Monthly Overview:
As of March 27, a new Venus chapter has begun. This date marks the end of an eight-year relativity-of-worth cycle (relationships, finances, material, spiritual) and defines the start the next eight-year cycle. The current cultivation stage will take us through mid Jan 2010. Each in our own way, we will plant in fresh soil. This Venus chapter marks a key threshold crossing, given the fact that Pluto in Capricorn is at work ushering in a brand new collective era, one that is a much bigger picture than most of us truly comprehend.
Venus first entered Aries in February. The planet of net worth, self worth, essential needs and primal desires, usually spends about 25 days in a sign. Due to her retrograde tour, which we are currently experiencing, Venus extends her trek through Aries until June 5. April 11 to 24, Venus will retrograde back into Pisces. I will cover this point a little later in the intro.
Venus retrograde increases the magnetic resonance and therefore the attractive pull is particularly strong, even when circumstances pull or force you apart from that which has constituted your security anchor. Recognized or not, you are magnetizing exactly what you desire. If you don’t own it, you’ll project it, in which case you position yourself at the receiving end of “at you” circumstances and action taking by others.
Venus in retrograde, does not deny fruition, but it creates an elongated moment for reassessment. See it as a gifted time of opportunity and heed inner hearing. Revamp that goal, project, plan, attitude, or intention. Feb through the beginning of March, Venus has showed you what needed to be readdressed. Venus retrograde, Mar 5 through April 17 is the time to immerse yourself in process of responding and working it out. The essential questions raised now: “Am I getting my needs met, is there true value here, what do I need to do to better myself/my situation? Is this/is he/she really worth it? How can I get real about this?”
Is your present status quo (relationships, job, material life) worth living for? What is it that infuses your spirit and ignites your passion? Follow it and prosperity/a life worth living will follow you. Venus is currently in warrior sign of Aries, suggesting the war on mediocrity is a worthy battle.
Watch for the first quarter moon April 2 to get the ball rolling faster. A cluster of dynamic stellar influences will keep the energy moving over the next few days. Note that Venus retrograde is particularly strong (due to her square aspect to the stationing Pluto.) One by one, key thresholds, hurdles, obstructions, line-in-the-sand ultimatums and cut-off points will be surpassed. Pluto stations retrograde on April 4, the same day bulldozers Mars and Saturn oppose. Push hard, gain can be made.
Before her return to direct motion on April 17, Venus will dip back into Pisces. April 11 – 17 brings a ripening stage, April 17 – 24 is the time to harvest, to jump in with both feet, or to push it full throttle. Hopefully we will see thirst-quenching revitalization in financial and sellers markets, and other worthy causes replenished too. Venus in Pisces can bring about the materialization of much-hoped-for potentials; the realization of ultimate goals, of no-holding back, the sky’s the limit, etc. It can be time for soul mates to meet. Hearts can open much wider. It’s a time for relationship merging and for business/financial mergers too. Inspiration, creativity, fertility, and potentials are at peak.
Of course, for some, it can be a time of loss, dissipation, and perhaps ultimate disillusionment. Venus in Pisces is a susceptible planetary placement, prone to idealism and blind spots. April 14, 15 are especially hardwired dates, thanks to the firecracker conjoining of Mars (eruptive) and Uranus (disruptive). In Pisces, these dates could deliver a blind-slide moment. We could see an eruption of conflict, anger, violence, aggression, terrorism, or a major accident, spill, leak or volcanic action. (A plug can be suddenly pulled; a band-aid suddenly stripped.) Mars enters Aries, April 22, creating a particularly ripe/fertile/lucrative day for undertakings/initiatives. The materializing New Moon April 24 can define and solidify the new course, thanks to added influence of Mars square Pluto, energizing a major breakthrough/break-out time.
If your birthday occurs while Venus is in retrograde, the year ahead is one of intensified redefinition. This may necessitate or prompt that you pull away from a particular relationships or a job. Loss of meaning can be especially strong for some. Venus’s redirection is especially laden with potential for those born April 14 – 19. Immediately or in the near future, an ultimate dream can come to fruition. For some, it’s time for true love/the soul mate to appear (this current cycle holds effect over the next 9 – 14 months.) Watch for invigorating Mars in Aries, April 22 – May 30 to get the ball rolling a lot faster. Mars fills you full of added vim, vigor and physically vitality too. The fertile Full Moon April 9 delivers great opportunity, take advantage of all that is offered/all that you can. Social, financial, professional, or romantic, this is a particularly vibrant and alive Full Moon. All can fall into place quite beautifully. Venus resumes her Aries initiative on the New Moon, April 24, and continues to grace your sign through June 5. A vibrant new life is about to begin. Now through the middle of June is a ripe stage setting time. At the end of May, Jupiter (the vision quest/the future), Neptune (soul & collective attunement/ultimate ideals/potentials) and Chiron (the maverick’s path) will form their closest alignment, expanding potentials far beyond what you may expect. This triple conjunction will gift you/grace you through most of this year. If there was ever a time to reach for the stars, now is it.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Those of you born April 19 to 26 will get the most dynamic charge from the current stellar forward thrust. This is sure to be an especially creative and activate time for you. You are ready to be a risk taker now, more so than at other times. Along the way, you can discover capacities and talents you didn’t know you had! Much can be germinating undercover or brewing in the background too. It won’t take long for you to figure out what it is. For some, life circumstances or health can take a rapid turn in an unexpected direction. Bridges can be burned, new ones formed. Aries is an inflammatory sign, so if you feel funky or haven’t had a physical recently, be sure to check with a health professional. Early diagnosis can be a precious saving grace. Practice safe sex and make a point of using your birth control if you don’t want to be surprised! The Full Moon April 9 could bring an unexpected opportunity, solution, a new consideration or a surprising alliance. While it’s important to look in a new direction and to experiment more, note that May 6, Mercury will start yet another retrograde cycle. Try to get as far as you can by the end of April. Past April 22, cut back on your social life/the extras and focus on your priority relationships, projects and ambitions. Mars and Venus in Aries suggest it’s time to work on your budding masterpiece; keep it under wraps to give it ample time to see where it’s going and how it’s shaping up. The intensified New Moon April 24 can launch a long awaited lucrative new chapter. One promises longevity despite the initial growing pains caused by next month’s Mercury retrograde.
GEMINI (May 20 – June 20)
Venus retrograde continues to put the focus on new goals, both professional and personal. If you feel at a loss to figure out what the new direction should look like, take clues from the building new trends. There’s something in it for you too. Most of what is about to occur next will be a matter of alerting yourself to synchronicity’s sense of right timing. Research what’s current and cutting edge. A new social life or life style can be in an incubation phase too. The Full Moon April 9 could bring favorable results, good news, or visitors. Join a class or a club, try something new, or get out for a good time. Mars strikes a good match as it aligns with Venus in Aries, April 21. The days leading to the New Moon (April 24) are ripe with potential, so make sure you stay active and out there. This New Moon can signal the start of lucrative new chapter, one that offers greater clarity, sense of purpose, and tangible reward (social, financial, romantic.) For the most part, Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune can align you with a “why not, what is there to lose” philosophy. For the most part, this triple conjunction provides ongoing favor and benefit for your sign -. Over the next couple of months you’ll entertain possibilities that you may not have be open to just a short while ago (i.e. relocation, upgraded education, etc.) You can become a crusader, on your own behalf (a legal undertaking perhaps) or on behalf of others, becoming more hands-on re social, humanitarian or political causes. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron will provide exceptional growth opportunity in coming months and through to the end of the year too. Abundant creativity and confidence, along with lucrative potentials ripe for the taking, create the ability to transition with ease. For some, this triple conjunction can make you feel overwhelmingly lost and confused. If this is the case, know the answer lies in not trying to steer the changing tides, but to go along with them until you can better see the shoreline.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
You can make a significant relationship or professional breakthrough at month’s start. At the very least, you should have a better sense of where you stand, how committed or obliged you may be with someone or something. You’ll get a better feel for what you can take on and can cut out too. As the month moves forward, there will be more to tackle/confront, but while Mars continues in Pisces (to April 21), you can feel the pressure lift somewhat. In fact, while Venus retrograde backs into Pisces (April 11 – 17) you should feel a smoothing out, and that things appear to be going your way better than they usually do. Use the easy flow times to get as far ahead as you can. Once Venus is direct and Mars enters Aries, (April 22) another chase-tail race will begin. The Full Moon April 9 can set you free unexpectedly. Family relationships/finances and home related matters take centre stage. It’s a good time to host an open house or to discuss important matters with your financial advisor or significant other. (Get your taxes done early and enjoy the relief.) The lucrative New Moon April 24 can be a time of breaking new ground re professional, social or personal affairs. Relationships with authority or influential people (those who can sway, wield power, or who dole out the money) are supportive and beneficial. Relationship partings can be amicable too. Re banking, a contract, or relationship commitment, keep focused on long-term benefit/feel confident to lock in for a long term.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
While the ongoing Saturn/Uranus cycle can keep financial or relationship uncertainty front and center, Aries month is usually a time when confidence in the future and your sense of deserving runs especially high. You’ll feel inspired to be more physically active and get more fresh air. Venus in retrograde (through April 17) can be a time to resume or finish off whatever has been left pending. Work ahead, think/plan ahead, and push a little harder too. The Full Moon April 9 can see you reach easy accord, make important inroads and enjoy special connections with others. Exhibit, perform, or host. Aim to gain added attention, call in your favors, sell more, network, socialize, and play. A synchronistic meeting could be the start of a great relationship or partnership. Money could evaporate more quickly April 11 – 24; you may not notice how fast it slips from you. Your heart can open wider during this time too. Venus in Pisces can bring that soul mate feel, or find you especially attuned to creative ingenuity. Spiritual practice is a rich source of sustenance now through the 21st too. New initiatives fire up as Mars in Aries teams with Venus on April 22. April 24 – 27, clear it away or nail it down, make your commitment or take an official stand. It’s also the right time to start a new job contract, renew a mortgage, bank terms, etc. and to settle on a course of action. Consider both the immediate and long range plus & minus. Don’t waste time; May brings a Mercury retrograde cycle.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sept 21)
Venus in retrograde in Aries can get you riled-up or find you even more self-focused. A take-charge attitude looks good on you. Don’t mess around, get your life where you need it to be. Jettison self un-doings (inhibiting relationships, compulsions, and dependency issues). Cut yourself loose, and while Venus retrograde tours Pisces (April 11 – 17), remember to cut yourself more slack too. The Full Moon April 9 could be surprisingly beneficial. New insights can emerge. You can find results, tests, instruction, or work assignments to go easier than you anticipate. A bonus paycheck or a better job could make the daily grind a little easier to tolerate. A new technique, policy, health practitioner, co-worker, or facility could make for an easier, more pleasant go of things. Prior to April 17, Venus retrograde in Pisces can blind side you, see you drop your guard, cause distraction, or make you more vulnerable to your environment too. Pump up your immune system, your health and your safety regimes. If your relationship or position is turbulent to begin with, Mars joining Venus in Aries can ignite more arguments or find you more compelled to fight for your rights. If you are on track, you could find yourself especially excited about new prospects and adventures. April 17 – 24, Venus in Pisces can open your eyes and your heart. The straight-forward New Moon April 24 can be a time when you feel especially confident and secure about your decisions and the journey forward.
LIBRA (Sept.23 – Oct.22)
This Venus in retrograde chapter serves to create more self-autonomy and self-reliance, whether it energizes a state of mind or an actual circumstance shift. Perhaps your partner is too busy for you, or perhaps they have pulled back. Perhaps you’ll find yourself on the slide or backtrack. You will come to recognize the intricacies of personal and relationship needs, and how they blend or how they compete, especially so around the Full Moon in Libra, April 9. Venus retrograde takes you through a refining cycle, one that will teach you more about what you want and need. Venus retrograde puts an added spotlight on the health of your relationships, your job, and your physical wellbeing too; esp April 11 to 24. If you feel confused or at a loss as Venus retrograde completes, know April 17 through 24 can be a time when things shape up quite beautifully/simply come to together. April 24 is optimum for contract signings and long-term investments; seal financial or relationship matters, buy or sell a business or real estate.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Aries month is always one when you are challenged to get to work, make adjustments and to clean up your act. This Venus retrograde cycle may have taken you out of the loop, put you out of commission or work, or perhaps it has kept you busy in the preliminary stage of a particular project, relationship or new challenge. If this degree of separation has become somewhat of an uncomfortable fit, or if you feel it’s good but needs a topper, know that Venus in Pisces (retrograde from April 11 – 17 and direct from April 17 – 24) will help you to create more well roundedness, to pick up that missing key and to synthesize it better. April 24 through May’s Mercury retrograde will call for added focus, grooming, and due diligence once again. April 4 is a time to get it out of the way/could bring you to a cut off point, finish line, or deadline. The revealing New Moon April 9 through April 14, 15 brings added, perhaps unexpected factors to incorporate. Be willing to experiment, explore and to try it on for size. By the New Moon, April 24, you should feel you have arrived at the workable plateau that you have aimed for. Make optimum use of your time and continue to solidify your plans, connections, and complete negotiations or contracts with enough margin away from next month’s Mercury retrograde (starting May 6.)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 – Dec. 21)
Fresh new starts have looked promising in recent weeks while Venus in Aries has upped the game. Still, beginning of the month sees you questioning if it’s truly shaping up the way you have anticipated. Now is a good time for reassessment and review. You may have to add a little more to the program (or relationship) in order to make it more viable and worthy investment. In other words, it’s not the time to sit back, but to give it all you have. The trail blazing New Moon, April 9, is the time to join forces and to adopt the philosophy of “one for all, all for one” participation. What’s beneficial for one is beneficial for all. Group involvement, teamwork, networking, romance and social affairs will deliver the goods – and then some! At the very least, plan to enjoy your time with others. Your children can be up to something special too. April 11 to 17, Venus retrograde in Pisces can be the time to take your hands off the steering wheel and to go with the flow. It’s also a time to do your spring cleaning and relinquish whatever has been holding you back or holding you up. April 14/15 can be confusing, lost, or jarring days. You can be especially susceptible or sensitive, think in terms of safeguards; watch alcohol or drug consumption, be esp careful with medications and advice, stay on allergy watch, unplug things, and watch for leaks too. Your forward march can fall into place more easily/naturally from April 17 to 24. Aim for maximum productivity, run an efficient ship and stay result driven from April 24 to end of the month.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
You may feel the effects of Venus in retrograde as pregnant pause or an elongated stretch. This biding-your-time cycle serves to make you rethink your ambitions. The first of the month is the time to review and re-group. You could feel backed into a corner too. The main question that comes to mind: is it really worth it for you to continue along the lines you had planned for yourself? If not, you’ll appreciate this hold-up time as a saving grace, frustration and all. If yes is still the answer, then you will have matured and learned a little more while you have been jogging in one spot. Either way, know the stars have made you better off for it, not worse for the wear. The synchronistic Full Moon, April 9 can bring a lucrative career opportunity or financial prospect. It could be a time when you spend a lot too, pertaining to either your professional advancement/needs or home and family. It can be the right time to sign a contract or a mortgage for example. Of course, considering the time of year, perhaps this Full Moon will reveal how much you own in taxes (ugh!). You could hear surprise news April 14/15. Someone or something could jump out at you too. Be especially careful when driving or when handling dangerous tools and volatile people for that matter. April 22 to the fertile New Moon April 24 can see a ripening of potentials and offers the right time to plant new seeds, sign contracts, make plans, invest, to start a business or new creative project, or to commit your all to love.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
As you move through this first week, you will get a better feel for how to play it next. Confidence can grow; answers should fill themselves in. The first half of the month brings the time to fire up a trial run initiative. By the time Venus retrograde backs into Pisces, you’ll see whether your recent ambitions and efforts are netting the pay off, or whether it’s back to the drawing board time, yet again. Note is that there is even more opportunity and untapped potential in front of you. You don’t have to grab it or give it up now in order to stave off further loss. Don’t panic or over compensate. Even if you have recently come up empty handed, know that at any moment, anything can change. With the exceptional alignment of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron moving into such dynamic position, free, hopeful, and opened-ended are your best plays. Trust that synchronicity is your ally and to catch the wave when you see it rise. For some, it’s a time for fall in love with life all over again, for some; it’s time to practice more of what you preach. This is not a time for small mindedness. It is a time to play the maverick, to aim high and to put your all into it.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Month’s start finds you either out of the loop or thriving in the middle of it all – or perhaps better put – thriving despite it all. Mars in Pisces through April 23, loans you an added dose of good fighter spirit (it looks good on you!) April 3 – 5 Mars opposing Saturn can see you surpass a hardship, a deadline, a pressure point, an impasse. It can be time to break free from a less than satisfactory relationship, arrangement, or contractual agreement. Conversely, it can also be time to renew or recommit. The fill-in-the-blanks Full Moon in Libra could be financially beneficial. Watch for support or opportunity to unveil, perhaps in unlikely places. A missing key found could make all the difference. No matter what it looks like in the moment, things can have a way of smoothing out for the better. While Venus in Aries may have made you painfully aware of your limits, especially re health, finances, or romance, Venus in Pisces, April 11 – 24 can bring relief and release. Mars and Uranus in Pisces can bring a sudden snap point, April 14/15. This inflaming, and/or excitable wild fire combo could change everything in a flash. Together Mars and Uranus are impetuous, impulsive, sudden, eruptive, disruptive, explosive, extreme, volatile, reactive, and accident producing, so please be especially careful. In some cases, this Mars/Uranus transit can be likened to the universe wielding a red-hot poker. Mars and Uranus could bring the need for sudden surgery. This combo also suggests rapid or premature births, so if you are nearing your due date, keep loved ones alert, you may need them to drop and run for you. From this point forward, you should see more rapid development and progress. To be sure, you are not as limited or stuck as appearances have previously suggested, especially so as Venus completes her brief visit to Pisces in direct motion, April 17 – 24. These launch it dates are especially ripe for the taking. April 17, 18, and 21 are good fall into place, say it, do it, commit to it dates. The solidifying and lucrative New Moon on April 24 should see you placed at a stable and successful plateau.
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