Weekly forecasts are published every Thursday by the Georgia Straight Newspaper: https://www.straight.com/life/1292801/your-horoscope-august-29-september-4-2019
Dear Friends,
I am still available for private astrology or clairvoyant sessions, but I am taking a break from writing the monthly column for this month. In the meantime, please check out my weekly column (link above) and the radio podcast (link below) for an overview of August. The radio show is broadcast the last Friday of every month at 9 am PDT on healthylife.net.
Stay well!
August Overview (Guiding Stars with hosts Kristin Fontana and Rose Marcus)
August 15: Full Moon in Aquarius: 5:29 am (22:24 Aquarius)
August 30: Super New Moon in Virgo: 3:37 am (6:47 Virgo)
August 11: Jupiter stations direct: 6:38 am (14:30 Sagittarius)
August 11: Mercury enters Leo: 12:45 pm
August 11: Uranus stations retrograde: 7:26 pm (6:37 Taurus)
August 21: Venus enters Virgo: 2:07 am
August 23: Sun enters Virgo: 3:02 am
August 23: Juno enters Virgo: 5:00 pm
August 26: Pallas Athene enters Scorpio: 1:53 am
August 29: Mercury enters Virgo: 0:48 am
**All time listed are PDT – please check your local time
Notable dates: August 2, 5 – 9, 11 – 17, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28 – 30