February Overview:
Hit the ground running is my latest favorite buzz phrase and its well in keeping with February’s fast paced, steamroller stars. With Mercury’s retrograde tour just out of the way (as of Jan 31), February will bring more of true New Year feel than the month that has just past. Watch for swift progress on whatever has been sidetracked, delayed, or derailed.
Widening the divide between yesterday and the future, Feb 5 brings the second of five oppositions between Saturn and Uranus, an acceleration cycle that began last fall and that will continue through the summer of 2010. While irreversibly redefining our reality as each day passes, this Saturn/Uranus cycle is simply a preliminary transition phase for what is to come. Re-position now as your heart or circumstances dictate. Today’s choice making is the critical determinant for your future abundance. It is imperative to move past the past as quickly as possible. Keep focused on reinventing the future, not the past.
Feb 9 brings a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon in Leo/Sun in Aquarius.) Chiron in Aquarius teaming with the Sun suggests something or someone unexpected, even extraordinary, could capture your attention. Watch for a special event, a sudden turn of events, or for key person to make a significant entrance or exit. A Lunar Eclipse will illuminate, reveal or peak with more intensity than a Full Moon and so usually it confront us with much more than we feel ready for, especially so if is a birthday or if it ignites personal planets in our natal chart. At an extreme, the course of your life could alter in the blink of an eye. Take note, an accident can be a common manifestation of a Lunar Eclipse across the Leo/Aquarius axis too. This Eclipse can set one special one apart from the group. It could reveal complicated dynamics and or see lines crossed between friends/lovers. Group needs versus independence or individual needs can also reach a critical turning point. Politics, swinging speculative markets, trends suddenly reversed, popularity rising or falling, the fragmenting, splitting off, or disbanding of a group; associations, alliances or truces formed or destroyed, isolated communities, humanitarian movements, atmospheric conditions, and weather extremes can claim added attention/surprise us. Neptune’s involvement in this Lunar Eclipse also suggests the possibility of big loss or big gains. There can be lost opportunities, lost moments, or the ignition of exceptional potentials.
Venus in Aries, beginning Feb 2 brings self-interests, freedom and independence needs into sharper view. Venus in Aries craves fresh stimulation and heats up a newly charged “what about me” personal initiative. When Venus is in Aries, we are much less willing to make compromises or sacrifices. Mars in Aquarius, Feb 4 – Mar 14, signals the perfect time to make the big break, and liberate your self from less than satisfactory relationships, jobs, or material circumstances. Try it a new way, open yourself up to new possibilities.
Feb 17, Mars and Jupiter deliver another powerful launch-it/go-get ’em cycle. (Note this duo can be an impulsive, daring, or rash combination too.) Through the end of the month it’s time to travel, promote, negotiate, network, plan, write, publish, take it to court, talk it up, do it.
The vibrant month ahead is full of promise. Strut your stuff, play it up! Attention getting comes easily to you now as enhancement planet Venus in Aries (Feb 2 – June 6) singles you out for special notice. Fresh offers and new starts boost your physical energy, your confidence, and your libido too. Your days are so full, you should have no trouble burning off extra calories! Mars in Aquarius Feb 4 – Mar 15 brings plenty of fresh social stimulation. Synchronicity and simpatico keeps life very interesting. Mars in Aquarius ignites a special talent for inspiring and enlisting others, so it will not be surprising to see you more involved with or even spearheading a (new) group. The Saturn/Uranus opposition will accelerate results on work projects, the job search, or health matters. Wheels turn quickly, in fact, you may be surprised at how fast you can problem solve, make replacements, or switch tracks. As stated above, the life altering Lunar Eclipse on Feb 9 can bring someone or something extra special, even extraordinary. It can deliver a stroke of luck, a stroke of genius, a brush with fame, or kismet for lovers. On a more jarring level, it could produce a sudden split, a cut-off point, or disconnection of significance. This eclipse can be a strong catalyst for your children too (challenging or exciting.) Important agreements, arrangements, or contracts can come to a peak, esp. Feb 9 – 11. You may not be able to contain your impulsive side as Mars and Jupiter conjoin on Feb. 17. Then again, this duo can bring exuberance, in which case, sure go wild. Feb 14 – 17 can prove to be a supercharged week with plenty of “happening” moments. Feb 18 onward, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter bring the time for talks, promotional activities, expanding horizons, risk taking, travel, and crossing key thresholds. Dive in, launch it, just do it.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
The time is ripe and your creativity is at peak. You have plenty brewing that’s visible and/or obvious, and there is a lot going on behind the scenes too. With Venus touring Aries (through June) it is important to put maximum attention to the undercurrents and budding potentials – they are about to grow much more significant, perhaps surprisingly so. The Lunar Eclipse, Feb 9, can be a vivid demonstration of this fact. Even though you had a sense about what was coming your way next, you could be surprised, even awestruck. For some, a better description could be “blindsided”. Even if you hit rocky terrain, the stars suggest that you have what it takes to not only surpass but to triumph the moment. Looking to make waves? This is the month to do it. Once you get the ball rolling, it will roll on its own just fine. If you have kept a step ahead of the hints, tips, and trends to date, you’ll feel rewarded by good timing. Feb 9 through 18 could bring a swift real estate sale, an abrupt change re professional undertakings, home, finances, or contracts of significance. Watch for special attention or acknowledgment, a special event, or dealings with a VIP. Then again, the Lunar Eclipse could also see you missing-out on something important – if so, know it was not meant to be and that there is more opportunity yet to come. Feb 11 – 17 keeps you especially busy and in high demand. Each day there’s something new coming at you. You can also find yourself involved in intense battles, competing for position or fighting for your rights. Feb 23 – 26 and 28 can bring important talks or events.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20)
While Saturn’s tour through Virgo can make you worry more about the future and the family, its hook-up with Uranus suggests that the next year or so is going to provide plenty of opportunity to create effective and lasting change. The first couple of weeks of February are set to take you to a completely new discovery level. This Saturn/Uranus opposition can prompt you to ditch old behavior patterns and to reinvent your career direction too. The synchronistic Lunar Eclipse Feb 9 can bring a breath of fresh air or more breathing space for some. For others, you could suddenly find you have more freedom than you expected – or perhaps wanted. Some may be back on the job search. It is likely that the stock market could swing quite dramatically around this time, so keep a watch on the building trends. The Lunar Eclipse can bring good news, a contest/prize, winning or a lucky streak, a special event or visitor, or turn the legal tables in your favor. You might also meet with someone influential or benefit through a special workshop or educational opportunity. Publishing, marketing, travel and sports competitions are also likely to keep you on a high. The pace is fast and lively Feb 15 – 18. A quick business trip or look/see can be very productive and well timed. Feb 21st onward is the time for talks, negotiations, networking, promoting, selling, scouting, planning, etc.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Once the ball gets rolling, it’s going to roll very fast. February 5 could see a significant breakthrough. Whether you have been working toward it, or whether it is sprung on you, a new career/career position or status, or personal life direction is in the works. A newly single status or the start of your own business can be just the ticket for some. For some, a life altering decision could change everything in a flash. Sweeping change is written in your stars, accept it, and don’t hold back when you hear the call. The Lunar Eclipse Feb 9 could bring a window of opportunity, a saving grace, a resurfacing of significance, a surprise, or an upset, especially re finances/expenses, assets, or important relationships. Keep a watch on health too; a sudden turn could require immediate medical attention. Stay alert and recognize that timing could be crucial. Jupiter in Aquarius can expand the potentials and possibilities re new income sources. Branch out and try something new, it could fill a gap beyond expectations. Jupiter in Aquarius can also bring new relationship dynamics to the surface. Good on you if you are consciously working to toward changing inner behavior in order to make your relationships the best they can be. Someone significant could become a much larger part of your life; Feb 17, Mars and Jupiter could fire up a new love interest or passion (you could be fired up/challenged in a confrontational way too.) As you evolve, you will find that your interests change and that you attract much differently. Inner exploration can net a significant pay-off too; make time for meditation, spiritual practice, etc. The entire month is a busy one. Feb 19 through end of the month and into March, requires that you continue to forge ahead. Stay on your toes, and give it your best shot.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
It is a time to put it out there and see how the world responds. Aquarius month is the time to introduce yourself, your products or projects to a much larger audience. It is also time to expand what and whom you know, to collaborate up with others/outside forces, and to invent it as you go along. The stars suggest it is the right time to put maximum attention on the forming alliances or accords, group endeavors/participation, social networks, and increasing your public profile/notoriety. Experiment with a new approach, change your advertising strategies, hire a new lawyer, accountant, agent, representative, or health consultant. Upgrade your media technology or profile too. The Saturn/Uranus threshold Feb 5 can bring a cut-off point of significance or a no-turning-back moment re finances, health or an important relationship. The igniting Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Feb 9 could see you suddenly switching gears and/or set you on a brand new course. You could come to sudden clarity, and/or find yourself confronting information or someone in particular. In addition, you may be prompted to completely overthrow your existing strategy, or to seek new professional or personal alliances. Positively, an irresistible opportunity could suddenly appear, one that requires a “drop and go”. Mars in Aquarius, (Feb 4 to Mar 14) and Venus in Aries suggest a daily dose of fresh perspectives and fresh momentums. You are ready for change, and it is ready for you! Stay visible, keep in touch, keep circulating, and watch for things to rev up Feb 8 onward. Feb 17 brings another coming-at-you-strong peak point of the month. Mars and Jupiter can be a deal maker or a deal breaker. Someone could make a very strong impression on you; Mars can also ignite aggression and competition. Watch your speed; be careful when driving, skiing, etc. Feb 21 – 23 is the time to plant new seeds/break new ground, tease with a preview and spark their interest. It’s also a time to be involved in key talks/negotiations or to make contact with key people. Watch for the active hand of synchronicity to be obvious off and on throughout the month.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
It is a time to implement new strategies for success, re work, studies and health regimes. Consult with new advisors, professionals, or practitioners. Upgrade employable skills; pick a specialty and run with it. If in a study program, it could be a synchronistic time to change your major, or to seek alternative studies rather than slog through the traditional programs. With so many planets in Aquarius, each day is likely to feel like a scramble. Your work environment can get especially hectic; distractions are far too commonplace. Relationships with co-workers or team members can require added grooming or flexibility. Give others the benefit of the doubt. You may not be as well informed as appearances would suggest. As the month progresses, you will discover more, piece by piece. Meetings, circumstances, last minute tack-ons, or inconvenient repairs can crop up unexpectedly and command your immediate attention. You could find the need to drop and go a lot more than usual. Self-discipline and staying on schedule can be a supreme test, especially around the time of the Lunar Eclipse, Feb 9, and again around Feb. 17 when Jupiter and Mars conjoin. You may not be able to cover it all, but make sure you “show up” where it counts the most. Aquarius influences necessitate out of the box thinking and solutions. This can be a month to upgrade your technology, computers, or technical skills. Don’t wait for information to be spoon fed to you, do the research yourself. Each day offers fresh opportunity/a chance to start fresh. Feb 18 through end of the month, is a time to socialize, connect, reach out, share, advertise, talk it up or try it on for size.
LIBRA (Sept.23 – Oct.22)
A very exciting month lays ahead, one that is richly peppered with opportunity and potential. Your business or career could see a significant take-off thanks to the Saturn/Uranus opposition; perhaps it will go in an unexpected direction. You are sure to cross thresholds and make big breakthroughs in many areas – health, creativity, and love life. All this stellar intensity amounts to a new lifestyle emerging, and its one spells improvement – big time! Jupiter’s one-year tour through Aquarius will opens doors you did not even know existed. Mars in Aquarius (through middle of March) puts life on a much faster track. Whether it is a lover, a child, or someone influential to your career, watch for someone or something special to inspire, ignite and/or energize you. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Feb 9 could bring a spectacular event, and/or open your heart and mind in ways you never imagined. Feb 17 is a good time to schedule a show and tell/an opening or sale, to hold a fund-raiser, give a lecture, to take a risk on someone new, to gather a group for common cause, or just for fun. Your children are likely to experience a growth spurt this month also. Mars in Aquarius can find them vying for more attention, freedom, and independence too. Athletic or extra-curricular activities are a good outlet; do not think about the expense, think of the benefits instead. This Mars influence put your kids on the move (it can ignite rebellious in children too). Feb 17, Mars and Jupiter can bring added excitement, but note things can blow out of proportion too. Feb 21 onward is a time to hold talks, and to straighten out whatever has gotten out of hand.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Whether motivated by your own ambitions or confronted by necessity and circumstance, Mars in Aquarius says it is time to get even more ambitious and kick it into higher gear. Uproot or relocate as you see fit. Travel could make you feel like an alien in your own home – perhaps you are wise to consider a sublet (at either end. Timeshare properties or shared office space could viable options too. While the general economic climate suggests we all have to work harder for the same dime, when it comes to personal or professional circumstances, you will not have to struggle to force matters along. The catapulting Saturn/Uranus opposition Feb 5, the revealing Lunar Eclipse Feb 9, and initiatory Mars/Jupiter conjunction on Feb 17 will take care of business for you. Mars in Aquarius, now through mid Mar, brings the right time to reinvent the wheel re your personal life, family issues, and ambitions for the future. For those in education, helping, and healing professions, Saturn in Virgo suggests there are more people out there who are looking for your help, your advice, and your inspired offerings. You can make a significant difference; in this way, the moment can deliver abundant reward. The month ahead suggests the need work within the limitations, but do not let it squash your creativity – it is called for more than ever now. On a more personal note, Venus in Aries suggests a new approach or fresh attitude toward your tasks or goals is an essential ingredient to the success of the moment. A new fitness regime or a revamped/better organized work schedule can only do you good. On another note, Venus could inflame nagging health or work issues, but know that when challenges arise, they simply a prompt to take you down the faster track toward more workable solutions.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 – Dec. 21)
Feb 5 brings the second installment of the Saturn/Uranus opposition, a five-part restructuring program that will help you to put definitive closure on the beleaguered past, while at the same time juicing your world with fresh “new life”. It is quite likely that your life is already showing visible signs of stepping forward and that you have already harnessed in for the ride with great anticipation and high hopes. (It looks good on you.) Jupiter’s one-year tour through inventive Aquarius keeps your vision quest and your inspirations nicely peaked. Sporty, playful, and flirty Venus in Aries adds to the vibrancy of the energized month ahead. The Lunar Eclipse Feb 9 launches an eventful cycle, perhaps with a surprise or two; watch for an actual event (an arrival or departure of significance), a piece of news, a windfall, or an opportunity, perhaps one that that could require an adjustment to your plans, intentions, or affiliations. New and improved is the Aquarius motto; use the month ahead to put yourself back into circulation and spread the word, both socially and professionally. You should find it easy to connect with other like-minded souls, especially when enthusiastic Mars in Aquarius teams up with Jupiter on Feb. 17. This date is a good time to promote, sell, and to launch or to take a risk on just about anything new. It can also be a time to join a class, a group, a political campaign, or to invest in new “get around” aids/transportation (a car, computer, technologies, carpools, etc.) Chiron’s influence suggests there are very special people to connect with. While Feb 8 – 17 can open new doors/fire up plenty, Feb 17 through Feb 24 is also a key time for talk and action. The New Moon begins an intensified “letting go and letting god” cycle.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Just out of its retrograde cycle, Mercury will spend the first half of the month completing its visit to Capricorn. This planetary retrace and clean-up phase suggests a second shot at starting a new chapter. There is simply no excuse to hide behind when it comes to getting on with health upgrades or other good for you regimes. You should see better progress now, in fact, the whole month ahead is set to speed circumstances and relationships along a much faster track. The Saturn/Uranus opposition aspect can prune away the weaker ideas, ambitions, and elements, which of course will lead to a strengthened and streamlined forward march. Anything you have avoided or downplayed could come at you with intensity once the Lunar Eclipse arrives, Feb. 9. This could bring a breaking point for relationship conflict or financial matters. The Lunar Eclipse can signal divorce time for some, or a sudden pulling of the plug in some other very significant way (a contractual severing for example.) The Lunar Eclipse can create great turbulence/deliver a jarring moment; sudden expenses or other unexpected challenges are quite possible. Keep your phone handy for emergencies. On a timely note, the Lunar Eclipse could deliver added clarity or a wonderful sense of fated-ness or destiny. It may deliver previously hidden information or provide a lucrative window of opportunity, both re financial matters or affairs of the heart (both romantic and more altruistic.) The month ahead could also be quite lucrative for increasing sales or for discovery new capacities, resources, and talents, especially so in the second half of the month, when Mercury in Aquarius makes the rounds. Trade shows, new advertising campaigns, technologies, exploratory talks and negotiations are positive undertakings, especially from Feb 17 to 24. The New Moon in Pisces on Feb 24 can help to diffuse anxieties somewhat and brings a more relaxed social pace.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
With Mars in Aquarius (Feb 4 to March 14) joining a highly charged stellar team in your sign, it will be near impossible to sit in one spot for long! While Jupiter in Aquarius can often signals a weight gain, you can rely on Mars in Aquarius to help you burn it off quick. Physical activity will feel wonderfully rejuvenating, not only for body, but for mind and soul too. The stars loan you plenty of added stamina to go along with your pumped-up force field; this will be especially helpful re navigating your way through what is sure to be an intense and demanding month ahead. The accelerator influence of Saturn/Uranus opposition is forcing you to address core essential needs, especially re finances and intimate relationships. Feb 5 can catapult you through a “one door closes, another opens” chapter. For the most part, this opposition aspect looks wonderfully opportune. You may come to see you are not as stuck as you may have previously estimated. You may find a better inroad, or feel inspired to give someone or something a second shot. Ahead, there will be more steps, stages or hoops to jump through, but for now, take advantage of the moment as fully as you can. By the time the informing and enlightening Lunar Eclipse arrives a few days later (Feb 9) you will know with certainty if you are heading down the right track or not (in which case it’s time to do a complete 180 turn.) This Lunar Eclipse can deliver something extraordinary re a career/financial potential or relationship, or it can bring an existing relationship or circumstance to a sudden, perhaps jarring end. Either way, it can take you off your beaten path/deliver a radical departure from the usual. The month is packed full of new people to meet, places to go and new things to talk about. Please note, it is always wise during such an intense Full Moon to put extra attention to safety and watch for surprise and the unexpected. Re love, an exciting new opportunity or a challenge to face, once a fire is lit, it will overtake you fast; Feb 13 – 18 can see you through a highly charged few days and/or chain of events. Mercury in Aquarius, (Feb 15 to Mar 8) keeps each moment of each day highly charged right through the end of the month, especially so Feb 22 – 24, Feb 26 – Mar 2. Spread your wings, it is all or nothing time.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Discerning true promise/true value and true workability factors from inflated expectations, appearances, or false advertising, the five-stage Saturn/Uranus opposition cycle ushers you to the next line-in-the-sand plateau as of Feb 5. The direction forward may suddenly seem glaringly obvious to you now, don’t beat yourself up for not seeing it sooner. Give the other side the benefit of the doubt too. While you may have accrued setbacks or feel that you have wasted precious time, now is not the time to dwell on what hasn’t delivered the goods. Turn all your attention to progressive action taking rather than regret, etc. Use the month ahead to investigate/research, put feelers out, experiment, etc. The stars suggest there is already something brewing on the backburner. The informing Full Moon Lunar Eclipse can bring it into much fuller view. Be open to anything goes. Surprise, the sudden and unexpected could be a key feature of this Lunar Eclipse. Falling in your work and health sector, things could have an odd or reverse way of working out. It may be that you will have to keep your present commitments or status quo going while you transition/work to get something new off the ground. By the time Mars and Jupiter conjoin Feb 17, you should be able to see substantial progress. Resource rich Venus in Aries boosts financial prospects and suggests it is the right time to scout for a new job or income stream. The New Moon in Pisces, Feb 24, signals another fresh start point.
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