Forecast Intro for February 2011:
While thanks to one grossly uniformed astronomer, the question of astrology’s validity went viral last month, (even a stupid press story is good for business, it seems), we astrologers cannot help but marvel at astrology’s precision timing as we watch the explosive developments in Egypt. This conflict erupted as Saturn turned retrograde, Jan 25. (Saturn’s retrograde cycle: Jan 25 to June 12.)
When Saturn turns retrograde, tolerance diminishes and the reasons for perpetuating more of the unacceptable (the barren, the outworn, the dead-weight) crumbles. Walls fall, the dam gives way, push comes to shove, and the reigning authority (and the workings of compensatory rationale too) loses its stronghold grip. Saturn’s retrograde cycle necessitates a readdress of the reality base along with its requirements and dictates, a re-examination of accountability and squaring off of legitimacy bids too. Once the cold hard facts become too obvious to ignore, it prompts the taking of matters into one’s own hands. As such, the influence is one that provides the opportunity to build a more empowered position and to reclaim one’s rightful dues, and this is what we are currently witnessing as this dangerous pressure cooker situation continues to build. Mubarak plays the Saturn in retrograde position – his (so far) ineffective defence (the curfew, the social networking shutdown, the military presence) is serving to escalate the tensions and to accelerate the inevitable and required change.
Accompanied by Mars and Ceres (conjunct), the new moon in Aquarius on Feb 2 is particularly energized. Whenever Ceres is activated, it is an important stage-setting cycle. We must confront and reconcile with that which is inhibiting or blocking our evolution (a replay of karmic necessity; our shadow work). At the same time as this occurs, a potent future seed is planted. Action planet Mars in Aquarius can be an emancipation trigger influence; among its many potential expressions, it is one that can incite political revolt. This new moon is an effective catalyst for the situation in Egypt (and elsewhere.) Mars will continue in Aquarius to Feb 22. Chiron, to Feb 9, and Neptune (to April 4) also add to the concentration in the consciousness-raising sign of Aquarius. (An Aquarian slogan may be revolution for evolution, but isn’t an inspired initiative much better than the overly prevalent shock and trauma routine that is now becoming so commonplace? We must learn to liberate and advance ourselves in more gifting, gentle, and loving ways.)
Saturn in retrograde forms a series of facilitating (trine) aspects to the Sun and Mars (Feb 5 – 7) to Ceres (Feb 11- 15) and Mercury (Feb 13), suggesting the backdrop is well set for productive accomplishment. Concentrated effort, determination, and ambition applied to the tasks at hand can generate solid results in the here and now, and also sets a solid platform for the future. (Sign contracts, negotiate, promote, take action, confirm your position or needs, commit to a course of action, settle the score.)
Mars, Neptune, and Mercury in Aquarius and Chiron in Pisces are also in close proximity to the full moon, Feb. 18. This highlighting or showcasing full moon unleashes greater potency across the very last degree of the Leo/Aquarius sign axis. Our mass attention can again be claimed by striking headline news. Shortly after the moon is full, it advances into Virgo and later in the day, the Sun ingresses into Pisces to conjoin Chiron. More is likely to be exposed or unleashed and or cause chaos; expect the unexpected. The sign changes accompanying the full moon suggest a dramatic, sudden, unforeseen shift of circumstances. Things can ignite suddenly or hit hard, but just as suddenly they can veer off in an altogether unexpected direction. There can be greater vulnerability, loss, confusion, and outpourings, but there is also the potential for (swift) repair, correction, and healing. Watch for whatever new element, news, etc. is introduced or discovered to be quickly absorbed, integrated, and/or put to productive use. On an altogether other note, this full moon could produce a spectacular concert, public event, social event or party, or special meeting (or re-meet). It could send someone special into or out of your life, or see a “saviour” or powerful leader emerge on the world’s stage.
The month finishes with the Jupiter/Pluto square, Feb 25. This is a major moving-mountain, push-it-forward influence, and we will see it/feel it building as the month advances. When Jupiter and Pluto square off, huge, profound, and lasting change occurs. The “race horse” showing the most promise and most urgency of momentum is the one that will overtake the lead. As such you can expect the evolving circumstances to define the direction forward with more certainty and less guesswork. This is not only so for political and economic restructuring (perhaps geophysical events too), but is also so for our person crusades too.
ARIES (March 21- April 19)
The race is on. The more you do, the more you’ll have to show for yourself. It may be a simple statement, but it’s especially true when Jupiter fires up in Aries. Whether new inspiration fuels your race-ahead, or you are fired-up by another more dynamic impetuous, greatly increased motivation is your ready tap, especially so if you are an Aries born in March. (If your birthday falls in April, you’ll feel more of Jupiter’s full sizzle in the next few months.) Yes, it is time to speed up, to fight the good fight, to extricate you where necessary, and to set ambition in a new direction. Starting with a particularly dynamic new moon in Aquarius on Feb 2, the entire month keeps you on a high charge and in fast drive. Mars and Ceres add particular potency to the new seed of the new moon. The match-strike lit in this new cycle is likely to display the strong vibe of destiny’s orchestration. The first ten days of the month can be particularly opportune, don’t waste a minute. Throughout the month, synchronicity should take the lead in quite obvious ways, but if you are at all uncertain, you should find that by month’s end, the compass is pointed in a very specific direction. By the time Jupiter and Pluto square off (building all month to the exact aspect on Feb 25), you should see you’ve cut to the main chase and/or that you have made major strides forward. In coming years, Chiron in Pisces (beginning Feb 9) will introduce you to potentials and resources far beyond that which you have fathomed possible.
TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)
Saturn’s favourable alignment to the new moon suggests you are heading in the right direction, especially so if you have directed the focused to improving your game (re work, health, and other good for you ambitions.) You should find your improved track record wins favour with the powers that be (parents, bosses, bank managers, doctors, etc.) and that you gain more praise and acknowledgement from your peers too. This new moon is also opportune for starting a new job or new professional direction, a social outlet or pet project, and it can help you to break out of a rut or a bad habit. Of course, with the influence of Aquarius stars as the dominant force, the sudden or unexpected can take you by surprise. For the most part, it should feel like welcome opportunity. This is a month when you can switch gears quite readily and quite comfortably, so don’t hesitate to take a risk and to jump into something new. It could be just perfect for you, especially if it arrives in this first ten days of the month. Feb 19 – 21 can be revealing, perhaps in unexpected or unconscious ways. Your blind-spots can get the better of you too. Remember this fact when driving or negotiating your way through anything that is a risky venture. On the other hand, if you have paid good attention all along, instinct and impulse can place you a big step ahead of the game.
Jupiter square Pluto (building to the corner turned date of Feb 25) can expose the hidden from view or unleash the buried with full force. This aspect can deliver a saving grace or a defining moment. It can put you on the move, re location, vocation, or the journeys of mind’s eye. It can prompt profound self discovery, or spiritual reckoning or it can lead you discover lucrative new ways to manifest, re-format, reclaim, or express.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Expect the vibrant new moon in Aquarius (Feb 2) to top you up with a fresh infusion of energy. This new moon delivers an ideal time to take a chance on the new opportunities that are percolating for you now. Use these first ten days of the month to rev it up: network, socialize, promote, or perform. It also favours speculative ventures, although Saturn’s influence is more about earning and deserving, than it is about windfalls. (Still, synchronicity has a way of helping you out.) Check out what’s new, (and who’s new too) it/they could be perfect for you. Jupiter in Aries can help you to get a good fire started. Inspiration and enthusiasm comes readily to you now, thanks to Jupiter in Aries. The first half of the month is your best time to act on your instincts and impulses.
Pisces month is a time to let go or to lighten up on the reins and to go with the natural flow rather than to try to force or race ahead. Feb 19 -21 can be exceptionally opportune dates to gain attention, make important inroads and connections, for legal and contractual matters, or for social, romantic, and creative initiatives. Don’t waste your favour from the stars, call someone, get out and be seen and heard. Chiron’s tenancy of Pisces will be of influence for quite some time to come. This signature is one that can set you free (i.e. retirement, empty nest, relinquish you from your professional or parental responsibilities. It can also dissolve the barriers and low ceilings that limit or hold you back. Jupiter square Pluto (exact on Feb 25) is a “push forward” influence that will run the show for most of the month. This is not a time to concede, it is a time to strive for what you feel you deserve.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
Seek it, or find yourself submerged in the thick of it, swift change is afoot. The new moon in Aquarius on Feb 2 gets it cooking with a particularly heightened energy charge. Mars and the Sun in facilitating aspect (trine) to Saturn through the first two weeks of the month set the backdrop for a positive moving forward. (Feb 4 – 6, 14 can be particularly generating in this regard.) Your new initiatives are well-timed. Use the building momentum and you are likely to find you can accomplish and transition with ease. Those born June 22 – 26 can be in a particularly dynamic full-steam-ahead cycle, but in fact, all Cancers now face a major redirection cycle. Even if the change is not one you have instigated yourself, you should find that things work out for the best. Your stars provide you with a window of opportunity month, seize the moment. Now is the time to be a risk taker and to reinvent it all – finances, relationships, circumstances, life-style choices. As you move forward from here, the influence of Chiron in Pisces (beginning Feb 8 and continuing for years to come) help you to resource from more of life’s possibilities and to discover/resource more of your own as yet untapped potentials. The full moon Feb 18 can be exposing, inspiring, confusing, or surprising. It can be a time of heightened vulnerability, loss, or drain (physical, emotional or financial) or it can be the perfect moment to make your move, or to bare your soul to another. Mars and Neptune are in involved, suggesting a dissolving of boundaries or inhibitions, heightened creativity, undercurrents and emotionalism, and also a heightened potential for projecting/seeing what you want to see. Please put extra safeguards in place: lock it up, back it up, keep tabs on things and people so they don’t go missing, and know that you can be particularly sensitive to drugs, medications, alcohol or “silver tongues”. End of the month, Jupiter square Pluto (exact Feb 25) puts you on a major move.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
The new moon in Aquarius puts the spotlight on relationship involvements, social interactions, contracts, and legal partnerships/matters. Don’t procrastinate – it is a very opportune time to get on with the business at hand. The stars make such matters as legal separations, division of assets, and divorce negotiations, etc. easier to face. Interpersonal dealings can evolve more amicably now, especially in the first half of the month. Put your attention toward bettering your best, and watch the good it does you. Hire a new agent or publicist; join a new club, team, political party, association, or social network. You should find the forging of links and the connecting of dots, etc. to flow quite naturally. Groom your contacts, call in your favours. New partnerships, friendships, alliances, etc. display the mark of long term mutual benefit. Business and pleasure can mix well. Consider teaming up with a friend or sibling on a business venture. Alignments (trine aspect) between the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Saturn also help you to navigate through the tests, applications, proposals, etc. with relative ease. Upgrades to your website, marketing and advertising are well timed too.
Jupiter in Aries (through June 4) increases your confidence, creativity and intuition, and it sets you free to explore so much more. It can increase your opportunity to travel, study, publish, perform, and to reach new audiences. The full moon Feb 18 can open up potentials you didn’t see or recognize previously.) This full moon could bring a special event to attend, or put you in touch with someone special, perhaps even famous. It can also produce a wonderfully inspired romantic or creative high. Noting that Neptune, Mars, and Mercury are ignited by the full moon, safeguards are recommended. Oversights, assumptions, projections, lack of attention/due diligence, and blind-spots can lead to folly. Know the company you keep (especially when navigating through a crowd or a club), guard your valuables, watch out for intoxicated people or drivers, and be especially careful in all dealings with drugs, medications or alcohol.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The new moon in Aquarius Feb 2 can infuse your day-to-day with more work, challenge, or chaos. Positively, it can freshen the scope and your perspective, and/or give you new avenues and options to explore. New work, technology, equipment, schedules can initially seem daunting, but you are likely to find you can adapt, learn and integrate easier than you may anticipate. Whether “at you” or gifting, the new moon catalyst also puts you on a faster track to resolution that may have alluded you up to now. Saturn in Libra brings you to a stage of ripening and increases your stamina, creativity, confidence, and self-honouring. (Actions are well timed, Feb 5, 6, 12 – 14.) Jupiter in Aries can fire up your ambition and courage to initiate change where the healing is most needed. It is a fertile influence for journeys of body, mind, and soul. (Let passion lead the way, but make sure to practice safe sex!)
The full moon Feb 18 can be revealing in some unexpected way. Watch for an opportunity or a saving grace. Your intuition and creativity can be especially astute. Pay attention to signals, inklings, and warnings. It could bring unwanted attention or exposure too. Guard your health and your belongings. If you are born Aug 23 – 38, you will feel the effects of Chiron in Pisces throughout this coming year, especially in your dealings with others. It can advance professional ambitions and create a higher public or social profile for those aspiring to gain the attention. It also heightens the karmic circumstances of relationships. Over the next few weeks, the more fleeting influences of the Sun (Feb 18 – Mar 20) and Mars in Pisces (Feb 22 – April 1) can open you up to greater potentials (social, romantic, material, professional) and/or dissolve relationships or rationale that no longer serve.
There will be no hesitating on this one – watch for the juiced-up new moon in Aquarius Feb 2 to deliver plenty of fresh impetuous. This will be especially so for those born Oct 6, 7. If you are born Oct 5 – 12, you are also on the roster for best the stars have to offer. Excitement in the romance department, a stimulating new lifestyle, a brilliant creative inspiration, a hot career prospect, a promising money-maker, freedom and independence, it’s all on the front burner for you now. If something new isn’t happening for you right now it is about to, or it could be happening for one of your kids or your lover. This fertile new moon greatly increases your intuition, creativity, drive, and impulsive side, and loans you plenty of extra courage and initiative too. Go with gut instincts, be a risk taker and jump right in – or, break free and out. Swift results can be your reward. With the crowds or at a private party, the full moon Feb 18 can offers a memorable social evening. It’s also an ideal time to disconnect from the usual, to take a break and/or hide out for couple of days. Now through June, Jupiter in Aries helps you to become better defined in terms of wants and desires, and will prompt you to be more assertive and direct with others too. Watch for a corner to be turned and/or for life to put you on the move as Jupiter and Pluto square off on Feb 25.
SCORPIO (Oct 23~Nov 22)
Literally or figuratively, the new moon in Aquarius Feb 2 can put you on the move, perhaps suddenly so. Home, family, real-estate or personal business matters command your priority attention. A sense of urgency and of time running out can pile on the pressure; it is likely that you will be prompted to act swiftly. It may be necessary to suddenly alter your course. The faster you get a move on, the better. Jupiter in Aries (now to June 4) can bring new work or fresh challenges. Re work, health, studies, schedules, regimes, processes, tools, etc., Jupiter’s influence suggests it is the right time to see what the new can do for you. Direct first-hand experience is your best qualifier. A new helper, teacher, or advisor could be beneficial; a new attitude does wonders for you too.
The informing full moon Feb 18 could bring something of significance/importance out into the open, and/or can set something new and unexpected into play. Someone important to you can claim the spotlight attention. It can be a time of endings, beginnings, departures, arrivals, hellos, or goodbyes. You could also find yourself occupied with important legal or contractual matters. This full moon can deliver greatly heightened awareness, insight, new freedom also bring you to a pinnacle of successful professional or personal achievement and recognition. It could also find you striking out on your own in some dynamic way. Thanks to Chiron in Pisces, those born Oct 23 – 28 will witness destiny’s hand to be more obviously influential in this coming year. Watch for a corner to be turned or a significant no-turning-back threshold to be crossed at month’s end as Jupiter squares Pluto (exact aspect is Feb 25.)
No doubt, you can already see a trend building. You are at the start of so much more to come. The instigating new moon in Aquarius Feb 2 is likely to act as a hot-point trigger, so too, the full moon on Feb 18. Inspiration and opportunity are ready wellsprings. No matter what challenges or obstacles may appear, you should be able to find your way around them fast. Expect to stay especially busy and on the go throughout the month. It is a good time for upgrades in all areas. Fire up your social advocacy or political activism, participate more in your community, get more acquainted with the goings on and new resources in your neighbourhood. Introductions or introductory phases can prove their weight in gold. Make new inroads, get to know new people or new subjects, network all you can and power-up your marketing initiatives too. Watch for someone or something to inspire you in some significant way. Of course, you may find you play this lead position on behalf of others. Jupiter in Aries can renew your faith in yourself and your deserving. The first half of the month is your most opportunity time. Feb 17 through end of the month can redirect your priority attention to other more pressing matters. At this time, you may are required to shift gears, to wait for/respond to the signal first before you take action. You should see things shape up in no uncertain terms as defining Jupiter square Pluto (Feb 25) points the way forward.
Where it counts the most, you should find you are making great strides. The new moon in Aquarius (Feb 2) can help you to discover resources and assets you might not have realized were (well) within your grasp (allies too.) Accomplishment, recognition and acknowledgement, more security, reward and satisfaction – you can bake a sweeter pie now. A new contract (professional, personal, financial) appears to be in the works, it is one that can set you up for long term benefit. Feb 1 – 20 is your optimum time to negotiate with banks, bosses, business owners or anyone else in charge. (Especially Feb 2 – 7, 14 – 17.) Don’t hesitate to explore beyond your usual, the time is ripe for a re-invented you and a reinvented life. In addition to Jupiter in Aries putting you on the move (a new address can be in the works for some), watch for the full moon to take it up a notch. Your bid for greater independence or evolving family circumstances can reach critical corner turn near month’s end as Jupiter and Pluto square off (exact on Feb 25 but you will feel this as a growing impetuous throughout Feb.)
What’s new? I’m sure the answer is plenty – or at least it is soon to be. A highly-charged, fast paced month lies ahead, especially so if your birthday falls on either the new or full moons (Feb 2, Feb 18.) Accompanying the new moon, watch for the unleashing influences of Mars and Neptune to infuse added great potency to the emerging potentials, far beyond expectations. Your bounce back can be impressive, Feb 4 – 7, these dates you are likely to feel quite physically energized, and buzzed up emotionally too. Go with spur of the moment, your actions can be very well timed. Feb 17 forward, circumstances seem to take on a life of their own. For the most part, Saturn’s influence keeps you, your relationship, and finances steady, secure, and on track. The full moon Feb 18 can bring something unexpected, plus or minus. Repairs, hidden costs, other money drains, or time wasters are possible. You can become completely submerged, so much so, you may not see all that is going on around you. It can be far too easy to lose track of the time too. Inspirations and creative juices are particularly energized, but know you can also be easily wooed, swept away, or overwhelmed. Jupiter square Pluto (Feb 25) can remove a block or doubt, move you past an internal dilemma/struggle or holdup. This aspect will serve as a compass given you a clearer sense of direction.
You have more going on than you let on, and probably even more than you consciously recognize too. Thanks to a particularly vibrant new moon (Feb 2), you should see potentials and ambitions are starting to shape up quite nicely. Even though it’s brand new, a budding relationship can fall into the serious contender category right from the get-go. You can trust what’s building now, Saturn’s influence suggests it is real, and it’s quite likely here to stay. Saturn can put you at a steady plateau, but note that the revealing full moon Feb 18 can deliver fresh challenges and/or get you moving in some unexpected way. Stay alert, you may find you are able to step in with essential support or to rescue another. Or perhaps you’ll find an opportunity to add something essential to the here and now that can make all the difference to what comes next. Later in the day on Feb 18, the Sun advances into Pisces and conjoins Chiron. Mercury will do the same on Feb 21, and Mars on Feb 22. Whenever Chiron is activated, suffice to say that destiny spins the bottle with deliberate intention. It is an exceptionally ripe moment and one that you must give in to fully. Halfway measures will not cut it. In the coming year, Chiron will be especially influence for those born Feb 18 – 23. Whether circumstances come “at you” or your choices steer the course, Jupiter’s square to Pluto (Feb 25) is one that compels a major undertaking/big step forward. Influential in the immediate and over the long haul too, it is one that holds great influence on the shape of things to come.
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