How you feel, what you think, and how it drives you. That’s Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Venus has just finished a two-month retrograde cycle and will continue in Capricorn through the start of March. Mercury has just finished a three-week retrograde cycle and will continue in Capricorn to Feb 14. Both retrograde cycles have set priority time aside to observe, assess, and refortify. Their influence aims to refortify internal accord so that there’s a more solid platform to build from.
Venus and Mars in Capricorn are tight travelling partners all month. As of Feb 3, Sun/Saturn are onto a fresh track. Feb 6 – 8, Mars the action planet, is on a productive move-along. Feb 8, Mars/Uranus, Moon/Pluto, Mercury/Pluto, and Ceres into Gemini set an opportunity backdrop. Timing and synchronicity are at peak. Said, signed, done, procured, accomplished – things can fall into place well. Conversations or meetings are productive.
Mercury and Pluto have also been on an intensified mission since the end of December. Having met by conjunction twice previously (Dec 30, Jan 28), February 11 completes the cycle. Mercury/Pluto are an obsessive, dig deeper planetary pairing. Just like Putin’s ambition on Ukraine, or the Canadian trucker’s cross-country protest on vaccine and mask mandates, this transit keeps chipping away at it until it hits paydirt.
As of February 14, Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. This transit can put a fresh spin on social matters, commerce (buying and selling), market trends, and politics. It’s Valentine’s Day. Surprise someone you love, put a smile on someone’s face.
As mentioned earlier, Venus and Mars are especially tight travelling companions, staying within one degree proximity for most of the month ahead. Typically, the relationship duo will form a conjunction within a few degrees over a couple of days. To last a whole month is rare and of significance. A long transit allows ample time to feel it out to the best response and course of action, to stage, develop, synthesize, and cement. Venus and Mars in Capricorn mark the time as ripe and ready to bring that which no longer holds good life/that no longer serves purpose or usefulness to an end. Whether of consequence or reward (or a combination of both) the past is the gateway that selects the road ahead. Over the month ahead, you may have a sense that you can “feel it in your bones”, that you have finally arrived at the “it” moment. Indeed, you have/we have.
Thanks to dynamic aspect to the karmic axis (the moon’s nodes), the full moon in Leo on February 16 can have a similar effect to that of an eclipse. In fact, it is the midpoint peak between last lunar eclipse (Nov 19, 2021, partial lunar eclipse in Taurus) and the next (May 15, total lunar eclipse in Scorpio). As we have experienced in recent months, this work in progress dials up the intensity on survival issues at all levels (mortality, physical and emotional health, finances, economics, relationships, career, and lifestyle). The full moon can flick the action switch in an accelerated, unexpected, breakthrough, opportune, and/or destiny producing way. Intensifying the karmic potency of circumstances and involvements, Venus and Mars switch leads on this date. Through March 6, they will move into an even more industrious completion and seeding phase. In the first week of March, three cycles end and begin new chapters: Mars/Pluto in Capricorn (personal will/soul will), Venus/Pluto in Capricorn (laws of attraction; vibratory field/magnetic frequency), and Venus/Mars in Aquarius (relationships: self to self, intimate/sexual, social).
February 16: Full moon in Leo (27:59 Leo)
February 1: Juno enters Aquarius (3:04 pm)
February 3: Mercury ends retrograde (6:12 pm)
February 8: Ceres enters Gemini (6:02 pm)
February 13: Pallas Athene enters Aries (9:50 pm)
February 14: Mercury enters Aquarius (1:53 pm)
February 18: Sun enters Pisces (8:42 am)
** Please note all times listed are PST, please check your local time.
Dates to watch: February 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 24
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Your reality is changing in some significant way (career, personal life status, goals, priorities, etc.). Perhaps it has been long in the works. Perhaps you’ll say the finish line is long overdue. February opens with Venus (Jan 30) and Mercury (Feb 3) finishing retrograde cycles. You (and it) will continue to grind along for most of the month ahead. Having said that, Feb 4 to 11 gets you/it up and rolling in some positive way.
The full moon in Leo on February 16 can put you in the spotlight and/or bring exciting news, a reward or unexpected opportunity. A goal or a finish line can be reached. Venus and Mars switch lead. In so doing they set another facet of fate or destiny into play. Venus, Mars, and Pluto can keep you consumed with a completion track or stepping-stone process through the first week in March.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Whether in play as a known factor, or you have a growing sense of it, your future is on a date with destiny. It is to your advantage to stay a step ahead, as best you can. Watch for fresh opportunity, especially February 7 to 18.
A new job or career trajectory (i.e. opening your own business) could be a good move. Creative solutions and independence initiatives are too. Put your smarts to work and watch the good it does you. You could benefit from a new boss, agent, bank/bank term, healthcare or service provider, advisor, home or office location). It’s a good time for upgrades of all kinds, i.e. a new technique, procedure or policy, upgrades to your resume, website, marketing strategy, to computer or other technology. A new attitude or look can do wonders for you too.
Look to the Leo full moon on February 16 for a breakthrough (personal or regarding a circumstance already in play.) Feb 4, 11, and 24 are also dates to watch. Switching track on February 16, Venus and Mars in Capricorn set the whole month up as a work in progress. Endings and beginnings are intertwined. They are also well timed. Don’t hold on to that which no longer is viable. Change is destined for you. Have courage, embrace it.
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Is it taking too long? Are you dragging your own heels? On a slow cementing process, Venus and Mars will take the entire month ahead to finish it off and/or to help you to get better prepared for the springboard time that lies ahead. That does not mean a stand-still, not by any means! In fact, a momentous staging month lies ahead.
Mercury retrograde ends on Feb 3. The sun and Saturn begin a new format on Feb 4 and Mars synchronizes with (trines) Uranus on Feb 8. Also in the mix, Juno enters Aquarius on Feb 1, and Ceres enters Gemini on Feb 9. Put that all together and you can expect to find yourself on a better move along, despite the continuing challenge or limitation. While added patience, effort or belt tightening is required, don’t let it stop you. Stay ambitious. It will net a pay off in due course. Look for fresh opportunity – it is out there and waiting for you. The Leo full moon on February 16 could dish up something fun, exciting, lucrative, catapulting, or unexpected. You could make a significant purchase or breakthrough.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
Persevering – it’s been going on for too long, hasn’t it?
On the recent front, Venus has just ended a retrograde tour. As of Feb 3, Mercury does too. As the month progresses, you should feel you are making good headway. There are many breakthrough dates sprinkled throughout the month to assist you or to jettison you, starting with the sun’s conjunction with Saturn on February 4. The two weeks that follow will keep you on a roll. Mercury meets with Pluto on February 11, completing the big push cycle it started at the end of December. Take a pause for reflection and you’ll see there is quite a difference from where you started to where you are now.
Venus and Mars will take the entire month to wrap it up, while also setting paving stones in place for the next build-it-better chapter. What is cementing now (your new reality) has been a long time in works.
Consider February as a work in progress. If you feel held up or the going tough, know that there is a larger format/bigger picture reason in the works. Your soul has a purpose; time works on its own clock. February 14, Mercury exits Capricorn for Aquarius. The full moon in Leo on February 16 is accompanied by Mars taking the lead on Venus. On an intensified completion and set-up track, Venus/Mars will now get even more targeted and specific regarding karmic undertakings/the tasks at hand. Depending on how it aligns with your personal chart, the full moon could signal a breakthrough of significance. A singular moment could change everything. Creative opportunity is at peak. The exceptional or destined is in play in some significant way.
LEO July 22 – August 22
Held up for too long? Venus has just ended retrograde (Jan 30) and Mercury follows suit on Feb 3. Sun/Saturn (conjunction) lifts a restriction, hits a trigger, and/or provides fresh stimulus on February 4. Mars takes action over the days that follow. Synchronicity is on the dial up Feb 8. Things can fall into place readily and well.
On a dig deeper for it track, Mercury joins forces with Pluto on February 11 for the last of three motivational meetings (Dec 30, Jan 28, Feb 11). No more excuses, put yourself to task and make good use of the time you have. In general, you should find yourself revitalized and on a better move along regarding work, studies, health, and the to-do pile.
Mercury enters Aquarius on Valentine’s Day. Make it fun, surprise someone you love. In general (and for the rest of the month), Mercury in Aquarius is a good for putting a fresh spin on it. The transit can set a backdrop for more social activity too.
February 16 delivers a full moon in Leo. It isn’t an eclipse but it could act like one, that is to say it could jettison you or put circumstances on an acceleration track. Opportunity comes knocking. It can also come via an unexpected moment. You may feel the catapulting creative force of this full moon particularly strong if your birthday is on or near August 20. Mars/Venus, a karmic pairing, can move the past forward in some meant to be way.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Venus ended retrograde on Jan 30. Mercury ends retrograde on Feb 3. Along with significant contributions from Mars, Mercury, and Pluto in Capricorn, the month ahead places you on a constructive cementing track. Put yourself to work, keep focused on the goal. Ambition is well placed and well timed.
On Feb 11, Mercury/Pluto complete the cycle begun at the end of December. By this point, you should feel you have filled in more of the missing blanks and question marks, that you are sufficiently packed up and ready to take on the next adventure.
Over the hump and breaking new ground with Saturn, the sun in Aquarius keeps the action lively for the first three weeks. Mercury enters Aquarius on Feb 14 to finish the month in this sign. Keeping body, mind, and heart on the go, both sun and Mercury take you on a fresh learning curve. Both planets boost social matters. The month ahead is ideal for exploring new subjects, interests, and activities, for meeting new friends and reconnecting with folks too. An instant hit or sense of déjà vu is a clue to the importance of the review or undertaking. Travelling together for the whole month ahead, Venus and Mars are working along a karmic rewind and finish off and/or karmic foundation laying track. The Leo full moon on February 16 crosses a significant threshold in this regard as Mars takes the lead on Venus that day.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Venus retrograde (now over) may have put you in a holding pattern, but know the wait or biding time process has held a bigger picture purpose. Whether or not you have it all sorted out, Venus, continuing in Capricorn through the first few days of March gives you extra time to feel your way along and to observe yourself in action. This transit is well used to tune in to the deeper yearnings of your heart and soul. For the entire month of February, Venus will stay in especially close contact with Mars. Seeing yourself and living with yourself in a new way – it a major work in progress. Each response, each action set an important building block into place. Springboard time is around the corner.
Self preservation, self care, home, and family matters are to the forefront. Priorities, needs and interests are evolving. The Capricorn transits are staging a time is ripe moment for something that has been long in the works, perhaps long overdue, long neglected, or long ignored. Thinking along the lines of paid your dues, where is the reward? For some, its about slowing down, retirement, or downsizing, for others the new chapter can be about more recognition, a new business or career venture, getting married, starting a family, or buying your first home. The whole month can see you put finishing touches on the priorities of the past, the evolving present, and the cut and paste phase of the future. Accompanied by Venus/Mars switching drivers, the full moon in Leo on February 16 sets up a threshold crossing, turnaround, and/or breakthrough time (for matters of heart, wallet, health, or career). This full moon can jettison you (or someone you love) in a significant and perhaps unexpected way. (Metaphorically or in actuality, the full moon could produce a strike it rich moment).
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Waiting or stalled for too long? Venus has just finished retrograde and as of Feb 3, Mercury retrograde ends too. It might be the end of week, but far from winding down, Feb 4 is on a perk it up. The Sun/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on Feb 4 could kickstart something fresh or next. A change of pace or a fresh diversion can hit it right. Mars keeps the action going strong in the days that follow. The week of Feb 6 can keep you/it on a good roll.
Feb 11, Mercury/Pluto (conjunction) complete the push harder/dig deeper initiative they began at the end of December. You may have felt this as an under pressure, soul searching, or hunting mission influence. You still have further to go, but at least you are now better informed.
Mercury in Aquarius, starting February 14, can speed up the process or the reality. Your days can get fuller/busier. You could have something of karmic significance to confront or to move past on the full moon of February 16. Accompanied by Mars and Venus in Capricorn switching lead, the full moon in Leo can prompt you to take charge, to respond with force, to legitimize it, or call the shot in some new way. Be seen, be heard, show what you are made of. The full moon could put you (or one you love), your reputation, or your business in the spotlight. A well-timed action or response could produce a great result. The exceptional could come to pass. You could have a major breakthrough. Added expense can be in the mix too. (You might need to replace or upgrade something).
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
February opens on the heels of a new moon in Aquarius (Jan 31), the end of Venus in retrograde, (Jan 30), and Mercury in retrograde (Feb 3). The Sun/Saturn conjunction on Feb 3, a fresh wind influence, can offer a good kick-start to the month. The weeks of Feb 7 and 14 can see you make good headway. Still, a concentration of planets in Capricorn suggests there is more finishing off, prep work, or cementing to be done before you are fully up to speed and ready for the next phase.
Feb 11, Mercury/Pluto complete the dig deeper/force the envelope cycle begun at the end of December. Likely they’ve kept you focused (driven perhaps obsessed) on getting it under better control (your powerplay initiatives), on devising better strategies for success, for getting your essential needs met (a better paycheck, a deeper bond with those who matter most, a pathway forward). If you haven’t found your answers yet, know that your soul is actively pursuing that detective work and you’ll have better clarity in due course. Venus, Mars, and Pluto need more time. By the beginning of March, all three will set go on new cycles.
The opportune full moon in Leo on February 16 might not be an eclipse, but it could feel like one, especially so if your birthday falls on or near Dec 19. The full moon triggers the lunar nodes (the karmic axis). Venus and Mars on a switch track can put fate or destiny in play in some significant, threshold crossing or breakthrough way. Happy news, a legal win, or favoured attention could come your way. The unexpected is in the mix. This is an excellent full moon for creative endeavours, for teaching, demonstrating, exhibiting, performing, broadcasting, marketing, or relocation. Be they future lover, friend, agent, or benefactor, a special someone could make an entrance (or take an exit).
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Capricorn rules the stellar line-up. Venus has just ended retrograde, but it will not leave Capricorn until March 5. Mercury finishes retrograde on Feb 3 and continues in Capricorn to Feb 14. Venus and Mars (yes, in Capricorn) are traveling partners and stay very tight for the entire month.
Thanks to Venus in slower than average motion, the Venus/Mars coupling is unusually long – in fact, it is quite rare! Step by step, Venus and Mars are working toward the cementing of a new momentum/your new reality. They are helping you to put better boundaries in place, to build a better framework for your life (personal, professional, and health wise). Ambition is well placed. Hold steady, keep focused on the goal/the end game, keep chipping away at it. Each step taken, each paving-stone placed, each victory won is a momentous gain. Don’t under-estimate a thing.
On Feb 4, one day after Mercury retrograde ends, the sun teams up with Saturn in Aquarius and triggers something new. Mars keeps the action on a roll through February 8 (a particularly good date to set wheels in motion or to follow synchronicity and its good lead). Feb 11, Mercury/Pluto complete the informing, soul searching, and dig deeper for it cycle they started at the end of December.
Feb 14, Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. It’s a good day to surprise someone you love and/or to light a fresh spark. The full moon in Leo on Feb 16 can set a catapulting and/or breakthrough backdrop. Watch for news or the unexpected. The full moon could be lucrative or see you on a winning streak (regarding action taking, timing, investments, intuition, creative enterprise, or a relationship issue.) Someone or something new, perhaps out of the blue, can overtake you. Venus and Mars on a switch track intensify the karmic nature of circumstances and threshold crossings.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
You have more going on behind the scenes than is visible, to others, perhaps even to yourself. Both Venus (Jan 30) and Mercury (Feb 3) are now finished with retrograde cycles and are regaining forward momentum. Mercury’s meeting with Pluto on Feb 11 completes the soul searching, stripping away, and dig deeper cycle begun at the end of December. Along with Mars in the mix, Capricorn planets are slowly shaping and defining the potentials that are ripe and ready for their next curtain call.
Use February to get the loose ends and unfinished business wrapped up, to get yourself better organized and ready. The sun/Saturn conjunction on Feb 4 brings the workweek to an end, but starts a new manifesting cycle for you. Feb 8 is a particularly good day to work with. Synchronicity and opportunity is at peak, thanks to Mars trine Uranus, the moon trine Pluto and Ceres into Gemini.
Mercury in Aquarius, starting Feb 14, is the first of the stellar batch to hit the ground running. Thanks to its dynamic aspects to the karmic axis (the moon’s nodes), the full moon in Leo on February 16 can have a similar effect to that of an eclipse. That is to say, the full moon can thrust the action switch in some unexpected, accelerated, and destined way. You could make a breakthrough of significance with someone or something (regarding self, profession, creative, material/financial, relationship, health). You will feel this fullest catapulting effect of this full moon if you are born on or near Feb 16.
Adding to the karmic nature of circumstances and involvements, Venus and Mars switch the driver’s seat on this date. February 16 to March 5, they will move into an industrious finishing and seeding phase. As of March 6, Venus and Mars will springboard onto their next two-year initiative, that of reinventing just about everything about you and your life. Venus and Mars are picking up from Saturn and Jupiter on a new bigger picture trajectory and they are preparing the way for Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius in 2023.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
Been on a hold up or holding pattern as of late? The month ahead is prime for moving yourself to higher ground, especially the weeks of Feb 7 and 14. Venus has just ended a retrograde cycle and Mercury does the same on Feb 3. Sun conjunct Saturn on Feb 4 can lift the restrictive feel or elements and pump fresh air in the tires. Mars in action over the days that follow keep it rolling along. Feb 8, Mars trine Uranus can see pursuits and intentions fall into place readily and well. Feb 7 – 9 the timing is good.
The Mercury/Pluto conjunction on Feb 11 completes the stripping away and soul-searching process begun at the end of December. You may not have all your questions answered or all your missing blanks filled in, but for now, the stars say you have enough to go on. They’ll provide more on a need-to-know basis. For the entire month ahead, Venus and Mars will continue to build toward better definition regarding the shape of things to come, at the same time also working on their wrap up agenda.
Feb 14, Mercury enters Aquarius. It’s a good transit for gifting yourself with more quality time doing your own thing, for studies, creative projects, or for pleasure pursuits. Something or someone new could be a good perk me up. The full moon in Leo on February 16 could set up a good backdrop for problem-solving day or for meeting with successful results. It could bring good news, perhaps about a job, contract, or test, a legal matter, or regarding your health, one of your kids or someone you care about.
Follow an instinct or a whim, it could work out good for you. Try a new hair style, indulge yourself, gift yourself. Money spent on new equipment or vehicle, a website upgrade, your health, training or education, etc. is likely money well spent. The full moon is in dynamic tension to the karmic axis (the lunar nodes) and is accompanied by Venus and Mars switching leads. Do not underestimate the karmic nature of circumstances and undertakings. It can be a breakthrough or threshold crossing time of significance.