of the month.) Additionally, Jupiter square Neptune hit the midpoint peak of their 9-month peel-the-curtain back transit on June 16, Father’s Day. The full moon in Sagittarius on June 18 launches a take flight trajectory or kicks it up a big notch. (Putting more on the go – and depending on how it goes, we may see a big sell off or major procurement trend re the markets.)
Jupiter/Neptune stir the currents/the soundscapes of both the individual and the collective consciousness. Think of this transit like a tuning fork that guides the orchestra to its median note. How we create our future is comparable to the playing of symphony. It is a simultaneous creation of all the notes – our thoughts, our hopes, our beliefs, our fears, our deeds; or in other words, the past, the present, and the potentials that result from the creative synchronizing/attunement process. (If you are interested in more on the Jupiter/Neptune transit, please check out the article I wrote which is posted on my website.)
Mars tenants Cancer through July 1. Mercury advances into Cancer on June. Both transits will create more than the usual impact this month. Mars intensifies the inner conflict regarding our fall back on habitual responses versus our evolving desires. Mercury in Cancer puts added emphasis/added priority on a key someone or key matter. The Cancer archetype puts the emphasis on family, home, real estate, comfort zones and the past; also on the need to nurture, nourish, caretake, safeguard, and protect.
Both Mars and Mercury in Cancer dial up vulnerabilities and insecurities re safety margins and getting personal needs met. Today sets up tomorrow. The karmic potency of circumstances and involvements, the consequences or harvesting of the past should not be under-estimated.
Mars aligns with the karmic south node on June 11, Mercury is conjunct the south node on June 15. Whether through emotions, memories, or circumstance, these transits set the stage for a karmic replay and review, and a personal regroup.
The cluster of transits between June 10 and June 21 (especially so between June 14 and 19) is likely to produce something major regarding the economic and political fronts. Watch for a major initiative or important, push come to shove moment, a breakthrough, a floodgate – perhaps even something life-altering.
Mars opposes Saturn on June 14, Trump’s birthday. (A hard go for him – and a hard go for us too. Trump is signed up for battle; don’t expect him to back down from it.) Mercury opposes Saturn on Father’s Day, the same day Jupiter/Neptune perfect the second of three consciousness raising transition highpoints for 2019 (Jan 13, June 16, Sept 21). The full moon in Sagittarius on June 18 is sandwiched between the Jupiter/Neptune transit and Mercury/Mars (conjunction) on June 18.
On June 19, Mercury/Mars oppose Pluto at 22 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn. Staging a threshold crossing, cut-off point, and history making moment of major significance, the opposition triggers the same degree of epic 2020 planetary alignment on January 12, 2020 (Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, and Mercury; Jupiter and Mars will catch up later). We have been working on this bigger picture Capricorn mandate for some time now and will continue to do so in an accelerated fashion for the rest of 2019 and 2020. What is that mandate? No less that the breakdown of the system, the ending of an era and a reality base, and simultaneously, the restructuring and cementing of a new era/a new reality. We can regress before we progress (case in point, the new abortion rulings in the USA).
The Summer Solstice on June 21 coincides with Neptune stationing retrograde. While the start of Neptune retrograde is subtle and can often go unnoticed, it is significant influence regarding the reset of our collective watermark levels, and the resourcing of potentials that are on brew and now ready to be tapped (personal included). Venus opposes Jupiter on June 23, and squares Neptune on June 24. That completes three triggers of the Jupiter/Neptune transit that have been mentioned earlier in this intro outline: the new moon activation on June 3, the sun’s creative development activation on June 9, 10, and the Venus re-evaluation/processing trigger on June 23, 24.
The Venus/Jupiter, Venus/Neptune transit is well designed for getting back in touch with heart and soul, what you love, whom you love, what inspires you, what gives you hope, what gives you pleasure or profit. On the lighter note, the Venus/Jupiter, Venus/Neptune transit is well timed for the end of school and for turning our attention to summer pleasures (or change of season for down under folk) and to quality time with loved ones. On the bigger picture note, the transits continue to keep the potency dial cranked up.
If that wasn’t enough of a run down, there’s even more reason to sit up and pay attention. We are already under the influence of July’s transits. Mercury enters Leo on June 26 and will tour retrograde in this sign from July 7 to 31. A Total Solar Eclipse happens on July 2 at 10:38 Cancer, and a Partial Lunar Eclipse happens July 16/17 at 24:04 Capricorn. (Yes, it is a good time to check in with your favourite astrologer.)
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Mars continues in Cancer through July 1. It is a very important transit as it brings the past to a karmic intersection of major significance. Mars dials up something that been the works for a long time (perhaps even for many lifetimes). Putting the emphasis on a key person or circumstance, Mercury in Cancer acts as an agent for the Mars initiative. The sun and Venus will make their contributions to this bigger picture agenda next month.
June’s transits are also part of the larger work in progress as they are setting the paving stones for the grand alignments of 2020. Evolution is not an overnight occurrence. Over the next two months and the next two years, the transits will bring you to a completion point, and into a new reality, this regarding your private and personal life journey (i.e. home, family, and how you are living with yourself) and your outer world interface (i.e. career, social status, material status, reality base, priorities, necessities). Endings and beginnings are intertwined. There’s no reason to keep going if it isn’t working or providing what you need. On the other hand, effort and ambition well applied sets you up for great reward (if not sooner, then later. Keep focused on the long-term goal.)
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
It’s time to re-prioritize and to get a better grip on your future. A fuller commitment is required. Only your best will do. A halfway or half-hearted measure will not cut the mustard. The month ahead provides a window of opportunity, perhaps one that is life-altering. This opportunity window may not be an easy undertaking nor a quick fix, but it is most definitely worthwhile.
June 1, 2 are optimal for feeling your way along and/or for taking it on. June 6, 7, dive in with both feet. A domino takes place after that. It’s one thing after another through the next several weeks. One thing leads to another, take one step at a time. There will be more to confront next month via the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, but don’t let that stop you from facing it front and center. By the end of the June, you should feel you have surpassed a great deal, that you have set a good foundation in place and that you have a better sense of how it is shaping up.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Get ready to meet June head on. Your birthday month is jam-packed with significant planetary trigger points. Encompassing a full moon in Sagittarius on (June 17), June 14 to 19 can be the most challenging or catapulting as Mercury and Mars in Cancer face off with Saturn and Pluto.
Something or someone from your past can be key to how it shapes up for you next. The past can serve a springboard or a limitation to confront. Whether you feel forced to deal with your reality or the desired goal sets you to task, know that effort is required. Results may take some time but know your hard work and dedication toward your greater good will not go to waste. Resistance is futile. Acceptance is an excellent starting place.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Whether it be person, place, or thing, the next two months are pivotal in terms of moving past a significant roadblock. June 14, 18, 19 can mark a completion or ending of significance. These are not the only notable dates. Via force or a build-up process, the whole month is aimed at place you where you need to be.
The trio of Mercury, Mars, and the north node in Cancer are aimed at putting you back in touch with yourself, to help you get a better handled on what you need and what you want. Allow extra room for newly forming impressions, instincts and desires to grow on you. You don’t have to have it all figured out at once. Feel it out as you go along.
Mercury and Mars in Cancer increase your emotional and physical sensitivity. You can be quick to react, especially when when you feel threatened or hurt. Off and on, stress can take its toll on you. Get your rest, pace yourself, do not ignore your body’s signals. There is only so much you can do or only so far you can get at any given time. Pull back, go/implement, pull back again. Even if you experience two steps forward, one back, you will still be making progress. While limitations can be difficult, sometimes they are purposeful in terms of helping you to strengthen from within. Even if it moves slowly, time is also a tool. Aim to work with it, not against it.
LEO July 22 – August 22
Mercury and Mars are on a consciousness-raising mission this month. They are working to help you navigate your way through an emotional or psychological resistance, or an actual block regarding your work or healing process.
Jupiter in square to Neptune (a nine-month transit with several peaks this month) continue to take you through a questioning and soul-searching cycle. They aim to help you to dissolve a perspective or expectation that is not in alignment with the current and evolving momentum. Ultimately, they aim to get you pointed in the direction that offers maximum opportunity and benefit. Setting your future/our future on its course, this bigger picture mandate hits a critical transition peak this month, next month and through the next year or two. It is a lengthy work in progress. It requires that you give your best, that you show up for the work on time, (actually and metaphorically speaking). Effort and dedication are necessary, at times sacrifice is too. Saturn and Pluto want to you get with the program, to take it seriously, to do whatever it takes. The time is ripe to undertake more meaningful work, to advance your expertise and reputation, to do the tough love on yourself regarding health and healing.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
You have been working your way toward it for some time now. Perhaps it is circumstances that force your hand, necessity or desire eggs you on, or that you have simply done your time and are now ready to harvest what you have earned. No matter the nature of the prompt, June sets up a major opportunity month.
Mars and Mercury in Cancer are aimed at breaking the glass ceiling. June 14 to 19 are significant in terms of reaching a finish line or end of the road. Jupiter/Neptune at a mid-way peak on June 16, aim to clarify the direction forward, to pull back the curtain on what’s real, what you really have going for you.
The best way to conquer fear is to face it. If you can’t take a big step, take a small one. It all adds up.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Feeling squeezed for time? Feeling worn out or burdened by the requirements of your everyday reality? Needing more for yourself? Some mountains can be moved, some can’t. It’s likely that you have been persevering for quite some time. It’s also likely that you have been feeling the need to re-prioritize for some time. Give yourself permission.
Whether you feel provoked, up against it, or it is a matter of arriving at a time is right moment, Mars and Mercury in opposition to Saturn and Pluto push you to speak up and/or advocate for yourself more. The stars on a wrap up and/or threshold surpassing agenda from June 14 to 19.
The sun in Gemini keeps you on the go. Venus in Gemini, starting June 8, will too (body, mind and heart-wise). Both transits are helpful in terms of keeping you informed and up to speed. They can help you to discover more viable prospects or options, to broaden your perspective or your fan base.
One way or another June 9 to 20 sets the paving stones in place for a new chapter to begin, this regarding both your inner and outer world realities. Endings and beginnings are intertwined. It’s part of a bigger picture program that will continue to take you through several key checkpoints and phases, especially over the next month and the next 18 – 24 months.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Can you go back? Do you want to? Can you recoup? What to you need to do in order to make yourself or your future more secure? Priorities are shifting, in small and/or monumental ways. The month of June can take you through an important review, regroup. or reassessment. Also, Mars and Mercury in opposition to Saturn and Pluto can bring you to the end of a term, a legal battle/matter, or to an important contract or licence renewal.
Whether you use it as a springboard or see it as a rock that needs to be moved out of the way, something from your past can be key to your future. For example, it may be time to go back to school to finish a degree or training program. Perhaps you’ll feel called to return to a place you once called home or that can offer you more career opportunity, a better quality of life, a financial advantage, etc. Don’t hesitate to pay up front for later gain. Past efforts set the foundation for reward. Today’s efforts do too.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
Restless and in need of fresh stimulus? June stars are well aligned for the end of school, a project or job and for switching it up. Perhaps you are also coming to a realization that you are running out of steam for more of the same, that you aren’t getting your needs met regarding an involvement or obligation, that you have been putting up a wall or resisting the task at hand. Yes, it is time to switch gears, to make a fuller commitment to the change you desire, to get on with what you know you should, to put serious effort into the things (i.e. health and wealth) and people who matter most (self included.)
Mars in Cancer can put you under added emotional, financial, or family pressure to begin with, especially so at the middle of the month (June 14 to 19), but the transits are designed to help you confront and surpass what is necessary in order to get yourself over to the other side. Preceding the full moon in Sagittarius on June 17, Jupiter retrograde and Neptune will meet for the second of three dynamic alignments spanning January through September. This planetary pairing continues to help you uncover more, to explore more, to tap hidden potentials and your inner wealth. Most importantly, the transit is aimed at helping you to clarify your truth and your vision, for yourself and your future.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
The month ahead sets you up to breakthrough a significant barrier, yours or theirs. No doubt, it has been something you have been grappling with for awhile. While both Saturn and Pluto have been travelling retrograde, you can’t force it or exert control over it or them. What is the shortest route to the goal? Both retrogrades are aimed to strengthen your resolve. They’ll help you to sort out what’s most important, to reprioritize where it is wise and necessary, to refortify and replenish from within.
What do you want, what do you need? Are your expectations being met? Is it worth the effort, the time, the money? June 14 to 19, opposition aspects from Mars and Mercury to Saturn and Pluto aim to cut to the chase on those questions, to break down the rationales that keep you trudging along in the same way. They provide more contrast in terms of action taking or intention and results, to make the answers sharper and clearer. Watch for Jupiter/Neptune and the full moon in Sagittarius to open it up unexpectedly and to point you toward your future in some revealing, big transition, or “can’t miss the writing on the wall” way.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
As the month progresses, you are likely to surpass an invisible or actual barrier, this regarding work, health or a relationship with someone important to you (you need them, they need you). The past on a catch up, there may be consequences to face or rebuilding to do. No doubt you’ll working your way through a major emotional journey too.
To the plus, Venus and the sun in Gemini keep the creative process on the move along. Both transits are good for making the most of what’s available. The sun is triggering in some enlarged in scope way from June 6 to 10. Catch the wave, take a next step. It is a good time to explore fresh options, travel, negotiate, increase your marketing or social profile, to spread the word or “go live”.
Mars and Mercury in opposition to Saturn and Pluto (June 14 to 19) can put you under additional pressure to get something important wrapped up and out of the way. Father’s Day, which also marks the second of three Jupiter/Neptune peaks (square aspect) and a full moon in Sagittarius are situated in the middle of the afore mentioned run of transits. Expect to see the action fire up, to cover more ground, or to move through more than you anticipate. The future takes on a life of its own.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
One thing will hinge on another. The month ahead can keep you occupied with more than one concern or more than one person too. So much is up in the air or riding on the moment. Gemini month keeps matters to do with home, family, and real estate to the fore.
Some things are simply beyond control. Likely there is extra time to put in, a few more steps to take or a few stages to get through. Do and/or say what you can as you can and watch for your choice moments to appear. It’s a matter of waiting for the right time. The sun is on a mobilizing creative track between June 6 and 10. Potentials or better options make themselves better known. Encompassing a full moon on June 17, June 14 to 20 can take you (or jettison you) past a hurdle and onto a next implementation phase – or onto a whole new reality.
Jupiter retrograde square Neptune reaches a peak on Father’s Day, June 16. This is the midpoint of a cycle that has been in the works since January and will extend through September. Jupiter/Neptune are bringing a new consciousness and a new reality to the fore. It is an unfolding work in progress. Trust and faith can be tested, but it also your best resource.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of every month at 11 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net