Forecast Overview:
New Moon: Dec 9 17:16 Sagittarius Full Moon: Dec 23 1:50 Capricorn Mercury moves into Sagittarius: Dec. 1 Venus moves into Scorpio: Dec 5 Jupiter conjuncts Pluto: Dec 11 Jupiter moves into Capricorn: Dec 18 Saturn in Virgo turns retrograde: Dec 19 Sun moves into Capricorn: Dec 21 Announcements: For those located in the Vancouver area, please note I will be on Breakfast TV, Dec. 31, 2007 between 8:30 – 10 am to provide a preview of the stars for 2008 (please check your local listings.) I will be also be presenting a public lecture on Jan 8, from 7 – 9 pm to talk about the stars in 2008 for the Quester’s Group at the Maritime Museum in Vancouver. Please contact me if you are interested in attending. Please note: For those who want just a little something now, I have attached one of my commercially published columns below. |
December Overview:
As of last month, Pluto has made its third and last pass over the degree of the Galactic Center (26:57 Sagittarius). On its way to a final rendezvous with Pluto before leaving the sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter will surpass this sensitive point on Dec 4. Zeus (Jupiter) and Hades (Pluto) confer! Jupiter’s transit take 13 months through a sign, and so Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions, which occur only once every 13 years, are especially noteworthy. This particular occurrence is made even more dynamic, not only because of the close proximity to the Galactic Center, but also because it adds a climatic flourish to Pluto’s exit as it readies to leave the sign of Sagittarius after a twelve-year stay.
The Sagittarius lamp has lit the Pluto mineshaft since it first entered the archetype in Jan of 1995 and that Pluto will not revisit this sign for another 248 years! Pluto represents the collective soul’s contemporary journey; it’s placement in a natal chart will also reflect the personal soul’s journey. While in Sagittarius, media, communications, and transportation technologies have rapidly advanced, freeing many of us to expand in ways that were until quite recently never thought possible. This expansion has crossbred peoples, their religions, and ideologies throughout the planet, far beyond that which was previously envisioned.
As the expansion planet, knowledge seeker Jupiter in Sagittarius represents an enlarged quest to find and align with whatever direction is most true or most natural for you. As beliefs expand, needs expand, and vice versa. What is most intrinsic within you is that which you will most readily express and it will also be what you gather to you in terms of relationships and life experience. This creative process unfolds on a simultaneous and multi-dimensional level, which is so often the reason why you don’t recognize or welcome that which is most reflective of your growing needs and desires. Whether your participation is conscious and willing, or subconscious and resistant, Pluto’s probing is sure to uncover whatever is necessary and essential. For the past twelve years, Pluto in Sagittarius has pushed and pulled each and everyone of through an enlarged “eye of the needle”. This particular day of reckoning is now at its end. Jupiter and Pluto conjunct on Dec. 11, just two days after the New Moon in Sagittarius. With such dynamic energy surrounding this New Moon, se are sure to see the generous spirit of the holidays more prevalent than ever before. On a deeper note, these planetary influences energize a fertile stage setting and a profound awakening of consciousness. Once you “get it”, you are sure to be catapulted into a rapid fast forward.
Jupiter and Pluto will not meet again until spring of 2020. By then, we will be existing with new understandings in a completely altered reality.
Jupiter will enter Capricorn on Dec 18 (through Jan 5, 2009); Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, will turn retrograde on Dec 19 and the Sun will make its yearly advance into this sign on the winter solstice, Dec. 21. Past mid month, Sagittarius will recede and Capricorn will gain as our leading archetype. Coinciding with the end of the holiday shopping frenzy it is quite likely that we will all stop scurrying at once. As most of us find ourselves stretched, tuckered, and overspent, the planetary shift to (s)low gear surely will feel well timed. Note, before we can truly relax, we will all have to face an emotional Full Moon on Dec 23rd. Jupiter and Mars are part of this Full Moon, suggest we’ll all max out; the opened memory pools, the traditions, and the spiritual messages are sure to be particularly poignant experiences this holiday.
Margins and options are soon to shrink. Quality substance and content is what’s most important to develop now. The knowledge gained as the Jupiter in Capricorn experience unfolds provides a window of opportunity and is most wisely used when it is directed toward making your limited resources account for more. It is essential now to learn how to create maximum effectiveness while working within a smaller, more compact framework. Stretching the dollar is but one of the growing concerns. Here in Vancouver, I’m amazed at how small the actual living space is in the new homes now being constructed – and they are being sold at such high prices too. I wonder what kind of psychological and emotional impact comes from living in such confined enclosures and how that will progressively influence our collective expectations and standards.
Jupiter in Capricorn seeks to find solidness and permanence, and aims to create useful structures that will endure well into the future. Of course, nothing lasts forever; Jupiter in Capricorn also brings greater knowledge of what’s already dead or dying. This planetary influence will bring greater recognition of the dead horses that we refuse to bury in our private lives (emotional attachments that bring no joy, jobs we hate, etc.). Jupiter in Capricorn also brings an increased intuition or insight into the interior workings of the system. Beyond the growing recognition of the the truths behind systems and the establishment – i.e. governing bodies and religions, as we know them today, we’ll also understand others and ourselves better. Insight and instincts leading into opportunity can also see people scaling over the walls into your fears and insecurities, as well as infiltrating your on line banking and such. (Getting under-the-skin is a Capricorn archetype.) Of course, they can just as easily scale over the walls and infiltrate your loving heart too. I suspect Jupiter in Capricorn and the upcoming Pluto in Capricorn transits can be a blessing to those who have walked alone while Sagittarian influences have dominated. Lasting love and partnerships can be more possible for some, especially for those who are realistic about the work and accountability that’s necessary for any successful undertaking.
As they say, knowledge is power and at this important juncture, it is imperative to apply it to the proper usage. Conducted well, the net gain is wise stewardship, self-rule, and effective management of resources. Knowledge applied in ends-justify-the-means ways results in the self-serving opportunist, the hypocrite, or the tyrant, and is obviously a recipe for failure.
As a planetary pair, Jupiter and Saturn represent economic cycles, Jupiter’s visit to the Saturn ruled sign of Capricorn represents another chapter mark within a larger cycle. Jupiter in Capricorn can bring inflated expectations, faith in the system and a giving over of control to those who campaign for it. On the plus side, we are also sure to a larger movement toward social responsibility and betterment through personal contributions of significance. I’m sure in coming years that we will see an impressive rising to the occasion. This is also not only in reference to the larger social context, but also in the smaller realms of our private lives and personal inner journeys.
Saturn will begin retrograde Dec 19, the day after Jupiter moves into Capricorn, which brings a perfect time to redirect your focus away from your outer world and to spend more quality time with dear ones and loved ones.
The combined influences of Jupiter, Saturn (in retrograde to May) and Pluto provide an opportune lead into 2008. Restructuring can be very well timed. If you need to make a change, do it sooner rather than later.
Christmas Day, the Moon is in the heartfelt sign of Cancer but moves into Leo midday for those in EST locations and by 6pm for those in PST zones. Mars retrograde in Cancer opposes the Sun, which is sure to make for a very emotionally charged day. Take it as it comes! The Moon is in Libra New Year’s Eve. Mars retrograde dips back into Gemini and opposes Pluto. While there can be conflict over which way to go, you’ll enjoy it best with friends gathered ‘round. Plan a party or attend one. Put on the music, dance the night the away!
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month is sure to be the most memorable yet! Whatever you are “in to” or “up to”, expect to be completely gripped by it. (That’s an understatement!) Financial extravagance, more comings and goings are to be expected. Dec 10 – 20, watch for HUGE news or big events, windfalls, opportunity, added attention and even fame!
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
The stars put a major focus on your finances. Profit margins are sure to be way up. Of course, it’s not surprising to see you face a heftier than usual debt load too. Intimate relationships can feel a wider divide (perhaps even strain to a breaking point); past Dec 22, two hearts can beat as one again.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Whether they tug on your heart-strings, cash, energy, or patience, people can take a huge chunk out of you this holiday season. Still, you have ample to give. Dec. 11, 16 – 19 brings abundance. Choose luxury and go all out Dec 31, you deserve the best.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Whether it’s on the job, battling your health or diet, or trying not to let loved ones down, you’ll certainly find you have your work cut out for you this month! Long hours and daily demands make it nearly impossible to find the even keel; relief will come once past the full moon Dec. 23.
LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Jupiter and Pluto turn you into the biggest kid on the block. Show time and party-time is sure to keep you going strong all month. Performers, retailers, travelers and lovers can hit solid gold, especially Dec 10 – 12, 16 -19. By the full moon Dec 23, it will be time to switch gears and slow it down.
VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
It seems you are the host with the most, like it or not! Sagittarius stars shine a hotspot on catering duties (professional and personal) and family politics. You’ll go out of your way to be a crowd pleaser – in fact, you’ll out do yourself! Dec 23 – 31 can dish up sweet reward.
LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
Attraction planet Venus will continue to light a good fire through this month and next. Indulge, spend, get-around, sell like crazy, but try also to pace yourself. It’s a max out month – unbelievably so! Dec 8 to 21 will feel like a marathon. Travel or travelers make the holiday extra special.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Synchronicity works like a charm, Dec. 6 & 7. Your open heartedness and generosity can pile up the joy, for those you gift or serve and for yourself too. Your extravagance extends to spending – it comes, it goes, plenty fast! Dec. 16 – 18 watch for something or someone special appears.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
No plane or pair of skis will do for you what the stars are about to do. Jupiter makes a very special once in a lifetime contact to Pluto, Dec. 11. With such an incredible bonfire lit, you may spontaneously combust! Your future has most definitely arrived. Dec 6 -11, 14 – 20 can be truly amazing.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
You will be extremely aware of the emotional undercurrents and you’ll be even more aware of the deep rumblings within your own heart. Secret Santa is one of your joyous alter-egos. When it comes to helping the needy, the spirit of the season is not lost on you. Dec 23 – 31 can make you feel especially blessed.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
December will throw you into a social whirlwind. In fact, you could be introduced to a whole new crowd, a new lifestyle, or find yourself enjoying ethnic traditions that you’ll claim for your own from here on in. You’ll thrive on the liveliness and intensity, but past Dec 22, it’s time to cozy it up and slow right down.
PISCES (Feb 19 – March 20)
While you may want to escape, the rest of the world expects you to show up, to be “on”, and to handle everything that’s thrown at you with grace. Professional or parenting demands pile up through Dec 20. Dec 11, Jupiter and Pluto bring a major chapter to culmination, but it will take extra time to process, regroup, and heal.