Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper:https://www.straight.com/life/1026316/your-horoscope-february-1-7-2018
Check out the presentation on the super total blue-bloos lunar eclipse of Jan 31 2018, the solar eclipse on Feb 15,2018 and transits for 2018. Thank you to Marc L Caron for hosting me! Recorded Jan 31 2018
It's an Auspicious day for us to be Speaking with Astrologer Rose Marcus about the second Full Moon this month, coupled with a Lunar Eclipse, as well as what's in store for 2018,
Posted by Conscious Living on Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Monthly Overview:
January 1: Super Full Moon in Cancer, 6:24 pm (11:38 Cancer); January 2: Uranus stations direct
Expect to be feeling it more intensely than you usually do. January opens on an emotional high charge. This super full moon is the closest to the earth (perigee) of all the super moons of the year. On that list are three eclipses: January 31 (total lunar eclipse; also dubbed a “blue-blood”; blue because it is the second full moon of the month; blood because of the light spectrum caused by the super status); July 13 (partial solar eclipse); and August 11 (partial solar eclipse). Super moons have a stronger pull on geophysical tides and on that of the collective consciousness too.
Family, parenting, home, real estate, security, safety, and self-preservation needs draw attention. National matters regarding safety, security and protectionism are also subjects du jour. Are you/they getting the support you need? Are you taking care of it/them/you well enough? Had enough of the holidays? Over-consumption is a fall-out of this time of year. The super full moon in sensitive Cancer can keep the past weighing more heavily on heart, mind, wallet, and/or the physical form. (Eat right, treat your body well.)
As the day wears on, the full moon forms trines to Neptune and Mars. A creative solution, a bigger picture perspective, or a higher road approach can sooth the soul and provide better prospects for sorting it out, letting it go, or opening it up.
Uranus in Aries, retrograde since the beginning of last August, stations direct on January 2. Expect the action track to stay fired up and to magnify in scope. Agendas are in full swing. Potentials continue to show good promise as the first week of January finishes out.
January 6, Mercury in Sagittarius trines Uranus and Mars in Scorpio conjuncts Jupiter in Scorpio. Both Mercury/Uranus and Mars/Jupiter are mobilizing and trend setting transits. Ready, set go; both optimize the opportunity of the moment.
January 8: Venus in Capricorn forms a superior conjunction with the Sun:
A superior conjunction of Venus and the sun happens when Venus is on the far side of the sun in relationship to the earth. (Venus will be at her furthest distance from the earth on January 23.) On January 8, Venus/sun will launch into the second half of an 18-month relationship and manifesting cycle that began on March 25, 2017 and ends on October 26, 2018 (when Venus is retrograde and forms an inferior conjunction the sun).
Are you ready to make good on your New Year resolutions? Even if it isn’t a tradition for you, the superior conjunction of Venus/sun on January 8 marks an auspicious time-is-ripe moment for all fresh initiatives, especially those directed toward getting it under better control or making it official. It is a time to apply the knowledge that has been gained and the values that have been shaped along the way in a more consciously directed way. Beginnings and endings are intertwined. Venus/sun in Capricorn cements the reality in a significant way. If it isn’t obvious to you in the moment, it will be soon enough.
Our relationships, morality, values, and social landscapes are changing. Survival issues are too. Venus/sun is operative as a personal transit, but it also supports the ongoing bigger picture mandate of Pluto in Capricorn, that of a new social world order. Pluto has been working its dismantling and reorganizing agenda for some time now. We are learning from each other at an exponential rate far beyond the speed of what we have experienced in the past. We are evolving as individuals, as sexual beings, as a species; as tribes, societies, and nations; as a collective, as a mass consciousness.
Pluto in Capricorn loans extra turbo to Venus/sun. You will feel the dynamic effects of Pluto’s transit in 2018 and the triple conjunction of Venus/sun/Pluto if you have significant natal planets or positions at 18/19 degrees of the cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra). Capricorn correlates to governments, governing bodies, authority, official matters, judgements, rules and regulations, the establishment, the consensus, the structure, reality base. Watch January 8, 9, for action from any item on that list.
January 10: Mercury enters Capricorn
Mercury in Capricorn has been delayed by last month’s retrograde tour. On January 12, Mercury forms the last of three conjunctions with Saturn. The first two, November 27 and December 6, happened while both planets were in Sagittarius and visible as night sky stars. When Mercury and Saturn meet again on January 12, they will be visible in the morning sky. Mercury is in its Promethean phase and picking up transit speed. Mercury/Saturn steadies the hand and mind, gives form to ideas, plans, and (personal or professional) goals, and sets an effective backdrop for communication tracks, for planning, study, research, commerce, for important decisions, for locking it in, and for putting ambition to work. Supporting Mercury’s mission, Venus square Uranus on January 13 and the sun’s square to Uranus on January 14 add a boost of creativity, fresh insight, sudden impetuous or inspiration. Both Venus/Uranus and sun/Uranus put synchronicity into high gear.
January 16: New Moon in Capricorn (26:55 Capricorn); Venus & sun into Aquarius (Jan 17; 19)
The new moon in Capricorn squares Uranus in Aries and conjuncts Venus. The new moon dishes up something fresh, perhaps unexpected, and/or wastes no time setting you onto the next step or platform. Full steam ahead continues. Keeping the people action, the money making, politics and social trends lively (perhaps the weather too), Venus enters Aquarius on January 17; the sun enters Aquarius on January 19.
January 26: Mars enters Sagittarius:
Mars in Sagittarius is a game for it, take-flight transit. The transit encompasses the NFL Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics in South Korea, which is sure to be a much-watched event, not only from the thrill of watching the athletes give their best, but also because of the politics swirling around the event (Russia’s expulsion from the games for doping, and the excessive proximity to North Korea).
Mars in Sagittarius puts the believer, the promoter, the crusader, the race horse, the story teller, and the loner into action. It’s a great transit for letting intuition, inspiration, or heart lead the way, but make sure you have something real to shoot for. The folly of Mars in Sagittarius is tunnel vision, believing what you want to believe, inflation, and exaggeration. Caution is advised regarding speculative matters. Yes, stay game, be a risk taker, but also stay wise about it as best you can!
January 31: Super moon, Total Full Moon Eclipse in Leo (11:37 Leo)
The first eclipse of 2018 is a super moon, a total full moon Eclipse in Leo. The eclipse is visible through out most of North America, the Pacific and Indian Oceans; northwest South America; Asia; Australia; Middle East, Eastern Europe and Eastern Africa. The eclipse can hold high impact for you if you are born on January 31 or close to it, or the start of May, August, or November. The eclipse triggers the north and south nodes of Neptune. This is indicative of stirring up global attention or effect. The eclipse can be a trend-setting moment, spark a shift of collective consciousness, or see a new reality show its first light. Ceres in aspect to the eclipse moon can be suggestive of a revival, resurrection, rebirth process, or a seeding time of significance.
Venus and the sun straddle the south node while Ceres and the moon stimulate the north node, suggesting significant karmic recall or fruition. A sense of déjà vu, familiarity, “been here before” is the clue to the momentousness of your present journey. Ceres and the moon offer the opportunity to revisit. There is an opportunity to create more consciously, to make a better success of it and/or to reap more reward this time around. Please be reminded that an eclipse is triggered for about a month prior and after the actual event and that its influence can extend over months or even years. Although not of the same family of eclipses, the Jan 31 eclipse triggers the last lunar eclipse and the Mars position of August 7, 2017. The next eclipse, (a partial solar eclipse) on February 15, 2018, references the total solar eclipse of August21, 2017.
January 2018 begins on a super full moon (in Cancer) and ends on a super full moon eclipse (in Leo). Mars/Jupiter conjunct in Scorpio on January 6 and a triple conjunction of Venus/sun/Pluto in Capricorn on January 8, 9 sets the reality timetable to full steam ahead. Saturn is freshly into Capricorn. Uranus introduces its transit through Taurus. Chiron introduces its transit through Aries. There are 3 partial solar eclipses and 2 total lunar eclipses. Both Mars and Venus go retrograde in the year ahead.
Notable Transits:
Saturn in Capricorn: December 19, 2017 – December 16, 2020
Uranus in Taurus: May 15, 2018 – Nov 6, 2018 (March 6 2019 to April 25 2026)(Uranus in Gemini: July 25 – Nov 25, 2025)
(Uranus in Aries: May 27, 2010 to Aug 13 2010; Mar 11, 2011 to May 15, 2018; Nov 6, 2018 to Mar 6 2019)
Chiron in Aries: April, 17 to Sept 25, 2018; Feb 18, 2019 to April 14 2027 (Chiron in Taurus: June 19 to Sept 17, 2026)
January 31: Super Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse (11:37 Leo)
February 15: Partial Solar Eclipse (27:08 Aquarius)
July 12: Super Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse (20:41 Cancer)
August 11: Super Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse (18:42 Leo)
July 27: Total Lunar Eclipse: (4:45 Aquarius)
Mars Retrograde: June 26 to August 27 (9:13 Aquarius to 28:37 Capricorn)
Venus Retrograde: October 5 to November 16 (10:50 Scorpio to 25:14 Libra)
January 1: Super Full Moon in Cancer, 6:24 pm (11:38 Cancer)
January 16: New moon in Capricorn, 6:17 pm (26:54 Capricorn)
January 31: Super Full Moon, Total Eclipse in Leo, 5:27 am (11:37 Leo)
January 2: Uranus stations direct, 6:11 am
January 10: Eris stations direct, 1:50 am
January 10: Mercury into Capricorn, 9:10 pm
January 14: Vesta into Sagittarius, 0:41 pm
January 17: Venus into Aquarius, 5:44 pm
January 19: Pallas into Taurus, 6:29 pm
January 19: Sun into Aquarius, 7:10 pm
January 26: Mars into Sagittarius, 4:57 am
All times listed are PST, please check your local time
Dates to watch: January 1,2, 6, 8,9, 11 -16, 19, 24-26, 31
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Your year ahead in brief:
According to Saturn in Capricorn, your most important priority is to get it under better control. To do that, you must get to the root of the issue or circumstance that have stoked your insecurity, fear, or worry. These emotions inhibit your progress as much as the reality can. It is time to stop resisting the uncomfortable hunger pains, the work that needs to be done, and the time you need to spend on it. Ambition directed toward professional goals and better material security serves you well. Consider yourself on a two-year build it better time-table. Put your maximum effort into doing what must be done and Saturn in Capricorn will serve as your greatest ally.
Some parts of life are on a wind down or finish off phase. You are likely to feel endings are a well-timed. Saturn now clears the way for the next phase of your life assume command.
If you are born in the first ten days of Aries, you’ll feel Saturn’s influence at full strength in 2018. If you are born later, you’ll have a little more time to build up to it.
If you are born in the last five days of Aries, you’ll feel the revolutionizing force of Uranus in Aries at full strength in 2018. If you are born earlier in the sign, then Uranus has likely already hit the ignition switch. To harness the best of Uranus, be open to the moment, seize opportunity when it appears, have courage, take a risk, reinvent a little or a lot. May to September, Chiron in Aries (most influential for those born at the start of Aries) can fire up something you think is too soon or too fast. On the hard end, it can be a bridge burning influence. To the plus, Chiron thrusts you onto a destiny-comes-calling race-ahead.
Mid May to the start of November can be an exceptionally fertile and/or lucrative time to break new ground. Uranus in Taurus can present new money-making opportunities. You can find yourself becoming exceptionally resourceful, exceptionally in touch with new trends, new potentials, with the world around you and the people in it. Someone or something new could be instrumental in reinventing your life.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Your year ahead in brief:
Saturn in Capricorn sets your future on its course in some shaping, defining, and perhaps undeniable way. If it is in keeping with what you have been working toward, then you will feel Saturn’s transit as a confidence builder, a confirmation, a reward. Otherwise you may feel locked in. Whether of your choosing or not, Saturn sets the long range/long term into play.
January is an exceptionally opportune/lucrative month to get it off the ground, especially so January 6 to 9. January 31 and February 15 deliver the first eclipses of the year. Expect both to shake it up/shake you up in some dynamic, unexpected, and fast-track way.
For the past number of years, Uranus in Aries has mostly operated as a disruptive and caustic influence. It’s ultimatum aim has been to shatter through your inner sound barrier and to rewire your hard drive. Lucky you if it has inspired or awakened you, or reinvented you in a liberating and prosperous way.
Either way, Uranus in Aries has been setting the stage for quite some time now. Serving the bigger picture karmic track, Chiron in Aries will take over from Uranus in Aries. Yes, there’s more sharp edges on the learning curve ahead, but ultimately you will burn off what you need to so that you can thrive rather than just survive.
From May 15 to November 6, Uranus will trek into Taurus. It can present itself to you as a sneak preview, a short dry run or a window of opportunity. Saturn in Capricorn holds Uranus steady (trines) while it transits Taurus. Saturn/Uranus can help you to adopt and adapt quite readily to the new reality. Make the most of the time you have, the tools you have, and the discoveries you make along the way. Saturn in Capricorn trine Uranus in Capricorn are a gift for your sign. They set a lucrative, fertile, and long-term backdrop. They can help you to acquire, accumulate, create, and manifest in a substantial to have and to hold way.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Your year ahead in brief:
Saturn’s transit through Capricorn can be a restrictive or a constructive influence. Even when Saturn hands you something you want or think of as worthwhile, there can be dues to pay and/or an element of heavy lifting. Saturn in Capricorn requires you to get serious, to get more fully committed, to do the time and put in good effort. For some, this transit could prompt you to formalize a relationship, business or romantic. On the other hand, it could bring a relationship, a business matter, or a long-standing debt to an end.
It is prudent to reduce your overhead, tighten up on the budget, cut back on wasteful spending, and manage your time better. On the other hand, added financial necessity, pressure, or commitment is within the range of possibilities too. Today’s strain could be tomorrow’s gain. Such investments as professional accreditation, profiling or memberships, self-employment, real estate, education, health, estate planning, or family are worthy investments.
As of January 2, Uranus ends retrograde. Through mid May, Uranus in Aries fires up your social sector. This is an excellent transit for exploring fresh ideas, new money-making opportunities, lifestyle reinvention, new goal setting, and for breaking ground in relationships too. The transit has been in effect since 2010, but Uranus is nearing the end of its tour through Aries. (It will do that early in 2019). Mid May to November, Uranus in Taurus will loan you a better insight regarding the shape of things to come.
January and February are great months to hit the ground running. January 8,9 are auspicious for money matters, relationship undertakings, and formalizing commitments. The super full moon eclipse in Leo on January 31 and the solar eclipse on February 15 can strike flint in some unexpected way.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Your year ahead in brief:
Pluto in Capricorn, a transit that has been with us since 2008, is a once in a lifetime transit. Saturn in Capricorn, a 2 ½ year transit, comes around every 29 ½ years. The meeting of these two planets will happen at the start of 2020. Consider yourself on a critical count down until then.
Simultaneously, Saturn in Capricorn is on a wind-it-down and crank-it-up mandate. This transit can produce enormous pressure. You can feel blocked, held back, restricted or thwarted by life’s circumstances or by another. If/when the going gets too tough to cope with, stop using the wall as target practice, try to disengage as best you can. Instead, what small thing can you accomplish for yourself? If you still find yourself coming up empty, then get some fresh air. If you can relinquish the struggle part or just a smidgen of it, you will give room to the creative process that has been snuffed out by your fear, anxiety, depression, disappointment, or depletion. There are plenty of stars to pick you up and carry you in year ahead. Trust in the cyclical nature of life and know that the stars are always moving along and conspiring on your behalf, even when you don’t think so/when you can’t feel it or see it. At any moment, anything could change.
The first half of January is sure to get something cooking, starting with the super full moon in Cancer on January 1. Uranus direct on January 2, Mars/Jupiter on January 6 and Venus/sun/Pluto on January 8, 9 are all good for getting the action going. You could find yourself on a faster forward than you anticipate. Stay ready, stay hopeful.
Uranus in Aries (a finishing transit) and Chiron in Aries (a launching transit) will continue to help you or force you to bust up the old concrete and to lay a new foundation. A bridge can be burned, but you don’t want to backtrack anyway, you want to spring-forward/to upgrade instead. Uranus can fast-track your career, introduce you to a new one, or to new elements of the existing one. Both Uranus and Chiron in Aries can help you to crack the code and to strike through the glass ceiling.
Uranus in Taurus (mid May to November) can usher in a welcome lifestyle change. To the plus, it can dial up fresh interests, lucrative opportunity, and better financial prospects. New challenges or survival requirements are in the mix too, but overall, this is a transit that gives you more to work with while helping you to reach higher ground.
The solar eclipse of July 12 is a partial eclipse, but expect it to change the score in some major way, especially so if your birthday falls on or near this eclipse.
LEO July 22 – August 22
Your year ahead in brief:
Health or wealth wise, Saturn in Capricorn will heap on the incentive. It can make you tough it out and work for it more, but if you’ll come to recognize that the sweat equity is worth its weight in gold. Work wise, Saturn’s transit will support you to step up to the plate professionally, to assume a managerial or more senior position, to become a business owner/operator, to gain additional job training, experience, and credentials, hone a technique or master a specialty.
On the other hand, Saturn’s transit can place you at the other end of the spectrum, setting the clock on retirement, or prompting you to call it quits on a job or a business that no longer delivers the goods. Finishing out your term can be a grind and test you patience, but aim to make a good show all the way to the finish line as best you can. No matter whether you get the acknowledgement or not, personal pride in job well done is a reward beyond measure.
Saturn in Capricorn asks you to take your health seriously too. See a specialist if you need to, obey the rules, stick to a routine, a proper diet, drink more water, moisturize, stretch; use it, don’t lose it. If you want to age gracefully, start on it now. If you aren’t aging gracefully, then it is time to push yourself harder. Saturn is helpful for abstinence programs, so if you have a vice to quit, start now.
Chiron in Aries can add fresh challenges, but from mid May to November, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus are well aligned with each other’s agenda. They set an opportune backdrop and help you/keep you making the most of it, especially regarding career, professional ambitions, creative projects, wealth management, and all fixer-upper mandates (relationships and health included). Uranus in Taurus can position you at a right time and place. Catch the wave! Don’t say you aren’t ready yet, you are. You can gain favour with the public or those in decision making positions. Despite Uranus’s propensity for inconsistency or the unexpected, uphill battles can be made easier by Saturn in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. Use this transit to shore it up legally or to make it official.
The total lunar eclipse of January 31 is a super moon in Leo. You will feel this strike-flint eclipse if your birthday falls on or near August 3. The solar eclipse of February 15 is the polarity eclipse for last year’s total solar eclipse; it can be especially igniting, exciting, and event generating if your birthday falls on or near August 21.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Your year ahead in brief:
Ready to make good on those New Year resolutions? Have them or not, Capricorn is one of your best months to put ambition into play. Take charge, hit the ground running, and make it happen. Saturn freshly in Capricorn, Uranus out of retrograde, and a new Venus/sun cycle (January 8, 9) support you well.
Saturn in Capricorn sets the clock on a time-has-come moment of significance. The time has come for what? To establish yourself or your life course in a more hands on way. To find the courage to take on your heart’s desire no matter what the journey asks of you. To live more authentically with yourself and in relationship to your loved ones. To show this seasoned version yourself to the world around you too. The hero’s journey requires you to pick up the gauntlet and to put ambition to work toward the success, recognition, reward, and fulfillment you so desire, no matter the labours that must be faced along the way. This is a 2 ½ year transit, so known you have plenty of time to work on it.
Saturn in Capricorn can set you up with a new status, professional, personal, marriage, family wise, etc. New or added responsibilities are par for the course.
One thing after another in rapid succession, no doubt the past 8 years of Uranus in Aries have been strenuous. There is still another year to go – and note that Chiron will just be getting started on its tour of Aries. Yes, there are more battles to fight on the road ahead. The bigger picture intent of these transits helps you to hone your inner warrior. If you are honest with yourself, you should be able to recognize that even though it is a work in progress that you have built good muscle so far. (Yes, you have.)
Mid May through November, Uranus tenants Taurus. Uranus in Taurus assists you to get more sure-footed on the direction forward. Uranus in Taurus draws added momentum from Saturn in Capricorn. Together, Saturn/Uranus put more substantial and more lucrative opportunity in your path. Perhaps you’ll feel this planetary pairing as somewhat of a reward or as compensation for putting up with the turbulent years. Of course, the world/your world is still a tricky place to navigate. You aren’t completely out of the woods. Still, you’ll gain good assistance from planets in earth signs in 2018. By the end of the year, you should feel you have a good handle on yourself and your future, that you have plenty to show for your efforts and courage.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Your year ahead in brief:
Whether actively chosen/of your making, or heaped on you, Saturn now inches you closer to an important goal post or milestone. Saturn’s transit through Capricorn knits time and experience together. It will continue to prod you through a maturation process, designed to unlock a more conscious awareness and to assist you as you work you through the final stage of a circumstance and a karmic track that’s been in the works for a very long time.
Looking back, you’ll see you are coming full circle on a thirty-year cycle of revisiting the past aimed to help you understand it deeper and to lay a better foundation. Have you succeeded so far? Take stock on how you are living with yourself, rather than dwelling on the uncomfortable fall-outs. Saturn transits can make you feel overburdened, unfairly dumped on or tethered, or set you on an endurance test. Over the next couple of years, Saturn aims to help you get a more solid platform built, one that helps you build better boundaries, gain better emotional self control, and to get better self directed. Whether it is due to a squeeze or ambition, Saturn aims to help you hone your inner strength and resolve. Conquer yourself and you’ll conquer it too.
Along with Uranus and Chiron in Aries, Saturn aims to dismantle the conditioning factors that inhibit your progress and growth. Uranus and Saturn have been at it for awhile. They’ll continue to work together in 2018. Uranus in Taurus (mid May to November) trine Saturn in Capricorn is an excellent transit for making the most of it, especially regarding new opportunities. Uranus in Taurus can enhance financial prospects and intimate relationship potentials. Try something or someone new on for size. It/they could prove to be exactly what you need and want.
January/February are dynamic, hit the ground running months. Venus in Capricorn and the sun begin a new 9-month relationship and manifesting cycle on January 8, 9. Venus/sun draw extra turbo from their new phase relationship with Pluto. This is an auspicious time to make your power play. Look to the super full moon eclipse in Leo on January 31 and the solar eclipse in Aquarius on February 15 to fire up added excitement or something unexpected.
Venus will tenant Libra in August (while Mars finishes up retrograde) and the first half of September. Venus will begin its retrograde tour in Scorpio in October, revisiting Libra in November through the start of December. Expect the fall to be an important time for sorting out money and relationship matters.
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Your year ahead in brief:
A super full moon (January 1), and a Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio on January 6 kick-start the New Year. Saturn, freshly into Capricorn, finds you already well seasoned and ready to take on whatever the year has in store. The Venus/sun/Pluto conjunction on January 8,9, makes it an auspicious time to do just that.
Last year, Saturn and Uranus were aligned (trine) in the fire signs, which has likely resulted in a fresh boost regarding work matters, creative projects, personal and lifestyle upgrades. So far, so good, keep going.
Saturn and Uranus will maintain their trine relationship from May to November, but they’ll do so across earth signs. This planetary pairing can be quite lucrative and productive, especially regarding establish yourself in some new way. Aim to secure your reputation, build a client base, gain favour with the pubic or to get your name brand better known. Saturn/Uranus are a favourable combination for professional development and recognition, for dealing with those in charge, or dealing with those who can give your career a leg up. You could gain an official or legal status (i.e., a name change, citizenship, professional title, relationship status). Saturn/Uranus can improve communication tracks, get you more socially involved or community minded. The transit also favours teaching, mentoring, training programs, upgrades to marketing, promotional ventures.
Uranus is completing its 8-year tour of Aries, while Chiron is just at the start of its tour of this sign. Both will set up fresh challenges and opportunities. There’s no time to slack off. Keep yourself informed, practice more, explore more, listen more. Position yourself as best you can ahead of the game/the curve. Aim to set the trend rather than follow it. The eclipses of the year can be major catalysts and triggers, especially if they make a direct contact to your sun or chart. (January 31, February 15, July 12, July 27, August 11.)
Venus will turn retrograde in Scorpio in October and finish out the retrograde in Libra in November. This will be a time to regroup and re-evaluate investments and relationships.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
your year ahead in brief:
For the past 2 ½ years, Saturn has transited Sagittarius. It’s recent move into Capricorn can make you feel rewarded for your perseverance. It can give you something more substantial to work with, something more substantial to have and to hold. If you haven’t held true to what’s authentic and in keeping your better interests, or if you haven’t put in the necessary work and effort, you may find yourself facing a fall out. If you haven’t figured out how to move yourself forward yet, there’s still time to do so.
Saturn’s transit through Capricorn gains fresh fuel from its trine aspect with Uranus in Taurus, which happens mid May through November. This combination keeps it interesting and stimulating while holding you steady at the same time. They bode well for fresh job prospects, creative solutions, and making improvement where you want and need it the most. Uranus in Aries (January to mid May, November through February 2019) is an ace in your pocket too.
2018 provides a first introduction to Chiron in Aries, an 8-year transit that will take over from Uranus in Aries. Expect to continue to keep on an acceleration track and to continue to break new ground regarding matters of heart (includes relationships with lovers and children), your inner journey, your creativity and personal reinvention.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Your year ahead in brief:
Thanks to a super full moon (January 1), Uranus stationing direct (January 2), Mars/Jupiter in high gear (January 6) and a triple new phase conjunction formed by Venus, sun, and Pluto, 2018 is on turbo launch. If your birthday happens on any of the above dates, you are in for an outstanding year. January 8 and 9 are particularly auspicious for fresh initiatives and acts of courage. If your birthday does not fall on any of those dates, know you are still signed up for a big year ahead.
It’s been nearly 30 years since Saturn last visited Capricorn. You now stand at the intersection of the culminating past and founding of new reality baseline. On the sweat end of things, Saturn in Capricorn can limit you physically, put you under added pressure to get it worked out, place you on a time constraint or drag out a time extension. You can put yourself under added emotional or material pressure too.
Whether you feel inspired or pushed to put ambition to work, it is to your great benefit to get the show on the road. Saturn brings you to a time is right moment. It can give more legitimacy to your claim on “I’ve earned it I deserve it”. Venus/sun/Pluto on January 8,9 set an auspicious backdrop for a power play.
In 2017, Uranus and Saturn facilitated each other’s fire sign initiatives. In 2018, Uranus in Taurus will form a trine relationship with Saturn in Capricorn from mid May to November. Look to Uranus/Saturn to get off to a good start, to help you get something substantial, lucrative, and worthy up and running. They’ll help you set a strong momentum, one that can carry you through the year and through to the momentous year of 2020 when the stellium of planets in Capricorn will officially cut the ribbon on the new day dawn.
Uranus is finishing its 8-year trek through Aries while Chiron makes its first foray into the warrior sign. There’s still more reinventing, uprooting, and breaking new ground on the road ahead.
All the eclipses of the year are trigger points regarding personal life and world stage action. The solar eclipse of July 12 is particularly notable as the sun and moon will oppose Pluto in Capricorn. “Off with the old, on with the new”; you can witness the effect of this eclipse as a pivotal turning point, a milestone or watershed moment, a sign on/sign off switch, or no backing down, full steam ahead, especially so if you are born on or around January 10.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
Your year ahead in brief:
As of January 2, Uranus ends retrograde and hits full steam ahead. You are sure to feel this as a fresh energy boost. Make good on the first few weeks of January and you’ll give yourself a great head-start on 2018.
January 31 delivers a super full moon eclipse in Leo (and Mercury fresh into Aquarius). February 15 delivers a solar eclipse new moon at 27 Aquarius. Both are sure to be strike flint events, especially so for you if your birthday happens on or near either date. The February 15 eclipse can act as a fruition or culmination trigger for that which has been on brew and/or seeding over recent months. It serves as a creative and exposing catalyst, a re-ignition trigger, or next level up regarding the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017.
Saturn in Capricorn is a background influence for your sign, but it is still of great significance. Saturn gives more shape and form to the potentials that are already on brew. Put yourself to work on your dreams and aspirations. With the right mix of self effort, creativity, trust in yourself, and a contribution from time and opportunity, anything is possible.
Uranus in Taurus, mid May to November, maintains a good working relationship with Saturn.
Uranus in Taurus can be an uprooting influence, but while it’s partnered up with Saturn (by trine aspect), you are likely to welcome/appreciate the new foundation it is laying. Uranus in Taurus can see your real estate increase in value (metaphorically speaking too). Upgrades to your home or your lifestyle are worthy investments. Uranus in Taurus can increase your resourcefulness. Too, you can start relating, living with yourself, or expressing yourself in some new, perhaps completely unexpected way.
Chiron in Aries in dynamic tension to Saturn during the same period, provides a sharp edge; it’ll keep on your toes.
Mars enters Aquarius mid May and turn retrogrades in your sign from late June through mid July. (The retrograde cycle continues through the end of August, but in Capricorn). Mars in Aquarius retrograde is a pull back and regroup transit. Your best times for a fresh dive are January/February. Mars tenants Aquarius again from mid September through mid November, but you’ll have both Venus and Mercury retrograde to contend with in the fall. (Use October/November to take a time out and to check in with yourself again.)
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Your year ahead in brief:
January begins and ends on super full moons. January 1 super full moon (in Cancer) is the closest, but January 31 is a full moon eclipse (in Leo) so whether one is more noteworthy than the other remains to be seen. The full moon on January 1 will draw extra turbo from Uranus which stations direct on January 2. Finishing out the first week of January, Mars in Scorpio conjuncts Jupiter in Scorpio on January 6. It’s an excellent transit for setting wheels in motion. Give it your best shot and make your power play.
Especially for 2018, Saturn’s transit in Capricorn makes it more real, more bankable, more profitable. It gives more tangible shape and form to goals and to that which has been in the works for a few years now. New relationships (personal or professional) can be forged and cemented. They are ones that are likely to have a long shelf life. Saturn in Capricorn can also usher in a new professional, material, or personal status. You could become known as an expert in your field, move into a mentoring role, adopt a child, become an empty-Nester, or a grandparent. January 8, 9 can be an auspicious time to launch a new money-making venture, a new relationship, or for a new reality to make its presence known.
Uranus in Taurus can introduce you to new ideas and trends, a new lifestyle or passion, money-making opportunity, or a new social network. You could find your opinions, interests, and attractions are radically different than they were just a short time ago. Life is worth exploring! Saturn/Uranus are in good manifesting and cash-in shape from mid May through November. Even if you find yourself are on a radical departure from your usual ways, choices and involvements, it could feel quite natural for you.
Chiron has transited Pisces since 2010. It is both a maverick and a loner archetype. During this transit, you have had to mentor yourself. Likely you have moved though periods of great hope and promise, and through periods of great disillusionment too. In 2018, you will get an introductory look at Chiron in Aries. To a large extent, it may simply feel like an extension of Uranus in Aries. What do I mean by this? Your inner warrior will continue to be called upon as your first go-to person. You have had plenty of practice so far. Stay strong, stay creative, stay passionate!
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on Wednesday’s at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net