Fueling what is already showing a robust life force, six planets in Aries (Sun, Venus, Mercury, Chiron, Ceres, and Eris) keep the action going strong for the first half of April. Be proactive, get on it fast, aim to stay a good step ahead. Sooner than later is always the preference for Aries. (Don’t wait to the last minute to get your taxes done!)
April 11 delivers a dynamic new moon in Aries accompanied by Venus/Pluto (square aspect) on a release, unleash, or punch through it track. Some things take on a life of their own. Some things can get beyond control. As we have witnessed in recent weeks, the present wave of the pandemic has been exceptionally hard hitting. Juno in Sagittarius turns retrograde on April 12. In combination, it could signal a significant change of direction or momentum.
Venus enters Taurus on April 14. The sun and Mercury enter Taurus on April 19. How much is it worth? What’s of value? Can I survive this? Will we? Taurus makes it real and/or substantial. (Canada releases its federal budget on April 19. Hefty deficits and a slow financial recovery from the pandemic come as no surprise, it’s the global reality.) To the plus, Taurus transits set a good backdrop for having something more tangible to work with, something more worthwhile to aim for, and for getting better value from your investments (time, money, heart). Hopefully by mid month we will see good evidence that our extra efforts have succeeded to slow down the spread of the pandemic.
Don’t expect to hit a flat line. Watch for Uranus in Taurus to keep the action going strong through the end of the month. April 21 to 25 holds good prospect for moving to higher ground or lighting a fresh spark; it could be something you watch, read, see, or do. An instinct, impulse, or a conversation could lead to more. April 23, Mars enters Cancer. Use the weekend to refresh and replenish, to pump up on self care, pleasure or reward, or to get your sexy on.
Mars in Cancer (April 23 to June 11) puts added attention on home, family, real estate, safety and comfort zones. You/we might not have it fully under control, but no matter what your opinion might be or what plays out, there is still good progress being made day by day. (It takes a lot of work and a lot of time to dig a grounded ship out!)
April 26 delivers a super full moon in Scorpio. That’s a double dose of intensity regarding emotions, finances, and survival issues. Can’t sit on it, suppress it, downplay, or ignore it. A full moon will always expose something that needs to be dealt with. The big push is on, to get the taxes done, to get everyone vaccinated, to make a necessary turnaround, to gain an upper hand. On the one hand, Scorpio can dial up obsession, compulsion, and shadow work, on the other hand, it can spark an empowerment initiative. Breaking down the barrier, resistance, or limiting rationale, Pluto in Capricorn stations retrograde on April 27. The sun triggers Uranus and Saturn between April 30 and May 3. In combination, the last week or so of April sets a productive backdrop for a shift of gears (perspective included) and for making progress where it adds up the most.
Did you reach out last month for a reading? I apologize if you did not hear back from me. It is likely that I did not receive it as my mailbox hit overcapacity several times. Please try again! (You’ll find the contact tab on the homepage menu.)
April 11: New Moon in Aries, 7:30 pm (22:24 Aries)
April 26: Super Full Moon in Scorpio, 8:31 pm (7:06 Scorpio)
April 3: Mercury into Aries: 8:41 pm
April 12: Juno stations retrograde: 3:12am
April 14: Venus in Taurus: 11:21 am
April 19: Vesta in Virgo stations retrograde: 0:40 am (6:41 Virgo)
April 19: Sun enters Taurus: 1:33 pm
April 19: Mercury enters Taurus: 3:29 am
April 23: Mars enters Cancer: 4:48 am
April 27: Pluto stations retrograde: 1:26 pm (26:48 Capricorn)
Please note all times listed are PDT, please check your local time.
Dates to watch: April 8 – 11, 16, 18, 23 – 27, 30
ARIES March 19/20 – April 19
Feeling an urge to dive into something new or to take what you already have on the go in a fresh or next direction? The next few weeks is the right time for doing exactly that. Watch for Mercury in Aries, April 3 to 19, to get you moving faster.
April 6 to 11, Mercury teams up with Chiron in Aries, the sun and Ceres start a new phase, and Mars in Gemini turns a corner (square aspect) with Neptune. Expect to be better informed, for an uncertainty to clear up, for that which has already been on brew but that has escaped notice to colour itself in. The new moon in Aquarius on April 11 gains added traction from Venus/Pluto (in square aspect). You could feel the workings of this new moon (through the month’s end full moon) as an added impetuous or second wind.
Juno in Sagittarius travels retrograde from April 12 to Aug 2. The start of the retrograde could see you question what you have planned or assumed was true. This retrograde could produce a holdup or a pull-back on a commitment, project, or future prospect. Conversely, it could see you resume something that has been interrupted or sidetracked,or it could get you/it going in some new or alternate direction.
To April 23, Mars in Gemini puts the focus on the immediate and short range, on learning and education, social contacts and connections, talks, writing projects, paperwork, and communications. April 14 to 17, you can find yourself on a good roll. Mars trine Jupiter suggests instincts and actions hit their mark. April 23 to June 11, Mars in Cancer shifts the attention to home, family, security, and personal comfort zones. Both the sun and Mercury advance into Taurus on April 19. They put added attention on money matters, a relationship involvement, and on an evaluation process.
April 25 to 27, the stars can put you under added pressure to take care of business, to get what’s necessary nailed down and/or out of the way. The added attention directed to the looming tax deadline is befitting for the full moon in Scorpio (April 26). Financially or regarding something of value to you, the full moon could spark a fresh insight, opportunity, or push come to shove motivation. Too, the full moon can sharp your perception and negotiating skills, unlock it or unblock for you, place you at an advantage, or see you score a bargain.
TAURUS April 19 – May 20
Use the first half of the month to get yourself up to speed and/or better on target. Mercury in Aries, starting April 3, Venus in Aries (to April 14) and the rest of the Aries group (Sun, Chiron, Ceres, & Eris) keep the behind the scenes stuff stirred up. There are times when you’ll cut to the chase well, and other times when the emotional barometer can hit raw, edgy, stressed, or short fused. In other words, the stars set up a mixed bag backdrop.
Emotionally or otherwise, April 6 to 11 can see you can pack in a lot of living into a short period of time. The new moon of April 11 places you at the start of a surpassing or turn the corner track. The week that follows moves you further along. April 16 onward, you are likely to feel you have surpassed the brunt of it and that you are now able to pace yourself better. Talks (financial or heart to heart) are productive April 14 – 19.
Mars in Gemini suggests it is best to keep open ended and open minded. There can be more than one option or avenue to consider. Mars in Cancer, starting April 23, will give you a better feel for how to play it next. It is a good transit for enlisting help or for offering your shoulder or services to one in need.
The full moon in Scorpio (April 26) calls your strategy for success into question. It can see you make an important decision, purchase, or turnaround, this regarding health, wealth, or your emotional wellbeing. It is a good time to see a specialist or to sign up for a workshop or some such. To the plus, you could scoop an advantage or a bargain. It can be time to lay your cards on the table or to take your power back. On the other hand, a temptation, compulsion, or irresistible urge could get the better of you. Someone could captivate or sway you, hopefully in an empowering way. Among the range of possibilities – issues regarding trust, jealousy, isolation, rejection, or abandonment triggers can dial up too. to the plus, this full moon sets a good backdrop for renovations of all kinds (i.e. emotional or attitude reprogramming.)
GEMINI May 20 – June 20
Thanks to 6 planets in Aries for the first half of April, you should have no problem keeping the good fire lit. New goals, interests, prospects, etc. – inspiration, motivation, and opportunity are in ready supply. April 5 to 11 (the new moon) are optimal for getting a head start, for a fast track, and/or taking your best shot.
You can feel a shift of pace, pressure, or intensity once the following planets change signs: Venus (April 14), Mercury (April 19) and sun (April 19) into Taurus; Mars into Cancer (April 23). The transits are well used for taking your time to get a better feel for it.
April 14 to 16, you could find yourself especially quick on the ball, at the right place and time. Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius can see intuition, instincts, and know-how at peak. Things can fall into place surprisingly well. Seize opportunity, try your luck.
April 23 can dish up something unexpected regarding finances, health, or a relationship. Don’t ignore warning signals (i.e. computer, auto, mechanical, health, or emotional triggers). April 22 onward could give you a head start or a heads-up to the workings of the full moon in Scorpio on April 26. Not surprisingly, taxes and debt management are top of the mind. Overall, the results of the full moon could put you on the plus side. Seize opportunity, make your power-play. The full moon could call for a hefty investment (effort, time, money, heart). On a rollout through the first couple of days of May, the full moon and end of month stars can place you at an advantage, help you score a deal, lead you to a creative solution or a significant improvement.
CANCER June 20 – July 22
An act of courage is required of you now. Six planets in Aries at month’s start can set up fresh challenges or new opportunities. It’s up to you to rise up to it, to take a first or next step. Are you showing up for yourself or setting yourself up? Perception is a major key to the creative process, to the designing of your reality. Desire is also key. Where there is will, there is always a way.
No matter the prompt, the first half of April provides a good window for getting yourself launched. You may feel as though you are shooting in the dark until Mars surpasses Neptune (April 8) but after that, Mars continues in fortuitous angle to Jupiter. In combination, the new moon in Aries on April 11 and Mars/Jupiter set a backdrop for creative solutions, good timing, and fresh opportunity. There are moments when you can feel that someone/the universe is looking out for you. (I sincerely hope so!)
Venus enters Taurus on April 14. Mercury and the sun enter Taurus on April 19. Financial prospects can improve. All three move into good position for manifesting, for having something more substantial to have and to go on.
Mars tours Cancer from April 23 to June 11. Expect to feel driven, revived, and revitalized. No matter whether you feel confronted by life or energized by it, that fresh fighting spirit looks good on you.
April 23 to 28 can be a power-play or push harder time. The full moon in Scorpio on April 26 and the week that follows could see you make a significant turnaround.
LEO July 22 – August 22
You’ll pick up good steam over the first half of April. Even with pressure or challenge in the mix, 6 planets in Aries are good for a boost of confidence and fresh opportunity. On the hunt? Don’t take your eyes off the ball. Something new hits the marketplace daily. You are likely to be working your way through a significant checkpoint, breakthrough, or reinvention cycle, especially so if you are born in the first few days of August. The more you put into it, the better the results. It is a simple equation.
The new moon in Aries (April 11) is accompanied by Venus surpassing a restriction or hold up with Pluto. By the end of the week (April 16), the sun does the same. Both transits move you past the pressure point and onto a next track. Juno retrograde (starting April 12) and Venus into Taurus (starting April 14) help you to get clearer about what holds the best value/is in your better interests.
While Mars in Gemini continues to keep the daily get-go full to the brim through April 22, Venus (April 14), Mercury and the sun (both on April 19) into Taurus shift to a somewhat slower and steadier pace. Appropriately, these transits coincide with the end of school semesters. They also increase the attention on finances. Have you filed your taxes yet? Have you secured the paycheck or loan yet? Mars in Cancer, (starting April 23), the full moon in Scorpio (April 26), Pluto retrograde (April 27) and the sun on a roll (conjunct Uranus on April 30, square Saturn May 3) set a productive backdrop for doing exactly that.
VIRGO August 22 – September 22
Feel driven to get yourself to someplace better? As of April 3, Mercury launches into Aries and picks up better speed. This sign shift brings the count to six planets on tour in Aries, the action archetype. You’ll have plenty of fresh fuel to work with over the first half of April.
Aim to get yourself out from under the rock, to speed up the process and fast track what you can. Put your all into clearing up debt. Get the taxes out of the way, etc. Feeling hot on something or someone new? The only way to know what it holds is to dive in and see what it does for you. The entire month ahead is well used to hunt for a better paycheck, new buyers or clients or more reward. The best way to face forward is to play it direct, simple, and upfront. Make no excuses. Simply be yourself. It either works for you or it doesn’t.
Mars tenants Gemini to April 23. One thing leads to another. It’s a good transit for a next step, for diversifying, multi-tasking, or for hitting “two birds with one stone”. April 23 to June 11, Mars in Cancer keeps you feeling your way through your internal landscape and external changes.
Venus enters Taurus on April 14. Mercury and the sun enter Taurus on April 19. These transits can give you a better sense of how things are shaping up. They give you something more to have and to hold, something more lucrative and worthwhile to aim for. They set an opportune backdrop for creative endeavours and for bettering your best. April 22 to 30 keeps the moment to moment action going strong. Triggers to Uranus in Taurus and a full moon in Scorpio on April 26 keep the domino action going. April 22 to 24 can see you time it just right. Follow instinct and impulse. Don’t hesitate to give it your best shot. Beyond the focus on the tax deadline, the full moon in Scorpio can bring news or see you revisit something important. It can prompt a deeper insight, a change of perspective or a major investment (effort, time, money, heart). The full moon is also a time to see a specialist, to do more research, to revamp a plan, strategy or commitment, trade in your car, to tend to an upgrade or repair.
LIBRA September 22 - October 22
Busy days lie ahead. Including Mercury (starting April 3), the first half of April is dominated by six planets situated in Aries (namely Sun, Venus, Mercury, Chiron, Ceres, and Eris). This group assists you (or forces you) to test drive a feistier, bolder, more independent version of yourself. It is time for you to lead rather than follow, to put self interests first. Bring more of yourself to the table and you’ll find interactions gain good ground too.
To April 23, Mars in Gemini keeps the day to day and the communication track rolling well. There’s always something fresh on the market, something fresh to engage or intrigue you – always more to say, do, try, or learn. The next few weeks also set a great backdrop for exercise and fresh air.
Venus enters Taurus on April 14. Both Mercury and the sun trek into Taurus on April 19. These transits put even more attention on finances. Of course, that is not overly surprising considering its tax time. While Taurus is typically a slower and steadier energy, Uranus in Taurus keeps the action dialed up, especially April 22 to 24, 26 (full moon in Scorpio) and April 30 (sun conjunct Uranus). The full moon in Scorpio can force the envelope on a specific agenda. To the plus, you could make an important turnaround or get something better nailed down. Use this transit to refinance, renovate, negotiate or to reposition yourself (financially, career, or relationship wise.)
SCORPIO October 22 - November 21
Something new on the go or piquing your interest? Take a full dive, give it your all. The first half of the month can see you make faster progress regarding work, a health regime, a skills upgrade, or pet project. Noting six planets in Aries, the best approach is to tackle it head on, one step or one thing at a time. It’s a qualifying or learn as you go process.
April 14, Venus enters Taurus. Both Mercury and the sun advance into Taurus on April 19. All three shift your attention to relationship matters (social, personal, legal). The second half of the month can see a silence broken, a discovery made, a stalemate surpassed. Folks can surprise you, added expenses can too. Mars tenants Cancer from April 23 to June 11. It is a good transit for writing projects, publishing, marketing, or educational pursuits, exploring options and enlisting more support (emotional or financial). This Mars transit can make the heart grow fonder or see someone you love/care for in greater need. Safety, safeguards, and consequences of the past relative to charting the future claim more of your attention. You are wise to think or plan to stay a step ahead.
April 22 to 30 keeps the action dialed up. It’s one thing after another. Stress can be in the mix in the days preceding the full moon in Scorpio on April 26. Put added flexibility in your schedule, the unexpected can side-track you. Pluto turns retrograde on April 27. Take nothing for granted. You’ll feel the push/pull effect of the full moon the strongest if your birthday is on or near October 30. The ball is in your court. A show of initiative or force could be required. Try not to let emotions or obsession get in the way of clear thinking or simple solutions. Things might not go according to expectation, but to the plus the full moon can see you make a breakthrough or gain an advantage.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – December 21
The first half of April keeps you fired up and ready to dive in full tilt, especially so as of April 3 when Mercury treks into Aries to join the rest of the Aries group (Sun, Venus, Ceres, Chiron, and Eris). Something or someone new can have a revitalizing and rejuvenating effect on you.
Continuing in Gemini to April 22, Mars gives you more than one prospect or avenue to check out. There’s more than one conversation to have. One thing leads to another; getting from A to B is a process of designing it as you go along. It’s how the stars are wired for this first half of the month and it is the ways and means you know best. (In other words, you are well synchronized to the stars, to the fire and air initiative.)
Venus enters Taurus on April 14. Both Mercury and the sun trek into Taurus on April 19. If you get slowed down by these transits, it won’t be by much or for long. April 22 to 24, Venus, Mercury, and Uranus are loaning you good traction. They are an appropriate cut-loose combination for the end of the semester or the finish of a project. To the plus you could score a deal or come up with a creative solution, a stroke of genius, or discover something intriguing. Too they could produce something unexpected.
Mars tours Cancer from April 23 to June 11. This transit puts more emphasis on home and family, finances, and safeguards (emotional & financial). Don’t wait to the last minute to get your taxes done! The last week of the month deliver a full moon in Scorpio on April 26, the start of Pluto retrograde on April 27 and the sun on a meet up (conjunction) with Uranus on April 30. Expect your days to stay full the brim, perhaps unexpectedly so.
CAPRICORN December 21 - January 20
Watch for the first half of April to light a fresh fire in you. Mercury’s sign change on April 3 brings the total to six planets on tour in Aries. One way or another, this dynamic planetary group aims to set you free. When it comes to taking it on, in the moment is the best way to play it. Trust your instincts. What’s meant to be will be. When it comes to new prospects, if not this, then that. If it doesn’t come naturally or fire up for you right from the start, there’s no need to force it. There’s something better just ahead.
Mars in Gemini can keep you juggling a few things at the same time. Once Venus (April 14), Mercury and the sun (both on April 19) take up residency in Taurus, you should find you are able to get a better handle on things. The shift to Taurus can give you something more substantial to go on. Mercury and Venus stick close together from April 22 to 25. First, they will meet with Uranus (conjunction), then Saturn (by square aspect). The sun meets with Uranus on April 30 and with Saturn on May 3. This sequence of transits can see you hit a productive fast track.
From April 23 to June 11 Mars in Cancer keeps the attention on personal life matters, i.e. home, family, real estate, and feeling your way along to the comfort zone that works best for you. April 26 delivers a full moon in Scorpio (befitting for tax time). You could face a tough talk, health challenge or negotiation, but that’s when you are at your best. This full moon can ignite the master strategist in you. Pluto retrograde, starting April 27, can remove a block (theirs, yours), shift the threshold, boundary, or line in the sand. Determination serves you well. A significant investment may be necessary (time, heart, or money), but there’s something substantial to be gained and you know it in your bones.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18/19
On the go and going strong – that’s you in the first half of April. Six planets in Aries make for busy days ahead! New studies, projects, causes, interests, prospects, and conversations – you certainly won’t come up short. Take aim where-ever you want, fresh initiatives are well timed (health, wealth, or simply for entertainment). Instincts serve you well when it comes to meeting someone new. What’s right for you will feel like an instant hit. Faster inroads can be made. Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air every chance you get. It can’t be said enough – physical activity is good for body, mind, and soul.
If it hasn’t happened already, you’ll pick up more steam once Mercury leaves Pisces for Aries on April 3. You can expect to stay busy with one thing after another for the whole month, especially the first half. Six planets in Aries can keep you spinning fast, in some cases, perhaps faster or harder than you want to go. It’s all good though. By the end of the month, you should feel you have plenty to show for yourself. Overall, you should find you can get the job done quick/that your instincts are sharp and on the ball. If you feel overwhelmed frustrated, stop for a minute. No matter how brief the pause, it could be enough to revitalize you. Simply keep focused on one thing, one step at a time.
PISCES February 18/19 to March 19/20
If it hasn’t happened already, you’ll pick up more steam once Mercury leaves Pisces for Aries on April 3. You can expect to stay busy with one thing after another for the whole month, especially the first half. Six planets in Aries can keep you spinning fast, in some cases, perhaps faster or harder than you want to go. It’s all good though. By the end of the month, you should feel you have plenty to show for yourself. Overall, you should find you can get the job done quick/that your instincts are sharp and on the ball. If you feel overwhelmed frustrated, stop for a minute. No matter how brief the pause, it could be enough to revitalize you. Simply keep focused on one thing, one step at a time.
Juno in Sagittarius turns retrograde on April 12. This shift can make you question whether you have taken on more than is wise. You’ll get a better handle on the day to day stuff once Venus (April 14), Mercury and the sun (both April 19) leave Aries for Taurus. The pace can run smoother, more manageable. Even so, thanks to Uranus on trigger, the planetary backdrop stays lively right to the end of the month. To the plus, Uranus can ignite opportunity and/or your special brand of genius. Creativity flourishes. Creative solutions can take on a life of their own.
The full moon in Scorpio on April 26 can place you at an advantage, help you spot a bargain or a hidden opportunity. You are a shrewd one when it comes to money and investments (money, time, heart). The full moon can make you feel especially driven to get to the goalpost. Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, turns retrograde on April 27. You could feel this as a shift of mind, heart, direction, or momentum.
Rose on Guiding Stars EA Radio
Audio of Rose’s appearance on Kristin Fontana’s Guiding Stars Evolutionary Astrology radio show, broadcast on the last Friday of each month at 9 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern on www.healthylife.net