Note (inner wheel): Ceres in Cancer square Chiron in Aries – speaks of the loss of freedom and rights, but Ceres never gives up the fight. Also Saturn retro square the nodes suggests the matter is ongoing. Outer wheel: The mid term election/Nov 8 total lunar eclipse in Taurus hosting a Mercury/Uranus opposition. Note transiting Saturn square the eclipse and in tighter square to Roe versus wade Uranus position. Transiting Ceres in Virgo is almost exact to (RvW) Juno (contracts) in Pisces. Transiting Mars, freshly retrograde in Gemini, is square Neptune in Pisces.
Invasion of Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine: Feb 24 2022 Note, Charts below are the widely published times. (Putin’s chart has a RR of DD; Zelenskyy’s chart has a RR of A.) Note re above transit chart: I chose to publish this chart to highlight the synods of Mars/Pluto and Venus/Pluto. Mars/Pluto synod: 2 years (next conjunction: Feb 13 2024, 0:46 Aquarius) Venus/Pluto: cycle extends to Dec 31, 2022 (conjunction: 27:39 Capricorn) Vesta/Pluto: 4 years (Jan 17, 2026, new cycle starts at 3 Aquarius) Note that Pluto will transit the south node of Saturn closely through June, 2022, and again in Feb/March…
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Corona Virus 2020
Apparently the first reported case of Corona Virus happened on December 8 2019. Notable chart details: Ascendant/Descendant axis: Taurus/Scorpio (survival axis) -Mars in Scorpio, 6th house (health); Mercury in Scorpio on Descendant (public exposure) -Chiron in Aries 11th house – social contagion; Neptune in the 11th – global/mass exposure -Cancer/Capricorn nodes in 2/8 houses (survival axis); ruler of north node: Moon in Taurus conjunct -Uranus in 12th (initially called “mystery virus”, not yet exposed to the world; incubation phase) -South node conjunct Ceres, ruler of south node (death archetype; outpouring of grief; theme of loss and return: -Pluto in Capricorn…
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